Ashli Babbitt’s shooter is—Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.

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She was a trained killer trying to kill a member of Congress
A pathetic lie. The woman was unarmed.


She was unarmed, there was no reason to kill her, she was hurting nobody. May she rest in peace.

Most of the BLM protestors and Antifa and associated rioters were unarmed too.
All of them were unarmed in the Capitol building. And it happened once.
No, all of them were not unarmed.
So, it is mostly true. That's better than SNOPES.

It's not even mostly true :lol:

There were multiple security failures on multiple levels - much of which has to do with the fact that no one though the mob was really that dangerous and no one wanted the "optics" of a militarized looking capital.
JOE BIDEN took care of that real quick.

Biden had little to nothing to do with it. It's Congress' purview and frankly - can you blame them after what happened?

Many rioters came prepared for violence. They came with baseball bats, solid metal "flag poles", zip ties, bear spray (you don't find that hanging around the capital), pepper spray and stun guns.
That is mostly true. So I point oput again, the riot was planned, and secret service doesn't let people bring bats and poles and bear spray and other things into close proximity withna prtesident, sdo none of that shit was at the Eclipse Rally. Whatever showed up at the Capitol was premeditated and brought there with the intent of doing battle with security, NOT because of anything Trump said at the rally, UNLIKE EVERYTHING CLAIMED BY BOTH THE LEFT-WING MEDIA AND THE IMPEACHMENT OFFICERS DURING THAT 2ND STUPID FARCE TRIAL.

Not quite. It's illegal to bring guns. In their communications they were told not to bring guns but bring a variety of other things that can be used as weapons. In a crowd of thousands they don't search everyone for pepper spray, baseball bats etc. That stuff would have been with them at the rally because there is enough distance between the people and the president for safety. Despite that though...there were a considerable number of guns around as well as Molotov cocktails and two bombs set at the GoP and Dem headquarters. I do agree that among many, there was planning for violence. IMO those are the ones that should face serious charges of terrorism.

I disagree with you on Trump's role - the mob was fed and fertilized for MONTHS on Trump's constant refrain of a "stolen election" that came up in every speech and tweet and utterance to his base. They were groomed.

The mob was a mix of people - those who came for the protest and got caught up in the moment, those who came as individuals looking to cause mayhem, those who came as part of organized groups.
Most of them were simple family people with their wives and children looking to hear Trump and to show simple harmless support at the Capitol.

And those were the ones that STOPPED SHORT of entering the capital. I listened to inverviews during that day, and there were a number of people who clearly were uncomfortable with the direction things were going and either left to go home or stayed outside the capital. That's the line between protestors and rioters, who broke in, vandalized, stole and assaulted. Ashli Babbit was part of the latter, not the former.

The police did not have the time or the luxury to assume that because Babbit was a "little woman" she posed "no danger". For all they knew she could have had a gun on her they didn't see
Pure speculation. A few people trapped behind locked doors with no weapons couldn't be stopped with pepper spray or some other agent?
I'm sorry. The real victim here was America's pride. First, a few irate people essentially wearing street clothes unarmed not even covering their faces nearly took out the entire Congress? At one of its highest moments certifying a new president? And were labeled "insurrectionists looking to overturn democracy" after a stolen election?

A FEW people? This was a MOB who overwhelmed the police presence, beat the shit out of the police (including some serious injuries) and were converging on congressional members still in the chamber. Do you really think a volatile ANGRY mob can be stopped that easily? Mob violence is insanity. People act in ways they never would otherwise.

They were there to overturn the election plain and simple. That is an insurrection.

America looks like an idiot. Little Richard could have knocked over the Capitol that day wearing a dress. Our enemies are laughing. And that is the REAL STORY: Biden put those 25,000 around Washington after that claiming fear of reprisal from Trump supporters. THE TRUTH is they realized ANYONE could come in there and kick their ass and they feared one of our real enemies would try next!

America looks like an idiot but not for that reason.

We always had respect for our institutions, like the Capital, as hallowed ground. Until January 6th, when a Trump inspired mob descended on it, our capital, and in an act of desecration.

We never before needed a fence.

What have we done now?

We can't EVEN unify enough to condemn this!
I see a few mods posting here (including the one who started this thread) -- I have a question for y'all....

Whether you think the cop was right or wrong for shooting her, the shooting was thoroughly investigated and it was deemed justifiable. The question is... why are y'all allowing his name to be broadcast on this website? Especially given since the ONLY reason the OP put his name out there is with the hope of vigilante justice.
because you say so? you are nobody...this is an open, supposedly uncensored, shit stain demonRATS would throw a TRUMP supporters name and address out immediately....get over yourself
And yet we haven't....just more of your orange cult fantasy.
She should have obeyed the officer. She should not have kept coming forward when she was told to stop.
Of course that's what she should have done.
And Michael Leroy Byrd shouldn't have murdered an unarmed citizen in cold blood.
There are other better ways to handle a solitary unarmed person who couldn't get into the Capitol building
without being grabbed in any case.

It was easier to blow a hole in her neck I guess, for Officer Byrd, than to actually do his job properly,
humanely and legally. I can't wait for his trial.
She was a trained killer trying to kill a member of Congress
A pathetic lie. The woman was unarmed.


She was unarmed, there was no reason to kill her, she was hurting nobody. May she rest in peace.

Most of the BLM protestors and Antifa and associated rioters were unarmed too.
All of them were unarmed in the Capitol building. And it happened once.
No, all of them were not unarmed.
Only police and members of Congress had guns in the Capitol building.
She was a trained killer trying to kill a member of Congress
A pathetic lie. The woman was unarmed.


She was unarmed, there was no reason to kill her, she was hurting nobody. May she rest in peace.

Most of the BLM protestors and Antifa and associated rioters were unarmed too.
All of them were unarmed in the Capitol building. And it happened once.

It only takes one time. In our Capital. To change things forever. You just don't get it do you?

And there were plenty of arms around outside the capital building...including Molotov cocktails and bombs.

As I said. Antifa was mostly unarmed as well. It's funny how stun guns, pepper spray, bear spray, baseball bats and metal poles suddenly become "non weapons" when in the hands of Trump fanatics. Now go move the goalposts.
"She was unarmed, there was no reason to kill her, she was hurting nobody. May she rest in peace."

She decided that she was going to force her way into the congressional chamber to forcibly overturn a legal and fair election. She is not a martyr, she was not innocent. She made a bad choice, because she could have stayed outside.
For about a decade, we heard nothing but right wing loons cheering people who shot and killed someone who was a threat to them---"stand your ground" was a good thing. Somehow as 140 cops were injured and one was killed in an attack on the Capitol, a cop shooting one of the threats is now a "murderer"?

I would say that Trump supporters are devoid of principles...but we all know that.
She was a trained killer trying to kill a member of Congress
A pathetic lie. The woman was unarmed.


She was unarmed, there was no reason to kill her, she was hurting nobody. May she rest in peace.

Most of the BLM protestors and Antifa and associated rioters were unarmed too.
All of them were unarmed in the Capitol building. And it happened once.

It only takes one time. In the our Capital. To change things forever. You just don't get it.

And there were plenty of arms around outside the capital building...including Molotov cocktails and bombs.

As I said. Antifa was mostly unarmed as well. Now go move the goalposts.
No you do not get it. There was not a chance of them taking over the government. Really. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Would you like a tissue, snowflake? :itsok:

Maybe just don't try to breach a barricaded section of the Capitol with an angry mob next time. How does that sound?

If you refuse, then I welcome you to try it and see what happens.

You're celebrating the death of an unarmed veteran that was no threat to anyone and then calling me a "snowflake" for objecting.

Yea. It's not like an angry mob can be a threat or anything.

Brilliant logic there, snowflake.
An angry mob, maybe. An unarmed woman, never.
At the head of an angry mob.....don't think we don't notice you left that little factoid out.
Exactly right. She was the tip of the spear the moment she went climbing through that window. As she was doing that, others were smashing in the doors and windows. Had that hero not shot her, the rest of that mob behind her would have poured into the House chamber where members of Congress were still hiding.

No, the dozens of fully armed and armored cops on the stair could have prevented any entry through through those doors and windows if there was any threat to any members of congress.
But all members of congress had left by then.
Shows how tolerant the Capitol Police were towards the protestors.
They allowed the mob to penetrate areas where they were not directly threatening Congress.

Ashli was the final straw, there were no more doors between her and Congress members

Ashli was an unarmed broad who posed no threat to Mr. Byrd.

No need for her to be wasted.

Would you like a tissue, snowflake? :itsok:

Maybe just don't try to breach a barricaded section of the Capitol with an angry mob next time. How does that sound?

If you refuse, then I welcome you to try it and see what happens.

You're celebrating the death of an unarmed veteran that was no threat to anyone and then calling me a "snowflake" for objecting.

Yea. It's not like an angry mob can be a threat or anything.

Brilliant logic there, snowflake.
An angry mob, maybe. An unarmed woman, never.
At the head of an angry mob.....don't think we don't notice you left that little factoid out.
Exactly right. She was the tip of the spear the moment she went climbing through that window. As she was doing that, others were smashing in the doors and windows. Had that hero not shot her, the rest of that mob behind her would have poured into the House chamber where members of Congress were still hiding.

No, the dozens of fully armed and armored cops on the stair could have prevented any entry through through those doors and windows if there was any threat to any members of congress.
But all members of congress had left by then.
Shows how tolerant the Capitol Police were towards the protestors.
They allowed the mob to penetrate areas where they were not directly threatening Congress.

Ashli was the final straw, there were no more doors between her and Congress members

Ashli was an unarmed broad who posed no threat to Mr. Byrd.

No need for her to be wasted.
Was she by herself?

Actually she was alone at that point.
No one else went through the window.
They were busy trying to bust the doors down; which they would have accomplished had she not been shot.
I've been thinking she was small enough to get through the window, and that she planned to open the door for the mob behind her. No cops had shot at them yet, so I'm sure she thought they'd let them get away with this, too. But she had stumbled on the inner sanctum; there were many Congressional lives behind that door, and the police at that door weren't playing.

The people who leaked his name are identifying him by a beaded bracelet he wears on his wrist. He will be murdered, if they find him, for defending his government, and he will be the first REAL martyr in this episode.
These people would have been shot too had they also tried to enter the House chamber with lawmakers still inside. Police didn't sectively choose Ashli Targetpractice -- she just happened to be the first to penetrate their barricade.

Stopped the rest.
They still shot her without just cause. Their lives weren't being threatened. She didn't have a weapon.

How do you know their lives weren't being threatened?
How would the police know she had no weapon until after the fact?
And what about the rest of the mob coming in behind her?

No one had any weapons. Police cannot assume someone has a weapon. They have to see it. None of the poeple behind her had any weapons either.
When 3 policemen, charged with protecting people from a violent mob that had already outnumbered them, and forced them BACK into the chamber, where they and elected representatives were barricaded - how are they to know who does or does not have a weapon? What are 3 men supposed to do? Let 'em in? The mob already beat bloody a large number of their force who did not shoot.

How were they supposed to stop the mob from entering and possibly killing our elected representatives? These were the same people looking for Pence and Pelosi and calling for execution after all.
I've asked that question a lot with no answer......leads one to believe that they WANTED the insurrectionists to succeed in killing some Congress critters and the VP.
i suppose PIG-lousi and company, the ones that escorted the antifa and black flies matter criminals into DC on busses, the insurrectionists, to succeed in killing some Congress critters and the VP.
English please.
For about a decade, we heard nothing but right wing loons cheering people who shot and killed someone who was a threat to them---"stand your ground" was a good thing. Somehow as 140 cops were injured and one was killed in an attack on the Capitol, a cop shooting one of the threats is now a "murderer"?

I would say that Trump supporters are devoid of principles...but we all know that.
I keep asking for a list of those injuries and no one can produce it. Why is that?
There is just no way a thinking person can come to the conclusion this was a threat. Protestors in the Capitol were unarmed.

  • The protest at the capitol went too far and got out of hand but was organized and started days earlier and planned for long before Trump's Eclipse speech.
  • Pelosi and others knew of the event in advance and took steps to REDUCE security.
  • Not one gun or firearm or real weapon was found on a single person entering the Capitol.
  • The people who pushed into the Capitol were acting independently and no one was even sure where to go or what they were doing.
  • Most everything brought in to use to gain entrance and to fight police was stuff they found THERE and picked up on the grounds.
  • Ashli Babbit was a little woman. She was climbing through a small opening in a door or window with broken glass. Lieutenant Byrd was this BIG BLACK DUDE. He could have grabbed her and thrown her to the ground. He could have shoved her back with one hand to the face. The ONLY reason why he is being protected and not prosecuted is because he was a black guy and she was white, and it happened at the Capitol.

That's not entirely true.

There were multiple security failures on multiple levels - much of which has to do with the fact that no one though the mob was really that dangerous and no one wanted the "optics" of a militarized looking capital.

Many rioters came prepared for violence. This is reflected in the messaging between various individuals and groups both loosely and well organized. They came with baseball bats, solid metal "flag poles", zip ties, bear spray (you don't find that hanging around the capital), pepper spray and stun guns.

The mob was a mix of people - those who came for the protest and got caught up in the moment, those who came as individuals looking to cause mayhem, those who came as part of organized groups.

"Pushed into" the capital distorts what really happened, police viciously beaten, barricades used to shatter glass, people climbing up and breaking into windows...

The police did not have the time or the luxury to assume that because Babbit was a "little woman" she posed "no danger". For all they knew she could have had a gun on her they didn't see, and while they were engaged in "hand to hand" combat with her, the others would be pouring in and attacking the congresspeople who were still there.
just like any cop out in action...but no, not you retards....just "certain" ones get that honor from shit stains like you
"The police do not have the time or the luxury to assume......"
do you actually read what shit you type? you pick and choose when to use the "demonRAT" card?
  • Funny
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She was a trained killer trying to kill a member of Congress
A pathetic lie. The woman was unarmed.


She was unarmed, there was no reason to kill her, she was hurting nobody. May she rest in peace.

Most of the BLM protestors and Antifa and associated rioters were unarmed too.
All of them were unarmed in the Capitol building. And it happened once.
Nope they had bats, hockey sticks, fire extinquishers, flag poles bear spray, etc.
She was a trained killer trying to kill a member of Congress
A pathetic lie. The woman was unarmed.


She was unarmed, there was no reason to kill her, she was hurting nobody. May she rest in peace.

Most of the BLM protestors and Antifa and associated rioters were unarmed too.
All of them were unarmed in the Capitol building. And it happened once.

It only takes one time. In the our Capital. To change things forever. You just don't get it.

And there were plenty of arms around outside the capital building...including Molotov cocktails and bombs.

As I said. Antifa was mostly unarmed as well. Now go move the goalposts.
No you do not get it. There was not a chance of them taking over the government. Really. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

So...your excuse is that they are incompetent and therefore we should have just let them run through the capital and lynch congress critters?

And yet you wet yourself over disorganized incompetent Antifa :rolleyes:
For about a decade, we heard nothing but right wing loons cheering people who shot and killed someone who was a threat to them---"stand your ground" was a good thing. Somehow as 140 cops were injured and one was killed in an attack on the Capitol, a cop shooting one of the threats is now a "murderer"?

I would say that Trump supporters are devoid of principles...but we all know that.
I keep asking for a list of those injuries and no one can produce it. Why is that?

Google it. It's not rocket science.
  • Thanks
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