Ashli Babbitt’s shooter is—Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.

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She was a trained killer trying to kill a member of Congress
A pathetic lie. The woman was unarmed.


She was unarmed, there was no reason to kill her, she was hurting nobody. May she rest in peace.

Most of the BLM protestors and Antifa and associated rioters were unarmed too.
All of them were unarmed in the Capitol building. And it happened once.
Nope they had bats, hockey sticks, fire extinquishers, flag poles bear spray, etc.
I haven't seen any bats or hockey sticks. I've seen one fire extinguisher, which was probably found on the premises. Hollow aluminum flag poles are hardley lethatk and neither is bear spray.
Of course you didn't see them......:heehee: Eyes closed tight, were they?
The "castle doctrine" does NOT AT ALL allow you to shoot someone you think is breaking in to your house.
Get what I said right.

I said the principle of the "castle doctrine" means you don't have to ascertain if the person breaking into your house is armed. Their breaking and entering gives you the presumption that they're armed and dangerous, and there to kill or inflict serious bodily harm.

The moment they start breaking in, you can "death wish" their ass.
She was a trained killer trying to kill a member of Congress
A pathetic lie. The woman was unarmed.


She was unarmed, there was no reason to kill her, she was hurting nobody. May she rest in peace.

Most of the BLM protestors and Antifa and associated rioters were unarmed too.
All of them were unarmed in the Capitol building. And it happened once.

It only takes one time. In the our Capital. To change things forever. You just don't get it.

And there were plenty of arms around outside the capital building...including Molotov cocktails and bombs.

As I said. Antifa was mostly unarmed as well. Now go move the goalposts.
No you do not get it. There was not a chance of them taking over the government. Really. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

So...your excuse is that they are incompetent and therefore we should have just let them run through the capital and lynch congress critters?

And yet you wet yourself over disorganized incompetent Antifa :rolleyes:

Nobody was going to get lynched. Good grief what hyperbole

Oh? You know this how exactly?

Rioters chanted “Hang Mike Pence!” and “Bring out Pence!” while they roamed the capital searching for him and other lawmakers. The mob set up a makeshift gallows near the Capitol.

What makes you think a fired up mob like that wouldn't lynch? They are no different than ANY OTHER MOB.
A gallows that would have collasped with the weight of a house cat. It was symbolic.

It might have been symbolic but the mob wasn't.
The mob was announced long before they came and Congress did not lift a finger to investigate fraud. That is the crime that happened Jan. 6th.

Multiple investigations yada yada yada - no fraud.

The "mob" was not announced.

A RALLY was.

It became a mob.

A mob is a violent unthinking entity. Like a dog pack savaging livestock...or people. Individually each dog would never even growl. As a pack or a mob - a different mentality takes hold.

I can't believe you don't understand that.
Not by Congress.

It's not up to Congress. DoJ (YOUR dude, Barr) investigated it. So did YOUR Republican Trump supporting electoral officials. Nada. Time to get over it and stop believing the Big Lie.
Then why did Ted Cruz bring it up? Historically it has been how fraud was investigated in a presidential election. We cannot do what they could over a hundred years ago?
Lyin' Flyin' Ted? The same Canuck who threw his father, his wife and then his own daughters under the bus? :heehee:
You know Trump has been saying those "plausible denial" words his entire career. In case somebody is listening, he'll talk in riddles
Well that's your biased and prejudiced take on things. At least you aren't trying to deny Trump didn't request
and instruct his adherents to act lawfully and peaceably, knowing the long knives would be out for any of the sort of wild behavior we saw from the plants we saw in the crowd.

And Pelosi's Capitol police did a whale of a job screening out the people with metal poles, baseball bats
and other weapons, didn't they? It's almost like they weren't screening out anyone, right? exactly do the Capitol Police screen a mob of people violently forcing their way in? I'm curious as to how exactly that would be accomplished....
View attachment 481146
Was that after the doors were opened by police?

We've been asking this question for a awhile now.

The Biden admin has already decided not to press charges against the Capital policeman who killed her.
…and appropriately so, the Biden Administration is correct to not charge the officer.

Babbitt was a terrorist killed while committing a crime.

As already correctly noted: he’s a hero defending America’s democracy from a rightwing terrorist attack by treasonous cowards.

The only charge against Ashli was trespassing, which is just a ticket, not a crime.
Deliberately shooting her instead of just arresting her is murder.

Knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; Disrupting the orderly conduct of government business; Knowingly engages in an act of physical violence against any person or property on any restricted building or grounds; Violent entry and disorderly conduct in a Capitol building; Engage in an act of physical violence in a Capitol building
The left sure is choosey which cops are ruthless murderers

What are you going to do about it? Bitch on the internet? Get out and protest if you feel there has been an injustice.
I'd like to but apparently I can be shot dead for that.

Just imagine if George Washington had said that.
General Washington was just an unarmed protester?

You are free to arm yourself.
The only charge against Ashli was trespassing, which is just a ticket, not a crime.
Deliberately shooting her instead of just arresting her is murder.
Actually she had trespassed into a federal protectee "restricted" zone. That makes it a felony. In addition to conspiracy to commit the other crimes, including destruction of federal property, and assault crimes against the police officers.
So...three cops (right?) - already forced back into the Speaker's Chamber, where there were elected representatives that they were protecting, there was a mob outside the door (a mob who had already assaulted and outnumbered the police) - and who had smashed the window in and the first person in that mob was crawling in, ignoring orders to stop...

What are they supposed to do? I never seem to get a reasonable answer to this that can be applied in an internally consistent way.
Every hear of a taser gun? Or pepper spray? Or a bean bag gun? Or rubber bullets?

Sure those are possibles. On the other hand, the officer also believed he was facing a life and death defense situation - protecting himself and the elected officials behind him from a violent mob BREAKING IN chanting "kill Pence" and the like.

Or simply grabbing
an unarmed woman as he struggled to enter through a half open window?

What do you mean "half open"? It was smashed and broken by a mob. Half open sounds like...well, you know, just letting in a little fresh air. That mob, was crowding in behind her.

How would the cop know she was unarmed given she was already breaking the law by breaking in and ignoring orders to stop?

You claim three cops there.
That means two of them were standing there soiling themselves while Babbitt struggled to enter through the small space in the broken window.

You make it sound like it was 3 cops and 1 woman, which you know isn't true. She was part of a mob.

No. I guess in your universe there were no options but to stand back and murder this woman for breaking
the law.

There are always a lot of options in hindsight - AFTER the danger is past, when all the information is before you - that you don't know in the moment while this mob is roaming the capitol looking for politicians and assaulting, wounding police attempting to hold them back.

Armchair quarterbacks...always the best.

You're like the Walmart security guard who would shoot a woman who stole some eye liner
rather than stop her some legal and more humane way.

Wow. First time I ever heard of a violent mob, that injured 140 police, some with permanent injuries, one dead compared to a shoplifter. Yet another failure of Reality to dock with Trumplandia.

What a "great" person you have revealed yourself to be. You admit there were three cops there.
What were the other two doing while Byrd carefully took aim and killed this woman?
What a fucking humanitarian you are...I guess.
Go ahead and think about your answer.

Oh I don't need to think about it. I suspect the other two cops were busy holding off the rest of the mob, the ones who DID listen to orders to stop.
First the window wasn't half open, it was half broken out. The crowd already used various weapons and devices to break the window, and try to breech the barricade set up outside the speakers gallery.

Inside the plain clothes protective unit police were trying to stop the crowd from entering, long enough to evacuate the members of congress taking refuge inside.
Great! All the more reason to believe Ashli Babbitt would NOT come bolting through that half broken out window
at any second taking three Capitol policemen by surprise like a lunging sabre toothed tiger and tearing
out their jugular veins. Gland that lie is cleared up.

I suggest you find out why the political leadership so badly bungled security at the Capitol that day they all
feared and left forces there so badly under staffed.

One more time, where is a list of those injuries?
You can google the list of injuries, but they will only list the most serious. While you're are it, you can google the indictments which detail the charges, included weapons possession by them.

the government has brought charges against more than 400 individuals.

You know Trump has been saying those "plausible denial" words his entire career. In case somebody is listening, he'll talk in riddles
Well that's your biased and prejudiced take on things. At least you aren't trying to deny Trump didn't request
and instruct his adherents to act lawfully and peaceably, knowing the long knives would be out for any of the sort of wild behavior we saw from the plants we saw in the crowd.

And Pelosi's Capitol police did a whale of a job screening out the people with metal poles, baseball bats
and other weapons, didn't they? It's almost like they weren't screening out anyone, right? exactly do the Capitol Police screen a mob of people violently forcing their way in? I'm curious as to how exactly that would be accomplished....
View attachment 481146

Evidently they just shoot them....

We've been asking this question for a awhile now.

The Biden admin has already decided not to press charges against the Capital policeman who killed her.
…and appropriately so, the Biden Administration is correct to not charge the officer.

Babbitt was a terrorist killed while committing a crime.

As already correctly noted: he’s a hero defending America’s democracy from a rightwing terrorist attack by treasonous cowards.

The only charge against Ashli was trespassing, which is just a ticket, not a crime.
Deliberately shooting her instead of just arresting her is murder.
Not wrong.

She was a terrorist, a criminal engaging in a terrorist attack on America’s democracy; her death was solely the consequence of her criminality.
"My only regret is that we only got to kill the bastard once." President Glenallen Walken on The West Wing.

While I wouldn't go that far in this case....the police officer was completely justified. It's incredible that the "stand your ground" supporters view it through a filter or who is standing behind the gun.
The left sure is choosey which cops are ruthless murderers

What are you going to do about it? Bitch on the internet? Get out and protest if you feel there has been an injustice.
I'd like to but apparently I can be shot dead for that.

Just imagine if George Washington had said that.
General Washington was just an unarmed protester?

You are free to arm yourself.
Bring a firearm to a protest?
What's that got to do with George Washington and the War for Independence?
Great! All the more reason to believe Ashli Babbitt would NOT come bolting through that half broken out window
at any second taking three Capitol policemen by surprise like a lunging sabre toothed tiger and tearing
out their jugular veins. Gland that lie is cleared up.
Do you know the concept of storming the castle? You get one person to breech the castle, drop the drawbridge, and allow the horde in.

Had they allowed even one person to get into the gallery, they could let the rest of the mob inside.

It's a simple concept.
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