Ashli Babbitt’s shooter is—Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.

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Would you like a tissue, snowflake? :itsok:

Maybe just don't try to breach a barricaded section of the Capitol with an angry mob next time. How does that sound?

If you refuse, then I welcome you to try it and see what happens.

You're celebrating the death of an unarmed veteran that was no threat to anyone and then calling me a "snowflake" for objecting.

Yea. It's not like an angry mob can be a threat or anything.

Brilliant logic there, snowflake.
An angry mob, maybe. An unarmed woman, never.
At the head of an angry mob.....don't think we don't notice you left that little factoid out.
Exactly right. She was the tip of the spear the moment she went climbing through that window. As she was doing that, others were smashing in the doors and windows. Had that hero not shot her, the rest of that mob behind her would have poured into the House chamber where members of Congress were still hiding.

No, the dozens of fully armed and armored cops on the stair could have prevented any entry through through those doors and windows if there was any threat to any members of congress.
But all members of congress had left by then.
Shows how tolerant the Capitol Police were towards the protestors.
They allowed the mob to penetrate areas where they were not directly threatening Congress.

Ashli was the final straw, there were no more doors between her and Congress members

Ashli was an unarmed broad who posed no threat to Mr. Byrd.

No need for her to be wasted.

Would you like a tissue, snowflake? :itsok:

Maybe just don't try to breach a barricaded section of the Capitol with an angry mob next time. How does that sound?

If you refuse, then I welcome you to try it and see what happens.

You're celebrating the death of an unarmed veteran that was no threat to anyone and then calling me a "snowflake" for objecting.

Yea. It's not like an angry mob can be a threat or anything.

Brilliant logic there, snowflake.
An angry mob, maybe. An unarmed woman, never.
At the head of an angry mob.....don't think we don't notice you left that little factoid out.
Exactly right. She was the tip of the spear the moment she went climbing through that window. As she was doing that, others were smashing in the doors and windows. Had that hero not shot her, the rest of that mob behind her would have poured into the House chamber where members of Congress were still hiding.

No, the dozens of fully armed and armored cops on the stair could have prevented any entry through through those doors and windows if there was any threat to any members of congress.
But all members of congress had left by then.
Shows how tolerant the Capitol Police were towards the protestors.
They allowed the mob to penetrate areas where they were not directly threatening Congress.

Ashli was the final straw, there were no more doors between her and Congress members

Ashli was an unarmed broad who posed no threat to Mr. Byrd.

No need for her to be wasted.
Was she by herself?

Actually she was alone at that point.
No one else went through the window.
They were busy trying to bust the doors down; which they would have accomplished had she not been shot.
I've been thinking she was small enough to get through the window, and that she planned to open the door for the mob behind her. No cops had shot at them yet, so I'm sure she thought they'd let them get away with this, too. But she had stumbled on the inner sanctum; there were many Congressional lives behind that door, and the police at that door weren't playing.

The people who leaked his name are identifying him by a beaded bracelet he wears on his wrist. He will be murdered, if they find him, for defending his government, and he will be the first REAL martyr in this episode.
These people would have been shot too had they also tried to enter the House chamber with lawmakers still inside. Police didn't sectively choose Ashli Targetpractice -- she just happened to be the first to penetrate their barricade.

Stopped the rest.
They still shot her without just cause. Their lives weren't being threatened. She didn't have a weapon.

Bullshit. She went into that building with ill intent, and demonstrated that with her actions by violently trying to breech a secure area, with force, and was under the impression she could do so with impunity. She was operating under the delusion, that she was in a position of representing some fantasy land America of conservative, capitalist, religious, race superiority, with the blessing of a President that would pardon her actions, and backed by an army of skin head, shit for brains red necks, that would be enough to achieve those goals.

She was sadly mistaken, and she thought wrong, and she paid for it with her life.

And now that army of traitorous losers, are being rounded up slowly but surely, and will pay a price themselves, for those same deluded thoughts, and their cult leader Cadet Bonespurs will be joining them soon.

While she was mistaken about the election in my opinion, she was not violent and committed no crime. Her intent was just to draw media attention to what she thought was a crime, and that is her right.
Multiple investigations yada yada yada - no fraud.
The sort of "investigation" that Michael Leroy Byrd got his murder of Ashli Babbitt whitewashed by, no doubt.
What makes you think ANY of your investigations and studies by self serving politically affiliated leftist sources are
worth a God- Damned thing? Stop lying. Grow up.

Problem is....the investigations were done by YOUR rightists.

Now wipe the spittle off your chin.
Perhaps you need to stop lying and wipe the jizz off your mouth from sucking off Xi. Denigrating a veteran and condoning murder. Grow up. And stop lying.
Why is it that orange cultists default to sexual imagery so many times when they can't handle a discussion?
Go fuck yourself you fat illiterate asshole. You're an embarrassment who should be getting a ban for blatant violations.
The entire storming of the capitol was orchestrated by the democrats and carried out by their anti American professional rioters, bussed in and paid for by Soros, all to draw attention away from the massive election fraud that was to be challenged. Democrats are the party of trash. They are corrupt to the core, and they are in the process as we speak of ruining the nation.
And then they all lived happily ever after. The End.
You'd feel better if you quit lying.
How Ironic.....very much so.
The entire storming of the capitol was orchestrated by the democrats and carried out by their anti American professional rioters, bussed in and paid for by Soros, all to draw attention away from the massive election fraud that was to be challenged. Democrats are the party of trash. They are corrupt to the core, and they are in the process as we speak of ruining the nation.
And then they all lived happily ever after. The End.

Yet another attempted docking of Reality to Trumplandia fail.
Sorry... we all know you democrats are so corrupt that you all lie straight through your teeth. You got your marching orders to deny, deny, deny, so that's what you all do. But you're not fooling anyone, and I mean no one. We all know there was MASSIVE, HORRENDOUS, EPIC CHEATING in the Nov election. There was even thousands of votes flipped LIVE on TV, even CNN, which was just the TIP of the iceberg, but yet here you bubble heads are, trying desperately to convince someone there was no CHEATING. It's comical, but you people are idiots, seriously, you people are freakin' pathetic losers, and again, you're not fooling ANYONE. There's practically NO ONE in America that doesn't know the election was STOLEN. Stop lying, because it'll eat you up inside and sooner or later and you'll have serious health problems. Angry, vindictive liars, cheats and hypocrites usually do die young.
You'll believe any lies from your orange lard & master, wouldn't you? :heehee:
She was a trained killer trying to kill a member of Congress
A pathetic lie. The woman was unarmed.


She was unarmed, there was no reason to kill her, she was hurting nobody. May she rest in peace.

Most of the BLM protestors and Antifa and associated rioters were unarmed too.
All of them were unarmed in the Capitol building. And it happened once.
Nope they had bats, hockey sticks, fire extinquishers, flag poles bear spray, etc.
No you lying fat fuck. The fire extinguisher story was debunked long ago. You've been reported too asshole.
No it has not been debunked...just denied by orange cultist losers. And I've been reported? :heehee: Knock your bad ass self out.
Yes it has you illiterate asshole. Months ago. Try to keep up fatso. really drank that orange kool-aid in total obedience of your orange lard & master, didn't you? Totally in tune with the murdering and serious injuring of Capitol Police.
No murder, except by this "cop". Your delusions aren't even funny anymore.
She was a trained killer trying to kill a member of Congress
A pathetic lie. The woman was unarmed.


She was unarmed, there was no reason to kill her, she was hurting nobody. May she rest in peace.

Most of the BLM protestors and Antifa and associated rioters were unarmed too.
All of them were unarmed in the Capitol building. And it happened once.
Nope they had bats, hockey sticks, fire extinquishers, flag poles bear spray, etc.
No you lying fat fuck. The fire extinguisher story was debunked long ago. You've been reported too asshole.
No it has not been debunked...just denied by orange cultist losers. And I've been reported? :heehee: Knock your bad ass self out.
Yes it has you illiterate asshole. Months ago. Try to keep up fatso. really drank that orange kool-aid in total obedience of your orange lard & master, didn't you? Totally in tune with the murdering and serious injuring of Capitol Police.

No one was murdered by Ashlie.
And her only crime was trespassing.
No capital police were seriously injured, and certainly not by Ashlie.
Police were not justified in using deadly force on an unarmed woman, alone.
Multiple investigations yada yada yada - no fraud.
The sort of "investigation" that Michael Leroy Byrd got his murder of Ashli Babbitt whitewashed by, no doubt.
What makes you think ANY of your investigations and studies by self serving politically affiliated leftist sources are
worth a God- Damned thing? Stop lying. Grow up.

Problem is....the investigations were done by YOUR rightists.

Now wipe the spittle off your chin.
Perhaps you need to stop lying and wipe the jizz off your mouth from sucking off Xi. Denigrating a veteran and condoning murder. Grow up. And stop lying.
Why is it that orange cultists default to sexual imagery so many times when they can't handle a discussion?
Go fuck yourself you fat illiterate asshole. You're an embarrassment who should be getting a ban for blatant violations.
Is it appropriate in the Politics sub-forum for someone to post nothing but a personal attack with no thread content?
No murder, except by this "cop". Your delusions aren't even funny anymore.

If Ashli was BLM, you'd be defending the cop, Trumptard loser cultist!
Wait....maybe you are onto something.....aren't some orange cult posters here claiming it was antifa and BLM who were the real ones who stormed the Capitol?
No one was murdered by Ashlie.
And her only crime was trespassing.
No capital police were seriously injured, and certainly not by Ashlie.
Police were not justified in using deadly force on an unarmed woman, alone.

Brian Sicknick died, you brain-dead fucking moron.
No one was murdered by Ashlie.
And her only crime was trespassing.
No capital police were seriously injured, and certainly not by Ashlie.
Police were not justified in using deadly force on an unarmed woman, alone.
Unarmed woman, alone?

I can see you as the Japanese general who gets a report of a single lone B-29 bomber heading toward the town of Hiroshima. And thinking a single bomber can't do much damage.

The only thing they care about is if their Orange God remained President.

And they supported a coup attempt and the overthrow of American democracy that tens of thousands of Americans have died for because they are bunch of fucking emotionally-stunted snowflakes who completely subsumed their own identities to the Orange God they worship.

It's fucking embarrassing.
wowza - tweet is unavailable?

Tayler Hansen
Apr 13
The Identify of Ashli Babbitt’s shooter is—

Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.

Multiple Mainstream Media Outlets have known this, but they REFUSE to run the story.

Why is that?

An American Hero

Saved Congress Members from a trained assassin
An unarmed protester.
Bummer....shouldn't have been at the vanguard of a rapid mob then.

What the hell is a rapid mob?

You’re a rabid lunatic.
rabid mob
No one was murdered by Ashlie.
And her only crime was trespassing.
No capital police were seriously injured, and certainly not by Ashlie.
Police were not justified in using deadly force on an unarmed woman, alone.
Unarmed woman, alone?

I can see you as the Japanese general who gets a report of a single lone B-29 bomber heading toward the town of Hiroshima. And thinking a single bomber can't do much damage.
That poster really said "an unarmed woman, alone." I'm sorry, but one cannot be much more delusional than that and NOT be locked up as a danger to themselves and others.
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