Ashli Babbitt’s shooter is—Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd.

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There were...what...3 police officers there holding the fort from the angry mob.
Why do you keep insisting that mobsters in blue uniforms with guns and badges are always on the right side of the law no matter whom they hurt or kill, or how much property they damage or steal?
Except when lefties are rioting.
So, you are cool with righties rioting. (that's not a question)
So you're cool with lefties rioting?
Has she defended leftist rioters?
And the consequence for Ashli Targetpractice was earning the first Darwin award for 2021.


I think we all can agree it was foolish for Ashli to go through the window after everyone else saw the cop pointing the gun, and everyone was yelling about how there was a gun being pointed.

But that does not negate the fact the cop committed murder since Ashlie was not a lethal threat to anyone.
The video clearly shows that the cop who shot was sticking his arm through a very dense barricade.
You can talk about where people were, the last steps they took, and what direction they happened to turn their heads at the time they were murdered, but that does not negate the premeditation, planning, and set-up for the murders -- including extensive travel plans and itineraries -- that took place leading up to the events of January 6.
"premeditation"? Who premeditated Babbit's death? How does that work out?

Cops were standing right next to Ashli as she attempted to climb through the window, and they felt no urgent need to arrest her. She could easily have been arrested at amy time. Therefore there was no valid reason to shoot her.

Those cops were told if they interfered they who be beaten up or killed... They were woefully outnumbered, if they arrested her they were putting themselves in untold danger...

The officer followed his training. To handcuff her was to leave his position and put himself and the people he was protecting in danger...
Told by whom? Every riot is a dangerous situation. What makes this one any difference other than the fact that NAZI thugs like you hate conservatives and believe any use of force against them is justified?

Police aren't trained to shoot people who aren't a threat to their lives.

how the f*** can you even say that they weren't a threat to the police officers lives they were blatantly attacking the officers screaming kill them kill them. There are plenty of videos of these f****** traitors calling for the officers to be killed and attacking them with various weapons. The officers have every right to open fire on the entire group. they showed remarkable constraint and that restraint is the only reason that several of these people are alive today.
They hadn't even touched those officers, and I have noticed any of them shouting "kill them." You're mixing difference events together and spouting horseshit.

Through out this event there were calls for help, officer down, etc throughout the capitol, and plenty of video evidence of what that mob was doing to them.
We're talking only about the officers confronting Ashly Babbit.

This wasn't happening in a vacuum.
For the purposes of this discussion, it is. What was going 10,000 feet away is irrelevant.

That's the definition of insanity.
ROFL! You're the one who is spouting insanity. You dont' get to blame Ashly Babbit for anything going on in any part of the capitol. That's the tactic of a NAZI.

Nazi's have nothing to do with this (and neither does Stalin). You're trying to take one discrete part (the portion where Ashli led the mob through the window) of a whole (the mob overrunning the capital) and pretend that the whole has no bearing on that one moment. But it does. There is no way the police, listening to what is going on around them within the capital, hearing about officers beaten by the mob, a mob that is roaming through the building largely unchecked, would be operating on the assumption that this one portion of the mob is all they need to be concerned with.

You seem to think that the officer should have...what, engaged in hand to hand combat with her (leaving a hole in their defenses for the rest of the mob to exploit?). If she had been a big burly Antifa guy you KNOW you wouldn't be defending him :lol:
You have no idea what the police were hearing, and what goes on 10,000 have no bearing on whether an officer's life is immediately in danger. Just like a fucking Nazi, you want to hold some individuals responsible for the actions of others.

This line of reasoning was coined by the NAZIs. That's why you get called a NAZI.
Nor do you.

Another serious question: IF you get paid everytime you use the word "NAZI", how much DO you get paid each time? (you might have gotten paid 3 times for that post)
The truth hurts, eh?
Except when lefties are rioting.
And gun-grabbing cops in solid Democrat blue aren't «lefties»?
What guns have been grabbed? I have guns...I just moved from one blue state to another blue state....neither ever grabbed my guns.
So if they lynch a black man in one state, that isn't a violation of his rights because it's still against the law in other states?
What in the world???????
And the consequence for Ashli Targetpractice was earning the first Darwin award for 2021.


I think we all can agree it was foolish for Ashli to go through the window after everyone else saw the cop pointing the gun, and everyone was yelling about how there was a gun being pointed.

But that does not negate the fact the cop committed murder since Ashlie was not a lethal threat to anyone.
The video clearly shows that the cop who shot was sticking his arm through a very dense barricade.
You can talk about where people were, the last steps they took, and what direction they happened to turn their heads at the time they were murdered, but that does not negate the premeditation, planning, and set-up for the murders -- including extensive travel plans and itineraries -- that took place leading up to the events of January 6.
"premeditation"? Who premeditated Babbit's death? How does that work out?

Cops were standing right next to Ashli as she attempted to climb through the window, and they felt no urgent need to arrest her. She could easily have been arrested at amy time. Therefore there was no valid reason to shoot her.

Those cops were told if they interfered they who be beaten up or killed... They were woefully outnumbered, if they arrested her they were putting themselves in untold danger...

The officer followed his training. To handcuff her was to leave his position and put himself and the people he was protecting in danger...
Told by whom? Every riot is a dangerous situation. What makes this one any difference other than the fact that NAZI thugs like you hate conservatives and believe any use of force against them is justified?

Police aren't trained to shoot people who aren't a threat to their lives.

how the f*** can you even say that they weren't a threat to the police officers lives they were blatantly attacking the officers screaming kill them kill them. There are plenty of videos of these f****** traitors calling for the officers to be killed and attacking them with various weapons. The officers have every right to open fire on the entire group. they showed remarkable constraint and that restraint is the only reason that several of these people are alive today.
They hadn't even touched those officers, and I have noticed any of them shouting "kill them." You're mixing difference events together and spouting horseshit.

Through out this event there were calls for help, officer down, etc throughout the capitol, and plenty of video evidence of what that mob was doing to them.
We're talking only about the officers confronting Ashly Babbit.

This wasn't happening in a vacuum.
For the purposes of this discussion, it is. What was going 10,000 feet away is irrelevant.

That's the definition of insanity.
ROFL! You're the one who is spouting insanity. You dont' get to blame Ashly Babbit for anything going on in any part of the capitol. That's the tactic of a NAZI.

Nazi's have nothing to do with this (and neither does Stalin). You're trying to take one discrete part (the portion where Ashli led the mob through the window) of a whole (the mob overrunning the capital) and pretend that the whole has no bearing on that one moment. But it does. There is no way the police, listening to what is going on around them within the capital, hearing about officers beaten by the mob, a mob that is roaming through the building largely unchecked, would be operating on the assumption that this one portion of the mob is all they need to be concerned with.

You seem to think that the officer should have...what, engaged in hand to hand combat with her (leaving a hole in their defenses for the rest of the mob to exploit?). If she had been a big burly Antifa guy you KNOW you wouldn't be defending him :lol:
You have no idea what the police were hearing, and what goes on 10,000 have no bearing on whether an officer's life is immediately in danger. Just like a fucking Nazi, you want to hold some individuals responsible for the actions of others.

This line of reasoning was coined by the NAZIs. That's why you get called a NAZI.

Actually, ya, I do. It's been reported.

All the officer knows is there is a mob of people (and no one knows whether or not they are armed with anything) - savagely breaking down the doors. If that officer is hearing reports of "officer down" and that the mob is roaming freely, you better believe it has a bearing on how he views the immediate situation. You would be nuts not think your life is in danger when you are facing an angry mob and they ignored orders to stop (which Ashli did).

The only person responsible for her death is Ashli herself: she committed multiple illegal acts, she ignored orders by the police.

Normally - that is enough justification to you guys, for a police to shoot.

Sorry, you're devolving into pure idiocy and blatant lies. That's how things always go when arguing with leftists.
And the consequence for Ashli Targetpractice was earning the first Darwin award for 2021.


I think we all can agree it was foolish for Ashli to go through the window after everyone else saw the cop pointing the gun, and everyone was yelling about how there was a gun being pointed.

But that does not negate the fact the cop committed murder since Ashlie was not a lethal threat to anyone.
The video clearly shows that the cop who shot was sticking his arm through a very dense barricade.
You can talk about where people were, the last steps they took, and what direction they happened to turn their heads at the time they were murdered, but that does not negate the premeditation, planning, and set-up for the murders -- including extensive travel plans and itineraries -- that took place leading up to the events of January 6.
"premeditation"? Who premeditated Babbit's death? How does that work out?

Cops were standing right next to Ashli as she attempted to climb through the window, and they felt no urgent need to arrest her. She could easily have been arrested at amy time. Therefore there was no valid reason to shoot her.

Those cops were told if they interfered they who be beaten up or killed... They were woefully outnumbered, if they arrested her they were putting themselves in untold danger...

The officer followed his training. To handcuff her was to leave his position and put himself and the people he was protecting in danger...
Told by whom? Every riot is a dangerous situation. What makes this one any difference other than the fact that NAZI thugs like you hate conservatives and believe any use of force against them is justified?

Police aren't trained to shoot people who aren't a threat to their lives.

how the f*** can you even say that they weren't a threat to the police officers lives they were blatantly attacking the officers screaming kill them kill them. There are plenty of videos of these f****** traitors calling for the officers to be killed and attacking them with various weapons. The officers have every right to open fire on the entire group. they showed remarkable constraint and that restraint is the only reason that several of these people are alive today.
They hadn't even touched those officers, and I have noticed any of them shouting "kill them." You're mixing difference events together and spouting horseshit.

Through out this event there were calls for help, officer down, etc throughout the capitol, and plenty of video evidence of what that mob was doing to them.
We're talking only about the officers confronting Ashly Babbit.

This wasn't happening in a vacuum.
For the purposes of this discussion, it is. What was going 10,000 feet away is irrelevant.

That's the definition of insanity.
ROFL! You're the one who is spouting insanity. You dont' get to blame Ashly Babbit for anything going on in any part of the capitol. That's the tactic of a NAZI.

Nazi's have nothing to do with this (and neither does Stalin). You're trying to take one discrete part (the portion where Ashli led the mob through the window) of a whole (the mob overrunning the capital) and pretend that the whole has no bearing on that one moment. But it does. There is no way the police, listening to what is going on around them within the capital, hearing about officers beaten by the mob, a mob that is roaming through the building largely unchecked, would be operating on the assumption that this one portion of the mob is all they need to be concerned with.

You seem to think that the officer should have...what, engaged in hand to hand combat with her (leaving a hole in their defenses for the rest of the mob to exploit?). If she had been a big burly Antifa guy you KNOW you wouldn't be defending him :lol:
You have no idea what the police were hearing, and what goes on 10,000 have no bearing on whether an officer's life is immediately in danger. Just like a fucking Nazi, you want to hold some individuals responsible for the actions of others.

This line of reasoning was coined by the NAZIs. That's why you get called a NAZI.

Actually, ya, I do. It's been reported.

All the officer knows is there is a mob of people (and no one knows whether or not they are armed with anything) - savagely breaking down the doors. If that officer is hearing reports of "officer down" and that the mob is roaming freely, you better believe it has a bearing on how he views the immediate situation. You would be nuts not think your life is in danger when you are facing an angry mob and they ignored orders to stop (which Ashli did).

The only person responsible for her death is Ashli herself: she committed multiple illegal acts, she ignored orders by the police.

Normally - that is enough justification to you guys, for a police to shoot.

Sorry, you're devolving into pure idiocy and blatant lies. That's how things always go when arguing with leftists.
What blatant lies?
And the consequence for Ashli Targetpractice was earning the first Darwin award for 2021.


I think we all can agree it was foolish for Ashli to go through the window after everyone else saw the cop pointing the gun, and everyone was yelling about how there was a gun being pointed.

But that does not negate the fact the cop committed murder since Ashlie was not a lethal threat to anyone.
The video clearly shows that the cop who shot was sticking his arm through a very dense barricade.
You can talk about where people were, the last steps they took, and what direction they happened to turn their heads at the time they were murdered, but that does not negate the premeditation, planning, and set-up for the murders -- including extensive travel plans and itineraries -- that took place leading up to the events of January 6.
"premeditation"? Who premeditated Babbit's death? How does that work out?

Cops were standing right next to Ashli as she attempted to climb through the window, and they felt no urgent need to arrest her. She could easily have been arrested at amy time. Therefore there was no valid reason to shoot her.

Those cops were told if they interfered they who be beaten up or killed... They were woefully outnumbered, if they arrested her they were putting themselves in untold danger...

The officer followed his training. To handcuff her was to leave his position and put himself and the people he was protecting in danger...
Told by whom? Every riot is a dangerous situation. What makes this one any difference other than the fact that NAZI thugs like you hate conservatives and believe any use of force against them is justified?

Police aren't trained to shoot people who aren't a threat to their lives.

how the f*** can you even say that they weren't a threat to the police officers lives they were blatantly attacking the officers screaming kill them kill them. There are plenty of videos of these f****** traitors calling for the officers to be killed and attacking them with various weapons. The officers have every right to open fire on the entire group. they showed remarkable constraint and that restraint is the only reason that several of these people are alive today.
They hadn't even touched those officers, and I have noticed any of them shouting "kill them." You're mixing difference events together and spouting horseshit.

Through out this event there were calls for help, officer down, etc throughout the capitol, and plenty of video evidence of what that mob was doing to them.
We're talking only about the officers confronting Ashly Babbit.

This wasn't happening in a vacuum.
For the purposes of this discussion, it is. What was going 10,000 feet away is irrelevant.

That's the definition of insanity.
ROFL! You're the one who is spouting insanity. You dont' get to blame Ashly Babbit for anything going on in any part of the capitol. That's the tactic of a NAZI.

Nazi's have nothing to do with this (and neither does Stalin). You're trying to take one discrete part (the portion where Ashli led the mob through the window) of a whole (the mob overrunning the capital) and pretend that the whole has no bearing on that one moment. But it does. There is no way the police, listening to what is going on around them within the capital, hearing about officers beaten by the mob, a mob that is roaming through the building largely unchecked, would be operating on the assumption that this one portion of the mob is all they need to be concerned with.

You seem to think that the officer should have...what, engaged in hand to hand combat with her (leaving a hole in their defenses for the rest of the mob to exploit?). If she had been a big burly Antifa guy you KNOW you wouldn't be defending him :lol:
You have no idea what the police were hearing, and what goes on 10,000 have no bearing on whether an officer's life is immediately in danger. Just like a fucking Nazi, you want to hold some individuals responsible for the actions of others.

This line of reasoning was coined by the NAZIs. That's why you get called a NAZI.

Actually, ya, I do. It's been reported.

All the officer knows is there is a mob of people (and no one knows whether or not they are armed with anything) - savagely breaking down the doors. If that officer is hearing reports of "officer down" and that the mob is roaming freely, you better believe it has a bearing on how he views the immediate situation. You would be nuts not think your life is in danger when you are facing an angry mob and they ignored orders to stop (which Ashli did).

The only person responsible for her death is Ashli herself: she committed multiple illegal acts, she ignored orders by the police.

Normally - that is enough justification to you guys, for a police to shoot.

Sorry, you're devolving into pure idiocy and blatant lies. That's how things always go when arguing with leftists.

What specifically is a lie?
Lets stop the personal attacks and stick to the subject.

There was at least one more barricade between the lobby and the House, so when Ashli tried to go from the Senate to the lobby, in no way was she any possible threat to any congress people.

You can see it in the video of the shooter, in the House, sticking his arm through openings in the House barricade.
There is no way Ashli could have gotten into the House if she had succeeded in getting into the lobby.

There was zero reason to shoot her.
If Ashli was a threat to the House, then the cops outside the doors and windows Ashli was trying to get through, would have stopped her.
They were literally at arms length from her.
They were not at all concerned that she was going through the window.
There knew there were congress people in the building any more, and there were still more barricades between her and the House floor.
So, the Capitol police should have just kept retreating and retreating and retreating? And the insurrectionists should have been allowed to destroy and pass barricade after barricade after barricade? When do you suggest this should have stopped?

At any point the police could have just started handcuffing and arresting for trespassing.
There was never any indication that they would have had any problem arresting any or all if they wanted to.
I do not know why they did not?
Police normally do arrest hundreds of people at a time.
It happened at Washington DC dozens of time.
During the Vietnam protests in DC, I was arrested along with thousands of others, many times.
There was never any justification for shooting.
If you watched the video of the entire riot from beginning to end, the Capitol police were GROSSLY outnumbered. Even while trying to be as calming as possible, several dozen of them were beaten by the mob. When you were in D.C. protesting the Viet Nam war, were protesters beating on the cops with bats, hockey sticks, flag poles and spraying bear spray at them? Did they come wearing tactical gear bearing plastic handcuffs?
The police are always outnumbered in any riot.
So you admit it was a riot. Progress.
Who has denied it? What it wasn't is an insurrection.
Oh yes it was an insurrection....a FAILED insurrection started by a FAILED orange slug.
Who has been charged with "insurrection?"
Stand by....charges (and arrests) are still happening. AND we've got some lawsuits by some Capitol cops too charging the orange slug with initiating a FAILED insurrection.
Sorry bout that,

1. Let me interject the answer to all this debate.
2. This whole insurrection on Jan 6th never was.
3. First off they were invited in on Pelosi's orders.
4. Then one was selected to die.
5. All the while a coup was being orchestrated, with the stolen election verification.
6. The public in general never sees the big picture.
7. Opps there it is.
8. Glad to help.
9. I don't make the truth I just tell it, ty.

Sorry bout that,

1. Let me interject the answer to all this debate.
2. This whole insurrection on Jan 6th never was.
3. First off they were invited in on Pelosi's orders.
4. Then one was selected to die.
5. All the while a coup was being orchestrated, with the stolen election verification.
6. The public in general never sees the big picture.
7. Opps there it is.
8. Glad to help.


Oh lord. Sometimes the craziness is just over the top.
Sorry bout that,

1. Let me interject the answer to all this debate.
2. This whole insurrection on Jan 6th never was.
3. First off they were invited in on Pelosi's orders.
4. Then one was selected to die.
5. All the while a coup was being orchestrated, with the stolen election verification.
6. The public in general never sees the big picture.
7. Opps there it is.
8. Glad to help.

Sorry bout that,

1. Let me interject the answer to all this debate.
2. This whole insurrection on Jan 6th never was.
3. First off they were invited in on Pelosi's orders.
4. Then one was selected to die.
5. All the while a coup was being orchestrated, with the stolen election verification.
6. The public in general never sees the big picture.
7. Opps there it is.
8. Glad to help.


Oh lord. Sometimes the craziness is just over the top.
It's pretty amazing watching that happen, isn't it? You have to wonder how weak their minds and their wills were to begin with to be so easily manipulated like that.
Sorry bout that,

1. Prove me wrong.
2. Waiting.


2. This whole insurrection on Jan 6th never was.
It was. Well documented on videos, social media by the rioters themselves, and injuries inflicted on police.

3. First off they were invited in on Pelosi's orders.
They most certainly were not. Perhaps you can provide a direct quote from her ordering this.

4. Then one was selected to die.
None were "selected", but I believe all in all 5 died, including a policeman. The one you are referring to was engaged in a criminal act and ignored the police order to stop.

5. All the while a coup was being orchestrated, with the stolen election verification.
There was no stolen election, just The Big Lie Trump sold his believers on.

6. The public in general never sees the big picture.
True, as evidenced in this post.

7. Opps there it is.
Yup. In all it's craziness.

8. Glad to help.
You're welcome :)
Sorry bout that,

1. Ya'll need to get a grip, those who found themselves in the Capital just waltzed right in, there was no struggle, not shots fired.
2. They calmly strolled right in, *prove me wrong*!
3. One was selected to get offed.
4. One was selected to fire the gun.
5. It was carefully planned.
6. Shooter was gifted in advance, a get out of prosecution card, a few hours before he pulled the trigger.
7. He strolled right out the back door of the Capital, and will never face charges for the murder he committed.
8. Commie Liberal Justice at work.

Sorry bout that,

1. Ya'll need to get a grip, those who found themselves in the Capital just waltzed right in, there was no struggle, not shots fired.
2. They calmly strolled right in, *prove me wrong*!
3. One was selected to get offed.
4. One was selected to fire the gun.
5. It was carefully planned.
6. Shooter was gifted in advance, a get out of prosecution card, a few hours before he pulled the trigger.
7. He strolled right out the back door of the Capital, and will never face charges for the murder he committed.
8. Commie Liberal Justice at work.

Sasquatch indeed. :heehee:
Through out this event there were calls for help, officer down, etc throughout the capitol, and plenty of video evidence of what that mob was doing to them.
"Officer down!"

Well, gee whiz, if you were such a genius at the time and place, tell me, is that a friendly officer or an enemy officer down? Which side of the fight was he on? Republican or Democrat? Because I know I would never betray my country to lift a finger in the aid or comfort of a Democrat officer.

How do you know which cops are Democrats? :cuckoo:
Sorry bout that,

1. Read this: Outgoing U.S. Capitol Police chief says his effort to get help was thwarted - paper | Reuters
"The outgoing chief of the U.S. Capitol Police said House of Representatives and Senate security officials had thwarted his efforts to call in the National Guard, contradicting assertions from other officials who said the force had not asked for help."

2. He was fired cause he didn't tow the party line.
3. Its always that way with commie liberals.

Sorry bout that,

1. Ya'll need to get a grip, those who found themselves in the Capital just waltzed right in, there was no struggle, not shots fired.
2. They calmly strolled right in, *prove me wrong*!
3. One was selected to get offed.
4. One was selected to fire the gun.
5. It was carefully planned.
6. Shooter was gifted in advance, a get out of prosecution card, a few hours before he pulled the trigger.
7. He strolled right out the back door of the Capital, and will never face charges for the murder he committed.
8. Commie Liberal Justice at work.


Yeah, there was no struggle at all to get in.

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