Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

Really, do you realize the majority of folks on food stamps work everyday. There are men and women in the military that receive food stamps to make ends meet for their families while they are serving their country.
Why? Many of those on food stamps have unbelievable access to benefits to improve their lifestyle outcome -- like education.
How did I know you are Jewish? Oh that's right because you felt the need to let everyone know you are Jewish. You talk about the mistreatment of Jewish folks and then you turn around and show that you are racist against black folks.

There is nothing racist about wanting race-blind admissions policies, idiot. YOU are the racist, who is supporting the idea of skin color being a factor in admissions.
Who were those white boys fighting against? Oh that's right other white boys. How many years and how many lives did it take for those white leaders to see that it was wrong? Don't act like it was just out of the goodness of their heart all of a sudden that Slavery and Jim Crow came to an end.

So because they were fighting the Southern white boys, you can’t give ANY acknowledgement that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of white boys sacrificed their lives to free your ancestors?!
There you go again repeating the same lies you have been spewing since you joined this forum.
It’s the truth, and your denial of it doesn’t change anything.
America does or should I say White America does.

Actually assholes like you try and downplay America's racist past as if it was something that happened in another country. Today's German had nothing to do with the Holocaust, but they are still paying for their country's sins.

Tell you what, take leech turn that sum bitch sideways and shove it straight up your candy ass.
Self-Destructive Ethics Are Trickled Down on Us

You've halfway won the argument because the totalitarian class makes us believe there was something wrong with the racial discrimination of the past, even though feral behavior since the 1960s proves that the racists were right; they were only trying to protect America from unevolved races that obstruct human progress if turned loose.
The Grand Kleagle just got back from his cross burning, I see.

That is why I use the word "Oriental." By Oriental I mean China, and nations that learned civilization from China: Korea, Japan, and Vietnam.

Using the word "Oriental" is considered to be politically incorrect. I sneer at political correctness, just as I admire Orientals.

Except that's not what the word means, originally. It means "pertaining to the East" (As Occidental means "Pertaining to the west) When Will Durant started his "Story of Civilization" Series, the first volume was "Our Oriental Heritage, which included not only China and Japan, but India, Persia, Egypt, and the Islamic World. So, really, saying Oriental is pretty much just as wrong as saying "Asian"

That is not what Lisa558 said at all. You have committed the Straw Man Fallacy.
Racist agrees with Racist..What a surprise.

What are the tangible benefits of diversity? How does anyone benefit from sharing a classroom with the illegitimate son of a unmarried welfare mother and a violent street criminal?

Maybe some street smarts.... If you had any, Jamal wouldn't have stuffed you in that locker that you are still bitter about 20 years later.

Managers do not want a good mix. They want people they will like working with, and who will be liked by their co workers.
Actually, what managers want are drones that don't question their bad decisions.
Stop making stuff up about what it is you imagine I want. My big “crime” is wanting whites and blacks to compete equally.

Equally means you eliminate all white privilege, Lisa. Nepotism, Legacies, Dean's interest, the old boy network. Then you really would be competing equally.
The average IQ in India is 82. I am confident that the East Indians who move to the United States have much higher averages than that, but I have not been able to find out what they are.

Yet it doesn't occur to you that East Asians who move here are also the more affluent who have the resources to do so?

Actually, the real reason why Indians succeed is because they work their asses off.
Yeah, the discrimination against Asians is even worse than against whites. The smarter and more accomplished you are, the harder leftists will try to pull you down. It’s all about equity, you know.

Yet Asians vote 70% Democratic...
The Grand Kleagle just got back from his cross burning, I see.

Except that's not what the word means, originally. It means "pertaining to the East" (As Occidental means "Pertaining to the west) When Will Durant started his "Story of Civilization" Series, the first volume was "Our Oriental Heritage, which included not only China and Japan, but India, Persia, Egypt, and the Islamic World. So, really, saying Oriental is pretty much just as wrong as saying "Asian"

Racist agrees with Racist..What a surprise.

Maybe some street smarts.... If you had any, Jamal wouldn't have stuffed you in that locker that you are still bitter about 20 years later.

Actually, what managers want are drones that don't question their bad decisions.
2006 College & University
Guidance, Scholarships, Money and Info Gateways
(For Students, Parents, College Advisors, Mentors,
and Cultural Groups)

SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity: 2003

In recent years the noted pattern of test scores has reflected similar numbers--
Editor, 2005

SAT Ethnic Group Scores (Math/Verbal+total)

• American Indian---482/480 (962)
• Asian American-----575/508 (1083)
• African American-----426/431 (857)
• Puerto Rican----457/448 (905)

Other Hispanic----464/457 (921)

• White-----534/529 (1063)
• Other ----513/501 (1014)


Average ACT Composite Score by Race/Ethnicity, 2003

• African American ----16.9
• American Indian---18.7
• Caucasian---- 21.7
• Mexican American----18.3
• Asian American---- 21.8
• Hispanic----19.0
• Other ----19.3
• Multiracial-----20.9
• Prefer Not to Respond -----21.8
• No Response-----20.1


Actually, what managers want are drones that don't question their bad decisions.
Managers want competent subordinates who perform well and make them look good. They do not want entitled Negroes who perform poorly and think that they are fire proof.
Last edited:
Many black people have suffered even past the days of slavery and Jim Crow laws. That much is true. But then again, many white folks and Asian folks and Hispanic folks, etc., have also suffered.

I’m not in denial. Suffering is a human constant all over the world. Sometimes worse than others. Can you ever wrap you pinhead around that fact?

No excuse required. I didn’t cause any of it. Neither do most white people alive today.

My kids also aren’t part of it. Today and certainly not for shit that took place before they were even born. See how stupid you are?

My mirror wouldn’t show your reflection, you asswipe. You’re the present day racist.
Tolerance Is Surrender. Tolerance Is Treason.

Quit throwing our racial-realist forefathers under the bus. When they died off or lost power, everything went to hell. They were undeniably right, so quit spitting on their graves.
White colonists were behind the slave trade, yea it was great just ask the black folks in South Africa, the Congo, etc.
The colonization of sub Saharan Africa did not begin until after the slave trade ended. While the slave traded existed the black folks in South Africa, the Congo, etc. captured other blacks and sold them to white slave traders.
SAT and ACT Scores by Race/Ethnicity: 2003

In recent years the noted pattern of test scores has reflected similar numbers--

Again, meaningless, because white people can afford SAT Coaches for $50 an hour. The Varsity Blues scandal showed us what a joke Standardized Testing is, and the sooner we get rid of it, the better.

Managers want competent subordinates who perform well and make them look good. They do not want entitled Negroes who perform poorly and think that they are fire proof.

Again, makes me wonder if you met managers....
I've worked with enough idiot nephews, fuck buddies and drinking buddies to realize that managers aren't looking for merit so much as they are looking for obedience.

As I've said, I've gotten two of my last three jobs from referrals. The Old Boy network is alive and well.

I'll even take a hit... I contribute to the problem in that I have a resume business... and I've probably polished more than a few turds and inflicted them on unsuspecting managers.

The colonization of sub Saharan Africa did not begin until after the slave trade ended. While the slave traded existed the black folks in South Africa, the Congo, etc. captured other blacks and sold them to white slave traders.

YOu miss the point of how the slave trade corrupted African Civilization in two ways. First, that so many people were captured and sent over, obviously but also in that the kings and tribal leaders. Because it became easier to trade people for manufactured goods, these nations didn't develop indigenous industries.
Again, meaningless, because white people can afford SAT Coaches for $50 an hour. The Varsity Blues scandal showed us what a joke Standardized Testing is, and the sooner we get rid of it, the better.

Again, makes me wonder if you met managers....
I've worked with enough idiot nephews, fuck buddies and drinking buddies to realize that managers aren't looking for merit so much as they are looking for obedience.

As I've said, I've gotten two of my last three jobs from referrals. The Old Boy network is alive and well.

I'll even take a hit... I contribute to the problem in that I have a resume business... and I've probably polished more than a few turds and inflicted them on unsuspecting managers.

YOu miss the point of how the slave trade corrupted African Civilization in two ways. First, that so many people were captured and sent over, obviously but also in that the kings and tribal leaders. Because it became easier to trade people for manufactured goods, these nations didn't develop indigenous industries.
Again, meaningless, because white people can afford SAT Coaches for $50 an hour. The Varsity Blues scandal showed us what a joke Standardized Testing is, and the sooner we get rid of it, the better.

Again, makes me wonder if you met managers....
I've worked with enough idiot nephews, fuck buddies and drinking buddies to realize that managers aren't looking for merit so much as they are looking for obedience.

As I've said, I've gotten two of my last three jobs from referrals. The Old Boy network is alive and well.

I'll even take a hit... I contribute to the problem in that I have a resume business... and I've probably polished more than a few turds and inflicted them on unsuspecting managers.

YOu miss the point of how the slave trade corrupted African Civilization in two ways. First, that so many people were captured and sent over, obviously but also in that the kings and tribal leaders. Because it became easier to trade people for manufactured goods, these nations didn't develop indigenous industries.
Blacks tend to perform poorly on all the mental aptitude tests, however they are designed. Even when blacks and whites get the same scores, the tests over estimate black academic performance.

The following chart demonstrates that lower middle class whites tend to perform better on the SAT than upper middle class blacks, whose families have plenty of money to pay for tutoring.

SAT 3.gif
The Ivory Tower Is the Tower of Babel. It Needs to Crumble Into Rubble.

Do athletes need any extra criteria to get accepted for playing college football? Judge these academic destroyers of the economy and culture with the analogy of how they treat football talent, and that includes "scholarships" based on the income of the parents.
That tower is on shaky ground and appears to lack any foundation of truth.

Yes there are minimal requirements that have to be met to be accepted. Here is an example for Harvard

Blacks tend to perform poorly on all the mental aptitude tests, however they are designed. Even when blacks and whites get the same scores, the tests over estimate black academic performance.

Again, easier to perform well when you have the resources to do so.

A black kid is more likely to have to work part time jobs to keep up with the expenses of college, while white kids are more likely to get support from their parents, as an example. I know that I had to work two minimum wage jobs and be in the National Guard to pay for college, and that severely cut into my time to study. And that was back in the 1980's, when College was reasonably affordable. (I also wasted a lot of time on extracurriculars that frankly, were a waste of my time and effort, but they did improve my socialization skills.)

Just as an aside, that I got through college at all is a bit of a miracle, in addition to all of the above, both of my parents were diagnosed with cancer during this time period, and I had to live with my sister and her drunk husband the last few years of my schooling. Not ideal, but still far worse than what a lot of black kids had to put up with.

The following chart demonstrates that lower middle class whites tend to perform better on the SAT than upper middle class blacks, whose families have plenty of money to pay for tutoring.
WHich is why teh SAT needs to go, it's full of racial biases.

The focus of both studies is on questions that show "differential item functioning," known by its acronym DIF. A DIF question is one on which students "matched by proficiency" and other factors have variable scores, predictably by race, on selected questions. A DIF question has notable differences between black and white (or, in theory, other subsets of students) whose educational background and skill set suggest that they should get similar scores. The 2003 study and this year's found no DIF issues in the mathematics section.

But what Freedle found in 2003 has now been confirmed independently by the new study: that some kinds of verbal questions have a DIF for black and white students. On some of the easier verbal questions, the two studies found that a DIF favored white students. On some of the most difficult verbal questions, the DIF favored black students. F
reedle's theory about why this would be the case was that easier questions are likely reflected in the cultural expressions that are used commonly in the dominant (white) society, so white students have an edge based not on education or study skills or aptitude, but because they are most likely growing up around white people. The more difficult words are more likely to be learned, not just absorbed.

While the studies found gains for both black and white students on parts of the SAT, the white advantage is larger such that the studies suggest scores for black students are being held down by the way the test is scored and that a shift to favor the more difficult questions would benefit black test-takers.

Oh, and since I am showing you more civility than you deserve, how big was the smile on your woman's face after Jamal pleasured her... you know, once you go black...

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