Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

All people are the root cause of their own suffering, in most cases.
Tell me how black folks were the root cause of being slaves in this country for over 200yrs. Tell me how we were the root cause for almost 100yrs of Jim Crow. Tell me how we were the root cause for racism and discrimination that we face in this country.
No. That’s just a place of residence. You obviously can’t wrap your head around much of anything else. You’re always looking to blame “the other.” You’re never inclined to accept your own responsibility.
And to be clear, I use “you” in the singular sense.
Explain it for me, if that's the case.
Nonsense. But even if some derive some benefits today from the actions of ancestors, that still doesn’t make anyone alive today either an oppressor of anyone.
Slavery and Jim Crow was Law, that wasn't just some shit a few individuals were doing.
So what? If I was born before or around the time of Rosa Parks making herself be known in that bus, the happenstance of being born around that time doesn’t make me responsible for her mistreatment — or the mistreatment of anybody else from those days. Much less for the lives of their descendants.

You benefit from shit that happened before you were born, too. What does that have to do with personal responsibility?

Your mirror shows you the only racist in this conversation. Still.
You truly can't be that ignorant. Where you born after WWII?
Asians make up 6% of the population and constitute 28% of Harvard's class. They are doing fine.

But if you are so concerned, there's a simple enough solution.
Get rid of legacy admissions, that largely benefit white people and give him one of those slots.
ORRRRRRR. Dont base admissions on someones race. I know that’s a crazy concept but it might just work out.
That is a fucking lie.

Remember when the goddamn Negroes in LA tried to burn down the Korean businesses?
You mean when they were burning down their neighborhoods, how many Korean businesses do you see in predominately white neighborhoods? How many Indian businesses do you see in predominately white neighborhoods? Why is it that everyone comes to our neighborhoods to set up shop? How many black folks own businesses in black neighborhoods?
They also did it big time in the 2020 Negro Insurrection. They targeted Asian businesses.

They want to be given the slots in college for Affirmative Action that the Asians earned.

That is despicable, isn't it?
In 2020 the majority of the protestors, looters and rioters were white folks, WTF are you talking about?
From Camelot Came Kamala

You're still a lawn jockey on the front yards of the rich. The plutocrats, and especially their mooching sons, are the race traitors. Despite all their pretense that "it was the right thing to do," they intentionally turned you useless savages loose on us, knowing how it would deny the promise of America to all other White people.

We are the only freedom-loving race; that's what frightens these spoiled degenerate tyrants. This desecration of America, a country that was built by unprivileged Whites, will continue until the hereditary ruling class is recognized as responsible for its depressing decline and made to pay the ultimate price for its treason.
Here is another dumb ass, racist POS trying to rewrite history.
Well this is where your racism becomes apparent despite your sarcasm. It's okay if Black students go to a lesser school, they'll be fine, yet you act like a white or Asian kid not getting into the Ivy league school of their choice is a crime against humanity.
The crime is the person who’s achieved more being excluded because of their skin color or ethnic background.
Tell me how black folks were the root cause of being slaves in this country for over 200yrs.

I didn’t use the past tense. Also, I did use the qualification “in most cases.” You were never a slave. Your lot in life is largely (albeit perhaps not fully) devoid of any harm caused by past slavery. The Civil War was a long time ago, you numbskull.
Tell me how we were the root cause for almost 100yrs of Jim Crow.
You weren’t. And I wasn’t. For the most part, we weren’t alive in those days and to the extent we were, we were very young. I had not a thing to do with it. I know facts bother you. Too bad.
Tell me how we were the root cause for racism and discrimination that we face in this country.

You weren’t. Neither was I. Neither were most people alive today.
Explain it for me, if that's the case.
Once more time for the tragically slow: we weren’t alive at the time. We had nothing to do with it. As such, we bear zero responsibility for it.
Slavery and Jim Crow was Law,
We’re laws. I know. I read history too.
that wasn't just some shit a few individuals were doing.
Irrelevant. I didn’t say it was. And that factoid doesn’t support your position in any event.
You truly can't be that ignorant.
The ignorance is all yours.
Were you born after WWII?
Also irrelevant for the reasons I already noted.
No .. being enslaved to government benefits which produce ZERO positive incentives isn't biased against race. The point is .. many in poverty would do much better if they severed that umbilical chord.
Really, do you realize the majority of folks on food stamps work everyday. There are men and women in the military that receive food stamps to make ends meet for their families while they are serving their country.
A really smart kid can't get into college because his slot is given to a dumbass affirmative action Negro by pathetic weak White Guilt pukes.
"Racism" Is a Buzz-Word for Degenerate Snobs. There's Nothing Wrong With It.

The upper-class race-traitors don't feel guilty at all; that's just a pose to throw people off from realizing how viciously they hate all other Whites.
I didn’t use the past tense. Also, I did use the qualification “in most cases.” You were never a slave. Your lot in life is largely (albeit perhaps not fully) devoid of any harm caused by past slavery. The Civil War was a long time ago, you numbskull.
No shit numbnuts, but I was around during Jim Crow segregation. Are you going to tell me that it didn't affect any of the black folks who are living today either.
You weren’t. And I wasn’t. For the most part, we weren’t alive in those days and to the extent we were, we were very young. I had not a thing to do with it. I know facts bother you. Too bad.
Doesn't matter if we were young or not, it affected our families which means it affected us.
You weren’t. Neither was I. Neither were most people alive today.
I was and so were my siblings, a few of my aunts, uncles, etc. are still alive today that came up in that era. You don't know WTF you are talking about.
Once more time for the tragically slow: we weren’t alive at the time. We had nothing to do with it. As such, we bear zero responsibility for it.
Alive at what time?
We’re laws. I know. I read history too.

Irrelevant. I didn’t say it was. And that factoid doesn’t support your position in any event.

The ignorance is all yours.

Also irrelevant for the reasons I already noted.
This is like talking to a brick, denial is all you know. Have a nice day.
Really, do you realize the majority of folks on food stamps work everyday. There are men and women in the military that receive food stamps to make ends meet for their families while they are serving their country.
The best way not to be poor is to stop voting for Liberals that create failed Leftest policies that tax the productive people and put barriers in the way of productivity that damages the economy.

That is the thing about the stupid Negroes. They vote for Democrats and Democrats fuck up everything they touch. Then the Democrats tell the dumbass Negroes that it is Whitey's fault. Because you are brainwashed with a welfare entitlement mentality you are incapable of thinking for yourself.

I saw one of your "working poor" the other day when I stopped for gas. The sonofabitch was spending his money on lottery cards and a six pack of beer.
No shit numbnuts, but I was around during Jim Crow segregation.
Bullshit. I’m not saying I don’t believe you, but — ah fuck it. That is what I’m saying. You lie more than Potato and he’s incapable of being honest.
Are you going to tell me that it didn't affect any of the black folks who are living today either.
No. Some folks WERE the victims of things like “lawful” segregation. But again, you silly twat, that’s well in the past.
Doesn't matter if we were young or not, it affected our families which means it affected us.
It barely registered on most of the young at that time. And it has long since been done away with. The present day impact of that past injustice is virtually non existent.
I was and so were my siblings, a few of my aunts, uncles, etc. are still alive today that came up in that era. You don't know WTF you are talking about.
Sure I do. As I noted, you’re dishonest.
Alive at what time?
At the time.
This is like talking to a brick, denial is all you know. Have a nice day.
I agree except you’re not nearly as smart as a brick. You have a nice day, too.
Stop with your fucking Moon Bat denial. It just makes you look like a fucking idiot.

That wasn't even the worst thing the sonofabitch said.

The Worst Thing Lyndon B. Johnson Said Wasn't, “I’ll Have Them N*ggers Voting Democratic for Two Hundred Years.”
And the Traitor Made Sure Richkids and College Graduates Would Never Have to Fight

How about, "I will not send American boys 10,000 miles away from home to fight a war that Asian boys should fight themselves." That got him elected in 1964, in a landslide.

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