Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

Yeah, Blacks only commit 36% of all violent crimes while comprising 13% of the population.
Are you proud of yourself? Do you want a fucking medal for committing only 8% less violent crime than white people who are 5 times your population?

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Dumb ass.
What is that to be proud of, what % of black folks do you think commit violent crimes? What % of that 36% is repeat offenders?
So black folks should just be happy you were white enough to give us something.
The Obama phone came from Obama ..

... and I would be pissed if the government continued to enslave me to freebies because of my social and economic state that provides ZERO incentive to better oneself ... but .. that's not my problem to solve -- those on government benefits should be demanding positive action to become independent and on the road to success ... instead of just more freebies to appease this group.
Who is the root cause of their suffering?
the root cause of their suffering is the fact that blacks enslaved them and sold them to white slave traders. Whites did not enter the interior of sub Saharan Africa when the slave trade existed because they lacked resistance to African diseases.
22 Genes Linked to Intelligence | Creyos (formerly Cambridge Brain Sciences) Blog

A practical question comes to mind when examining this research: is everyone born with a certain intelligence level that can’t be changed? Not exactly. This is where the magnitude of the effect becomes relevant. A gene being statistically associated with intelligence does not mean it is solely responsible for how well you’ll do on an IQ test. A lot of other factors come into play, and a gene is only one.

Which leads to a key statistic: together, these 22 genes accounted for about 5% of the differences in intelligence scores.

So there is still a lot other stuff (to use a non-scientific term) contributing to intelligence aside from genes, including upbringing, lifestyle, and even technology
—after all, even if a gene 100% destines you to be born with blonde hair, you can still use the amazing human invention of hair dye to turn it purple.

If you are talking in the context of individuals then yes LeBron James and Stephen Hawkins had exceptional genes, in different respects. When we're talking averages across populations the vast differences we see in IQs is a result of environmental factors.
The white slave trade was crushed by the British Navy. After Europeans conquered sub Saharan Africa they crushed the Muslim slave trade.

Muslims castrated male slaves. In addition they cut off the penises of black male slaves. Many black male slaves died as a result.
White slave owners in America raped black men who were slaves, what does that say about your ancestors.
Who is the root cause of their suffering?

I live in America, that's what I can wrap my head around.

Plenty of white folks living today benefitted from it. Also ther are plenty of us living today that were living during Jim Crow.

They like you will benefit from shit that took place before they were born.
Whites in the United States do not benefit from the presence of Negroes. Without Negroes the American crime rate would be much lower. The cost of our criminal justice system and our welfare system would be much lower. The downtown areas of our cities would not be asphalt jungles of crime and moral depravity. They would be centers of civilization.
The Obama phone came from Obama ..

... and I would be pissed if the government continued to enslave me to freebies because of my social and economic state that provides ZERO incentive to better oneself ... but .. that's not my problem to solve -- those on government benefits should be demanding positive action to become independent and on the road to success ... instead of just more freebies to appease this group.
How many freebies have whites rec'd? How many whites rec'd Obama phones?
the root cause of their suffering is the fact that blacks enslaved them and sold them to white slave traders. Whites did not enter the interior of sub Saharan Africa when the slave trade existed because they lacked resistance to African diseases.
So that's your excuse?
As a Jewish woman, you should never accuse someone black if having an entirled attitude.

Yea I guess it wasn't all the whining that got us out of slavery and Jim Crow, was it?
And there you go with a dig against a Jewish woman, using a stereotype. And then you call other people bigots. The irony….

And what got you out of slavery were hundreds of thousands of white boys who sacrificed their lives, and out of Jim Crow due to white leaders who saw the wrong in it.

These days, you have nothing to whine about. You are being favored above whites - for college, for grad school, for jobs, for promotions.
White slave owners in America raped black men who were slaves, what does that say about your ancestors.
None of my ancestors ever owned slaves. Two fought in the Union Army during the Civil War. Rape is never justified. Nevertheless, the behavior of some white slave owners is the reason most American Negroes have some white ancestry. This in turn is the reason American Negroes have average IQ's of 85, rather than 70, which is the average for African Negroes.
How many freebies have whites rec'd? How many whites rec'd Obama phones?
Irrelevant .. doesn't negate the status of those in poverty on government benefits with ZERO incentive to better themselves or that blacks commit the lion share of violent crimes.

Asians are treated as second class citizens when it comes to Affirmative Action, and the leftist prefer supporting under-performing and lackluster school candidates in the name of diversity over well-qualified Asian candidates who would produce excellent outcomes.
Do you even know what an allele is? The word "gene" is often used when the word "allele" would be correct. Properly speaking, a gene is a location on a chromosome. A gene may contain one of several alleles. For example, there is one gene for eye color. The gene for eye color may be for light brown, dark brown, blue, grey, or green eyes. Many alleles in many genes work together to determine intelligence.
If many alleles in many genes work together to form intelligence what's wrong with simply saying genes generally if genes contain alleles? It less specific it is not however, incorrect.

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