Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

Who is the root cause of their suffering?
All people are the root cause of their own suffering, in most cases.
I live in America, that's what I can wrap my head around.
No. That’s just a place of residence. You obviously can’t wrap your head around much of anything else. You’re always looking to blame “the other.” You’re never inclined to accept your own responsibility.
And to be clear, I use “you” in the singular sense.
Plenty of white folks living today benefitted from it.
Nonsense. But even if some derive some benefits today from the actions of ancestors, that still doesn’t make anyone alive today either an oppressor of anyone.
Also ther are plenty of us living today that were living during Jim Crow.
So what? If I was born before or around the time of Rosa Parks making herself be known in that bus, the happenstance of being born around that time doesn’t make me responsible for her mistreatment — or the mistreatment of anybody else from those days. Much less for the lives of their descendants.
They like you will benefit from shit that took place before they were born.
You benefit from shit that happened before you were born, too. What does that have to do with personal responsibility?
Your mirror will show your racist ass not me.

Your mirror shows you the only racist in this conversation. Still.
22 Genes Linked to Intelligence | Creyos (formerly Cambridge Brain Sciences) Blog

A practical question comes to mind when examining this research: is everyone born with a certain intelligence level that can’t be changed? Not exactly. This is where the magnitude of the effect becomes relevant. A gene being statistically associated with intelligence does not mean it is solely responsible for how well you’ll do on an IQ test. A lot of other factors come into play, and a gene is only one.

Which leads to a key statistic: together, these 22 genes accounted for about 5% of the differences in intelligence scores.

So there is still a lot other stuff (to use a non-scientific term) contributing to intelligence aside from genes, including upbringing, lifestyle, and even technology
—after all, even if a gene 100% destines you to be born with blonde hair, you can still use the amazing human invention of hair dye to turn it purple.

If you are talking in the context of individuals then yes LeBron James and Stephen Hawkins had exceptional genes, in different respects. When we're talking averages across populations the vast differences we see in IQs is a result of environmental factors.
But that is not what you asserted:
"Cognitive ability is largely affected by environment, not genes, at least as far as the IQ test is concerned."

I am talking about an individual, not "averages across populations".

Question: why was I always smarter than my best friend growing up (and many of my classmates) who lived in stable households essentially just like mine? And why were the classmates who were smarter than me always smarter than me?
But that is not what you asserted:
"Cognitive ability is largely affected by environment, not genes, at least as far as the IQ test is concerned."

I am talking about an individual, not "averages across populations".

Question: why was I always smarter than my best friend growing up (and many of my classmates) who lived in stable households essentially just like mine? And why were the classmates who were smarter than me always smarter than me?
It is exactly what I asserted. The link says clearly genes account for about a 5% difference in IQ scores, your personal anecdote not withstanding.
Black folks are not the ones who have discriminated against Asians in this country,

That is a fucking lie.

Remember when the goddamn Negroes in LA tried to burn down the Korean businesses?

They also did it big time in the 2020 Negro Insurrection. They targeted Asian businesses.

They want to be given the slots in college for Affirmative Action that the Asians earned.

That is despicable, isn't it?
He hates meritocracy in education.

He loves meritocracy in sports.
C Students Jealous of A Students

Meritocracy would replace this indentured servitude with highly paid professional education. Only that will get the most talented and inspire them to study. Those who oppose it wouldn't qualify, just like they wouldn't qualify for college football, which is based on highly rewarding natural talent. Let the ambitious imbeciles be walk-ons in academics instead of walking all over our most valuable human resources.

We are doomed because we accept without question this non-starter of getting a job by going four years without a job. Many other absurdities go unquestioned in Terminal America. The toxic ruling class provides all the answers you'll ever hear on this Netrix.
It is exactly what I asserted. The link says clearly genes account for about a 5% difference in IQ scores, your personal anecdote not withstanding.
And you believe everything you read on the internet including blogs?
Here's what Scientific American has to say on the subject:
"Scientists have investigated this question for more than a century, and the answer is clear: the differences between people on intelligence tests are substantially the result of genetic differences"

Also, as I already stated, I was referring to IQ differences among individuals, not populations.
Per your source: "When we're talking averages across populations the vast differences we see in IQs is a result of environmental factors."
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Its not the top score that defines admission but the scores that school deems as the minimal accepted score. So if the minimum score is 90 then at the first hurdle all people who score above 90 makes the first cut. What follows is the other criteria that the school will use determine who makes it and who doesn't.

People are just focusing on the top score as being the only criteria for acceptance.

Students should know that many factors influence admission decisions, including:
  • Courses taken.
  • Grades received.
  • Class rank.
  • Standardized test scores.
  • Personal statements and essays.
  • Recommendations.
  • Extracurricular activities.
  • Interviews.

So top scores does not guarantee acceptance , it just makes the cut at one level. Other levels will be evaluated and they have to make the cut on other levels. There make be score attached to each level and then at the end it is all added up.

So theoretically using your assumptions if a person has the top score and has no recommendation that it does not matter as they have the top scores.

That is not the way it works. They want the complete picture of the person not just that they can study well and score high and is not discrimination.
The Ivory Tower Is the Tower of Babel. It Needs to Crumble Into Rubble.

Do athletes need any extra criteria to get accepted for playing college football? Judge these academic destroyers of the economy and culture with the analogy of how they treat football talent, and that includes "scholarships" based on the income of the parents.
Post the statistics proving any of that bullshit. You are like most racist, you long for the Good Ole Days. I guess you will be happy when black students can only attend HBCUs again. Are those the days you are praying for your Orange God to bring back. Are there any white kids who get in that don't have better metrics or is that excuse just reserved for black kids.
From Camelot Came Kamala

You're still a lawn jockey on the front yards of the rich. The plutocrats, and especially their mooching sons, are the race traitors. Despite all their pretense that "it was the right thing to do," they intentionally turned you useless savages loose on us, knowing how it would deny the promise of America to all other White people.

We are the only freedom-loving race; that's what frightens these spoiled degenerate tyrants. This desecration of America, a country that was built by unprivileged Whites, will continue until the hereditary ruling class is recognized as responsible for its depressing decline and made to pay the ultimate price for its treason.
How many freebies have whites rec'd? How many whites rec'd Obama phones?
Where were you when I was working hard to pass very difficult engineering courses?

Sitting around watching basketball and drinking Colt Malt Liquor with your bruthas?
1590 lol
I can do that score in only 3 tests !!!

Well. combined lol

Yet Asians all vote D
Who Here Got a Higher Score?

I got 1472 without studying for it much, because by that time I realized that college was childish and an insult to intelligence.

(Only a slavish wimp would refuse to post a personal achievement because a gaggle of @s would pretend they don't believe it.)

I qualified for National Merit, but when they wanted me to state my parents' income, I knew that colleges would never ask that for an athletic "scholarship," so, out of disgust with their qualifications for Merit, I threw the form away. Not that my parents made that much, but I knew by then what the fake-Merit was really asking.
Legacy admission is a good thing.
Far More Important Is That They Get Adult Allowances
And remember, GPA/Test score has never been the sole criteria for admissions. All of these students are going to be highly qualified regardless of race. Why shouldn’t the Black student have the opportunity if he excels in other aspects?
Because it doesn’t happen in a vacuum! There are a finite number of slots. Why shouldn’t the White student who has a better GPA and a much higher score than the Black who is usurping him (because of skin color) have the opportunity?

You are very happy to have the whites and Asians (and Jews too of course) go to lesser schools when they have top academic credentials but push back hard against the idea that blacks with lower academic credentials go to lesser schools.
And there you go with a dig against a Jewish woman, using a stereotype. And then you call other people bigots. The irony….
How did I know you are Jewish? Oh that's right because you felt the need to let everyone know you are Jewish. You talk about the mistreatment of Jewish folks and then you turn around and show that you are racist against black folks.
And what got you out of slavery were hundreds of thousands of white boys who sacrificed their lives, and out of Jim Crow due to white leaders who saw the wrong in it.
Who were those white boys fighting against? Oh that's right other white boys. How many years and how many lives did it take for those white leaders to see that it was wrong? Don't act like it was just out of the goodness of their heart all of a sudden that Slavery and Jim Crow came to an end.
These days, you have nothing to whine about. You are being favored above whites - for college, for grad school, for jobs, for promotions.
There you go again repeating the same lies you have been spewing since you joined this forum.
Then get rid of Legacies, Dean's Interest, Athletic and Children of Staff Admissions, which is how 43% of white people get into Harvard.
Two Wings of the Same Vulture

No, get rid of both forms of unearned privilege. Quit pretending that Liberals are against heiristocracy. The prep schools are the cradle of both Leftism and Rightism. Ideology is not about ideas, but how much it appeals to spoiled guillotine-fodder whose Daddies told them they were born to rule absolutely over all other classes, and especially over all other Whites, the only freedom-loving race, as America used to prove.
Irrelevant .. doesn't negate the status of those in poverty on government benefits with ZERO incentive to better themselves or that blacks commit the lion share of violent crimes.
It is definitely relevant, are the white folks who are in poverty on Gov't benefits with Zero incentive to better themselves? Whites commit more violent crimes than anyone, why is it the racist love to overlook that fact?
Asians are treated as second class citizens when it comes to Affirmative Action, and the leftist prefer supporting under-performing and lackluster school candidates in the name of diversity over well-qualified Asian candidates who would produce excellent outcomes.
Prove it.
It is definitely relevant, are the white folks who are in poverty on Gov't benefits with Zero incentive to better themselves? Whites commit more violent crimes than anyone, why is it the racist love to overlook that fact?

Prove it.
No .. being enslaved to government benefits which produce ZERO positive incentives isn't biased against race. The point is .. many in poverty would do much better if they severed that umbilical chord.

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