Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

For some odd reason blacks go after Asians.... possible jealousy
Same reason antisemitism is more common among blacks than whites….jealousy, or possibly, resentment that a persecuted minority like Jews can overcome that and be so successful.
Gee thxs, so how did you turnout to be such a racist hag.

How do you know what I am owed, since you don't know me from Adam.

Could that be because never has anyone faced over 400yrs of racism, discrimination, etc. that black folks have.
There’s no black person alive who has suffered 400 years of racism. In fact, anyone born after 1960 has enjoyed getting fast-tracked inro prestigious universities and grad schools, and getting jobs and promotions based on race.
Nope. Your assertions carry no actual weight and come with zero validity.

Nope. Gentlemen of refined intelligence like I, simply deny your false claims. There’s a difference.
Black folks have suffered in America for over 400yrs, that's a fact. Now just because you are in denial doesn't change that fact.
Not very much. But the premise there is true. Very few of the actual Nazi Germans of Hitler’s time are still alive. By contrast, no American alive today ever held anyone in slavery from the pre-civil war era. And nobody alive today was ever held in such slavery. Neither were their parents.
That's always the excuse, I guess your kids excuse will be there is not any black folks living anymore from the Jim Crow era.
Application denied. Go fuck yourself you pathetically ignorant racist retard. 👍
Look in the mirror fuck boy if you want a racist retard.
America does or should I say White America does.

Actually assholes like you try and downplay America's racist past as if it was something that happened in another country. Today's German had nothing to do with the Holocaust, but they are still paying for their country's sins.

Tell you what, take leech turn that sum bitch sideways and shove it straight up your candy ass.
You think your nasty, entitled attitude is going to make us whites more likely to give you reparations? The more you whine about how racism holds you down, the less likely the majority of Americans will go along with that idea.
White colonialists in sub Saharan Africa crushed the Muslim slave trade, and suppressed cannibalism and human sacrifice. They built schools, hospitals, electric power plants, water purification plants, and other benefits of white civilization. These are deteriorating now that the whites have left.
White colonists were behind the slave trade, yea it was great just ask the black folks in South Africa, the Congo, etc.
I figured your dumbass would figure it out. Black folks killing other black folks, that is what the racist want. That's why you keep pumping in the guns and drugs.
So you're not denying it?
But sure, blacks are getting all their guns and drugs from whitey.
Dumb ass.
Black folks have suffered in America for over 400yrs, that's a fact. Now just because you are in denial doesn't change that fact.

That's always the excuse, I guess your kids excuse will be there is not any black folks living anymore from the Jim Crow era.

Look in the mirror fuck boy if you want a racist retard.
Sufferred .. with their free Obama phones .. the biggest fucking tv sets to watch their Monday night football, free food .. Compare this to Afghanistan where females are being oppressed and not able to go to schools .. or other 3rd world countries.
You think your nasty, entitled attitude is going to make us whites more likely to give you reparations?
As a Jewish woman, you should never accuse someone black if having an entirled attitude.
The more you whine about how racism holds you down, the less likely the majority of Americans will go along with that idea.
Yea I guess it wasn't all the whining that got us out of slavery and Jim Crow, was it?
Black folks have suffered in America for over 400yrs, that's a fact.
Many black people have suffered even past the days of slavery and Jim Crow laws. That much is true. But then again, many white folks and Asian folks and Hispanic folks, etc., have also suffered.
Now just because you are in denial doesn't change that fact.
I’m not in denial. Suffering is a human constant all over the world. Sometimes worse than others. Can you ever wrap you pinhead around that fact?
That's always the excuse,
No excuse required. I didn’t cause any of it. Neither do most white people alive today.
I guess your kids excuse will be there is not any black folks living anymore from the Jim Crow era.
My kids also aren’t part of it. Today and certainly not for shit that took place before they were even born. See how stupid you are?
Look in the mirror fuck boy if you want a racist retard.
My mirror wouldn’t show your reflection, you asswipe. You’re the present day racist.
It's not. Name the allele and point to its location.
Do you even know what an allele is? The word "gene" is often used when the word "allele" would be correct. Properly speaking, a gene is a location on a chromosome. A gene may contain one of several alleles. For example, there is one gene for eye color. The gene for eye color may be for light brown, dark brown, blue, grey, or green eyes. Many alleles in many genes work together to determine intelligence.
Sufferred .. with their free Obama phones .. the biggest fucking tv sets to watch their Monday night football, free food .. Compare this to Afghanistan where females are being oppressed and not able to go to schools .. or other 3rd world countries.
So black folks should just be happy you were white enough to give us something.
Go look it up yourself, your dumbass might learn something like Norton did.
Yeah, Blacks only commit 36% of all violent crimes while comprising 13% of the population.
Are you proud of yourself? Do you want a fucking medal for committing only 8% less violent crime than white people who are 5 times your population?


Dumb ass.
White colonists were behind the slave trade, yea it was great just ask the black folks in South Africa, the Congo, etc.
The white slave trade was crushed by the British Navy. After Europeans conquered sub Saharan Africa they crushed the Muslim slave trade.

Muslims castrated male slaves. In addition they cut off the penises of black male slaves. Many black male slaves died as a result.
Many black people have suffered even past the days of slavery and Jim Crow laws. That much is true. But then again, many white folks and Asian folks and Hispanic folks, etc., have also suffered.
Who is the root cause of their suffering?
I’m not in denial. Suffering is a human constant all over the world. Sometimes worse than others. Can you ever wrap you pinhead around that fact?
I live in America, that's what I can wrap my head around.
No excuse required. I didn’t cause any of it. Neither do most white people alive today.
Plenty of white folks living today benefitted from it. Also ther are plenty of us living today that were living during Jim Crow.
My kids also aren’t part of it. Today and certainly not for shit that took place before they were even born. See how stupid you are?
They like you will benefit from shit that took place before they were born.
My mirror wouldn’t show your reflection, you asswipe. You’re the present day racist.
Your mirror will show your racist ass not me.

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