Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities


How many times are you going to post this lie?
Blacks commit over 50% of all violent crimes while comprising only 13% of the population.
That's a lie, how many times do I need to post the DOJ stats showing you for the lying racist you are.
Not trying to, your racist history in America speaks for itself.
I don’t have any racist history here or anywhere.

Assholes like you simply seek to have folks who had nothing to do with past racial bigotry “pay” for such behavior committed by long ago people against other long ago people.

You’re a leech. Worse yet, you actively seek to be a leech.
No one is born with a high IQ you dumb Bingo. Intelligence is the quotient of what you know. What do new born babies know?
You could not be more wrong. You could try, but you would be unsuccessful.
"IQ is a type of standard score that indicates how far above, or how far below, his/her peer group an individual stands in mental ability."
It can be given at any age and measures cognitive ability, not knowledge.
I don’t have any racist history here or anywhere.
America does or should I say White America does.
Assholes like you simply seek to have folks who had nothing to do with past racial bigotry “pay” for such behavior committed by long ago people against other long ago people.
Actually assholes like you try and downplay America's racist past as if it was something that happened in another country. Today's German had nothing to do with the Holocaust, but they are still paying for their country's sins.
You’re a leech. Worse yet, you actively seek to be a leech.
Tell you what, take leech turn that sum bitch sideways and shove it straight up your candy ass.
That's a lie, how many times do I need to post the DOJ stats showing you for the lying racist you are.
According to the FBI 2019 Uniform Crime Report, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders.
My apologies. This is the statistic I was referring to: it is for homicides only.
What the fck does that have to do with it?

You want to know history? My ancestors fought and died for your ancestors.
Gee thxs, so how did you turnout to be such a racist hag.
You're so fcking wound up being black it's ridiculous. You're owed nothing.... absolutely fcking nothing.
How do you know what I am owed, since you don't know me from Adam.
Never in history has a faction like the Black race has done so little to improve themselves than American blacks. Never
Could that be because never has anyone faced over 400yrs of racism, discrimination, etc. that black folks have.
Intelligence is not knowledge but one's ability to learn.
There is no objective evidence that one group of homo sapiens has that much of a greater inante ability to learn due to their genes than others while environment accounts for large movements in IQ points within populations. When we're talking averages we're largely speaking about environment.
You could not be more wrong. You could try, but you would be unsuccessful.
"IQ is a type of standard score that indicates how far above, or how far below, his/her peer group an individual stands in mental ability."
It can be given at any age and measures cognitive ability, not knowledge.
Cognitive ability is largely affected by environment, not genes, at least as far as the IQ test is concerned.
According to the FBI 2019 Uniform Crime Report, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders.
My apologies. This is the statistic I was referring to: it is for homicides only.
I figured your dumbass would figure it out. Black folks killing other black folks, that is what the racist want. That's why you keep pumping in the guns and drugs.
America does or should I say White America does.
Nope. Your assertions carry no actual weight and come with zero validity.
Actually assholes like you try and downplay America's racist past as if it was something that happened in another country.
Nope. Gentlemen of refined intelligence like I, simply deny your false claims. There’s a difference.
Today's German had nothing to do with the Holocaust, but they are still paying for their country's sins.
Not very much. But the premise there is true. Very few of the actual Nazi Germans of Hitler’s time are still alive. By contrast, no American alive today ever held anyone in slavery from the pre-civil war era. And nobody alive today was ever held in such slavery. Neither were their parents.
Tell you what, take leech turn that sum bitch sideways and shove it straight up your candy ass.

Application denied. Go fuck yourself you pathetically ignorant racist retard. 👍
I figured your dumbass would figure it out. Black folks killing other black folks, that is what the racist want. That's why you keep pumping in the guns and drugs.
No demand. No supply. Get with it, you lying squirming pussy. Go preaching where it matters. Don’t use controlled substances. And it isn’t the number of guns that causes mayhem and murder. It’s the willingness of people to use them illegally that is the problem.

But, you’ll never figure that out.
That is because you have pretty much destroyed Africa as well, when black folks attemp to do well you come along and destroy it.
White colonialists in sub Saharan Africa crushed the Muslim slave trade, and suppressed cannibalism and human sacrifice. They built schools, hospitals, electric power plants, water purification plants, and other benefits of white civilization. These are deteriorating now that the whites have left.

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