Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

I did exceedingly well for having shown up for it hung over.

I got a 1250 by the way.
It should be based on merit

We dont advance academically by denying the best students and promoting inferior ones instead
Trust me. You are inferior to every Black American who got accepted into an Ivy league college. Lisa likes to play games about averages but when talking about Ivy league schools what she actual means is that black students on average are on the lower end of the elite spectrum than White or Asian students. In other words there are fewer White and Asian elite NBA players than Black ones but every White or Asian player to make it the NBA is still better than 99% of the people on the planet.
This will make some heads explode. Here is Sowell talking about how forcing equity in college admissions sets black students up for failure. Giving Berkely as an example, he says 70% of black students fail there because although the average black student at Berkely is above the national average on test scores, the average white student is further above the national average, and the average Asian student is further still, setting up an unfair situation for the black students. He says the only beneficiary of this systems is the universities who can claim this diversity measure. The don't care about the graduation rates as long as they get their diversity recognized. Sowell suggests that many of the black students at Berkely would thrive at other colleges better matched to their capabilities, but all the scholarship money is at these big name universities looking to improve their optics. Lots of interesting insights here -
This will make some heads explode. Here is Sowell talking about how forcing equity in college admissions sets black students up for failure. Giving Berkely as an example, he says 70% of black students fail there because although the average black student at Berkely is above the national average on test scores, the average white student is further above the national average, and the average Asian student is further still, setting up an unfair situation for the black students. He says the only beneficiary of this systems is the universities who can claim this diversity measure. The don't care about the graduation rates as long as they get their diversity recognized. Sowell suggests that many of the black students at Berkely would thrive at other colleges better matched to their capabilities, but all the scholarship money is at these big name universities looking to improve their optics. Lots of interesting insights here -

Black graduation rates at Berkley for 2021 were 81.4% vs 93.1% for whites. The reality vs Sowells lack of context brings into question what exactly he means by setting black people up for failure. I don't find a 81.4% graduation rate a failure. Do you?
It should be based on merit

We dont advance academically by denying the best students and promoting inferior ones instead
That is what America has always done, now you are concerned about because you don't think whites still have the advantage.
White supremacy is a much bigger problem.
Yea, right Moon Bat. Like all 15 of them in the country.

White people ain't your problem. Worthless ghetto Negroes and Democrats that take advantage of your stupidity and welfare mentality to vote for them are your problem.

The "Man" that keeps you Negroes down is not the guy with the robe and pointed hat on. It is the Democrat politician that uses your stupidity to get power.

You are simply too stupid to understand it.
Black graduation rates at Berkley for 2021 were 81.4% vs 93.1% for whites. The reality vs Sowells lack of context brings into question what exactly he means by setting black people up for failure. I don't find a 81.4% graduation rate a failure. Do you?
The graduation rate got dramatically higher for black students at Berkeley since that interview, so something definitely changed. I guess black students got smarter, right? Couldn't be something else.
Yea, right Moon Bat. Like all 15 of them in the country.

White people ain't your problem. Worthless ghetto Negroes and Democrats that take advantage of your stupidity and welfare mentality to vote for them are your problem.

The "Man" that keeps you Negroes down is not the guy with the robe and pointed hat on. It is the Democrat politician that uses your stupidity to get power.

You are simply too stupid to understand it.
You're too stupid to realize that Black people are smart enough to recognize different kinds of threats. There are the violent threats that come from poor and ignorant white Right leaning voters who come from a family legacy of terrorism and bigotry. There are the wealthy white Right politicians who stroke those hatreds in order to gin up votes and distract from their crony capitalist policies. And there are the moderate Left candidates who denounce the bigotry of the right but largely agree with their corruption and crony capitalism. Black voters are forced by circumstance, not desire, to vote for moderate white, crony capitalist over the racist crony capitalists of the Right but we don't for a second confuse that situational necessity for love of the likes of Pelosi or Schumer as you love a Yankee who we born with a golden spoon in his mouth just because he strokes your racist ego. Never-mind how much he grifts from you.
The graduation rate got dramatically higher for black students at Berkeley since that interview, so something definitely changed. I guess black students got smarter, right? Couldn't be something else.
Well it certainly isn't genes. That's not how evolution works.
Yea, right Moon Bat. Like all 15 of them in the country.

White people ain't your problem. Worthless ghetto Negroes and Democrats that take advantage of your stupidity and welfare mentality to vote for them are your problem.

The "Man" that keeps you Negroes down is not the guy with the robe and pointed hat on. It is the Democrat politician that uses your stupidity to get power.

You are simply too stupid to understand it.
No you racist POS, you are hoping that I won't notice racist trash like you.

How in the hell could any black person belong to a party that is filled with racist trash like you. Can you explain that Struth?
No you racist POS, you are hoping that I won't notice racist trash like you.

How in the hell could any black person belong to a party that is filled with racist trash like you. Can you explain that Struth?
The pieces of shit in this country are the Negroes that commit so many violent crimes, won't take care of their families, riot and loot, use drugs and can't even read or write most of the time but know the lyrics to every goddamn filthy rap song out there.

Just as despicable are the Democrats that use these dumbass Negroes to get power. Like LBJ said "I'll have these Negras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".
The pieces of shit in this country are the Negroes that commit so many violent crimes, won't take care of their families, riot and loot, use drugs and can't even read or write most of the time but know the lyrics to every goddamn filthy rap song out there.

Just as despicable are the Democrats that use these dumbass Negroes to get power. Like LBJ said "I'll have these Negras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".

LBJ said 200 years.
That is why I use the word "Oriental." By Oriental I mean China, and nations that learned civilization from China: Korea, Japan, and Vietnam.

Using the word "Oriental" is considered to be politically incorrect. I sneer at political correctness, just as I admire Orientals.
My comments was not about using the proper name. Whether its Oriental or Asian. The point I was making is that It still covers at least 50 different sub cultures. So simple statements that Asians score better on test is a deceptive argument. Because it is an overgeneralization as it covers a large group of people from different countries. Second not all Asian will score high. That was the only point. That the problem with overgeneralization of ethnic groups and making simplistic statements is a deceptive argument.

General statements that includes all subdivisions of a race is stereotyping and is a deceptive argument.

If I say that ethnic group A is strong based on a few examples then that is a deceptive argument for all of ethnic A to be considered strong.

This whole thread is about playing the race card.

Asians who claim discrimination because a relative did not make it into Harvard. That why is a deceptive argument.

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