Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

My comments was not about using the proper name. Whether its Oriental or Asian. The point I was making is that It still covers at least 50 different sub cultures. So simple statements that Asians score better on test is a deceptive argument. Because it is an overgeneralization as it covers a large group of people from different countries. Second not all Asian will score high. That was the only point. That the problem with overgeneralization of ethnic groups and making simplistic statements is a deceptive argument.

General statements that includes all subdivisions of a race is stereotyping and is a deceptive argument.

If I say that ethnic group A is strong based on a few examples then that is a deceptive argument for all of ethnic A to be considered strong.

This whole thread is about playing the race card.

Asians who claim discrimination because a relative did not make it into Harvard. That why is a deceptive argument.
I agree. What he should have said is that orientals score better.
Because it doesn’t happen in a vacuum! There are a finite number of slots. Why shouldn’t the White student who has a better GPA and a much higher score than the Black who is usurping him (because of skin color) have the opportunity?

Oh, so now the highly qualified Black student is a usurper. :rolleyes:

You are very happy to have the whites and Asians (and Jews too of course) go to lesser schools when they have top academic credentials but push back hard against the idea that blacks with lower academic credentials go to lesser schools.
Nope. I am very happy to have universities employ a wide range of criteria to select the best students for that university’s mission and programs. And when I see a diverse campus with many bright young people: Asians, Whites, Jews, Latinos, Blacks, and more working hard so they can graduate and make a difference in the world, then I think their criteria is successful.

Oh, so now the highly qualified Black student is a usurper. :rolleyes:

Nope. I am very happy to have universities employ a wide range of criteria to select the best students for that university’s mission and programs. And when I see a diverse campus with many bright young people: Asians, Whites, Jews, Latinos, Blacks, and more working hard so they can graduate and make a difference in the world, then I think their criteria is successful.
But you are only seeing people as members of a group - NOT as individuals. And the punishment for being white is felt by the white individual when he is rejected in favor of someone Black with lower grades and scores simply because of skin color.

As I said previously, I thank Gd that my parents (and uncle and aunt) went to college before affirmative action might have robbed them of the opportunity to attend wonderful, competitive colleges simply because they were forced to move aside to let four blacks with worse grades and worse scores take their slots.

You pointed out that my father (since we focused in him) didn’t have to go to the really great school and could still have had a successful life going to a lesser school. But wouldn’t that apply to the black with worse metrics than my dad? Why couldn’t HE be the one to go to the lesser school?

You seemed to say that people like my dad, a poor Jewish boy with impoverished and uneducated parents, and who had to share a bathroom with other tenants in the tenement, and who scored in the upper 1% on the Regents exam and had straight As, should be willing to give up a great opportunity so the university would be more “diverse” if dad weren’t in it?

My dad went from a 4th-story tenement walk-up to a life of a challenging career, beautiful home, wonderful travel, etc., because of the opportunity his brains and discipline EARNED him. That you think he should have lost out on that because his color was wrong shows who the real racist is.

Oh, so now the highly qualified Black student is a usurper. :rolleyes:

Nope. I am very happy to have universities employ a wide range of criteria to select the best students for that university’s mission and programs. And when I see a diverse campus with many bright young people: Asians, Whites, Jews, Latinos, Blacks, and more working hard so they can graduate and make a difference in the world, then I think their criteria is successful.
And P.S. You keep saying “highly qualified” black - and skipping right over the fact that we are talking about “lesser qualified” blacks who get the spots instead of whites with better academic records and test scores.
Again, easier to perform well when you have the resources to do so.

A black kid is more likely to have to work part time jobs to keep up with the expenses of college, while white kids are more likely to get support from their parents, as an example.
I have already posted this. Read it.

SAT 3.gif

I have always explained why this is true. Do I have to tell you about reversion to the average again?
And P.S. You keep saying “highly qualified” black - and skipping right over the fact that we are talking about “lesser qualified” blacks who get the spots instead of whites with better academic records and test scores.
Anyone who gets accepted into Harvard is highly qualified.

Anyone who gets accepted into Harvard is highly qualified.
There are different standards of “highly qualified” depending on skin color. A black with a 3.5 is considered highly qualified. A white with a 3.8 is not.
But you are only seeing people as members of a group - NOT as individuals. And the punishment for being white is felt by the white individual when he is rejected in favor of someone Black with lower grades and scores simply because of skin color.

And they can go to a state college like I did.

Hey, I wanted to get into Annapolis. I didn't get in because I had an overbite. No, seriously.
Went to UIC instead, I was fine.

As I said previously, I thank Gd that my parents (and uncle and aunt) went to college before affirmative action might have robbed them of the opportunity to attend wonderful, competitive colleges simply because they were forced to move aside to let four blacks with worse grades and worse scores take their slots.

They'd be more likely to have been skipped over to provide a slot for underperforming legacies... but you are fine with that.


I have already posted this. Read it.
And you skipped right over the proof standardized testing is biased. Good show.

It’s all about to end. Universities and grad school programs will no longer be allowed to favor or disfavor applicants based on race.

What would really be fair is if each applicant were assigned a number, and no hint of what race they are. That way, Suzy Chen, David Goldstein, and La’Quisha Jackson all will be judged equally.
There is nothing racist about wanting race-blind admissions policies, idiot. YOU are the racist, who is supporting the idea of skin color being a factor in admissions.
When has this country ever had race blind admission policies, moron. If not for racism in this country, everything would be equal in this country. Now tell me when has that EVER been the case.
So because they were fighting the Southern white boys, you can’t give ANY acknowledgement that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of white boys sacrificed their lives to free your ancestors?!

It’s the truth, and your denial of it doesn’t change anything.
Show me where the Civil War was fought to free black folks. What was the reason behind the Civil War?
Damn! Only in the Usurper's America where the education system rejects the best qualified. The Department of Education needs to be abolished.

And he and his family will still vote for the democrats............
When has this country ever had race blind admission policies, moron. If not for racism in this country, everything would be equal in this country. Now tell me when has that EVER been the case.

OK, moron: Everything would be equal in this country IF everyone had the same brains, discipline, motivation, behavior, etc.
Show me where the Civil War was fought to free black folks. What was the reason behind the Civil War?
It was fought for a number of reasons, a large one being that the South wanted to keep their slaves. You can’t even acknowledge that 600,000 white boys died to free your ancestors. THAT is how much contempt you have for whites, while you ironically go around screaming ”racist” at anyone who won’t kow-tow to the “black victimhood“ agenda.
OK, moron: Everything would be equal in this country IF everyone had the same brains, discipline, motivation, behavior, etc.

It was fought for a number of reasons, a large one being that the South wanted to keep their slaves. You can’t even acknowledge that 600,000 white boys died to free your ancestors. THAT is how much contempt you have for whites, while you ironically go around screaming ”racist” at anyone who won’t know-tow to the “black victimhood“ agenda.

And then goes on to vote for the democrat party...the party that owned the slaves, the party that wanted to make new states slave states, the party that started the Civil War, the klan, jim crow, the black codes, literacy tests and poll taxes and fought every single Civil Rights act and the anti-lynching laws........and only voted for the 1964 Civil Rights act when they couldn't keep blacks from getting the vote......

That is how dumb they are....
I have already posted this. Read it.

View attachment 795246
I have always explained why this is true. Do I have to tell you about reversion to the average again?
What is really amazing is that poor whites living in poverty actually score higher than affluent blacks with family incomes between $160,000 and $200,000.

So much for the excuse that whites score higher because their parents can afford tutors.
Who Here Got a Higher Score?

I got 1472 without studying for it much, because by that time I realized that college was childish and an insult to intelligence.

(Only a slavish wimp would refuse to post a personal achievement because a gaggle of @s would pretend they don't believe it.)

I qualified for National Merit, but when they wanted me to state my parents' income, I knew that colleges would never ask that for an athletic "scholarship," so, out of disgust with their qualifications for Merit, I threw the form away. Not that my parents made that much, but I knew by then what the fake-Merit was really asking.

You should have tried to gone Ivy Leagues !!
You must haver a super high IQ

I think I scored around 1050 .. Pretty lousy
But you are only seeing people as members of a group - NOT as individuals. And the punishment for being white is felt by the white individual when he is rejected in favor of someone Black with lower grades and scores simply because of skin color.
Wait, are you trying to say YOU see people as individuals? After I pointed out that these elite colleges use a broad range of criteria designed to present the applicant as an individual, and you totally disregard it?

And, quite frankly, how do you even know he was rejected in favor of a “Black with lower test scores”? He could have been rejected in favor of a White legacy student with lower test scores for all you know.

Admissions have never been based solely on test scores or GPA’s.

As I said previously, I thank Gd that my parents (and uncle and aunt) went to college before affirmative action might have robbed them of the opportunity to attend wonderful, competitive colleges simply because they were forced to move aside to let four blacks with worse grades and worse scores take their slots.

…or four white legacy students with worse grades and worse scores…

You pointed out that my father (since we focused in him) didn’t have to go to the really great school and could still have had a successful life going to a lesser school. But wouldn’t that apply to the black with worse metrics than my dad? Why couldn’t HE be the one to go to the lesser school?

We’ve gone around on this and frankly, it comes down to personal opinion and a bit of reality. He wouldn’t have gone to a lesser school. Chances are if he was so gifted, he would have been accepted anyway, if not there, than any number of other top schools. The aspect is…how would he have met tbe other metrics used to determine admissions?

You seemed to say that people like my dad, a poor Jewish boy with impoverished and uneducated parents, and who had to share a bathroom with other tenants in the tenement, and who scored in the upper 1% on the Regents exam and had straight As, should be willing to give up a great opportunity so the university would be more “diverse” if dad weren’t in it?
Oh, we are to play this game as to who is more impoverished and more worthy, eh?

Your impoverished, tenament raised forbear gets accepted into a prestigious university that values diversity. While there, he meets a black kid, an impoverished son of a sharecropper, also the first in his family to go to college. The kid struggles his first year, but with a little help catches up. The two become friends and open up new worlds to each other, neither having a clue what it is like to walk in the shoes of the other. They talk about what they want to do when they graduate.

The Black kid is pursuing a law degree. The area in Lowndes County, AL, where he is from, is among the poorest in AL. It has no waste water treatment or sewage system, half tbe homes lack running water, and as often as not, raw sewage is pumped out back. It is routinely overlooked for any sort of infrastructure improvements or investment. He plans to return and become an advocate for improving the quality of living there.

I have no idea what your grandfather would do, so you would have to fill it in.

That is the value of diversity.

Who has more of a right to be accepted? Both and neither. It isn’t an entitlement. Nor is it a zero sum equation where if the Black kid gets in he must displace a “better qualified” White kid.

My dad went from a 4th-story tenement walk-up to a life of a challenging career, beautiful home, wonderful travel, etc., because of the opportunity his brains and discipline EARNED him. That you think he should have lost out on that because his color was wrong shows who the real racist is.
That is awesome. Should the Black kid who worked his butt off in college (yes, Black kids have brains and discipline too) lose out because his GPA is a point or two lower but he excels in other metrics - because he is Black?

The real racist…interesting question.

Consider the following…a person who:

Gets upset if a highly qualified Black kid with slightly lower test scores and GPA gets accepted into Ivy League but not if a similar White legacy student does.

Only gets upset if it’s a Black student…not Hispanic, Native American, or First Generation who are also considered under diversity.

Gets angry when too many Black families are portrayed in Disney ads or store advertising…because it is out of proportion to their population.

Diminishes the academic accomplishments of gifted Black students, such as the girl who got accepted into all the Ivy League schools.

Considers Black people, as a group, to have a lower intellegence.

Who is the real racist? :eusa_think:
Wait, are you trying to say YOU see people as individuals? After I pointed out that these elite colleges use a broad range of criteria designed to present the applicant as an individual, and you totally disregard it?

And, quite frankly, how do you even know he was rejected in favor of a “Black with lower test scores”? He could have been rejected in favor of a White legacy student with lower test scores for all you know.

Admissions have never been based solely on test scores or GPA’s.

…or four white legacy students with worse grades and worse scores…

We’ve gone around on this and frankly, it comes down to personal opinion and a bit of reality. He wouldn’t have gone to a lesser school. Chances are if he was so gifted, he would have been accepted anyway, if not there, than any number of other top schools. The aspect is…how would he have met tbe other metrics used to determine admissions?

Oh, we are to play this game as to who is more impoverished and more worthy, eh?

Your impoverished, tenament raised forbear gets accepted into a prestigious university that values diversity. While there, he meets a black kid, an impoverished son of a sharecropper, also the first in his family to go to college. The kid struggles his first year, but with a little help catches up. The two become friends and open up new worlds to each other, neither having a clue what it is like to walk in the shoes of the other. They talk about what they want to do when they graduate.

The Black kid is pursuing a law degree. The area in Lowndes County, AL, where he is from, is among the poorest in AL. It has no waste water treatment or sewage system, half tbe homes lack running water, and as often as not, raw sewage is pumped out back. It is routinely overlooked for any sort of infrastructure improvements or investment. He plans to return and become an advocate for improving the quality of living there.

I have no idea what your grandfather would do, so you would have to fill it in.

That is the value of diversity.

Who has more of a right to be accepted? Both and neither. It isn’t an entitlement. Nor is it a zero sum equation where if the Black kid gets in he must displace a “better qualified” White kid.

That is awesome. Should the Black kid who worked his butt off in college (yes, Black kids have brains and discipline too) lose out because his GPA is a point or two lower but he excels in other metrics - because he is Black?

The real racist…interesting question.

Consider the following…a person who:

Gets upset if a highly qualified Black kid with slightly lower test scores and GPA gets accepted into Ivy League but not if a similar White legacy student does.

Only gets upset if it’s a Black student…not Hispanic, Native American, or First Generation who are also considered under diversity.

Gets angry when too many Black families are portrayed in Disney ads or store advertising…because it is out of proportion to their population.

Diminishes the academic accomplishments of gifted Black students, such as the girl who got accepted into all the Ivy League schools.

Considers Black people, as a group, to have a lower intellegence.

Who is the real racist? :eusa_think:
Blah, blah, blah. Try to justify it all you want, but the fact is that it is RACIST for universities to use skin color as a factor in deciding who gets in.

And you misrepresented other things I have said all to convince yourself that making decisions based on skin color - be it a spot in medical school or a model in a poster - is OK as long as the favoritism goes toward blacks. That is racist.
Blah, blah, blah. Try to justify it all you want, but the fact is that it is RACIST for universities to use skin color as a factor in deciding who gets in.

And you misrepresented other things I have said all to convince yourself that making decisions based on skin color - be it a spot in medical school or a model in a poster - is OK as long as the favoritism goes toward blacks.

The democrats are still racists.......all they see is skin color, as a weapon, a shield and a tool to gain power and money.

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