Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

They can try.

Then the colleges will just throw out GPA and SAT scores and use a holistic approach to admissions.

Do you really want the government micromanaging college admissions?
I want the government to prohibit racist practices.
Is it controversial to say that Asians generally have higher IQs than whites, and blacks generally run faster and jump higher than whites?
I don't care if the spot goes to a black person or another underrepresented group or minority. What I DO support is the goal of DIVERSITY and it's proven advantages to academia and society as a whole.
How does a company benefit by lowering hiring and performance standards for blacks? That is the reality behind what you mean by "diversity."

Diversity is only conceivably valuable when there is no diversity of merit.
Good point. It amazed me when my kids were applying to colleges how important extra-curricular activities were in the selection process. It gives admissions staff more "wiggle room" to pick who they want.
They need that physical education, and sports background so they can keep up with the curriculum at progressive commie colleges, like marching in pride parades, and tearing down police barricades, throwing things at police
Is it controversial to say that Asians generally have higher IQs than whites, and blacks generally run faster and jump higher than whites?
I think Asians study harder than other groups, which is their advantage, rather than IQ

Its an advantage they earned and should be rewarded for
You completely ignore relevant points like school's have never based admissions solely gpa and scores. Or that a much larger share of admissions go to legacy, a system built on insuring Jews and Blacks could be kept out.

I notice you won't address he importance to universities of what they go on to do with those degrees., which is often part of their mission.

Your expressed support of the belief that as a group they have a lower IQ seems to underlie your arguments. Do you deny this?

I don't care if the spot goes to a black person or another underrepresented group or minority. What I DO support is the goal of DIVERSITY and it's proven advantages to academia and society as a whole. I strongly support using admissions to try to steer expertise back towards underserved communities be it minority or rural (often White). I support using first gen as a factor as well because despite the fact they may struggle at first, they tend to give back to their communities and pass on the value of a higher education.

I provided an example of how diversity can benefit individuals on campus using your grandfather fish story.

In putting together all your statements about Blacks, and only Blacks, I get the impression that you would prefer to not have to encounter them in schools, on the streets, in advertising, on television or in movies other than in very limited roles if at all including academics since you assume automatically, that a Black valedictorian can't possibly have gotten there due to hardwork, discipline and intelligence (if it is in public school, you claim low standards).

Why ONLY Blacks Lisa? Why NO other minority...ever on these boards? Can you answer that?
1) Stop your nasty shit about my “not wanting to encounter black people.” That‘s the lying approach the leftists take when a decent, fair-minded person objects to racist admissions policies. In an attempt to smear them personally, call them racist. How ironic.

2) What do you mean by my grandfather “fish story”? That’s another nasty leftist tactic - when someone brings up examples that refute the leftist narrative, call the person a liar and say they made up the story.

3) And I get it - you support diversity over ability and competence. So do many leftists. That’s why we have an idiot ad a Press Secretary and another idiot as a Vice President. Valuing “diversity” over competence is the way to bring about a big decline in America, as we’ve seen.

4) And the reason I focus on blacks is because that’s where the racism is most pronounced (in their favor).

Now try to set a good example as a moderator and stop calling your enemy a liar and a racist simply because she objects to race-based decisions. I am all for blacks getting into Harvard (or anywhere) as long as they qualify under the regular standards, and not have fake workarounds to get them in over better-qualified whites and Asians.
Social Justice Warriors have numbers on their side. YOU STILL LOSE. :D:D:D

If Scientific Research alone was enough to change minds, we'd have done something about Global Warming by now.

A country that tolerates Donald Trump as president isn't interested in "Intellectual Superiority".

You still haven't answered my question about Jeopardy! with Bush, Obama and Trump as the contestants.
If Social Justice Warriors have numbers on their side, why did voters in liberal California vote twice against affirmative action in referendums?

Why is Trump, who I voted against twice, so popular?

I think Barack Obama would win Jeoparday, and any test of general knowledge against Bush II and Trump. He would certainly win against Trump. Bush II might give him a contest.
I think Asians study harder than other groups, which is their advantage, rather than IQ

Its an advantage they earned and should be rewarded for
What about blacks generally running faster and jumping higher than whites, do you believe that?
What about blacks generally running faster and jumping higher than whites, do you believe that?
Blacks from west Africa, and their descendants in the United States dominate sprints. Blacks from eastern Africa dominate marathons.

Black basketball players in the United States tend to be good at jumping. Frequently I will see a black basketball player jump over the basket and push the ball down into the basket. I have never seen a white basketball player do that.
Asians have the lowest acceptance rate in every SAT bracket. The scores of accepted Asians are 140 points over whites, 270 points over Hispanics, and a whopping 450 points more than blacks.

Thank Gd that the SCOTUS will put an end to racism in college admissions.

You are all over the place. All you have is your weak opinions and assertions. Who is discriminating against Asians? The same folks who have been doing it since this country was seized.
Blacks from west Africa, and their descendants in the United States dominate sprints. Blacks from eastern Africa dominate marathons.

Black basketball players in the United States tend to be good at jumping. Frequently I will see a black basketball player jump over the basket and push the ball down into the basket. I have never seen a white basketball player do that.
You are all over the place. All you have is your weak opinions and assertions. Who is discriminating against Asians? The same folks who have been doing it since this country was seized.
I just gave you a link as to how much higher Asians have to score than blacks - on average by 450 points! - to get into Harvard. That’s a fact. Hardly an opinion.

Sorry, but every black has had the benefit of getting pushed ahead of better-scoring whites for TWO generations - and more recently, Asians. Time to compete on equal footing without the handicap.

And why are you so panicked by the idea that blacks won’t be given an advantage? Do you think they are so stupid they can’t get in any other way? There will be plenty of blacks.
Which proves nothing, show me where statement is true. SAT scores don't dictate what a kid is going to do in college.
More denial about the value of SAT scores? They, combined with GPA, are the most likely indicator as to who will succeed in their program. You racists are so eager to get the number of whites and Asians down, and the number of blacks up, that you are tossing valid assessment tools.

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