Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

OK, moron: Everything would be equal in this country IF everyone had the same brains, discipline, motivation, behavior, etc.
So save that merit garbage hag, it has never been based on merit. Thank you for acknowledging that.
It was fought for a number of reasons, a large one being that the South wanted to keep their slaves.
Oh now it was fought for a number of reasons, what would those reasons be?
You can’t even acknowledge that 600,000 white boys died to free your ancestors. THAT is how much contempt you have for whites, while you ironically go around screaming ”racist” at anyone who won’t kow-tow to the “black victimhood“ agenda.
You can't even acknowledge they were fighting against other white boys. How many black men died in WWII fighting to free the Jewish folks from the Holocaust and then come back home and had less freedoms than the white Germans they were fighting against.
What is really amazing is that poor whites living in poverty actually score higher than affluent blacks with family incomes between $160,000 and $200,000.

So much for the excuse that whites score higher because their parents can afford tutors.
Based on what? Your racist ass opinion. Please by all means post something other than your racist opinion to back that up.
Based on what? Your racist ass opinion. Please by all means post something other than your racist opinion to back that up.
You’re getting more and more obnoxious and vile, and I choose to discontinue this “discussion” with someone of your level.
You’re getting more and more obnoxious and vile, and I choose to discontinue this “discussion” with someone of your level.

Super's on a roll. :p

Hey Supe, you left a lot of low hanging fruit all over the place, you should be more careful.
What is really amazing is that poor whites living in poverty actually score higher than affluent blacks with family incomes between $160,000 and $200,000.

So much for the excuse that whites score higher because their parents can afford tutors.
Another interesting fact is that when blacks and whites get the same SAT scores whites still usually perform better in college.
Based on what? Your racist ass opinion. Please by all means post something other than your racist opinion to back that up.
Based on this:

SAT 3.gif
Race Differences In Average IQ Are Mostly Genetic, Not Cultural
Medical Research News 7-25-7

A 60-page review of the scientific evidence, some based on state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain size, has concluded that race differences in average IQ are largely genetic. The lead article in the June 2005 issue of Psychology, Public Policy and Law, a journal of the American Psychological Association, examined 10 categories of research evidence from around the world...

7. IQ Scores of Blacks and Whites Regress toward the Averages of Their Race. Parents pass on only some exceptional genes to offspring so parents with very high IQs tend to have more average children. Black and White children with parents of IQ 115 move to different averages--Blacks toward 85 and Whites to 100.


Heriditarians and race realists have the facts on our side. Anti racists and social justice warriors have the power on their side, but their lies are being disproved by scientific research.


The Present Crisis, by James Russell Lowell​

Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne,—
Yet that scaffold sways the future, and, behind the dim unknown,
Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above his own.

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This is why I kind of think the first Amendment is a mistake, as it allows hate speech...

- JoeB131

Hate speech includes speaking facts JoeB131 hates but cannot disprove, so he wants them to be silenced. Joe's perspective can only prevail through censorship and thought control.
It’s all about to end. Universities and grad school programs will no longer be allowed to favor or disfavor applicants based on race.

What would really be fair is if each applicant were assigned a number, and no hint of what race they are. That way, Suzy Chen, David Goldstein, and La’Quisha Jackson all will be judged equally.

Uh, okay, so then we should get rid of Atheltics, Legacies, Dean's Interest and Children Of staff preferences as well.

But here's the reality. At some point, when dealing with so many qualified candidates, you are going to have to sit down and do an interview. And you are going to find that Ms. 1600 is really good at taking tests but not so much at doing the work.

And now a word from "Resume Man".

Right now, a lot of HR Departments do pretty much what you say. They get a pile of resumes and they plug them into something called "Applicant Tracking Software", that looks for keywords, evaluates the resume for grammar and spelling, and selects the "best" candidates using a formula.

And then they have to give those resumes to an HR person, who has to do the interviewing and screening and realize how much ATS systems really suck. The only thing an ATS system determines is who hired the best resume writer.
This is why I kind of think the first Amendment is a mistake, as it allows hate speech...

- JoeB131

Hate speech includes speaking facts JoeB131 hates but cannot disprove, so he wants them to be silenced. Joe's perspective can only prevail through censorship and thought control.

Yes, there will be a day when people like you are no longer tolerated. You should probably learn how to deal. The Germans and British already ban hate speech, and they are better off for it.

Here's how you can tell you are already losing. You've had to admit that Asians, Jews and non-WASP whites aren't part of the untermenschen.
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Another interesting fact is that when blacks and whites get the same SAT scores whites still usually perform better in college.
Because it's easier to perform well when you aren't working a part time job to pay for college.

I'll tell you one of my pet peeves when I was in college. There was this woman who was on the Swim Team at UIC, and got a full ride on scholarship. (I only got a partial ride through my military service.) Not that the Swim Team or any athletics at UIC were bringing in any money. But Title IX demanded that we have these teams for women, and that scholarships be given out, because, hey, welfare is cool when it's for white people.

This woman was dumb as a stump, but she still had more time to do the studying thing because she wasn't working 3 hours a day at the library in the afternoon, 5 more hours in the evening at a store in the mall, and having to spend one weekend a month doing military stuff at the armory.
Heriditarians and race realists have the facts on our side. Anti racists and social justice warriors have the power on their side, but their lies are being disproved by scientific research.

Social Justice Warriors have numbers on their side. YOU STILL LOSE. :D:D:D

If Scientific Research alone was enough to change minds, we'd have done something about Global Warming by now.

A country that tolerates Donald Trump as president isn't interested in "Intellectual Superiority".

You still haven't answered my question about Jeopardy! with Bush, Obama and Trump as the contestants.
You can make any excuse you like, the problem is you can't back those lies up and you got you rah rah corner just cheering you on.
Asians have the lowest acceptance rate in every SAT bracket. The scores of accepted Asians are 140 points over whites, 270 points over Hispanics, and a whopping 450 points more than blacks.

Thank Gd that the SCOTUS will put an end to racism in college admissions.

Asians have the lowest acceptance rate in every SAT bracket. The scores of accepted Asians are 140 points over whites, 270 points over Hispanics, and a whopping 450 points more than blacks.

Thank Gd that the SCOTUS will put an end to racism in college admissions.

They can try.

Then the colleges will just throw out GPA and SAT scores and use a holistic approach to admissions.

Do you really want the government micromanaging college admissions?
Thats better than putting under qualified black people in positions of power

When is a college admission a position of power?
And after you guys put a Fake Game Show Host in charge of the country, and he proceeded to get a million people killed, you really don't have any business talking about "under-qualified".

Hey, same question I asked Grand Kleagle Hector, if there was a game of Jeopardy! played by Bush, Obama, and Trump, who would win?

My Guess... Obama would get the most points, Bush would be amiable about losing, and Trump would lose all his money on a badly considered Daily Double, and then scream Ken Jennings was part of the Deep State.
sBlah, blah, blah. Try to justify it all you want, but the fact is that it is RACIST for universities to use skin color as a factor in deciding who gets in.

And you misrepresented other things I have said all to convince yourself that making decisions based on skin color - be it a spot in medical school or a model in a poster - is OK as long as the favoritism goes toward blacks. That is racist.
You completely ignore relevant points like school's have never based admissions solely gpa and scores. Or that a much larger share of admissions go to legacy, a system built on insuring Jews and Blacks could be kept out.

I notice you won't address he importance to universities of what they go on to do with those degrees., which is often part of their mission.

Your expressed support of the belief that as a group they have a lower IQ seems to underlie your arguments. Do you deny this?

I don't care if the spot goes to a black person or another underrepresented group or minority. What I DO support is the goal of DIVERSITY and it's proven advantages to academia and society as a whole. I strongly support using admissions to try to steer expertise back towards underserved communities be it minority or rural (often White). I support using first gen as a factor as well because despite the fact they may struggle at first, they tend to give back to their communities and pass on the value of a higher education.

I provided an example of how diversity can benefit individuals on campus using your grandfather fish story.

In putting together all your statements about Blacks, and only Blacks, I get the impression that you would prefer to not have to encounter them in schools, on the streets, in advertising, on television or in movies other than in very limited roles if at all including academics since you assume automatically, that a Black valedictorian can't possibly have gotten there due to hardwork, discipline and intelligence (if it is in public school, you claim low standards).

Why ONLY Blacks Lisa? Why NO other minority...ever on these boards? Can you answer that?
Hey, same question I asked Grand Kleagle Hector, if there was a game of Jeopardy! played by Bush, Obama, and Trump, who would win?
I would prefer Trump

Bush and Obama were “company men”

Created by and creatures of the washington swamp

Trump for all his personal faults was no one’s creature which is why all of washington was against him

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