Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

Good point. It amazed me when my kids were applying to colleges how important extra-curricular activities were in the selection process. It gives admissions staff more "wiggle room" to pick who they want.

Here in Florida, it means nothing, at least in the state colleges
I had to work two minimum wage jobs and be in the National Guard to pay for college, and that severely cut into my time to study.
Any Country That Pays Students for Their Grades Will Dominate This Century's World Economy

That is why college must be replaced with paid professional training, which the mind-control ruling class never allows us to consider. As a substitute for paying taxes, corporations will sign up the most desirable potential employees, paying them a high student-salary and their tuition.

In other words, just what pro baseball does to the most talented high-school athletes. Derek Jeter got a million dollars to sign up with the Yankees, whose return on that investment was 250 million dollars. Those who oppose rewarding the talented up front don't have any talent themselves and know they wouldn't get into college under this system. As was implied in Amadeus, "Mediocrity makes the rules."
You should have tried to gone Ivy Leagues !!
You must haver a super high IQ

I think I scored around 1050 .. Pretty lousy
Westmoreland's West Point Pointy-Heads

My !Q is 152, according to the military's General Classification Test. If they had put me in Intelligence, we would have won the Vietnam War.

Typical of college-graduates' shallow thinking, the G-2 Diploma Dumbos had all the reconnaissance information about how the enemy was setting up, but they came to the knee-jerk conclusion that the Commies would converge on and massacre all the soldiers at one big outpost, "Duh, they're going to do the same thing they did to beat the French!"

And yet George Washington did the same thing Ho Chi Minh did. He kept showing up in full force, however briefly, and the British, li our generic generals, got fed up with playing Whac-A-Mole.
If you are going to flame, add topical content.

Keep in mind the rules, accusations of being a groomer or pedo, or bestiality, or attacks on family will draw warnings.

Keep it reasonable please folks.
WHich is why teh SAT needs to go, it's full of racial biases.

The racial balance that correlates with race is that intelligence, which correlates with race, means that whites and Orientals tend to get better SAT scores than Negroes. Nevertheless, as I have already documented, poor whites tend to score better than affluent Negroes.

Moreover, Charles Murray has pointed out that SAT scores over estimate black academic performance in college. When whites and Negroes get the same SAT scores, whites generally perform better.

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