Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

That’s because it’s a way to compensate for blacks’ lower scores and grades - and still let them in over whites with better metrics. That’s what started the entire “holistic“ approach.
Why do you keep repeating the same lies?

All you do is lie, lie, lie.

Why won't you admit that there are alot of unqualified whites who get into college over more qualified students.
The racial balance that correlates with race is that intelligence, which correlates with race, means that whites and Orientals tend to get better SAT scores than Negroes. Nevertheless, as I have already documented, poor whites tend to score better than affluent Negroes.

Moreover, Charles Murray has pointed out that SAT scores over estimate black academic performance in college. When whites and Negroes get the same SAT scores, whites generally perform better.
Based on what?
Here’s another Interesting yet not unsurprising set of data points that show that first-year GPA is 2.9 for Asians, 2.8 for whites, and only 2.1 for blacks.

And that’s to be expected. One’s college GPA mirrors one’s high school GPA, so that if the college requires higher GPAs from Asians and whites to get in, but is more lenient with blacks, that will show up in how they do with their college grades.

Once affirmative action is abolished, this will change. Blacks who are admitted only because they have as high a GPA as whites in high school will also have the same GPA in college.

Here’s another Interesting yet not unsurprising set of data points that show that first-year GPA is 2.9 for Asians, 2.8 for whites, and only 2.1 for blacks.

And that’s to be expected. One’s college GPA mirrors one’s high school GPA, so that if the college requires higher GPAs from Asians and whites to get in, but is more lenient with blacks, that will show up in how they do with their college grades.

Once affirmative action is abolished, this will change. Blacks who are admitted only because they have as high a GPA as whites in high school will also have the same GPA in college.

This is funny, once AA is abolished you think it is going to destroy black folks which is what you are rooting for. White women benefit the most from AA, let's see how it affects them.

I notice all you focus on is black folks, you don't have a problem with all the advantages white kids have when it comes to college admissions. Folks like you don't call for those advantages to be abolished you only focus on the small % of black kids who attend college and yet you claim you are not a racist.
All you do is deny, deny, deny.
I come with data to back up what I am saying, all you bring is your racist opinion.

Let's look at the breakdown of students at Harvard.

Harvard diversity statistics shows that there are 39.7 percent white students enrolled at Harvard University, 13.7 percent Asian students, 9.46 percent Hispanic or Latino students, 6.56 percent Black or African American students, 3.94 percent students who identify with more than one race, 0.197 percent.

Black kids make up 6% of the students at Harvard, please explain to me how they are taking the spots of Asian kids who double the enrollment of black students. Are you telling me that every white kid at Harvard got in on merit? I notice you run from these questions.
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Do you notice that you and I post hard data, while SuperBrutha just says….lies, lies, lies!
He is not the only anti racist who posts lies. Lies, insults, name calling, obscene words, and easily identifiable logical fallacies are all they have. We have the facts on our side. :)
He is not the only anti racist who posts lies. Lies, insults, name calling, obscene words, and easily identifiable logical fallacies are all they have. We have the facts on our side. :)
When are you going to start posting them. You and Lisa are having a lovefest on lies.
Intelligence can easily be verified by the ability to perform well in school, and in intellectually demanding jobs.
So according to you and Lisa only whites are intelligent, wait now you have jumped on the Asian band wagon as well. Clarify that for us.
I would prefer Trump

Bush and Obama were “company men”

Created by and creatures of the washington swamp

Trump for all his personal faults was no one’s creature which is why all of washington was against him

I didn't ask you who you preferred. I asked you, if you were being honest, who would win an episode of Jeopardy.

You know the answer, you just can't say it out loud.
When under qualified people ride that college admission as their ticket to power after graduation - as bush and obama did

Oh, funny, I thought they got into power because they stood for election and won.

I want the government to prohibit racist practices.

I honestly doubt that. YOu are fine with racism as long as it benefits you.
Aren't you the one who pissed herself because there were too many pictures of black people at the mall?
If Social Justice Warriors have numbers on their side, why did voters in liberal California vote twice against affirmative action in referendums?

They didn't. They voted against amending their constitution in a way taht is already covered by law.

Why is Trump, who I voted against twice, so popular?

He isn't. The man never won the popular vote. He got less of a percentage of the vote than the Weird Mormon Robot the GOP ran in 2012.

I think Barack Obama would win Jeoparday, and any test of general knowledge against Bush II and Trump. He would certainly win against Trump. Bush II might give him a contest.
YOu realize Bush is like a moron, right? All that Coke he snorted in the 80's fried his brain.

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