Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

I didn't ask you who you preferred. I asked you, if you were being honest, who would win an episode of Jeopardy.

You know the answer, you just can't say it out loud.
You would say obama because the lying lib media said he was the smartest black guy in captivity

But Trump may be smarter than either of the washington swamp rats
1) Stop your nasty shit about my “not wanting to encounter black people.” That‘s the lying approach the leftists take when a decent, fair-minded person objects to racist admissions policies. In an attempt to smear them personally, call them racist. How ironic.
Uh, you're the one who freaked out because there were too many posters with black people at your local mall.

2) What do you mean by my grandfather “fish story”? That’s another nasty leftist tactic - when someone brings up examples that refute the leftist narrative, call the person a liar and say they made up the story.
Why should we take anything you say at face value.

3) And I get it - you support diversity over ability and competence. So do many leftists. That’s why we have an idiot ad a Press Secretary and another idiot as a Vice President. Valuing “diversity” over competence is the way to bring about a big decline in America, as we’ve seen.
Uh, you guys made Dan Quayle VP. You really don't get to talk about Harris.

4) And the reason I focus on blacks is because that’s where the racism is most pronounced (in their favor).
They also encounter the most pronounced racism.. but you like to ignore that.
Oh, funny, I thought they got into power because they stood for election and won.

I honestly doubt that. YOu are fine with racism as long as it benefits you.
Aren't you the one who pissed herself because there were too many pictures of black people at the mall?
Based on lib advertising America appears to be a majority black country
You would say obama because the lying lib media said he was the smartest black guy in captivity

But Trump may be smarter than either of the washington swamp rats
Explain why you think Trump is the smartest man alive, is it because he duped a huge portion of the country which would be the MAGA cult.
I admire Orientals because they tend to be intelligent, obedient to the law, and monogamous. I appreciate Oriental cultures and Oriental food. I have read in translations The Four Books and The Five Classics. These comprise the Confucian cannon. For nearly two thousand years the Chinese Imperial Exams, which choose people for the Scholar Gentry, was based on The Four Books and the Five Classics.

Oh, if you are using that as a standard... um, if those exams were such hot shit, then why did all these Dynasties fail?

It seems that if these tests produced the best and the brightest (instead of just re-inforcing class differences), China wouldn't have had the Century of Humiliation.
The racial balance that correlates with race is that intelligence, which correlates with race, means that whites and Orientals tend to get better SAT scores than Negroes. Nevertheless, as I have already documented, poor whites tend to score better than affluent Negroes.

Because the test is geared towards white people and their experiences. YOu do realize that being even the poorest white is a different experience than being black in this country, right Hector?

Moreover, Charles Murray a racist piece of crap who got debunked decades ago, and can't show his face in polite society.
Explain why you think Trump is the smartest man alive, is it because he duped a huge portion of the country which would be the MAGA cult.
I dont think trump is the smartest man alive

But do think he’s smarter than bush and obama
When they are overrepresented in the media they are very tiresome

Its all so obvious what the left is trying to do
And they always pull out that Straw Man argument. Suddenly, noticing that every ad, every poster, every store application brochure, every notice of special sales events, etc., etc., features 12% of the population almost exclusively jumps to “you don’t like seeing black people!”

It honestly IS so tiresome.
When the clown made a comment about my daughter, your coward ass was quiet as a church mouse. Then when I made the comment back at him about his mother and wife, all of a sudden you felt the need to run out and defend the white man.
Do not comment on moderator actions in the open forum. PM the mod. Hell, PM me if you want to. Just stop taking the thread off topic.

And stop trying so hard to make EVERYTHING about race.
Do not comment on moderator actions in the open forum. PM the mod. Hell, PM me if you want to. Just stop taking the thread off topic.

And stop trying so hard to make EVERYTHING about race.
You didn't do that, so why should I. You took it upon yourself to attack me and hide from the white man.

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