Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

To the contrary, you were the one who started in with your hostile attitude toward me months ago by calling me a racist.

I’m talking about this thread.

So I’m adding additional details. And living in a tenement on the 4th floor and sharing a bathroom is where impoverished immigrants lived in the early part of the 20th century.

But you just LOVE to think I made it up because it shows how an impoverished, uneducated minority suffering from Hitler’s savagery could overcome all that to become educated professionals in ONE GENERATION - and that’s without benefit of Affirmative Action. In other words, Jews prove that with the right life choices, values, and discipline, even the poorest, most persecuted people can rise to an above-average level of success.

From tenement in 1949, to homeowner in the suburbs in 1959, and then to a large trade-up house in 1969. In the space of 20 years, from a tenement to a large suburban home - and in the shadow of losing half his family. And you hate the Jews for that success in the face of bigotry.

I didn’t say you were lying. I just said that every iteration you made him more and more impoverished while reducing those same attributes on the theoretical Black kid you were trying to diminish.

No, you can - in about 12% of the cases. But in the remaining 88% of the cases, the most competent will NOT be black - and by prioritizing “diversity” over competence, you don’t get the best in most cases. A big reason why we have so many idiots in the government.
88% are not sufficiently competent?

You act like I’m the only one who ever said that. Lots of posters bring it up. A couple of posters started threads on the overabundance of blacks in TV commercials, and you don’t even blink. But your hostility toward Jews - I remember that time you dug up some obscure article from the early 1900s that made Jews look bas - has you directing your ire to me.

You make everything about you. It isn’t.

Don’t be mad at us because we achieve despite bigotry.
Mad? Not at all. I always root for the underdog. It is just a shame you want the slam that door on those still struggling.

Everyone here knows what a nasty person you are.
I’m sure you are the forum sweetheart. I can’t wait to see what racial atrocity triggers you next.
It doesn’t trigger you.
Thats true

There is a deep animosity of blacks against white over equal oppertunity on TV that has never plagued white-asian relations

There have been countless demonstrations complaining about lack of black representation

So dont act so surprised that race is sn issue when blacks have the upper hand and use it to settle old scores
Blah, blah, blah. Try to justify it all you want, but the fact is that it is RACIST for universities to use skin color as a factor in deciding who gets in.

And you misrepresented other things I have said all to convince yourself that making decisions based on skin color - be it a spot in medical school or a model in a poster - is OK as long as the favoritism goes toward blacks. That is racist.
: having, reflecting, or fostering the belief that race (see RACE entry 1 sense 1a) is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

Cambridge Dictionary

someone who believes that their race makes them better, more intelligent, more moral, etc. than peopleof other races and who does or says unfair or harmfulthings as a result:


If you describe people, things, or behavior as racist, you mean that they are influenced by the belief that some people are inferior because they belong to a particular race.


having the belief that some races of people are better than others or having general beliefs about other people based only on their race; showing this through violent or unfair treatment of people of other races
: having, reflecting, or fostering the belief that race (see RACE entry 1 sense 1a) is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

Cambridge Dictionary

someone who believes that their race makes them better, more intelligent, more moral, etc. than peopleof other races and who does or says unfair or harmfulthings as a result:


If you describe people, things, or behavior as racist, you mean that they are influenced by the belief that some people are inferior because they belong to a particular race.


having the belief that some races of people are better than others or having general beliefs about other people based only on their race; showing this through violent or unfair treatment of people of other races
Not sure what your point is. I already know what a racist is.
Thats true

There is a deep animosity of blacks against white over equal oppertunity on TV that has never plagued white-asian relations

There have been countless demonstrations complaining about lack of black representation

So dont act so surprised that race is sn issue when blacks have the upper hand and use it to settle old scores
Wanting equal representation is wrong? I was wrong about Asians being overrepresented. Quite the opposite. Given Asians are only 5.6% of our demographic, less then half of Blacks and a fraction of Whites, it isn’t surprising they are not very loud, they are more vulnerable.

Asians aren’t happy at a lack of representation either.

Stereotyping groups, whether positive or negative is ultimately harmful to those groups and masks over problems.

The National Asian Pacific American Law Student Association released a statement Monday condemning Students for Fair Admissions and backing the need for affirmative action.

“Asian Americans did not ask to be wedged in the forefront of a court battle,” said Dillon Yang, president of NAPALSA, in reference to Students for Fair Admissions’ argument that affirmative action hurts Asian applicants.

Not only does that argument paint over the varying income and experiences under the Asian umbrella, it also feeds into the racist model minority myth used to sow division between racial groups, Yang said.

He sees Students for Fair Admissions as another way white people in power are using Asian faces to meet their own ends, he said.

“Affirmative action actually helps Asian Americans in admissions in higher education,” he said.

A study by Georgetown University found that with a test score-only admissions system, 21% of Asian American students would lose their seats at the nation’s most selective colleges.

“You’ll lose that meaningful culture at schools, the meaningful interactions, and just overall student life isn’t as valuable as it could be when you have students of all different identities and backgrounds,” said Christina Fong, a freshman at UNC and another member of UNC for Affirmative Action.
The current version I’m sure is produced ny multiple people of likely multiple ethnicities. That said if it were created by all white people or all black people all the words would mean the same as they do now and 2+2 would still equal 4.

Except problems that simple are never on the SAT. Usually, they are word problems with real life situations that apply to white folks more than black folks.

You’re good at what you put emphasis on. The reason Asian kids (generally speaking) do well in school is because their parents emphasize it. They demand it.

Except the ones who crack up and commit suicide.

New research reveals that the youth mental health crisis is taking a heavy toll on the Asian American community. Statistics from the CDC show that suicide is the first leading cause of death for Asian American young adults—accounting for one-third of the deaths among Asian Americans aged 20–24. This is the only racial group within this age demographic for whom this is true.

The chances of you making a living playing a sport, performing, or being famous are exceedingly small no matter how hard you work. But if you focus and put the work in at academics your chances of being successful are quite high. Asian parents focus their kids on what gives them the highest chance of being successful in life. And it’s working.

Except the ones who crack up and commit suicide... again.

NEW ORLEANS – In an unexpected finding, researchers discovered that Asian American adolescents had the highest rate of suicidal ideation, per a 2019 national survey of high-school students. According to a weighted analysis, 24% of Asian Americans reported thinking about or planning suicide vs. 22% of Whites and Blacks and 20% of Hispanics (P < .01).

What page is it on? But let me guess the test was made by white people for white people?

Oh, it's worse than that... (It always is.) The SAT was designed by a racist.

In his 1923 book, A Study of American Intelligence, psychologist and eugenicist Carl Brigham wrote that African-Americans were on the low end of the racial, ethnic, and/or cultural spectrum. Testing, he believed, showed the superiority of “the Nordic race group” and warned of the “promiscuous intermingling” of new immigrants in the American gene pool.

Furthermore, the education system he argued was in decline and "will proceed with an accelerating rate as the racial mixture becomes more and more extensive

Charles Murray... still a racist piece of garbage.

But you just LOVE to think I made it up because it shows how an impoverished, uneducated minority suffering from Hitler’s savagery could overcome all that to become educated professionals in ONE GENERATION - and that’s without benefit of Affirmative Action. In other words, Jews prove that with the right life choices, values, and discipline, even the poorest, most persecuted people can rise to an above-average level of success.

From tenement in 1949, to homeowner in the suburbs in 1959, and then to a large trade-up house in 1969. In the space of 20 years, from a tenement to a large suburban home - and in the shadow of losing half his family. And you hate the Jews for that success in the face of bigotry.

Uh, yeah, funny thing.

They blended right in with the rest of the white people.

The reason why Jews were so badly treated in Europe (other than their behavior, which made them highly resented) was that they were kind of the only minority they could pick on. Europe had no blacks or Asians or Hispanics or Native Americans. Just a bunch of other white people. Hey, didn't that group Kill our God-Man and they engage in some shifty business practices? Kill them! (I could go much deeper into European and specifically German anti-Semitism, but I won't.)

So you come here, and it's a different ball game. Just by being white, you get the advantage of White Privilege, which means you already get bumped ahead of the blacks and Native Americans, who have been discriminated against since before there even WAS a United States.
Apparently you don’t.
There you go again, calling me a racist simply because I am opposed to policies that favor one race and disfavor another.

YOU, on the other hand, support race-based policies as long as whites, and now more increasingly Asians, are the ones who are discriminated against.

Lashing out and calling your enemy that which YOU are is the classic leftist tactic.
here you go again, calling me a racist simply because I am opposed to policies that favor one race and disfavor another.

YOU, on the other hand, support race-based policies as long as whites, and now more increasingly Asians, are the ones who are discriminated against.

Lashing out and calling your enemy that which YOU are is the classic leftist tactic.

Except you want to get rid of Affirmative Action (which also benefits Asians, as Coyote has shown) while retaining programs that favor whites. - Legacies, Dean's Interest, Family of Staff and Athletics admissions.

And then there's your constant mewling about black people on advertising, a black person you saw on the street who scared you, black people having the audacity to want slavery mentioned in history class, etc.
There you go again, calling me a racist simply because I am opposed to policies that favor one race and disfavor another.

YOU, on the other hand, support race-based policies as long as whites, and now more increasingly Asians, are the ones who are discriminated against.

Lashing out and calling your enemy that which YOU are is the classic leftist tactic.
If this is true, why do you equate AA to black folks? White women are the biggest beneficiaries of AA, but you run from that fact.
And you believe everything you read on the internet including blogs?
Here's what Scientific American has to say on the subject:
"Scientists have investigated this question for more than a century, and the answer is clear: the differences between people on intelligence tests are substantially the result of genetic differences"

Also, as I already stated, I was referring to IQ differences among individuals, not populations.
You should read your sources more carefully then. If you're talking about IQs among individuals your source says this: But let's unpack that sentence. We are talking about average differences among people and not about individuals.
Per your source: "When we're talking averages across populations the vast differences we see in IQs is a result of environmental factors."
I believe that's me you're quoting there. It might not be clear from that article but Plomin makes his views of the differences between racial groups explicit here.

Psychologist on a mission to give every child a Learning Chip

As for differences between races and social classes in IQ and achievement, Plomin steers clear, arguing that differences between groups are small compared to differences between individuals within them. Besides, he says, "within a group, genes may explain a lot but the difference between that group and another could be wholly down to environment if one of them is discriminated against or kept in poverty."

 Plomin is an interesting guy. I wasn't familiar with his work before this but he's what you'd call a genetic determinist. What's interesting about that is that people who believe in genetic determinism don't really believe in the notion of merit. Accounting for environment your genes determine what you're good at. At least according to Plomin. Think Gattaca minus the forced social order. Funnily enough, he thinks elite universities or, rather, all universities should be open to everyone. He sees acquiring more knowledge about genes as an opportunity to equalize everyone's opportunity to pursue the things they want to pursue. This isn't a controversial topic when talking about health. We can use genome studies to identify health risks for things like heart disease or obesity and come up with medications or fitness regimes to counter-act these risks. And the thing about these health interventions is that because we're generically diverse some medications and treatments work better for some people than others. You can really tell who the racists are because they see emerging scientific advancements in genetic studies and their predictable capability for social outcomes as a reason to exclude people they want to exclude from social spaces. These researchers want to use this information to increase access to these spaces. You can listen to Plomin talk more about that here.

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If this is true, why do you equate AA to black folks? White women are the biggest beneficiaries of AA, but you run from that fact.
Yeah, I’ve heard that lie before.

Betcha it won’t be the white women screaming when Affirmative Action is forbidden.

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