Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

Differences in outcomes doesn't mean racism.
It does if the test is biased and the white kids get more resources...

Let's leave the test alone, since what I posted had too many words and you didn't understand it. Let's talk about SAT coaching, something white parents can afford and black parents can't. Yes, little Timmy got a higher SAT after his parents paid his coach $50 an hour for months to help him prep.

According to the CDC Asian youth have the lowest suicidality rate as well. What was your point again?
They have the highest rate of suicidal ideation.. This is why I don't like doing links, you wingnuts either pretend you didn't see them or don't understand them.

Asian kids have the highest test scores, the highest GPA's the highest per capita acceptance into top level schools, the lowest mortality rate and the lowest suicidality of any ethnic group in the US and somehow Asian parents are fucking it up?
Up, that they are completely stressed out and have poor social skills.

I thought it was just racist. Dont move the goal posts on me. Standardized tests are just a tool.

No, they are the problem. They perpetuate bias.

That's exactly what you're telling them.
Nope, pointing out realities is not telling them they will fail.

Telling them an inanimate thing is racist is fucking stupid. The test doesnt care what race you are. You can either answer the questions or you cant. The test would be racist if it marked an answer correct or incorrect based on the color of the test takers skin. It doesnt.

Are you a special retard? I just posted a whole fucking article explaining in DETAIL the racial biases of the SAT.

If you do those things you'll be successful regardless of what college you go to. And Im fine with ending legacy acceptance. If you're fine with AA acceptance. They are essentially the same thing.
Well, no, they aren't.
One perpetuates privilege. The other provides opportunity.

If you have the black kid who got a 3.6 GPA despite growing up in a rough neighborhood and working his way through HS, and you have a legacy kid who got a 3.6 GPA because he partied every night, which do you think should get the nod?
Then why did you post "my daughter didn't score high on the SAT and yet she has a BA Degree and will receive her Masters next year." like it's some kind of fucking miracle?
No dumbass, I was showing you clowns that just because a kid doesn't score high on the SAT or ACT doesn't mean they won't do well in college.
Oh, if you are using that as a standard... um, if those exams were such hot shit, then why did all these Dynasties fail?

It seems that if these tests produced the best and the brightest (instead of just re-inforcing class differences), China wouldn't have had the Century of Humiliation.
Knowledge and Understanding Are Too Different Things

The mandarins elevated by that test only showed an ability to memorize books verbatim. In other words, artificial intelligence. So they couldn't deal with problems that weren't in the books.
No dumbass, I was showing you clowns that just because a kid doesn't score high on the SAT or ACT doesn't mean they won't do well in college.
No, but a kid who scores high is much more likely to do well in college than one who doesn’t. And yet, we have all these lib universities giving preference to the kid who is LESS likely to be successful (if he‘s black) and kick the better student to the curb (if he’s white).

Thats all about to end. How deep one’s skin color goes on the PMS scale will no longer be a factor in who gains admittance.
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You are just too funny. Page after page of relatively civil discussion you then you start in and have a meltdown when someone hits back.

You don't know what racist means. You confuse racial inequality with racism. Racism requires a belief in the superiority or inferiority of one race over another.

Does the shoe fit? Or is it like OJ's glove?
How come I’m the only one here you’re calling a racist? What about the other thread where the OP complained about no white families in commercials, and others weighed in about the preference for blacks wherever you look? I notice you skip right over their remarks, but then again, they’re not Jewish. So you’re not hostile toward them.

That’s a big problem with you leftists: the outright hostility to people who are successful, especially in the face of adversity. We all remember Obama’s scolding of successful business owners: “You didn’t build that!”
Your series of drawings ignores the fact that African Negroes were enslaved by other African Negroes, and then sold to white slave traders. When a white slave ship appeared on the coast of Africa the Negro tribes fought each other to capture Negroes from enemy tribes that they could sell to the whites. Sometimes Negroes even sold their relatives.

The last diagram ignores the fact that blacks have a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate.

It also ignores the following facts,

BlackCrime 3.jpg

and the following truth:

Actually, they do.

Thank you for pointing that out. I had not known it. :)
Except you want to get rid of Affirmative Action (which also benefits Asians, as Coyote has shown) while retaining programs that favor whites. - Legacies, Dean's Interest admissions.
Tu Quoque Fallacy

Also, "Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right." Besides, if truth could be told, it is the Legacy Leeches who sponsored Affirmative Action for inferior minorities, not to help those Ding-Dongs of the Bell Curve, but to exclude more Whites, because Whites Who Are Born Rich Deplore, Hate, and Fear All Other White People, the Only Freedom-Loving Race.
"Let Them Eat Other White Plebeians' Bullets"

For the French Revolution. In fact, the American guillotine-fodder instigated the White-Replacement Civil War because of the near-miss European Revolutions of 1848.
You sort of lost me

But it gives me a chance to say that elite colleges such as the Ivy League and others of that ilk are highly overrated outside of their science and engineering departments

Otherwise the snooty blue bloods are serving bullshit educations that are no better than what students get at most no-name state schools
No, but a kid who scores high is much more likely to do well in college than one who doesn’t. And yet, we have all these lib universities giving preference to the kid who is LESS likely to be successful (if he‘s black) and kick the better student to the curb (if he’s white).

Thats all about to end. How deep one’s skin color goes on the PMS scale will no longer be a factor in who gains admittance.
See this is where you show how much of a racist you are, you come with this lame ass argument about black kids with lower scores getting preferential treatment and you ignore all the privileged white kids who are getting preferential treatment and it is a helluva lot more whites kids than there are black kids. Most white colleges have a black enrollment of aboout 5 to 6% black, but that is too many for you. You want it to be 1% or no % black and then you will be happy.
Your series of drawings ignores the fact that African Negroes were enslaved by other African Negroes, and then sold to white slave traders. When a white slave ship appeared on the coast of Africa the Negro tribes fought each other to capture Negroes from enemy tribes that they could sell to the whites. Sometimes Negroes even sold their relatives.

The last diagram ignores the fact that blacks have a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate.

It also ignores the following facts,

View attachment 795825
and the following truth:

View attachment 795826
White folks don't follow those 5 rules and they aren't getting shot, why is that?
If you have the black kid who got a 3.6 GPA despite growing up in a rough neighborhood and working his way through HS, and you have a legacy kid who got a 3.6 GPA because he partied every night, which do you think should get the nod?
Both or neither. That is the essence of a meritocracy.

BTW, you get you're crazy, right?
It does if the test is biased and the white kids get more resources...

Let's leave the test alone, since what I posted had too many words and you didn't understand it. Let's talk about SAT coaching, something white parents can afford and black parents can't. Yes, little Timmy got a higher SAT after his parents paid his coach $50 an hour for months to help him prep.

The test can't be biased it doesn't care what color you skin is. Just because on average black kids don't score as well on a particular test doesn't make the test is racist.

1 kid or another's parents not having the resources to pay for a coach isnt a problem with the test.

Where did you all get the idea that everyone has a right to start from the same place? Your parents' success 100% helps drive your success. We need look no further than the POTUS's son. Hunter didnt get the jobs he's had based on his performance. People werent buying his paintings because he's the next Picasso.
They have the highest rate of suicidal ideation.. This is why I don't like doing links, you wingnuts either pretend you didn't see them or don't understand them.

So they think about it but dont do it? Oh well fuck we should put all the Asian parents in jail for child abuse. WTF is wrong with these people? For God's sake they just have the most successful children who kill themselves at the lowest rate by far in the entire country, but they think about it a little more.

Talk about cherry picking a stat to try and prove a point.
Up, that they are completely stressed out and have poor social skills.

Ok. No one said that Asian parents were perfect. I even stipulated that there was a line to be drawn and they may have crossed it. Doesnt change the FACT that Asian kids on average are doing better in almost every metric.
No, they are the problem. They perpetuate bias.

Nope, pointing out realities is not telling them they will fail.

Are you a special retard? I just posted a whole fucking article explaining in DETAIL the racial biases of the SAT.
You have to be retarded to believe that a test is racist. It's a just a stupid premise on it's face. Is David Duke's desk racist? If a black student answers a question the same way a white student does does he get less credit for the answer? If the answer is no then the test isnt racist.
Well, no, they aren't.
One perpetuates privilege. The other provides opportunity.
They are both something given to someone who hasn't earned it based on their ancestry.
If you have the black kid who got a 3.6 GPA despite growing up in a rough neighborhood and working his way through HS, and you have a legacy kid who got a 3.6 GPA because he partied every night, which do you think should get the nod?

He got a 3.6 BECAUSE he partied every night? What kind of school did this legacy kid go to?
See this is where you show how much of a racist you are, you come with this lame ass argument about black kids with lower scores getting preferential treatment and you ignore all the privileged white kids who are getting preferential treatment and it is a helluva lot more whites kids than there are black kids. Most white colleges have a black enrollment of aboout 5 to 6% black, but that is too many for you. You want it to be 1% or no % black and then you will be happy.
For the 12th time, legacies are not a racial issue.

And stop with the Strawman how I want 1% or no black kids. More of your nasty ass false accusations. I want as many as qualify when competing equally with white kids. What I don’t want is a poor, bright white boy being kicked to the curb for a poor black boy with lower grades and scores for no other reason than he’s black. People like you who support that blatant racism are the racists.

White folks don't follow those 5 rules and they aren't getting shot, why is that?
I am pretty sure that whites are more likely to follow those rules than blacks. I have always followed those Rules. Blacks have a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate. That explains why they are more likely to be killed by the police.
Your series of drawings ignores the fact that African Negroes were enslaved by other African Negroes, and then sold to white slave traders. When a white slave ship appeared on the coast of Africa the Negro tribes fought each other to capture Negroes from enemy tribes that they could sell to the whites. Sometimes Negroes even sold their relatives.

Um, not sure what your point is here, exactly. The primary wrong was that white people showed up looking for people to buy, not who got sold because of a combination of greed and desparation. Why did White people need slaves so badly? Because they killed off most of the Natives in the Americas and they weren't going to grow their own damned crops.

The last diagram ignores the fact that blacks have a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate.
The murder rate isn't the issue here, it's accountability.

When a ZImmerman or a Loehmann or a Wilson can gun down a black person in the street- and sometimes a black child - and get no consequences for it, then black people have every right to be upset about that.

They also have a right to be upset about racial profiling and pretextual stops by the police.

I am pretty sure that whites are more likely to follow those rules than blacks. I have always followed those Rules. Blacks have a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate. That explains why they are more likely to be killed by the police.

Oh, please. The murder rate is actually pretty low for all races... It really doesn't excuse police behavior.

and the following truth:


Okay, let's look at that.

Botham Jean - Shot in his home by a female police officer who got confused by what floor she was on.
Philandro Castille - Shot in his car with his girlfriend and daughter nearby, after he informed the officer he was a legal conceal carry holder. (Silly Darky, Rights are for White People).
Eric Garner - Choked to death for selling loose cigarettes.
Trayvon Martin - Shot to death coming home from the store.

Um, yeah, clearly your rules worked out for them.

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