Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

Sounds like you're a servile little Simp. And by your own admission no less. 😄

"A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once."
What do your insults have to do with my assertion that the George Floyd riots causes demoralization and defunding of the police, which in turn led to a rise in crime?
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What do your insults have to do with my assertion that the George Floyd riots causes demoralization and defunding of the police, which in turn led to a rise in crime?
Which police forces were defunded? I bet you can't even present one. Defund the police was a rally and campaign slogan that never became actual policy, anywhere. Police budgets have increased. As for my insults they have to do with your Simp and Servile nature. A few police drag you into an alley and assault you and here you are telling us how much you love the police and how we should all remain docile, like you did, as they violate our rights. Maybe being a complete cuck is in your nature but it certainly isn't in mine.
Which police forces were defunded? I bet you can't even present one. Defund the police was a rally and campaign slogan that never became actual policy, anywhere. Police budgets have increased. As for my insults they have to do with your Simp and Servile nature. A few police drag you into an alley and assault you and here you are telling us how much you love the police and how we should all remain docile, like you did, as they violate our rights. Maybe being a complete cuck is in your nature but it certainly isn't in mine.

Minneapolis needs a fully-funded police department​

Ideas have consequences, and it is the city’s most vulnerable who have suffered from them.
By Doug Seaton & James Dickey

After the murder of George Floyd, the Minneapolis City Council made good on its pledge to defund the Minneapolis police. It cut more than $10 million from the 2020 budget and then slashed the 2021 budget by another $20 million.

Cause, meet effect: since 2020, hundreds of police officers have left the Minneapolis police force. The Minneapolis City Charter requires 731 officers on the police force as of the 2020 Census. The police force has shrunk from around 900 officers in 2020 to 560 in August 2022. A third of the police force has quit, retired, or gone on leave with few replacements.

The result? Crime like in the bad old days. Carjackings were by more than 500%, murders rose to historic levels, and in 2020, people shot more than 24,000 bullets in Minneapolis.

In the summer of 2021, over a deadly three-week period in April and May, three children under the age of 10 were shot. Two tragically died of their injuries. The third, a now 11-year-old boy, still has a long road of recovery ahead of him.

Police budgets have increased. As for my insults they have to do with your Simp and Servile nature. A few police drag you into an alley and assault you and here you are telling us how much you love the police and how we should all remain docile, like you did, as they violate our rights. Maybe being a complete cuck is in your nature but it certainly isn't in mine.
What two police did to me was so unusual that it has not affected my feelings about the police.

I do not think police brutality is a problem. I think crime is a problem, more particularly black crime. Blacks have a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate. Blacks are far more likely to be killed by other blacks than by white policemen. Where are the protest demonstrations against black on black homicide?

Actually, there are a few demonstrations. Once I read about a demonstration in Oakland, California against black on black homicide. During the demonstration a fight broke out. Someone was killed.

Minneapolis needs a fully-funded police department​

Ideas have consequences, and it is the city’s most vulnerable who have suffered from them.
By Doug Seaton & James Dickey

After the murder of George Floyd, the Minneapolis City Council made good on its pledge to defund the Minneapolis police. It cut more than $10 million from the 2020 budget and then slashed the 2021 budget by another $20 million.

Cause, meet effect: since 2020, hundreds of police officers have left the Minneapolis police force. The Minneapolis City Charter requires 731 officers on the police force as of the 2020 Census. The police force has shrunk from around 900 officers in 2020 to 560 in August 2022. A third of the police force has quit, retired, or gone on leave with few replacements.

The result? Crime like in the bad old days. Carjackings were by more than 500%, murders rose to historic levels, and in 2020, people shot more than 24,000 bullets in Minneapolis.

In the summer of 2021, over a deadly three-week period in April and May, three children under the age of 10 were shot. Two tragically died of their injuries. The third, a now 11-year-old boy, still has a long road of recovery ahead of him.

Did you even read the article you dumb Bingo? It came with this note at the very beginning:

Editor’s note (12/13/22): A previous editor’s note incorrectly characterized Minneapolis Police budget figures in this article. The figures used in this opinion piece related to the Minneapolis city budget are complicated. The referenced $20 million cut in 2021 does not account for $11.4 million in staffing reserves later released to the police department. The department’s 2022 budget is roughly on par with the original 2020 budget at $193 million, according to city budget staff.
Did you even read the article you dumb Bingo? It came with this note at the very beginning:

Editor’s note (12/13/22): A previous editor’s note incorrectly characterized Minneapolis Police budget figures in this article. The figures used in this opinion piece related to the Minneapolis city budget are complicated. The referenced $20 million cut in 2021 does not account for $11.4 million in staffing reserves later released to the police department. The department’s 2022 budget is roughly on par with the original 2020 budget at $193 million, according to city budget staff.
Police funding is complicated. The rise in crime following restrictions on police behavior and the resulting demoralizing of the police is obvious.
Police funding is complicated. The rise in crime following restrictions on police behavior and the resulting demoralizing of the police is obvious.
If it's so obvious why did red states crime and murder rise right along with blue state crime and murder? In fact RED states saw the largest increase in murder.

Myths and Realities: Understanding Recent Trends in Violent Crime

If you really cared about crime and lowering the murder rate you'd be in favor of policies that restrict people's access to guns.
When a white person kills a white person it is nearly always the case that the black person was a criminal at the scene of this most recent crime.

When a black person kills a white person it is nearly always the case that the black person is a criminal killing a crime victim. When this happens the local news media may not report the event at all. When it does, the race of the criminal is rarely mentioned.
Dr. Goebbels used to do something called the "Criminal Jew Report". Why do I think you want to see something similar for black people.

Most murders don't get reported because we have too damned many of them.

70 million Americans have some kind of police record, and we've already discussed how the CJ system is biased against blacks, so of course, if a black person is involved in a homicide, he's likely to have a police record.

The tests are biased in favor of genetic and acquired abilities that promote academic and economic success.

Check your privilege! What the bias is that white kids have the resources to hire coaches, the questions are written in a way that benefits white people.

We saw in the Varsity Blues Scandal how easily the admissions system can be manipulated by the affluent.

Minneapolis, which saw some of the year’s most violent riots, cut its police budget by $8 million. Los Angeles slashed police funding by $150 million, and New York City shrank the NYPD’s budget by $1 billion. As a result, 14 major Democrat-run cities saw their highest homicide levels on record in 2021...

Wow, talk about your cherry picking. First, MOST cities had to cut ALL public services in 2020 after TRUMP PLAGUE(TM) caused severe drops in revenue. IN 2021, those spending amounts on the police popped right back up or increased.

This January, on the first day of his term, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg directed his office to prosecute armed robbery as a misdemeanor and said that “low-level” drug dealers should not actually be charged with dealing. Likewise, recently recalled San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin limited the use of sentencing enhancements for gang-related crimes and generally ended the prosecution of drug or gun crimes found during traffic stops. These examples reflect trends across the country, and several Democratic states have passed bail reform laws that allow dangerous criminals to walk free soon after their arrest. This is a recipe for disaster. We’ve seen it in New York after a bail reform law was passed in 2020. A New York City man committed three armed robberies within 36 hours, having been arrested and then released after all three. Another New York City man was arrested and then released 50 times in 2021 — 37 of them for robbing the same Walgreens.

Blah, blah, blah... the problem with the lock them all up mentality is that eventually, you run out of places to put them. If locking them up made us "Safer", then we'd have the lowest crime rate in the world, not the highest in the industrialized world. We lock up 2 million people - more than any other country, including Communist China. (which has five times our population!)

As for Bail Reform... the reason why that was necessary is we saw poor people being incarcerated for months or years without trial on charges that were eventually dismissed. Awesome, the charges were dismissed. Now you just have to explain that six month gap in employment when trying to find a job, because you know your old one wasn't held open for you. Meanwhile, truly dangerous people who could raise bail money were released on bail.

Pre-Trial confinement should only be done if 1) There is a continuing danger posed by the defendant or 2) there is a risk of flight.
I am in favor of policies that restrict people's access to guns.
Well that's a start I suppose. How do you feel about about addressing systemic police misconduct? The DOJ just released its report on the Minneapolis police department and as with their report on the Ferguson police department, the Baltimore police department found excessive and disproportionate use of force and traffic stops on black and native American residents. You've cried for two posts about how the poor police officers must feel for simply being held accountable for their actions, how must a population feel after centuries of violence and mistreatment and still having to put up with this bullshit?

DOJ probe into Minneapolis police finds racial discrimination and excessive force
Well that's a start I suppose. How do you feel about about addressing systemic police misconduct? The DOJ just released its report on the Minneapolis police department and as with their report on the Ferguson police department, the Baltimore police department found excessive and disproportionate use of force and traffic stops on black and native American residents. You've cried for two posts about how the poor police officers must feel for simply being held accountable for their actions, how must a population feel after centuries of violence and mistreatment and still having to put up with this bullshit?

DOJ probe into Minneapolis police finds racial discrimination and excessive force
The police are not my enemy. Criminals are. Blacks have a murder rate nearly eight times the white rate. My last documentation for this is 2019. I suspect that the black murder rate has increased since then because of the concern for so called "systematic police misconduct."

Liberals are often in favor of de criminalizing the kinds of crimes black ghetto thugs specialize in. I am in favor of de criminalizing police brutality against criminals who resist arrest.
The police are not my enemy. Criminals are. Blacks have a murder rate nearly eight times the white rate. My last documentation for this is 2019. I suspect that the black murder rate has increased since then because of the concern for so called "systematic police misconduct."

Liberals are often in favor of de criminalizing the kinds of crimes black ghetto thugs specialize in. I am in favor of de criminalizing police brutality against criminals who resist arrest.
The police make more enemies for themselves and for society when they continually mistreat a group of people. That is what the facts indeed say they do. If you want to lower the rate of black criminality address systemic socioeconomic injustice.
It's adorable when Hector pretends to be a liberal, or even a decent human being... when it's clear he's neither.

I believe that you are mistaken about the Democrats, and I believe that Democrats are mistaken about criminals.

To begin with, Democrats understand privately that a rising crime rate benefits the GOP. Nevertheless, the will to believe causes people on both ends of the political spectrum to advocate policies that have failed many time in the past.

The Republicans will use fear to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests no matter what the crime rate is. Before Trump, Crime rates had his a 30 year low, but dammit if Trump didn't go out there telling you that there was a Mexican Drug Dealer ready to rape and murder you in your own bed.

The problem is, our crime policies aren't sustainable. We have 2 million people in prison, another 7 million on probation or parole, and another 70 million with a police record. And yes, while the latter group doesn't spend any time in prison, it does show up on background checks.

For example it is obvious by now that tax cuts for the rich to not balance the budget, and they do not benefit those who are not rich. Nevertheless, Republicans still advocate tax cuts for the rich, Then they use the resulting increases in the national debt as an excuse to cut domestic spending programs that are popular with the voters, including many Republican voters.

Well, you are confused as to why the GOP still drinks the Supply Side Koolaid. Yes, it became obvious supply side doesn't work after Reagan tried it, which is why he rolled back many of his tax cuts in the 1986 Budget deal. Conservatives were so upset about it that Bush had to promise not to raise taxes ("Read my lips") and broke that promise when the S&L Crisis hit. Clinton raised taxes on the rich again, and you FINALLY balanced the budget (Partially because Clinton went along with welfare reform and slashed the military budget calling it a peace dividend. I call it a "Kick me" sign, which Bin Laden did. )

Of course, as pointed out, we spend 2.5 Trillion on Middle Class Entitlements and only about 600 billion of poverty relief, so the real problem isn't in welfare spending, it's in the fact that people have realized they can vote themselves money.

Heck, look what happened during TRUMP PLAGUE(TM). Trump and the Republicans increased unemployment spending almost to the point where it became preferable to working for a while. Heaven Forbid anyone hold them accountable for their incompetence in the economy or Covid.

Most liberals - and I am liberal on many issues, as you know - really are naive enough to believe that criminals are decent guys who never had decent chances, and if only we had given their unmarried welfare mothers bigger welfare checks, they would be pillars of the community.

Just read the nonsense posted by JoeB131. He really believes that.
Empirical evidence. The Europeans (some of whom have decent sized minority populations) and the Japanese (who don't) don't lock up millions of people and do have substantial social welfare programs. As much as you bitch about "illegitimacy" (Again, did Jamal knock up your woman when she dumped you?) the French have an out of wedlock birthrate of over 60%, and they don't have the issues we have.

They also treat drug addiction as a medical issue, not a criminal one. They have universal health care and the mentally ill can get their meds.

Just as Republicans have not learned anything from the failure of Reagan's economic policies to balance the budget by 1963 "if not sooner" as he promised in his debate with President Carter, most liberals - myself excluded - have not learned anything from the liberal failures of the 1960's.

Um, I'm not sure how Reagan could have promised to balance the budget by 1963 in a debate he had with Jimmy Carter in 1980. Did he have one of these?

Of course, the real failure of Reagan's policies is that he didn't cut government spending when he cut taxes. He massively increased spending on the military. (Which was a good thing, the military was in awful shape from 8 years of Democrats slashing spending after Vietnam).

The failure of liberal policies, is of course, is that they were never really tried. Tricky DIck rolled back social welfare programs almost as soon as LBJ was out the door. Carter and Clinton were marginally liberals, and while Obama tried to do some stuff, he really didn't try hard enough.
The police make more enemies for themselves and for society when they continually mistreat a group of people. That is what the facts indeed say they do. If you want to lower the rate of black criminality address systemic socioeconomic injustice.
A criminal justice system that is effective for whites and Orientals is insufficiently harsh for Negroes. Before the civil rights movement that was understood in the United States, and particularly in the South. That is why when a black man and a white man committed the same crime the black man was given quite a bit more punishment.
70 million Americans have some kind of police record, and we've already discussed how the CJ system is biased against blacks, so of course, if a black person is involved in a homicide, he's likely to have a police record.
The criminal justice system is biased against people who commit lots of crimes.
A criminal justice system that is effective for whites and Orientals is insufficiently harsh for Negroes. Before the civil rights movement that was understood in the United States, and particularly in the South. That is why when a black man and a white man committed the same crime the black man was given quite a bit more punishment.
Oh. You're just an ignorant Bingo. I got it now. Thanks. :itsok:
Check your privilege! What the bias is that white kids have the resources to hire coaches, the questions are written in a way that benefits white people.
I already showed you this chart. Read it this time.

SAT 3.gif

Black students from upper middle class families have plenty of money for tutoring, but they still tend to perform less well than white students from lower middle class families.
Police funding is complicated. The rise in crime following restrictions on police behavior and the resulting demoralizing of the police is obvious.

Actually, they haven't restricted the behavior enough, because these incidents are still happening, even after Geo. Floyd's murder.

The real problem is the expense of settling police misconduct claims. George Floyd's family got a record 27 Million. Or it was a record until Randy Cox got $45,000,000 after the police beat him until he was paralyzed.

But, hey, that's what you want, right, Hector, more cases of the police putting the Darkies in their place!

Probably because blacks, unlike Jews, have very high crime rates.
Not according to Dr. Goebbels... and he must have been telling the truth, because he had a Doctorate, just like your heroes Murray and Rushton.

It's easy to demonize people, which is clearly what you want.

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