Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

What genetic research have you linked to? The people doing genetic research believe the average IQ gap between white and black people is almost entirely environmental and due to racism and racism inequities.
Race Differences In Average IQ Are Mostly Genetic, Not Cultural
Medical Research News

A 60-page review of the scientific evidence, some based on state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain size, has concluded that race differences in average IQ are largely genetic. The lead article in the June 2005 issue of Psychology, Public Policy and Law, a journal of the American Psychological Association, examined 10 categories of research evidence from around the world to contrast "a hereditarian model (50% genetic-50% cultural) and a culture-only model (0% genetic-100% cultural)."...

7. IQ Scores of Blacks and Whites Regress toward the Averages of Their Race. Parents pass on only some exceptional genes to offspring so parents with very high IQs tend to have more average children. Black and White children with parents of IQ 115 move to different averages--Blacks toward 85 and Whites to 100.

YOu realize that 51% is really a pathetic number given the responsibility police have, right?

Sounds to me like they have a lot of work to do to regain the trust of the public.

The fact that it reached a historical "high" of 64% (Three years after 9/11 and a shitload of propaganda) tells me that some resentment was always there.

Now, compare this chart.


Firefighters, Paramedics and Health Care workers are well regarded.

Cops, not so much.
Local government workers and politicians are even lower.
You said most people hate the police. I proved that it is not true.
I already showed you this chart. Read it this time.

View attachment 796000
Black students from upper middle class families have plenty of money for tutoring, but they still tend to perform less well than white students from lower middle class families.
That sure kills the argument leftists make when they say whitey has rich parents who pay for tutors, doesn’t it? Whites living in impoverished homes score higher than blacks living In affluent families, on average.
So let's review how we've treated black people -

Jim Crow
Sundown Towns
Literacy Tests
Poll Taxes
Debt Peonage
Inferior separate facilities to remind them of their status.


We spend 400 years trying to break a people, and then wonder why they are broken.
How about trying to fix things.
Nope. Alleles or something and Jamal took my girl!
What happened to blacks three or more generations ago does not effect their performance and behavior now.

Where is there evidence of intrinsic racial equality? Blacks look differently than whites. Why should we assume that they are the same under the same under the skin.

Where in history have Negroes ever created a civilization comparable to the civilizations whites and Orientals have created?

Where is there a black neighborhood in the United States where anyone of any race is safe after dark?

If you know of one, you better tell Jesse Jackson about it.

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That sure kills the argument leftists make when they say whitey has rich parents who pay for tutors, doesn’t it? Whites living in impoverished homes score higher than blacks living In affluent families, on average.
There is no point in trying to reason with an anti racist. When they cannot suppress the truth they lie about it.
It's adorable when Hector pretends to be a liberal, or even a decent human being... when it's clear he's neither.
You express hate. Not me. I post facts. You don't.

You keep on saying that we have not spend enough money helping blacks.

What have we got from what we have spent?

Let me answer my own question. Our expensive compassion for those people has been paid back in black ghetto riots and increases in black social pathology.
Race Differences In Average IQ Are Mostly Genetic, Not Cultural
Medical Research News

A 60-page review of the scientific evidence, some based on state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain size, has concluded that race differences in average IQ are largely genetic. The lead article in the June 2005 issue of Psychology, Public Policy and Law, a journal of the American Psychological Association, examined 10 categories of research evidence from around the world to contrast "a hereditarian model (50% genetic-50% cultural) and a culture-only model (0% genetic-100% cultural)."...

7. IQ Scores of Blacks and Whites Regress toward the Averages of Their Race. Parents pass on only some exceptional genes to offspring so parents with very high IQs tend to have more average children. Black and White children with parents of IQ 115 move to different averages--Blacks toward 85 and Whites to 100.

Are you seriously linking to work done by Philippe Rushton? His own University disavowed him and his "research". Jesus Christ you dumb Bingo, do a little more "research" of your own.

Dr. Philippe Rushton

In addition to ethical concerns about the nature and funding of his research, Rushton’s work is deeply flawed from a scientific standpoint. Crucially, Rushton’s works linking race and intelligence are based on an incorrect assumption that fuels systemic racism, the notion that racialized groups are concordant with patterns of human ancestry and genetic population structure. This idea is rejected by analysis of the human genome: racialized groups are not distinct genetic populations [4]. What Rushton described as “races” are socially created categories that do not reflect patterns of human inheritance or genetic population structure. In an effort to explain putative differences in parental care between racialized groups, Rushton also inappropriately applied an ecological theory developed to explain differences between species’ reproductive strategies (r/K selection theory), an approach that has since been thoroughly debunked (e.g. [5,6]). Moreover, Rushton’s work is characterized by a complete misunderstanding of population genetic measures, including fundamental misconceptions about the nature of heritability [7] and gene-environment interactions during development. His work has been criticized, often by other Western University faculty members [e.g., 7,8], on many other grounds. In some cases, Rushton’s work has failed to replicate or stand up to reanalysis [e.g., 9,10]. In other cases, his papers ignored alternative explanations or competing evidence that did not support his racist hypotheses [8].
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That sure kills the argument leftists make when they say whitey has rich parents who pay for tutors, doesn’t it? Whites living in impoverished homes score higher than blacks living In affluent families, on average.
Affluent black families are also more likely to live in poor neighborhoods and have children that attend the same public schools. There's a whole lot of evidence for environmental causes for the white and black IQ gap and and very little genetic evidence. In fact there is none. But what would a Bingo like you know about rational explanations? You just agreed with someone who linked to Rushton's work. Those are the waters you swim in.
That sure kills the argument leftists make when they say whitey has rich parents who pay for tutors, doesn’t it? Whites living in impoverished homes score higher than blacks living In affluent families, on average.
Its clear you don't understand the concept of an average. If LIttle Timmy gets a tutor that raises his score, that raises the average.
There is no point in trying to reason with an anti racist. When they cannot suppress the truth they lie about it.
No point in treating racists as anything but pariahs.

You express hate. Not me. I post facts. You don't.

You keep on saying that we have not spend enough money helping blacks.

What have we got from what we have spent?

Actually, we haven't spent that much. Most people on welfare are white, and we spend far more on middle class entitlements than we do on poverty relief.

Before the New Deal, 70% of the population lived below the poverty line. The problem was, of course, that because FDR conceded too much to the Southern Racists, when he was creating a middle class, it was done with the notation "Not you, Black people". LBJ- did some good stuff, but he was clearly a racist as well.

The problem with the "War on Poverty" is that it was declared but never fought.

Let me answer my own question. Our expensive compassion for those people has been paid back in black ghetto riots and increases in black social pathology.

Naw, 400 years of racism got you that. White people only act decently when black people threaten to burn our stuff.

At the end of the day, we only have two choices.

1) We can fix our injustices.
2) We can live like the Zionists, keeping a boot on their necks living in fear our whole lives.

I prefer to go with number 1. I wouldn't want to live like a Zionist.
What happened to blacks three or more generations ago does not effect their performance and behavior now.

Tell that to your buddy, Lisa. She's STILL whining about what happened to other Jews on the other side of the planet 80 years ago.

400 years of policies meant to break a people and keep them down, and you wonder why they haven't caught up yet?

Let's take one of your favorite Hobby Horses, illegitimacy. Clearly, you are upset that Jamal gets laid and you don't.

Of course, it's kind of hard to develop a "sanctity of marriage" as a cultural norm if the master can fuck your wife any time he feels like or sell off your children if he's running a bit low on capital.

Did you know it was illegal to teach slaves how to read? That was followed up by another 100 years of Segregated schools, followed by 70 years of a two-tiered education system. Yet despite all that, blacks made progress.

He gave me numbers too. I have read from many sources that the crime rate has increased since the George Floyd riots because of efforts to defund and demoralize the police.

If it makes you feel any better, once I was thrown into an ally and beaten up by two policemen. It is a long story, but I had not been doing anything illegal, immoral, or impolite. They must have thought I was someone else. As soon as they looked at my ID they left in a hurry.

Anyway, I followed this advice:

View attachment 795930

That is why I am still alive, and why a lot of black criminals are not. I have been stopped and frisked by the police on several occasions. The other times I was not beaten up.

I still think of the police as my friends, and criminals as my enemies.
More false news.

This white boy didn't follow those 5 rules and he wasn't shot and killed. Hell he even threatened the officers and grabbed his gun, nothing.

Tell that to your buddy, Lisa. She's STILL whining about what happened to other Jews on the other side of the planet 80 years ago.
All Lisa does is agree with me that Jews recovered from the Holocaust, created Israel, and usually succeed and prosper in Western Europe and North America.

They do not say, "Our excuse for usually performing poorly in school and on all the mental aptitude tests in existence, as well as having high rates of crime and illegitimacy is that the Germans were mean to us eighty years ago," because the Jews do not need excuses. They nearly always perform and behave well, thank you very much.
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Of course, it's kind of hard to develop a "sanctity of marriage" as a cultural norm if the master can fuck your wife any time he feels like or sell off your children if he's running a bit low on capital.
Slavery ended in 1865. Two of my ancestors fought in the Union Army to stop it. That alibi got old long ago.
All Lisa does is agree with me that Jews recovered from the Holocaust, created Israel, and usually succeed and prosper in Western Europe and North America.

She does a lot more than that.

They do not say, "Our excuse for usually performing poorly in school and on all the mental aptitude tests in existence, as well as having high rates of crime and illegitimacy is that the Germans were mean to us eighty years ago," because the Jews do not need excuses. They nearly always perform and behave well, thank you very much.

No, they don't need excuses because nothing really bad ever happened to them in this country. They just stepped into the crowd with all the other white people and sucked up that white privilege.

And here's the problem. Originally it was the WASP's and the Blacks in this country. Then all these other white people started showing up. And while they still don't get treated as well as the WASPs, they got all the benefits of being white in this country.
Affluent black families are also more likely to live in poor neighborhoods and have children that attend the same public schools. There's a whole lot of evidence for environmental causes for the white and black IQ gap and and very little genetic evidence. In fact there is none. But what would a Bingo like you know about rational explanations? You just agreed with someone who linked to Rushton's work. Those are the waters you swim in.
Affluent black families live in poor neighborhoods? Doubtful. And even if true, they have the money to pay for tutors - the very thing you deniers say is why whites score higher (as blacks can’t afford tutors).

The chart Hector posted proves your lie: White kids from poor families earning $20,000 or less score HIGHER than black kids from affluent families earning $160,000 - $200,000.
That crude comment exposes your charter.
You seem awfully obsessed about other people's sex lives. The only people who do that aren't getting laid themselves.
You need to get laid. It would greatly improve your disposition.

Slavery ended in 1865. Two of my ancestors fought in the Union Army to stop it. That alibi got old long ago.
That would work if it wasn't followed by...

Jim Crow
Sundown Laws
The Klan
Literacy Tests
Debt Peonage
Separate but Equal (not really)

Heck, you guys don't even want to talk about it in the schools.
Affluent black families live in poor neighborhoods? Doubtful. And even if true, they have the money to pay for tutors - the very thing you deniers say is why whites score higher (as blacks can’t afford tutors).

The chart Hector posted proves your lie: White kids from poor families earning $20,000 or less score HIGHER than black kids from affluent families earning $160,000 - $200,000.

First, any chart Hector Posts is going to be bullshit.
Second, white kids who are poor still have the advantage of being white in this society.

They are going to hang with other white kids, get the advantage of white schools, etc.

I’m not whining about what happened to Jews 80 years ago. I give it as an example that a persecuted minority can overcome the most unimaginable bigotry to achieve great success - and in a single generation. That’s why all those impoverished, uneducated immigrant Jews fleeing persecution raised children who went on to college, and then made it from tenements to nice houses in the suburbs In the space of 20 years.
I’m not whining about what happened to Jews 80 years ago. I give it as an example that a persecuted minority can overcome the most unimaginable bigotry to achieve great success - and in a single ge eration. That’s why all those impoverished, uneducated immigrant Jews fleeing persecution raised children who went on to college, and then made it from tenements to nice houses in the suburbs.

Uh, being oppressed in another country during a war for 6 years in another country on the other side of the planet.


Being subjected to 400 years of systematic rape, torture, forced servitude (which continued after slavery ended, see Debt Peonage).

You see, I'll admit that Nazi Germany was bad and wrong. I'm proud my dad fought to put an end to it (and a bit embarrassed about my distant cousins who enabled it.)

You talk to a German today about the Holocaust, they simply can't stop apologizing for it.

Compared to Americans, where we still put up statues to the slave rapists and fly the Confederate Flags proudly.

Now imagine if you had to walk past statues of Hitler every day and saw people proudly flying swastikas.


(Amazing how the hate groups fly these together.)

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