Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

You are in major denial because you hate the idea that Jews are so successful, despite bigotry - and bigotry that occurred and still occurs in this country. You think you’re the only antisemite here? There are more antisemites than racists - and yet that doesn’t hold Jews back.
A racist is one who acknowledges black social pathology and is willing to talk about it.

I do not like the term "antisemite" because Palestinians are Semites, and the only Palestinians I care about are the Christian Palestinians.

I prefer to use the term "Jew hater." Jew haters resent Jews because most Jews are intelligent, successful, and prosperous. Jew haters have spent their lives watching Jews get better grades, better jobs, and better incomes. Now they fear that they will be fired and replaced by a better paid, more intelligent Jew who will perform their job faster, better, and with less effort, before being promoted to something better.
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She does a lot more than that.

No, they don't need excuses because nothing really bad ever happened to them in this country. They just stepped into the crowd with all the other white people and sucked up that white privilege.

And here's the problem. Originally it was the WASP's and the Blacks in this country. Then all these other white people started showing up. And while they still don't get treated as well as the WASPs, they got all the benefits of being white in this country.
If being the member of a different race is responsible for Negro problems, Why do Orientals tend to perform and behave so well? Most Orientals are more prosperous than most white Gentiles.

A Jew can change his last name from Cohen to Carter and may have a chance of passing for a white Gentile. If Wayne Chen changes his last name to Carter, it will not work for him.
A racist is one who acknowledges black social pathology and is willing to talk about it.

The problem is, you try to pretend that 400 years of awful behavior isn't a root cause of that pathology.

I do not like the term "antisemite" because Palestinians are Semites, and the only Palestinians I care about are the Christian Palestinians.
So in addition to being a racial bigot, you are a religious bigot. Got it. Hey, you know, we wouldn't have all the problems we have in the middle east if we didn't support the Zionist Entity, just saying. If we took the billions of dollars we piss away over there and invested it in education and energy innovation, we could tell them all to pound sand.

I prefer to use the term "Jew Hater." Jew haters resent Jews because most Jews are intelligent, successful, and prosperous.

The problem here is that you think intelligence and greed are virtues. They really aren't. Bernie Madoff was an intelligent, successful person... who made a shitload of money conning less smart people out of their money. He was not virtuous, and not someone anyone should want to emulate.

Jew haters have spent their lives watching Jews get better grades, better jobs, and better incomes. Now they fear that they will be fired and replaced by a better paid, more intelligent Jew who will perform their job faster, better, and with less effort, before being promoted to something better.

Naw, I don't worry about that at all.

I'll tell you what my problem with SOME (not all) Jewish people are. When you start life telling yourself that you are God's very own extra special people (He only created the other six billion or so of us to serve you), then it kind of re-inforces bad attitudes.

Take the Palestine conflict. They didn't want to go in there and live peacefully with the Muslims and Christians who had been there for centuries. Nope. Israel was going to be a Jewish State where the Jews were going to be in charge. And the world kind of went along with it at the time because everyone felt extra bad about what Hitler did. I look at the Zionists like abused children who've gotten big enough to beat up on someone else. YOu can be sympathetic to their past, but it doesn't excuse their present.

Contrast that with black people, who have endured all the things you never want to adress from Slavery to Police Brutality. And for white people, it's often, "Let's find a new way to be shitty." And the vast majority of them aren't committing crimes. Most of them have jobs. They drive to their job every day, and have to put up with the racist cop who pulls them over for a DWB.
You sort of lost me

But it gives me a chance to say that elite colleges such as the Ivy League and others of that ilk are highly overrated outside of their science and engineering departments

Otherwise the snooty blue bloods are serving bullshit educations that are no better than what students get at most no-name state schools
Americans' Income Is More Dependent on the Income of Their Parents Than on Their "Education"

Their expensive prep schools can't make their stupid brats smart. So they solved that problem by dumbing-down public schools, which bootlicking Preppy-lovers call "government schools."
The problem is, you try to pretend that 400 years of awful behavior isn't a root cause of that pathology.
It is not. Black problems are caused by the fact that human evolution did not prepare most of them for the requirements of civilization. Characteristics that enhanced the ability of the ancestors of Negroes to thrive in the tribal environment of sub Saharan Africa cause many Negroes to earn felony convictions in civilized countries.

In Africa, until white invented cures for African diseases, there was no defense against them. They could strike and kill anyone. It made biological sense to have as many children as possible with as many people as possible, in hopes that some might survive. Since the War on Poverty was declared in 1965 that is the way many, perhaps most Negroes choose to live.

Persecution selected the Ashkenazim for their high IQ averages. For centuries in Christian countries Jews were not allowed to practice most trades. They were allowed to practice money lending, which Christians were rarely allowed to practice. Money lending required the ability to learn complex skills. Jewish men who could not learn the skills did not have children, or they left the faith.

Moreover, the fact that Jews were sometimes forced to move from one country to another favored the ability to learn new languages, and to adjust to new circumstances.

Persecution gave American Negroes nothing but excuses for their social pathologies. When I was a child, a teenager, and a young adult I made excuses for those people too. When I got older I got tired of making those excuses. Now I am tired of hearing them.
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If being the member of a different race is responsible for Negro problems, Why do Orientals tend to perform and behave so well? Most Orientals are more prosperous than most white Gentiles.

Um, we've addressed this dozens of times.

Asians (only Rugs are "Oriental") mostly live in poverty. Most of China is still dirt poor. Vietnam is poor. Laos is Poor. Thailand is Poor. The Philippines are poor. They are eating grass in North Korea. The only countries in Asia you can call "Prosperous" are S. Korea, Taiwan and Japan, all of which had the benefit of America pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into them lest they think communism is a good idea.

(Come to think of it, blacks should try that. They should elect openly communist members and spew mutilated Marxism. That'll really scare the shit out of white people.)

As for Asians who live here, um, okay. Most of the ones who do had the resources to come here and start businesses. So in my area, all the Chinese own Massage Places, the Koreans own Dry Cleaners and the Indians own 7-11's. SO, yes, good on them, but no one brought them over in chains or passed a law telling them they couldn't marry white people.

A Jew can change his last name from Cohen to Carter and may have a chance of passing for a white Gentile. If Wayne Chen changes his last name to Carter, it will not work for him.

Oh, I don't know. I had a real estate agent who was Asian and had a Irish sounding first name and a French sounding last name (through her husband). My second way of guessing what nationality an Asian is by accent. No luck there, she had a completely midwestern accent. And I was never so impolite to ask her what Nationality she was, because hey, she's as American as I am, probably just one generation off the boat. I later figured out she was of Japanese ancestry when she friended me on Facebook and all her relatives had Japanese names.

Now, funny thing. A Chinese does not see a Japanese as a kindred Asian (much less Oriental) person. They see themselves as Chinese. Filipinos see themselves as Filipino. Indians, if you get to know them, see themselves as "Desi" (South Asian), but there are real hostilities between state groups. For instance, in India, the Gujarati are a discriminated against class in India, but when they come to America, they often do well, because no one here cares about that stuff.
It is not. Black problems are caused by the fact that human evolution did not prepare most of them for the requirements of civilization. Characteristics that enhanced the ability of the ancestors of Negroes to thrive in the tribal environment of sub Saharan Africa cause many Negroes to earn felony convictions in civilized countries.

Oh take your Social Darwinist Bullshit and shove it up your keister.

First, civilization isn't all that, is it? Fuck, the Germans are probably the most civilized and intelligent people in Europe, and we've done HORRIBLE things.

Second, if you want to argue that in the 350,000 years of human existence, that Euroasians got to the "Civilization" first, was that really because they were "more evolved" or that they just lucked into an environment.

Sub-Saharan Africa didn't have Horses, or wolves that eventually became Dogs, or Aurauch that eventually got domesticated into Cattle. Or any number of grains that were easily cultivated. So I guess you could argue OTHER SPECIES advanced human civilization more than humans themselves did.

Take the Cat. Cats were domesticated because they hunted vermin that destroyed stored grain. Lucky for us, really, the cat has greatly contributed to human civilization, it's why the Egyptians considered them sacred. We were smart, or did we just luckily develop a co-dependent relationship with a species that turned out to be beneficial?

Persecution gave American Negroes nothing but excuses for their social pathologies. When I was a child, a teenager, and a young adult I made excuses for those people too. When I got older I got tired of making those excuses. Now I am tired of hearing them.
Yes, I'm sure that after Jamal bested you, you got very angry. But frankly, I don't care about YOUR Pathologies.
The problem here is that you think intelligence and greed are virtues. They really aren't. Bernie Madoff was an intelligent, successful person... who made a shitload of money conning less smart people out of their money. He was not virtuous, and not someone anyone should want to emulate.
Intelligent people rarely become criminals because they can succeed honestly and legally. Charles Murray has pointed out that low intelligence correlates with crime.
Because the test is geared towards white people and their experiences. YOu do realize that being even the poorest white is a different experience than being black in this country, right Hector?
If there is any systemic racism in this country, it's with you libs. Here is what seems to go on in your heads -

Test question - It takes Johnny 20 minutes to drive 5 miles to the DMV to get his photo ID. What is his average speed?

You think this -
I'll tell you what my problem with SOME (not all) Jewish people are. When you start life telling yourself that you are God's very own extra special people (He only created the other six billion or so of us to serve you), then it kind of re-inforces bad attitudes.

"Jewish Genius," By Charles Murray, Commentary, April 2, 2007​

Since its first issue in 1945, COMMENTARY has published hundreds of articles about Jews and Judaism. As one would expect, they cover just about every important aspect of the topic. But there is a lacuna, and not one involving some obscure bit of Judaica. COMMENTARY has never published a systematic discussion of one of the most obvious topics of all: the extravagant overrepresentation of Jews, relative to their numbers, in the top ranks of the arts, sciences, law, medicine, finance, entrepreneurship, and the media.

I have personal experience with the reluctance of Jews to talk about Jewish accomplishment–my co-author, the late Richard Herrnstein, gently resisted the paragraphs on Jewish IQ that I insisted on putting in The Bell Curve (1994).

Contrast that with black people, who have endured all the things you never want to adress from Slavery to Police Brutality. And for white people, it's often, "Let's find a new way to be shitty." And the vast majority of them aren't committing crimes. Most of them have jobs. They drive to their job every day, and have to put up with the racist cop who pulls them over for a DWB.

Allowing the slave trade was the worst mistake European settlers in the Americas and their descendants made. We would be far better off if Negroes had not been brought her as slaves.

Slavery only benefited the few whites who could afford to buy slaves. Family farms could not compete with plantations. Every profession and skilled trade paid less in slave states than in free states.

I have never benefited from the presence of Negroes in the United States. I have never discriminated against them or persecuted them in any way. Therefore I do not feel the least bit guilty about the way they have been treated. Many whites, including Abraham Lincoln, wanted all Negroes to be deported after the Civil War.

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