Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

Quotas were never a part of AA and if they had been whites would get 70 percent of the jobs or admissions. So those who continue whining about something that gives whites the most opportunity show that those doing the complaining feel that they are entitled to everything. What will happen is that we will return to Jim Crow once the policy ends. It is what the racists have wanted all along. It's never been about qualifications or merit.

You're not going to fix 188 years of a "quota" of 100 percent white in 58. And all the arguments coming from thiose who oppose the policy are really diingenuous.

Jews got white Affirmative Action. They didn't pull themselves up without government help and its time the Jew in here that continues repeating the lie she does needs to just face the reality that white jews, like every other white ethnic group were helped by things blacks were denied. And don't try the argument about Asians because blacks have never been given H1B Visas that guaranteed good paying jobs once they get here.

Finally, in about 10-12 years whites will be a minority. At that time, because of the backlash that has never quit, whites who opposed affirmative action based on the lie that has been pushed since Defunis v. Odegaard are going to wish they didn't kill the policy.

Evil never wins.
Jews did NOT get “white affirmative action.” First, there’s no such thing. And second, Jews were blocked from attending the best colleges and had road blocks thrown in their faces when it came to hiring.

And before you come in with the lie that at least Jews got to attend SOME colleges, so did blacks. The colleges that my parents attended had lots of blacks - back in the 40s.

So NO, Jews did not advance despite the horrific persecution they suffered due to “white privilege.” They did it by:

1. having intact families
2. emphasizing education
3. motivation and discipline
4. and, of course, smarts

Instead of blacks like you making excuses that impoverished, immigrant Jews rose to professional affluence in a single generation due to “white privilege”, you’d be better off emulating their positive traits and wise life choices.
It is a simple and verifiable fact that they did not encounter the level of persecution in THIS country that Blacks did. And that isn’t to say they were untouched, but compare the two experiences in THIS country is to truly minimize It.

10 fold and more blacks died here from the colonial period until 1964 due to what was done than the Jews who were killed by Hitler. Since people want to minimize, it's just time for it to be understood the scale of what was done here. And I'm not adding the indigenous nations to the total out of mercy because what was done to them in addition to blacks, makes Hitler look like a saint.
UT Texas at Austin had a program that allowed the top 10% of a high school's graduating class to get automatic admission. Of course, that led to high drop rates among minorities. We know why; their schools are run by black and brown administrators and teachers who do not do their jobs and pander to CRT rubbish.

LBJ said 200 years.

lol no evidence LBJ said any such thing. In fact LBJ was famous for helping black colleges in Texas survive, helping pay teachers' salaries during the Depression and making sure black youths go their fair allotment of jobs in the New Deal work programs, and all at a time this cost him votes. It is also a fact people of his status and education in Texas would never use the word '******', they would use the term 'colored' exclusively, another way a Texan would know that story is a lie.

Why not remind us what Orthodox Jews call blacks? That would be the only thing you would actually know for a fact.
lol no evidence LBJ said any such thing. In fact LBJ was famous for helping black colleges in Texas survive, helping pay teachers' salaries during the Depression and making sure black youths go their fair allotment of jobs in the New Deal work programs, and all at a time this cost him votes. It is also a fact people of his status and education in Texas would never use the word '******', they would use the term 'colored' exclusively, another way a Texan would know that story is a lie.

Why not remind us what Orthodox Jews call blacks? That would be the only thing you would actually know for a fact.
Yes, LBJ did say it.

And I never heard any Jew, Orthodox or otherwise, use the word you refer to. They just call them blacks.

Amazing how your antisemitism is higher than your racism, but that just proves my point that Jews TODAY suffer from more bigotry than blacks TODAY.

Blacks left the Democratic Party because Johnson signed the Civil Rights and Votung Rights Act.

Something republicans were given 80 years by blacks to do.

Blacks left the Democratic Party because Johnson signed the Civil Rights and Votung Rights Act.

Something republicans were given 80 years by blacks to do.
LBJ created a system by which the government replaces the husband and ensures that blacks are “married” to Uncle Sugar - and to have them voting Democrat for 200 years.
LBJ created a system by which the government replaces the husband and ensures that blacks are “married” to Uncle Suga

lol a compromise to get Republican support for the Civil Rights Act and other legislation. You really have nothing but stupid fake news.
lol no, he didn't and you can't find a single valid source. Even Robert Caro admits it was hearsay from no credible source, jut more innuendo, like your idiot racist FDR rubbish.
And of a sudden YOU are complaining about other people being racist?

And yes - FDR sent the St. Louis Jews back to Hitler and was on the Board of Harvard pushing to block the Jew-boys.

I didn’t know you were a Democrat.
Back to the topic at hand….

Once the SCOTUS issues their ruling, the type of inequitable treatment that kept this amazingly bright, academically accomplished kid out of the top schools simply because he is Asian will be forbidden.

I expect the announcement this coming week.
And of a sudden YOU are complaining about other people being racist?

And yes - FDR sent the St. Louis Jews back to Hitler and was on the Board of Harvard pushing to block the Jew-boys.

I didn’t know you were a Democrat.

So what? He allowed more Jews in under the German immigration quotas. You never snivel about the Cubans or South American rejections for some reason, or seem to note the U.S. already had half the Jewish population on the planet already here in the first place as 'refugees', so we know your racism is the only thing you indulge in here.
LBJ created a system by which the government replaces the husband and ensures that blacks are “married” to Uncle Suga

Uncle Suga started in 1910 you stupid... And blacks were not allowed.

The Assistance To Single Women With Children
part of the Social Security Act provided grants to states as Aid To Dependent Children. Eventually the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This was welfare folks. Assistance for single moms with children and no daddy at home. In 1935. Blacks were excluded. Aid to Dependent Children functioned mainly to provide federal grants to help the states with mothers’ aid laws that began in 1910. The ADC plan was written by two ladies who had been former directors of what was at the time called the U.S. Children’s Bureau. The Children’s Bureau’s goal was to provide aid to all children whose mothers had no support from a husband no matter how they got into that position. From the Children’s Bureau in 1910 until 1965, no one talked about how the welfare state was wrong and created the disintegration of the white family.

Linda Gordon and Felice Batlan, The Legal History of the Aid to Dependent Children Program, Aid To Dependent Children: The Legal History
LBJ created a system by which the government replaces the husband and ensures that blacks are “married” to Uncle Suga
Uncle Suga started in 1910 you stupid... And blacks were not allowed.

The Assistance To Single Women With Children
part of the Social Security Act provided grants to states as Aid To Dependent Children. Eventually the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This was welfare folks. Assistance for single moms with children and no daddy at home. In 1935. Blacks were excluded. Aid to Dependent Children functioned mainly to provide federal grants to help the states with mothers’ aid laws that began in 1910. The ADC plan was written by two ladies who had been former directors of what was at the time called the U.S. Children’s Bureau. The Children’s Bureau’s goal was to provide aid to all children whose mothers had no support from a husband no matter how they got into that position. From the Children’s Bureau in 1910 until 1965, no one talked about how the welfare state was wrong and created the disintegration of the white family.

Linda Gordon and Felice Batlan, The Legal History of the Aid to Dependent Children Program, Aid To Dependent Children: The Legal History
LBJ ramped it up to new levels - which is about the same time the intact black family started to disappear. Now it’s so bad that 72% of black babies are born to single mothers. Shameful. How can blacks expect to get out of poverty with illegitimacy rates like THAT?
lol utter bullshit.

A small number of Jewish people and people of Jewish descent have affiliated themselves with white supremacist, white nationalist, pro-Confederate, and neo-Nazi ideologies. Michael Levin and Michael H. Hart are prominent white nationalists, among the few Jews who openly affiliate with the movement. Much of the white nationalist movement endorses racial antisemitism and does not welcome Jews as movement members due to the belief that all Jews are collectively non-white, even if they are of European descent. However, some strands of white nationalism are inclusive of white Jewish people.[15] Some white supremacists who are Jewish or of Jewish descent, such as Michael H. Hart and Lawrence Auster, have denounced antisemitism within the white supremacist movement and have pushed for antisemites, Holocaust deniers, and neo-Nazis to be banned from white nationalist conferences.[16] The white supremacist Harold von Braunhut, born Harold Braunhut, added "von" to his name to sound less Jewish and affiliated himself with the KKK and the Aryan Nations.[17] Dan Burros was a member of the American Nazi Party and the United Klans of America; killing himself with a gun several hours after his Jewishness was publicly exposed.[18][19]

Because antisemitism was not a core value of the first iteration of the Ku Klux Klan, some white Southern Jews were members of the KKK.[20] The revival of the KKK in the 1920s, which in part was tied to the lynching of Leo Frank, intensified antisemitism within the KKK.[21] Bernard Postal of the B'nai B'rith noted the presence of Jews within the KKK in his 1928 Jewish Tribune article "Jews in the Ku Klux Klan". The presence of Jews in the first KKK has been highlighted by antisemitic propaganda, such as the The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, to falsely allege that white Jews played a dominant role in racist movements.[22]

According to Ilana Kaufman, the executive director of the Jews of Color Alliance, discussions of white supremacy and white nationalism can be uncomfortable for white Jewish people who may have a perception that the Jewish community has been largely supportive of people of color. According to Kaufman, discussions about "bias" or "racism" are more palatable to white Jews, while addressing white Jewish complicity in white supremacy and acknowledging the erasure of Jews of color are often considered provocative.[23]

... and more. Ashkenazi Jews frown on other Jews, which is hilarious, considering they are the demographic with the smallest genetic links to Jews of the OT, the closest they get is some 1,200 miles away to a village in Iran, and even that is a tiny blip.
Wow. Great example of your antisemitism derailing the thread.

Again, you prove my point: while blacks complain about racism, there is more contempt for Jews. Still, despite that contempt, Jews are successful.
You're mentally ill, or just another con artist hoping to run a scam.
“In short, a large number of white Americans have become comfortable with as much racial inequality and segregation as a putatively nondiscriminatory polity and free market economy can produce. Hence, the reproduction and, on some dimensions, the worsening of racial inequalities. These circumstances are rendered culturally palatable by the new ideology of Laissez Faire Racism.”

-Lawrence Bobo, James R. Kluegel, Ryan A. Smith - LAISSEZ FAIRE RACISM: The Crystallization of a ‘Kinder, Gentler’ Anti-Black Ideology

“Laissez-Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America’s racist social conditions and institutions.”

I see this in here every time I enter this forum.
This is true. Lisa is one of them.
Yeah, right,,,,because I am opposed to using race as a factor in college admissions and hiring practices.

Congratulations - you’ve made common cause with a Republican antisemite due to your resentment and jealousy of Jews On both your parts.
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Whites are not responsible for black academic failure.

No, but whites from the past are responsible for separating black communities from white ones and leaving them with substandard resources over many generations, even after they were freed from bondage. Blacks inherited that reality, as did whites who had nothing to do with making and enforcing those policies.

We are not responsible for all the crimes they commit,

I agree, but again, whites from the past are responsible for separating blacks from whites and putting them into communities that lacked economic opportunity, and with it, the opportunities to grow generational wealth that could be transferred from one generation to the next. And don't give me the bootstrap bullshit, either - that's largely a myth. We're well behind Europe, Canada, Japan, and other industrialized peers when it comes to socioeconomic mobility.

and for the litters of illegitimate children we are supposed to support on welfare.

Agreed, and if there's one thing I agree with conservatives on it's the need to dis-incentivize welfare tied to childbirth. I'd suggest a welfare amount per household that is limited to up to two adult guardians and one child, and that's it. You bring other children into this world, you pay for them and if you can't, then protective services should come in and decide whether the kid's basic needs are being met and TPR if they aren't. Controversial and harsh but sticking to it.

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