Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

So what? He allowed more Jews in under the German immigration quotas. You never snivel about the Cubans or South American rejections for some reason, or seem to note the U.S. already had half the Jewish population on the planet already here in the first place as 'refugees', so we know your racism is the only thing you indulge in here.
Again,,,,,you come out with racist statements, but when you have a chance to bash a Jew, you switch to that.

There is more prejudice against Jews than there is against blacks. The difference is we aren’t giving special treatment when it comes to getting hired and getting into college.

And so WHAT if America had half the Jewish population? We are a teeny minority, and they were being gassed to death and fleeing for their lives. But you’re such a card-carrying Jew-hater than you’d rather send them to their deaths then let any more Jews into the country - Jews who disproportionately contribute to society through medical and scientific advances.
10 fold and more blacks died here from the colonial period until 1964 due to what was done than the Jews who were killed by Hitler. Since people want to minimize, it's just time for it to be understood the scale of what was done here. And I'm not adding the indigenous nations to the total out of mercy because what was done to them in addition to blacks, makes Hitler look like a saint.
I would not go that far. The Holocaust was one event. Over 2/3 of Europes Jewish population were murdered by Hitler. That’s genocide on a level that is still difficult to get one’s mind around. And it was just one event.

This why I hate comparing atrocities as to who had it worse: to the mother mother of Emmet Till or Lisa’s grandparents wondering if their relatives survived, it doesn’t really matter, right?

But it is fair to say that in THIS country Blacks, as a group, had it worse and changing their names couldn’t hide the color of their skin.
I would not go that far. The Holocaust was one event. Over 2/3 of Europes Jewish population were murdered by Hitler. That’s genocide on a level that is still difficult to get one’s mind around. And it was just one event.

This why I hate comparing atrocities as to who had it worse: to the mother mother of Emmet Till or Lisa’s grandparents wondering if their relatives survived, it doesn’t really matter, right?

But it is fair to say that in THIS country Blacks, as a group, had it worse and changing their names couldn’t hide the color of their skin.
Two points:

1) True that the Holocaust was one horrific event (that went on for years), but there’s a tendency among liberals to compare centuries of slavery to that one horrific chapter in Jewish persecution. It is important to recognize that Jews suffered for millenia with horrible persecution, of which the Holocaust was the most intense.

2. Jews TODAY and for the best five decades have been subjected to more antisemitism than blacks. A Jew is much more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than a black. A Jew did not get a job or promotion simply because he’s Jewish and there is pressure to hire more Jews. Even on this thread, you see how a racist quickly switches to his Jew-hate, super-ceding his racism, in order to pick a fight with a Jew.

… and still, we are as a group a very successful people - for which antisemites do not forgive us.
Even on this thread, you see how a racist quickly switches to his Jew-hate, super-ceding his racism, in order to pick a fight with a Jew.
Excuse me. I have never expressed Jew-hate. :mad:

Oh. You are writing about another racist. embarassed.png
Two points:

1) True that the Holocaust was one horrific event (that went on for years), but there’s a tendency among liberals to compare centuries of slavery to that one horrific chapter in Jewish persecution. It is important to recognize that Jews suffered for millenia with horrible persecution, of which the Holocaust was the most intense.

The problem with all of this is you really cannot compare atrocities like that, each is unique. Blacks could put forth the devastation of Colonialism in Africa to up the ante, and you could bring something else and so forth. You end with a fight between people about who has it worse (pointless) INSTEAD of a mutual acknowledgment of each other’s pain and support moving forward.

Atrocities are not competitive and have enduring effects on a culture whether cumulative or singular. There is no question that a history of persecution and diaspora have had an affect on the shaping of Jewish culture today and there should be no question that a history of subjugation from slavery to civi rights has been a defining event African-Americans. So why is that constantly questioned and minimized? Why African-Americans told that must now abandon centuries of cultural development and abandon their unique (American) culture? Whether it is what they name their children or the way they do their hair?

Clearly many do succeed, that is evident in statistics but the success often seems fragile. As a group they are usually the first to feel the effects of economic downturns and for longer. What factors in to that?

2. Jews TODAY and for the best five decades have been subjected to more antisemitism than blacks. A Jew is much more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than a black. A Jew did not get a job or promotion simply because he’s Jewish and there is pressure to hire more Jews.

African-Americans have had their job applications dumped because they have a “Black” sounding name. Jewish homeowners don’t have their homes appraised for less because they are in a Jewish middle class suburb. Jews aren’t automatically discouraged from taking a college track in highschool and shunted into a vocational track because they are Jewish. White women (including Jews) were also promoted. In modern times, no Jew was followed by a self appointed posse as he was jogging and murdered because he was Jewish.

We could go on with dumb arguments over who had it worse but what is the point?

Even on this thread, you see how a racist quickly switches to his Jew-hate, super-ceding his racism, in order to pick a fight with a Jew.
I am seeing the similar racist hate on this thread. The arguments about IQ, racial inferiority, how we would have been better off if Blacks had never been brought here. What about that?

The problem with all of this is you really cannot compare atrocities like that, each is unique. Blacks could put forth the devastation of Colonialism in Africa to up the ante, and you could bring something else and so forth. You end with a fight between people about who has it worse (pointless) INSTEAD of a mutual acknowledgment of each other’s pain and support moving forward.
Coyote, I like your last sentence. :)

Nevertheless, European colonialism was the best thing that happened to the African Negroes. The European colonialists suppressed the Arab slave trade, cannibalism, and human sacrifice. They built hospitals, schools, electric power plants, and other aspects of white civilization. These are in decay now that European colonialism has ended.

The civilizing process is evolutionary, and takes many generations. The Roman Empire imposed civilization on the Celts. It also suppressed crime. The Holy Roman Empire imposed civilization on the Germans. European empires in sub Saharan Africa ended centuries too soon.
Yes, LBJ did say it.

And I never heard any Jew, Orthodox or otherwise, use the word you refer to. They just call them blacks.

No, black people say things like "Schwarze" (German for Black). That's not much better.

Amazing how your antisemitism is higher than your racism, but that just proves my point that Jews TODAY suffer from more bigotry than blacks TODAY.

No more than any other CHOSEN religious affiliation. Fighting over who an imaginary sky man loves best is kind of silly, though.

LBJ created a system by which the government replaces the husband and ensures that blacks are “married” to Uncle Sugar - and to have them voting Democrat for 200 years.

Wow, speaking of racist things.

One more time.

We spend four times as much on Middle Class entitlements than we do on poverty relief.
White people collect more welfare than black people.
Most people on assistance are only on it for a few years.

The main reason why out of wedlock births have increased is frankly, marriage is kind of passe. You don't need to be married to have sex, and why would anyone get married and open himself up to that kind of liability?

And of a sudden YOU are complaining about other people being racist?

And yes - FDR sent the St. Louis Jews back to Hitler and was on the Board of Harvard pushing to block the Jew-boys.

I didn’t know you were a Democrat.

Technically, the ILLEGAL ALIENS on the St. Louis were sent back to France and England, not Germany.

Back to the topic at hand….

Once the SCOTUS issues their ruling, the type of inequitable treatment that kept this amazingly bright, academically accomplished kid out of the top schools simply because he is Asian will be forbidden.

Actually, the colleges will just find other ways to achieve social justice, and frankly, I have no problem with it. The big problem with AA is that it often benefits the Suburban family that has already made it instead of the poor urban family that is still working on that.
Quotas were never a part of AA and if they had been whites would get 70 percent of the jobs or admissions. So those who continue whining about something that gives whites the most opportunity show that those doing the complaining feel that they are entitled to everything. What will happen is that we will return to Jim Crow once the policy ends. It is what the racists have wanted all along. It's never been about qualifications or merit.

Okay, in the interest of fairness, having decimated Hector and Lisa, can't really let IM2's nonsense stand, either.

So right now, Whites make up 40.6% of Harvard Admissions.

It seems like if anything, whites are being discriminated against, as we are still 59.3% of the population. Of course, it might largely be a moot point, as the designation of "Hispanic" has always been a largely artificial one, and within a generation or two, they just become another assimilated immigrant group.

You're not going to fix 188 years of a "quota" of 100 percent white in 58. And all the arguments coming from thiose who oppose the policy are really diingenuous.

You are probably right, but how does screwing over Asian-Americans to benefit blacks correct the injustice? More to the point, why are Hispanics (who didn't suffer the slavery, etc.) being given extra points for being a less successful immigrant group?

Jews got white Affirmative Action. They didn't pull themselves up without government help and its time the Jew in here that continues repeating the lie she does needs to just face the reality that white jews, like every other white ethnic group were helped by things blacks were denied. And don't try the argument about Asians because blacks have never been given H1B Visas that guaranteed good paying jobs once they get here.

Um, yeah, but not everyone got an H1B Visa, so that's a little disingenuous. Some got here on family visas. Some got here on marriage visas. Some merely got a sponsor without a promise of a job.

Finally, in about 10-12 years whites will be a minority. At that time, because of the backlash that has never quit, whites who opposed affirmative action based on the lie that has been pushed since Defunis v. Odegaard are going to wish they didn't kill the policy.

Meh, not really. First whites will never be a "minority". We'll always be the largest ethnic group. Secondly, as Hispanics and Asians assimilate, the distinctions are going to become a lot less clear. Is a white Hispanic still "Hispanic" after he's married a white girl, and he's two generations down and no longer speaks Spanish? I'm currently engaged to an Asian woman, and all her friends all brag about their "American" (read white) boyfriends.

Evil never wins.

No, but Stupid seems to succeed more than it deserves to. Look, people like Hector and Lisa are racist as all get out and they don't even pretend to hide it. But the way Affirmative Action was executed in this country was idiotic. You say that White Women benefited from AA, and they have. But now most of them would like to see it go away so they never have anyone say, "She only got that promotion because of Affirmative Action!" Pretty much the same with Asian Americans, who would get a lot more college slots if we merely went by Test Scores and GPAs.
Coyote, I like your last sentence. :)

Nevertheless, European colonialism was the best thing that happened to the African Negroes. The European colonialists suppressed the Arab slave trade, cannibalism, and human sacrifice. They built hospitals, schools, electric power plants, and other aspects of white civilization. These are in decay now that European colonialism has ended.

Um, the Europeans brought terror to most of the rest of the world with colonialism. Maybe you should read up on the Belgian Congo and some of the awful stuff that was done there.

Together with epidemic disease, famine, and a falling birth rate caused by these disruptions, the atrocities contributed to a sharp decline in the Congolese population. The magnitude of the population fall over the period is disputed, with modern estimates ranging from 1.5 million to 13 million.

If this had happened to a group of white people, we'd never be hearing the end of it.

The civilizing process is evolutionary, and takes many generations. The Roman Empire imposed civilization on the Celts. It also suppressed crime. The Holy Roman Empire imposed civilization on the Germans. European empires in sub Saharan Africa ended centuries too soon.

Um, wow.... you really don't understand what the "Holy Roman Empire" was, do you? (Hint- It wasn't Holy, it wasn't Roman, and it wasn't an Empire!)

The HRE was the successor states to the Roman Empire trying to claim glory that had been lost in the Dark Ages, which we now know, really wasn't all that "Dark". Civilization kind of went on as it did. What was devastating was when Justinian tried to restore the entire Empire and devastated Italy, but for most of the rest of the west, life didn't really change all that much depending on who was in charge.

When the German Tribes invaded Rome, they spoke Latin and wore pants. And White European Civilization at that time was FAR less advanced than what was going on in the Islamic World at the time. While the English were passing Magna Carta and feeling quite proud of themselves, the Islamic World was building a trade network that stretched from Europe to Africa to China.
There is more prejudice against Jews than there is against blacks. The difference is we aren’t giving special treatment when it comes to getting hired and getting into college.
You just can't let the hate and racism go can you. Show me where Jews have been treated anywhere close to what black folks have in America, just give me something.

Show us the Civil Rights Movement it took in America for Jewish folks to be mainstreamed into American Society.

Black folks have the highest unemployment rate in America.

Black folks have the lowest college attendance rate in America.

Please stop with this lie about black folks getting all this special treatment when it comes to getting hired and getting into college. It's a lie that you just won't stop repeating.
The Assistance To Single Women With Children part of the Social Security Act provided grants to states as Aid To Dependent Children. Eventually the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This was welfare folks. Assistance for single moms with children and no daddy at home. In 1935. Blacks were excluded. Aid to Dependent Children functioned mainly to provide federal grants to help the states with mothers’ aid laws that began in 1910. The ADC plan was written by two ladies who had been former directors of what was at the time called the U.S. Children’s Bureau. The Children’s Bureau’s goal was to provide aid to all children whose mothers had no support from a husband no matter how they got into that position. From the Children’s Bureau in 1910 until 1965, no one talked about how the welfare state was wrong and created the disintegration of the white family.

Because there wasn't one. It was considered a great scandal back in the day for a white woman to have a child outside of marriage. "ADC" was initially meant to support women whose husbands had either died or abandoned them, not to encourage women to go out and have babies out of wedlock. And yes, if a woman had found herself widowed or abandoned, there was a big old push to find her a new husband by her community.

The problem with the expansion of the welfare state was that it did encourage out of wedlock births, which were also largely destigmatized culturally by the free love movement.

When Blacks were included in ADC and other welfare programs in 1964, the OOW birth rate was 25% for blacks and about 4% for whites. Today it's 72% for blacks and 30% for whites, and frankly, this isn't a good thing at all. This number becomes even more horrifying when you realize that in 1964, contraception was not widely available and abortion was still illegal, but the overall OOW birthrate was still under 10%. Today it's at 40%.

The problem with all of this is you really cannot compare atrocities like that, each is unique. Blacks could put forth the devastation of Colonialism in Africa to up the ante, and you could bring something else and so forth. You end with a fight between people about who has it worse (pointless) INSTEAD of a mutual acknowledgment of each other’s pain and support moving forward.
But it is always the blacks who start the Oppression Olympics. Without fail, it is when a Jew or someone who admires the tenacity and success of Jews points out how Jews have succeeded, time and time again, despite the most unimaginable bigotry. Instead of blacks or the liberals who enable them crediting Jews with the positive traits that have allowed them to succeed despite bigotry, the answer always comes back, “but blacks had it worse.”

Atrocities are not competitive and have enduring effects on a culture whether cumulative or singular. There is no question that a history of persecution and diaspora have had an affect on the shaping of Jewish culture today and there should be no question that a history of subjugation from slavery to civi rights has been a defining event African-Americans. So why is that constantly questioned and minimized? Why African-Americans told that must now abandon centuries of cultural development and abandon their unique (American) culture? Whether it is what they name their children or the way they do their hair?

Clearly many do succeed, that is evident in statistics but the success often seems fragile. As a group they are usually the first to feel the effects of economic downturns and for longer. What factors in to that?

African-Americans have had their job applications dumped because they have a “Black” sounding name. Jewish homeowners don’t have their homes appraised for less because they are in a Jewish middle class suburb. Jews aren’t automatically discouraged from taking a college track in highschool and shunted into a vocational track because they are Jewish. White women (including Jews) were also promoted. In modern times, no Jew was followed by a self appointed posse as he was jogging and murdered because he was Jewish.

And the contrary, as well. Companies seek out the “black-sounding“ names in an effort to bring more of them on board - or simply announce beforehand that the job will be filled only by a black. Same with college admissions - when a white and black middle class kid applies, the black kid with the lower grades and score will be chosen over the white (or Asian) kid. Isn’t that what this thread is about - Asians getting rejected despite exemplary scores while blacks with lower get in, and based solely on race?
We could go on with dumb arguments over who had it worse but what is the point?

I am seeing the similar racist hate on this thread. The arguments about IQ, racial inferiority, how we would have been better off if Blacks had never been brought here. What about that?
Yes, but you never NEVER call out the anti-semitic posters. Dudley Smith actually blamed Jews themselves for the Holocaust, saying “smart people don’t get themselves get turned into lampshades.” He defended FDR’s decision to send the St. Louis Jews back to Hitler by saying that American already had more than its fair share of Jews.

Since you are the moderator and call people racist for comments you consider racist, I would appreciate if you would call out antisemites who say disgusting things about Jews. There is a big problem among Democrats in that they demonstrate a chilling tolerance for antisemitism while condemning racism, and you can do a small part to stop that.
You just can't let the hate and racism go can you. Show me where Jews have been treated anywhere close to what black folks have in America, just give me something.

Show us the Civil Rights Movement it took in America for Jewish folks to be mainstreamed into American Society.

Black folks have the highest unemployment rate in America.

Black folks have the lowest college attendance rate in America.

Please stop with this lie about black folks getting all this special treatment when it comes to getting hired and getting into college. It's a lie that you just won't stop repeating.
if you think it’s a “lie” that Affirmative Action afford blacks special treatment that they would not have if white, I expect you will not have any problem with the abolishment of AA when announced next week.
But it is always the blacks who start the Oppression Olympics. Without fail, it is when a Jew or someone who admires the tenacity and success of Jews points out how Jews have succeeded, time and time again, despite the most unimaginable bigotry. Instead of blacks or the liberals who enable them crediting Jews with the positive traits that have allowed them to succeed despite bigotry, the answer always comes back, “but blacks had it worse.”

Here's the problem. I only know you are a Jew because you've told me, in what I can only picture is the most shrill voice imaginable. A black person can't hide that they are black. Nobody is pulling you over for a "Driving While Jewish". No one is going to see a Jewish name on a resume and pass it up. You can't claim both white privilege and minority status. It's having your cake and eating it, too.

And the contrary, as well. Companies seek out the “black-sounding“ names in an effort to bring more of them on board - or simply announce beforehand that the job will be filled only by a black.
That's simply not true.

Most job openings for which the researchers sent resumes were administrative, sales, clerical and managerial positions. Bertrand and Mullainathan randomly assigned the applicants names common to either black men, black women, white men or white women and were careful not to send identical resumes to the same employer.

Bertrand and Mullainathan then tracked which of their applicants were called for job interviews. Bertrand said that more resumes were sent to Chicago area employers simply because it is the larger metropolitan area but added that the rate for interview requests was virtually identical between the two cities.

The results are a bit disturbing, the researchers admit. Applicants with white-sounding names were 50 percent more likely to be contacted for job interviews than those with typical black names. There were no significant differences between the rates at which men and women were contacted

Same with college admissions - when a white and black middle class kid applies, the black kid with the lower grades and score will be chosen over the white (or Asian) kid. Isn’t that what this thread is about - Asians getting rejected despite exemplary scores while blacks with lower get in, and based solely on race?

Well, no. Most Asians support Affirmative Action. This bullshit lawsuit is being funded by a white guy named Blum.

According to the national 2020 Asian American Voter Survey, which examined almost 1,570 voters, targeting the six largest national origin groups, found that 70 percent of Asian Americans supported affirmative action, while 16 percent opposed it. Chinese Americans, who were the least likely of the ethnicities to back the program, still favored it at a majority of 56 percent.

Data on Harvard’s own admissions shows that race-conscious admissions have benefitted all communities, including Asian Americans, producing a more diverse student body, Yang said.

So no big surprise is that we see a couple of white people getting on here saying "Poor Little Asians" when Asians are... fine with it mostly.

Yes, but you never NEVER call out the anti-semitic posters. Dudley Smith actually blamed Jews themselves for the Holocaust, saying “smart people don’t get themselves get turned into lampshades.” He defended FDR’s decision to send the St. Louis Jews back to Hitler by saying that American already had more than its fair share of Jews.

You obviously miss the context at my poor attempt at humor. Jews didn't get good stuff because they were "smarter", they got them because people felt sorry for you. And you've been playing that guilt thing for 80 years, and most of us are a little tired of it. Especially since we didn't do it and did a lot to put an end to it. My dad had nightmares for the rest of his life for what he saw in WWII.

As for the St. Louis... um, the same rules applied to it than anyone else trying to get into the country at the time. You legally apply for immigration at the US Embassy in your respective countries. Before the War, Germany was happy to let their Jews leave. It's why 75% of German and Austrian Jews survived the Holocaust. Most of the ones who were killed were from occupied or allied countries, where the local folks were happy to turn them over.

Since you are the moderator and call people racist for comments you consider racist, I would appreciate if you would call out antisemites who say disgusting things about Jews. There is a big problem among Democrats in that they demonstrate a chilling tolerance for antisemitism while condemning racism, and you can do a small part to stop that.

Religion is a choice. If you choose to believe certain things, and have certain attitudes, you need to be called on it. Especially when those beliefs result in bad behavior.

if you think it’s a “lie” that Affirmative Action afford blacks special treatment that they would not have if white, I expect you will not have any problem with the abolishment of AA when announced next week.

Again, will it abolish white privilege in the same ruling.

If you get rid of racial admissions but keep Legacies and Dean's Interest admissions that favor white people, then you are just re-inforcing white privilege.
if you think it’s a “lie” that Affirmative Action afford blacks special treatment that they would not have if white, I expect you will not have any problem with the abolishment of AA when announced next week.
So you are saying there was no discrimination and that there was no need for AA. Is that what you are saying? Also who is it discriminating against?

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