Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

Your 180 on equal representation on screen is a good place to start


I’m consistent in this. It is a market decision, and if there is enough cultural pressure or a new demographic they want to attract, they are going to change their approach.

Libs cried bucket fulls of years going back to silent pictures about how few black people got parts in the movies and on TV

Now, the situation is reversed and blacks are the most represented skin color far out of their numbers in society in real life and the left is happy as can be
Far out of proportion?

Black people — whose depictions in media became a focus of concern amid the worldwide reckoning over civil rights this summer — were actually slightly overrepresented with 18.1 percent of screen time, while comprising 14 percent of the population.
What happened to blacks three or more generations ago does not effect their performance and behavior now.

Sure it does. We inherit the past. All its function and dysfunction. All its justice and injustice. It's wealth and poverty. We inherit those things. That doesn't give individuals a free pass to fuck up as they please, but it does explain a lot, IMO.

People will say, well what about poor immigrants who come to this country and make it? Fair enough. More power to 'em. But if nothing else maybe they inherited intact families, culture, customs, expectations that people born into broken communities did not.

We would all be better off if we just had a lot more empathy for each other. But this is America, and we don't do empathy here.
Oh, look. The angry, self-hating leftist is copying and pasting his usual Jew rants into another thread.

The leftist entity has an entire catalog of Jew rants dumped into multiple threads.
The leftists are unbelievable. If someone says that college admissions should be race blind, they will come out with a vengeance calling that person racist….how they don’t want blacks to go to college….etc., etc.

But let a Democrat make a disgusting comment that “smart people don’t get themselves into lamp shades,” along with a slew of other Jew-hating remarks, the same Democrats who scream “raaaaacist!” don’t even bother to comment.

The hypocrisy is unreal.
The leftists are unbelievable. If someone says that college admissions should be race blind, they will come out with a vengeance calling that person racist….how they don’t want blacks to go to college….etc., etc.

But let a Democrat make a disgusting comment that “smart people don’t get themselves into lamp shades,” along with a slew of other Jew-hating remarks, the same Democrats who scream “raaaaacist!” don’t even bother to comment.

The hypocrisy is unreal.
I am a Democrat who thinks making light of the Holocaust is vile. :mad:
Those who resent Israel resent Israel for the same reason they resent Jews. With no oil wealth the Israelis have created a first world country where a third world back water used to exist.
Exactly - resentment, and jealousy.

The most persecuted minority in history, and they keep succeeding despite the worst that can happen. It destroys the Democrats’ narrative (I know you’re a Democrat but you’re an anomaly) that the reason there are still so many failings in the black community is due to racism.
Sure it does. We inherit the past. All its function and dysfunction. All its justice and injustice. It's wealth and poverty. We inherit those things. That doesn't give individuals a free pass to fuck up as they please, but it does explain a lot, IMO.

People will say, well what about poor immigrants who come to this country and make it? Fair enough. More power to 'em. But if nothing else maybe they inherited intact families, culture, customs, expectations that people born into broken communities did not.

We would all be better off if we just had a lot more empathy for each other. But this is America, and we don't do empathy here.
Whites are not responsible for black academic failure. We are not responsible for all the crimes they commit, and for the litters of illegitimate children we are supposed to support on welfare.

I’m consistent in this. It is a market decision, and if there is enough cultural pressure or a new demographic they want to attract, they are going to change their approach.


Far out of proportion?

Black people — whose depictions in media became a focus of concern amid the worldwide reckoning over civil rights this summer — were actually slightly overrepresented with 18.1 percent of screen time, while comprising 14 percent of the population.
I dont watch pop TV or movies made less than 40 years ago so I wont argue with you about that

Where blacks score big is in advertising

I dont get paid for this so I dont have exact numbers

But black faces rule the advertising world

As for white women any visiter from mars would think 80% were married to black men or other women
I dont watch pop TV or movies made less than 40 years ago so I wont argue with you about that

Where blacks score big is in advertising

I dont get paid for this so I dont have exact numbers

But black faces rule the advertising world

As for white women any visiter from mars would think 80% were married to black men or other women
I don’t watch ads…they annoy me too much.
I am a Democrat who thinks making light of the Holocaust is vile.

But using it to justify other human rights abuses, that's just dandy, right? Making light of slavery, that's just dandy, too, right.

Of course, I've said that the Holocaust was wrong, but hardly unique. Human history is full of horrific mass murders and genocides, and they usually start with a fuckhead like you trying to argue for the 'inferiority" of Group X.

We'd hear a lot more about what the Japanese did in World War II if the Chinese ran Hollywood instead of.. well, you know. But we don't. I think the only movie I've ever seen on the Rape of Nanking was mostly focused on the White People who were residing in Nanking at the time.

Exactly - resentment, and jealousy.

The most persecuted minority in history, and they keep succeeding despite the worst that can happen. It destroys the Democrats’ narrative (I know you’re a Democrat but you’re an anomaly) that the reason there are still so many failings in the black community is due to racism.

Um, no. The argument about being the most persecuted minority in history is laughable, to start with. There are ethnicities that no longer exist in this world because they have been completely wiped out. What America did to the Native Americans was FAR worse than anything the Nazis did.

This thread got MASSIVELY derailed, I thought I was in the IP Forum!

For the record, the topic is (more or less) racial preferences in college admissions.

How we got into Zionism, Israel, Palestinians, and who did what to whom, I haven’t clue but there is an entire forum devoted to just that topic so take it there.

Thread got somewhat cleaned, so try to keep a bit closer to the topic.

Whites are not responsible for black academic failure. We are not responsible for all the crimes they commit, and for the litters of illegitimate children we are supposed to support on welfare.

Except more crimes are committed by whites.
More illegitimate children are born to white women.
More white people are on welfare than black people.

So... not encountering slavery, Jim Crow, etc... white people still manage to fail despite all their privileges.

Of course, if you are a black kid with a 1500 SAT and a 3.3 GPA, you didn't do any of those things, so you deserve consideration along with the Asian kid who got the 1590 and the 3.65 GPA.

Yet you are fine with keeping Legacies, Dean's Interest, etc. that set aside college admissions for white people at elite universities.

Here's an idea. Maybe we should treat admission to elite universities the way we treat admissions to the Military Academies. Every congress member gets to nominate five enrollees. You find the five best in each district, whether it be a poor district in the South Side of Chicago, or an poor white district in the hinterlands of Montana. That way you achieve both merit AND diversity.

(Full disclosure... I applied for admission to the US Naval Academy in 1980, and was rejected because I had an overbite, of all things. My efforts to get a commission through other means proved fruitless, but I did have a good career as a non-commissioned officer. )
The leftists are unbelievable. If someone says that college admissions should be race blind, they will come out with a vengeance calling that person racist….how they don’t want blacks to go to college….etc., etc.

But let a Democrat make a disgusting comment that “smart people don’t get themselves into lamp shades,” along with a slew of other Jew-hating remarks, the same Democrats who scream “raaaaacist!” don’t even bother to comment.

The hypocrisy is unreal.
The problem is you only focus on black folks, you feel threatened by black folks, you try to brush off the racism and discrimination that black folks have faced and still face. Then on the flipside of that you have no problem with white privilege and the advantages of white women. Then you wonder why folks call you a racist.
I just gave you the source. Can you not read.
No, you didn't, you made an unsupported claim.
No dumbass, I think that is a good thing.
Americans' Income Is More Dependent on the Income of Their Parents Than on Their "Education"

Their expensive prep schools can't make their stupid brats smart. So they solved that problem by dumbing-down public schools, which bootlicking Preppy-lovers call "government schools."
Are you on crack again?
Intelligent people rarely become criminals because they can succeed honestly and legally. Charles Murray has pointed out that low intelligence correlates with crime.
Except...many of the worst criminals are very intelligent. The 167IQ Unabomber was a top 0.001% genius, Ted Bundy was in the top 1%, Gacy in the top 10%, Zodiac is a genius and may have been a doctor. (George Hodel-who I'm pretty well convinced is Zodiac AND the Black Dahlia killer-was brilliant, a child prodigy, HS graduate at 15 and accepted to Cal Poly at 16.)
Quotas were never a part of AA and if they had been whites would get 70 percent of the jobs or admissions. So those who continue whining about something that gives whites the most opportunity show that those doing the complaining feel that they are entitled to everything. What will happen is that we will return to Jim Crow once the policy ends. It is what the racists have wanted all along. It's never been about qualifications or merit.

You're not going to fix 188 years of a "quota" of 100 percent white in 58. And all the arguments coming from thiose who oppose the policy are really diingenuous.

Jews got white Affirmative Action. They didn't pull themselves up without government help and its time the Jew in here that continues repeating the lie she does needs to just face the reality that white jews, like every other white ethnic group were helped by things blacks were denied. And don't try the argument about Asians because blacks have never been given H1B Visas that guaranteed good paying jobs once they get here.

Finally, in about 10-12 years whites will be a minority. At that time, because of the backlash that has never quit, whites who opposed affirmative action based on the lie that has been pushed since Defunis v. Odegaard are going to wish they didn't kill the policy.

Evil never wins.
He is happy to proclaim that blacks are, generally, not smart enough to get into college on academic merit.

Given the fact that whites were getting into college only because they were white for the first 188 years of this country and for the last 59 unqualified whites have been getting admitted due to legacy, it is apparent that the whites making this type of claim are not smart enough to know what merit actually is.
This will make some heads explode. Here is Sowell talking about how forcing equity in college admissions sets black students up for failure. Giving Berkely as an example, he says 70% of black students fail there because although the average black student at Berkely is above the national average on test scores, the average white student is further above the national average, and the average Asian student is further still, setting up an unfair situation for the black students. He says the only beneficiary of this systems is the universities who can claim this diversity measure. The don't care about the graduation rates as long as they get their diversity recognized. Sowell suggests that many of the black students at Berkely would thrive at other colleges better matched to their capabilities, but all the scholarship money is at these big name universities looking to improve their optics. Lots of interesting insights here -

UT Texas at Austin had a program that allowed the top 10% of a high school's graduating class to get automatic admission. Of course, that led to high drop rates among minorities. We know why; their schools are run by black and brown administrators and teachers who do not do their jobs and pander to CRT rubbish.

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