Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

Did you know it was illegal to teach slaves how to read? That was followed up by another 100 years of Segregated schools, followed by 70 years of a two-tiered education system. Yet despite all that, blacks made progress.

Yes I know.


For most of the tests we mentioned, black scores stopped rising in the mid 1980's. On the NAEP [National Association of Educational Procurement] the B/W actually increased from from 1986 to 1990 in all but one test group (the math test for 17 year olds).

- The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life, by Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray, Chapter 13, "Ethnic Differences in Cognitive Ability," page 294.
Uh, being oppressed in another country during a war for 6 years in another country on the other side of the planet.


Being subjected to 400 years of systematic rape, torture, forced servitude (which continued after slavery ended, see Debt Peonage).

You see, I'll admit that Nazi Germany was bad and wrong. I'm proud my dad fought to put an end to it (and a bit embarrassed about my distant cousins who enabled it.)

You talk to a German today about the Holocaust, they simply can't stop apologizing for it.

Compared to Americans, where we still put up statues to the slave rapists and fly the Confederate Flags proudly.

Now imagine if you had to walk past statues of Hitler every day and saw people proudly flying swastikas.

View attachment 796060
(Amazing how the hate groups fly these together.)
Blah, blah, blah.

Living in THIS country while you know your grandmother, aunt, uncle, and four cousins are suffering in concentration camps or have already been slaughtered in another country because they were Jewish IS suffering in this country too. Yet despite that horror, Jews pushed forward and made successes of their lives - in the very same decade their family was murdered.

And so big of you to admit that it was “wrong” for Germany to round up and gas 6 million Jews.
For most of the tests we mentioned, black scores stopped rising in the mid 1980's. On the NAEP [National Association of Educational Procurement] the B/W actually increased from from 1986 to 1990 in all but one test group (the math test for 17 year olds).

The Mid 1980's, about the time the Ronnie Ray-gun (who you claimed you never voted for) slashed federal education spending.

Living in THIS country while you know your grandmother, aunt, uncle, and four cousins are suffering in concentration camps or have already been slaughtered in another country because they were Jewish IS suffering in this country too. Yet despite that horror, Jews pushed forward and made successes of their lives - in the very same decade their family was murdered.

Oh, bullshit. My Aunts and Uncles and cousins lived in this country, and largely I was indifferent to them. They really don't have any effect on my life. Pretending something happening to distant relatives is a burden is a little silly.

I did have a cousin once removed who was killed as a member of the Wehrmacht. I couldn't even tell you his first name.

And so big of you to admit that it was “wrong” for Germany to round up and gas 6 million Jews.
It was also wrong for the Jews to screw the average German over when the first war ended... but, hey, you don't see me using that as an excuse. You do realize there was a reason that Hitler's toxins had a receptive audience, right?
The Mid 1980's, about the time the Ronnie Ray-gun (who you claimed you never voted for) slashed federal education spending.
Excuses, excuses. Black scores never picked up again. On page 404 of The Bell Curve Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray wrote, "no lasting improvements in intelligence have ever been statistically validated with the Head Start program."
Excuses, excuses. Black scores never picked up again. On page 404 of The Bell Curve Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray wrote, "no lasting improvements in intelligence have ever been statistically validated with the Head Start program."

Because we never spent all that much on Head Start.

I mean 12 Billion a year? That won't buy you an aircraft carrier today.
The Mid 1980's, about the time the Ronnie Ray-gun (who you claimed you never voted for) slashed federal education spending.

Oh, bullshit. My Aunts and Uncles and cousins lived in this country, and largely I was indifferent to them. They really don't have any effect on my life. Pretending something happening to distant relatives is a burden is a little silly.

I did have a cousin once removed who was killed as a member of the Wehrmacht. I couldn't even tell you his first name.

It was also wrong for the Jews to screw the average German over when the first war ended... but, hey, you don't see me using that as an excuse. You do realize there was a reason that Hitler's toxins had a receptive audience, right?
OMG. The extremes you antisemites go to to diminish the impact of the Holocaust on the family members who lived at the time!

It was not a “nothing,” as my father heard his mother crying after the murder of HER mother and sister - during the very time it was happening. This was replicated all over the country as hundreds of thousands of Jews waited for letters from their parents and siblings that never came. Just….silence.

And yet, despite the knowledge that Jews were so scapegoated that their families were being killed, these young American Jews buckled down and made a success of their lives. It took motivation, smarts, discipline, good values, and wise choices.

It’s a testament that with the right attributes, persecuted people can overcome the most unimaginable bigotry. And you HATE that.
OMG. The extremes you antisemites go to to diminish the impact of the Holocaust on the family members who lived at the time!

It was not a “nothing,” as my father heard his mother crying after the murder of HER mother and sister - during the very time it was happening. This was replicated all over the country as hundreds of thousands of Jews waited for letters from their parents and siblings that never came. Just….silence.

Boo-hoo, distant relatives I haven't talked to in years died.

I mean, it was 1940, it wasn't like people were Zoom calling their relatives, was it?

The point is- and you keep avoiding it - is nothing bad happened to Jews in THIS country. There was no slavery, debt peonage, Sundown laws, etc. meant to keep you scared in in your place here.

And yet, despite the knowledge that Jews were so scapegoated that their families were being killed, these young American Jews buckled down and made a success of their lives. It took motivation, smarts, discipline, good values, and wise choices.

It’s a testament that with the right attributes, persecuted people can overcome the most unimaginable bigotry. And you HATE that.
again, the bigotry happened to someone one somewhere else.

I wouldn't get worked up about that. My Dad didn't get worked up about the cousin who died on the Russian front or the cousin who went to a concentration camp because he said something the Nazis didn't like. Ironically, said Cousin (A Catholic Priest) was at Nordhausen, a camp my father's unit helped liberate. They didn't find out until years after the war.
Because we never spent all that much on Head Start.

I mean 12 Billion a year? That won't buy you an aircraft carrier today.
If what you say is true, 12 billion dollars a year should have achieved some closing of the race gap. It did not. I think the time has come to stop wasting money on this quixotic venture on yours.

Uh, being oppressed in another country during a war for 6 years in another country on the other side of the planet.


Being subjected to 400 years of systematic rape, torture, forced servitude (which continued after slavery ended, see Debt Peonage).

You see, I'll admit that Nazi Germany was bad and wrong. I'm proud my dad fought to put an end to it (and a bit embarrassed about my distant cousins who enabled it.)

You talk to a German today about the Holocaust, they simply can't stop apologizing for it.

Compared to Americans, where we still put up statues to the slave rapists and fly the Confederate Flags proudly.

Now imagine if you had to walk past statues of Hitler every day and saw people proudly flying swastikas.

View attachment 796060
(Amazing how the hate groups fly these together.)
It is as if people cannot acknowledge that both were terrible and culturally defining atrocities and must pit one against tbe other.

It is also easy to forget that the legacy of the American race based system of slavery did not end with abolition. After a short period of an incredible rise in economic revival, building of communities, businesses, arts, elections into public offices, it was completely crushed when the government caved to the racist demands of former slave states who subsequently instituted Jim Crowe, laws designed to criminalize and target the Black community, government approved violence and destruction of property and livelihoods on the Black community, and Jim Crowe…seperate but “equal”. There are people alive today who were born and lived through Jim Crowe and the horrific race based violence of the Civil Rights era.

This is all part of slavery and its legacy. It is a legacy for an entire community that was generations and centuries in the making and it isn’t going to “disappear” or be”fixed” in just a couple of generations.

Culture and community aren’t created out of nothing, they are built over a long period of time and shaped by events unique to each one.

There is no question that the Jewish community and its culture of adaptation while maintaining its identity has been shaped by its diaspora, a legacy of persecution and the culmination of that in the Holocaust.

In this country, there SHOULD be no question that the African-American community has been shaped by events I listed above yet the expectation here is that they should dump their unique AMERICAN culture, assimilate into the cultural expectations of the dominant “White” culture, even to what they name their children, and change a cultural legacy built over centuries.

In this country, Jews did not suffer the degree persecution they did in other countries. They could walk in the street and be a white person and no one would know. Not so with a Black person.

I think Affirmative Action, as a program of quotas, is due to sunset. It has done what it could accomplish in opening doors.

I think what is left is going to be more difficult because the issues less easy to quantify. But if education is the key to success, and diversity in both college and the workplace increases opportunities and success for individual and in producing better leaders and “movers and shakers” for tomorrow, I’m all for including race, ethnicity , first generation status, and underrepresented groups in the selection process. Otherwise we are just going to see a widening and hardening of the wealth gap, and less and less economic mobility. The world today is not tbe world of 50 years ago.
Boo-hoo, distant relatives I haven't talked to in years died.

I mean, it was 1940, it wasn't like people were Zoom calling their relatives, was it?

The point is- and you keep avoiding it - is nothing bad happened to Jews in THIS country. There was no slavery, debt peonage, Sundown laws, etc. meant to keep you scared in in your place here.

again, the bigotry happened to someone one somewhere else.

I wouldn't get worked up about that. My Dad didn't get worked up about the cousin who died on the Russian front or the cousin who went to a concentration camp because he said something the Nazis didn't like. Ironically, said Cousin (A Catholic Priest) was at Nordhausen, a camp my father's unit helped liberate. They didn't find out until years after the war.
You are in major denial because you hate the idea that Jews are so successful, despite bigotry - and bigotry that occurred and still occurs in this country. You think you’re the only antisemite here? There are more antisemites than racists - and yet that doesn’t hold Jews back.
OMG. The extremes you antisemites go to to diminish the impact of the Holocaust on the family members who lived at the time!

It was not a “nothing,” as my father heard his mother crying after the murder of HER mother and sister - during the very time it was happening. This was replicated all over the country as hundreds of thousands of Jews waited for letters from their parents and siblings that never came. Just….silence.

And yet, despite the knowledge that Jews were so scapegoated that their families were being killed, these young American Jews buckled down and made a success of their lives. It took motivation, smarts, discipline, good values, and wise choices.

It’s a testament that with the right attributes, persecuted people can overcome the most unimaginable bigotry. And you HATE that.
It is a simple and verifiable fact that they did not encounter the level of persecution in THIS country that Blacks did. And that isn’t to say they were untouched, but compare the two experiences in THIS country is to truly minimize It.
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You are in major denial because you hate the idea that Jews are so successful, despite bigotry - and bigotry that occurred and still occurs in this country. You think you’re the only antisemite here? There are more antisemites than racists - and yet that doesn’t hold Jews back.
No one hates the success of the Jewish community to the extent you are claiming (there will always be antisemites)…but no one likes to have their noses rubbed in it by someone who can’t even acknowledge or empathize with the unique struggles others go through. It is as if you use the success of your community to put down another that you seem to think largely inferior and low IQ.

That is the attitude people don’t like and it is individual, not reflective of a group.
If what you say is true, 12 billion dollars a year should have achieved some closing of the race gap. It did not. I think the time has come to stop wasting money on this quixotic venture on yours.

A couple of problems.

First, Head Start wasn't geared only towards black people. It was geared towards poverty.
Second- in 2021 there were 839,116 students enrolled in Head Start. Spending was 10.3 Billion. That works out to $12,276 per student. Not sure how that is all that much money. By way of comparison, Day Care costs 284 per week, or $14,768. So great, the government is providing day care for poor kids, and wondering why they aren't getting good results.

Third, and this is liberal heresy, but I don't see a lot of value at starting kids off in school as soon as they are potty-trained. I didn't get into school until Kindergarten, and I was fine.

You are in major denial because you hate the idea that Jews are so successful, despite bigotry - and bigotry that occurred and still occurs in this country. You think you’re the only antisemite here? There are more antisemites than racists - and yet that doesn’t hold Jews back.

I reject the notion of anti-Semitism. Your religion is a choice. You could convert to Christianity tomorrow, and no problem
Black people can't stop being black.
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What revenge?
Your 180 on equal representation on screen is a good place to start

Libs cried bucket fulls of years going back to silent pictures about how few black people got parts in the movies and on TV

Now, the situation is reversed and blacks are the most represented skin color far out of their numbers in society in real life and the left is happy as can be
The Black student most likely DID score high enough to be admitted or he wouldn’t have been considered.

Bless your heart! You might actually BELIEVE that!

This holds true for nursing school almost without fail. The honor grad from nursing school is very often a terrible nurse.

Your source being...?

The average SAT score at Harvard is 1520. He’s 70 points above that. If it were one school then you might have point. But all of them? None of the top Universities in the US wanted a student with a near perfect SAT score and GPA? You don’t actually believe that.

He might.

Because I worked in admissions, you racist POS. Two out of every three blacks in their prestigious college would NOT have gotten in if white.

And yet, your are fine with admissions policies that disfavor whites and Asians and give racial preferences to blacks. That makes YOU the racist.

He is happy to proclaim that blacks are, generally, not smart enough to get into college on academic merit.

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