Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

As for Bail Reform... the reason why that was necessary is we saw poor people being incarcerated for months or years without trial on charges that were eventually dismissed. Awesome, the charges were dismissed. Now you just have to explain that six month gap in employment when trying to find a job, because you know your old one wasn't held open for you. Meanwhile, truly dangerous people who could raise bail money were released on bail.
Criminals released because of bail reform frequently commit more crimes. I do not care how poor they are. I want them kept in prison.
He gave me numbers too. I have read from many sources that the crime rate has increased since the George Floyd riots because of efforts to defund and demoralize the police.

If it makes you feel any better, once I was thrown into an ally and beaten up by two policemen. It is a long story, but I had not been doing anything illegal, immoral, or impolite. They must have thought I was someone else. As soon as they looked at my ID they left in a hurry.

Anyway, I followed this advice:

Hold the fuck on, Hector... you just said that you got beaten up by two policemen even though you weren't doing anything. And yet, despite the fact that this is in fact an EVERYDAY THING for black people, you still think that they are the problem?

The reality is, the cops have lost the trust of the communities they serve because they are separate from those communities. In Chicago, for instance, most of the cops live in an enclaves in the SW and NW sides. They have very little interaction with the rest of the city when they aren't being cops.

My brother is good friends with a cop who was convicted of a particularly brutal case of police misconduct. (We haven't been on speaking terms because I said on Facebook once he should be held accountable.) Well, shit if this guy really didn't think he did anything wrong, because all of his friends and neighbors provided positive reinforcement. He went on Fox News trying to plead his case and came off even worse. He was absolutely shocked when a mostly white jury convicted him.
Actually, they haven't restricted the behavior enough, because these incidents are still happening, even after Geo. Floyd's murder.

The real problem is the expense of settling police misconduct claims. George Floyd's family got a record 27 Million. Or it was a record until Randy Cox got $45,000,000 after the police beat him until he was paralyzed.
That is called "the ghetto lottery," and it should come to an end. George Floyd had five felony convictions and five illegitimate children. I do not care what happens to people like that.
Criminals released because of bail reform frequently commit more crimes. I do not care how poor they are. I want them kept in prison.

I'm sure you do. I'm sure you fantasize every night about Jamal being in jail because he humiliated you.

But the reality is, that it's not cost effective to lock someone up at a cost of $30,000 a year for a $900 property crime.
I don't believe anything you dug up off a racist website.

Tell you what, provide very black kid with a $50.00 an hour SAT coach like the white kids get, and then you can get back to me about Test Scores.
Is the College Board a racist website?

SAT 3.gif
That is called "the ghetto lottery," and it should come to an end. George Floyd had five felony convictions and five illegitimate children. I do not care what happens to people like that.

A lottery assume people want to play. So you are upset that Floyd has kids and you don't?

You don't care what happened to him, but his kids did. His family did. And clearly, his community did.

Here's the real problem the police have. In years past, they could get away with this shit because when it was your word against a cop, people tended to believe the cop.

Then someone filmed the cops beating the snot out of Rodney King. People stopped taking the cops at their word when they said the guy was "resisting arrest" or "bumped his head on the car door." When we all got cameras on our phones, people were documenting what the cops were actually doing.

When the cities started mandating the cops carry body cams, the Police Unions all screamed bloody murder.
I'm sure you do. I'm sure you fantasize every night about Jamal being in jail because he humiliated you.
Jamal is a creation of your fantasies, not mine. There are black ghetto thugs like Jamal, but no white woman or Oriental black woman I have ever been involved with has anything to do with them.

Black ghetto thugs rarely know who their fathers are. Their mothers are not sure either.
Jamal is a creation of your fantasies, not mine. There are black ghetto thugs like Jamal, but no white woman or Oriental black woman I have ever been involved with has anything to do with them.

Black ghetto thugs rarely know who their fathers are. Their mothers are not sure either.
Sounds a lot like projection to me.... 😄
Income isn't the same thing as wealth you dumb Bingo.
What matters is that blacks from affluent families rarely test better on the SAT than whites from lower middle class families. This is because of a well understood genetic phenomenon that I have explained previously called "reversion to the average."
What do your insults have to do with my assertion that the George Floyd riots causes demoralization and defunding of the police, which in turn led to a rise in crime?

What caused demoralization was that cops found out that they are really hated by most of society. Kind of their own fault, really, they tend to abuse their positions.

A criminal justice system that is effective for whites and Orientals is insufficiently harsh for Negroes. Before the civil rights movement that was understood in the United States, and particularly in the South. That is why when a black man and a white man committed the same crime the black man was given quite a bit more punishment.

Ah, here it comes. You WANT blacks punished because Jamal did a nasty to you in High School. We get it man, but you got to let it go. The problem wasn't just that blacks were treated more harshly for the "Same" crime, they were treated harshly for things that most sensible people wouldn't consider crimes at all. The South had "Debt Peonage" and "Sundown Laws" on the books for years to keep black people "In their place".

So let's review how we've treated black people -

Jim Crow
Sundown Towns
Literacy Tests
Poll Taxes
Debt Peonage
Inferior separate facilities to remind them of their status.


We spend 400 years trying to break a people, and then wonder why they are broken.
How about trying to fix things.
Nope. Alleles or something and Jamal took my girl!
What matters is that blacks from affluent families rarely test better on the SAT than whites from lower middle class families. This is because of a well understood genetic phenomenon that I have explained previously called "reversion to the average."

Well, that and a poor white kid is STILL going to end up going to a better school than a poor black kid. But leave that part out.
A lottery assume people want to play. So you are upset that Floyd has kids and you don't?

You don't care what happened to him, but his kids did. His family did. And clearly, his community did.

Here's the real problem the police have. In years past, they could get away with this shit because when it was your word against a cop, people tended to believe the cop.

Then someone filmed the cops beating the snot out of Rodney King. People stopped taking the cops at their word when they said the guy was "resisting arrest" or "bumped his head on the car door." When we all got cameras on our phones, people were documenting what the cops were actually doing.

When the cities started mandating the cops carry body cams, the Police Unions all screamed bloody murder.
If Floyd was the only one it is affordable to have social empathy. There are too many George Floyds, and this affects millions of people with its tentacles. Softening police responses is a good thing. Encouraging criminal activities not so much. Severe criminals and psychologically impaired people must be kept under control.
What matters is that blacks from affluent families rarely test better on the SAT than whites from lower middle class families. This is because of a well understood genetic phenomenon that I have explained previously called "reversion to the average."
What genetic research have you linked to? The people doing genetic research believe the average IQ gap between white and black people is almost entirely environmental and due to racism and racism inequities.
What caused demoralization was that cops found out that they are really hated by most of society. Kind of their own fault, really, they tend to abuse their positions.
Gallup, JULY 14, 2021

Overall, 51% of all U.S. adults currently have confidence in the police, after it dropped to a low of 48% last year. Confidence is still slightly below the pre-Floyd reading of 53% from 2019 and well below the historical high of 64% in 2004.

Paternity is rarely certain among the black underclass.
Is that so? You sure you're not confusing marriage rates with uncertain paternity? How about this? How about we both start listing members of Congress who don't know who their daddies are. I'll start with Lauren Boebert. Who you got?
Gallup, JULY 14, 2021

Overall, 51% of all U.S. adults currently have confidence in the police, after it dropped to a low of 48% last year. Confidence is still slightly below the pre-Floyd reading of 53% from 2019 and well below the historical high of 64% in 2004.

YOu realize that 51% is really a pathetic number given the responsibility police have, right?

Sounds to me like they have a lot of work to do to regain the trust of the public.

The fact that it reached a historical "high" of 64% (Three years after 9/11 and a shitload of propaganda) tells me that some resentment was always there.

Now, compare this chart.


Firefighters, Paramedics and Health Care workers are well regarded.

Cops, not so much.
Local government workers and politicians are even lower.

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