Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

So you are saying there was no discrimination and that there was no need for AA. Is that what you are saying? Also who is it discriminating against?
I’m saying that it might have served a purpose two generations ago, but it’s not right to continue discriminating against whites and Asians with better scores and grades just because of skin color.

Your grandpa had unfair advantages getting into a prestigious college. Your papa had the same unfair advantages getting into a prestigious college. Now it’s time that you compete against people equally without your skin color giving you special privilege.
Um, the Europeans brought terror to most of the rest of the world with colonialism. Maybe you should read up on the Belgian Congo and some of the awful stuff that was done there.

Together with epidemic disease, famine, and a falling birth rate caused by these disruptions, the atrocities contributed to a sharp decline in the Congolese population. The magnitude of the population fall over the period is disputed, with modern estimates ranging from 1.5 million to 13 million.
Congo achieved independence from Belgium on 30 June 1960 and was immediately confronted by a series of secessionist movements, which culminated in the seizure of power by Mobutu Sese Seko in a 1965 coup d'état. Mobutu renamed the country Zaire in 1971 and imposed a harsh personalist dictatorship until his overthrow in 1997 by the First Congo War.[2] The country then had its name changed back and was confronted by the Second Congo War from 1998 to 2003, which resulted in the deaths of 5.4 million people.[8][9][10][11] The war ended under President Joseph Kabila who governed the country from 2001 to 2019, under whom human rights in the country remained poor and included frequent abuses such as forced disappearances, torture, arbitrary imprisonment and restrictions on civil liberties.[12] Following the 2018 general election, in the country's first peaceful transition of power since independence, Kabila was succeeded as president by Félix Tshisekedi, who has served as president since.[13] Since 2015, the Eastern DR Congo has been the site of an ongoing military conflict in Kivu.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is extremely rich in natural resources but has suffered from political instability, a lack of infrastructure, corruption, and centuries of both commercial and colonial extraction and exploitation, followed by more than 60 years of independence, with little widespread development.[14] Besides the capital Kinshasa, the two next largest cities, Lubumbashi and Mbuji-Mayi, are both mining communities. The DRC's largest export is raw minerals, with China accepting over 50% of its exports in 2019.[2] In 2021, DR Congo's level of human development was ranked 179th out of 191 countries by the Human Development Index.[15] As of 2018, following two decades of various civil wars and continued internal conflicts, around 600,000 Congolese refugees were still living in neighbouring countries.[16] Two million children risk starvation, and the fighting has displaced 4.5 million people.[17]

ongo achieved independence from Belgium on 30 June 1960 and was immediately confronted by a series of

Hector's answer- Yes, white people did something awful, but then black people failed to establish a country after they left.

You do get why 15 million Congolese being slaughtered was a bad thing, and white people didn't do them any favors giving their land to King Leopold, right? This guy should be up there with Hitler and Stalin.
I’m saying that it might have served a purpose two generations ago, but it’s not right to continue discriminating against whites and Asians with better scores and grades just because of skin color.
How is it discriminating against whites when the biggest beneficiary of it is white women. Now when you are turned down from a college or university please tell me how you know it was because a black kid got it because of AA, how do you know the black kid's application wasn't better than yours. The is confidential information, so how do you know? How do you know that the white kid with lesser averages than you didn't get in.
Your grandpa had unfair advantages getting into a prestigious college. Your papa had the same unfair advantages getting into a prestigious college. Now it’s time that you compete against people equally without your skin color giving you special privilege.
Black folks today still have disadvantages, because of white privilege in many cases.
How is it discriminating against whites when the biggest beneficiary of it is white women. Now when you are turned down from a college or university please tell me how you know it was because a black kid got it because of AA, how do you know the black kid's application wasn't better than yours. The is confidential information, so how do you know? How do you know that the white kid with lesser averages than you didn't get in.

Black folks today still have disadvantages, because of white privilege in many cases.
I know because I worked in admissions.

You’ve had two generations of being favored over whites. Time‘s up.
I know because I worked in admissions.

You’ve had two generations of being favored over whites. Time‘s up.
What did you do in Admissions and how many colleges did you work at? Whites have had over 400yrs of being favored over folks of color, when is that time going to be up.

Since we have had over 2 generations of being favored how is that black folks have always had the highest unemployment rates and the lowest college admissions rates explain that.

Explain to me the advantage black folks have had when we make up 6% or less at major colleges, please explain that.
What did you do in Admissions and how many colleges did you work at? Whites have had over 400yrs of being favored over folks of color, when is that time going to be up.

Since we have had over 2 generations of being favored how is that black folks have always had the highest unemployment rates and the lowest college admissions rates explain that.

Explain to me the advantage black folks have had when we make up 6% or less at major colleges, please explain that.
The reason you make up 6% or less is because, generally speaking, 1) grades and scores of blacks are lower than those for whites and Asians, and 2) the shameful illegitimacy rate which leads to high rates of poverty and crime, rather than educational attainment.
Your wife is a white woman, when she benefits you benefit. Your daughter is a white woman, your sister is a white woman, your female cousins are white women.
I am not pushing AA you are

If you dont like the unintended consequences thats your problem not mine
I am not pushing AA you are

If you dont like the unintended consequences thats your problem not mine
Isn‘t it funny how blacks and their leftist enablers keep screaming how AA helps white women while yelling “racist” at anyone who wants to abolish race-based decisions as “wanting to have zero blacks in college”?
But it is always the blacks who start the Oppression Olympics. Without fail, it is when a Jew or someone who admires the tenacity and success of Jews points out how Jews have succeeded, time and time again, despite the most unimaginable bigotry. Instead of blacks or the liberals who enable them crediting Jews with the positive traits that have allowed them to succeed despite bigotry, the answer always comes back, “but blacks had it worse.”

Has it occurred to you that people might tired of you constantly rubbing their noses in this sort of crap and that this attitude is directed at you in particular and not Jews as a whole?

I think my point stands. Atrocities, bigotry etc is not a competitive sport. This thread didn’t even start out about Jews.

And the contrary, as well. Companies seek out the “black-sounding“ names in an effort to bring more of them on board - or simply announce beforehand that the job will be filled only by a black.
Show me data to prove this then. I can easily show you experiments that on applicants with Black sounding names.

Same with college admissions - when a white and black middle class kid applies, the black kid with the lower grades and score will be chosen over the white (or Asian) kid. Isn’t that what this thread is about - Asians getting rejected despite exemplary scores while blacks with lower get in, and based solely on race?
What about the lower scoring Whites that get in over the Asian student?

Yes, but you never NEVER call out the anti-semitic posters. Dudley Smith actually blamed Jews themselves for the Holocaust, saying “smart people don’t get themselves get turned into lampshades.” He defended FDR’s decision to send the St. Louis Jews back to Hitler by saying that American already had more than its fair share of Jews.

You ought to read my signature some time.

Since you are the moderator and call people racist for comments you consider racist, I would appreciate if you would call out antisemites who say disgusting things about Jews. There is a big problem among Democrats in that they demonstrate a chilling tolerance for antisemitism while condemning racism, and you can do a small part to stop that.

I am posting as a member not a moderator. I’ve also called out antisemitic comments, not that you would notice nor do I care if you do. Have you ever called out any of our board’s racists? Or do just agree with them?
The reason you make up 6% or less is because, generally speaking, 1) grades and scores of blacks are lower than those for whites and Asians, and 2) the shameful illegitimacy rate which leads to high rates of poverty and crime, rather than educational attainment.
Well if had all these advantages that you claim we would have a higher % in college and we wouldn't have as much unemployment. You just showed where your argument is bullshit.
if you think it’s a “lie” that Affirmative Action afford blacks special treatment that they would not have if white, I expect you will not have any problem with the abolishment of AA when announced next week.
College admissions isn’t under AA.
I’m saying that it might have served a purpose two generations ago, but it’s not right to continue discriminating against whites and Asians with better scores and grades just because of skin color.
AA was all about opening the door for it was traditionally closed against. I would agree it is no longer needed as a program.

Your grandpa had unfair advantages getting into a prestigious college. Your papa had the same unfair advantages getting into a prestigious college. Now it’s time that you compete against people equally without your skin color giving you special privilege.
The same can said for White women.
Isn‘t it funny how blacks and their leftist enablers keep screaming how AA helps white women while yelling “racist” at anyone who wants to abolish race-based decisions as “wanting to have zero blacks in college”?
You don't want to abolish race based decisions, as long as, they benefit whites. No blacks in college is exactly what you want, hell we are only 6% or less in college, what's lower than that? 0.
Has it occurred to you that people might tired of you constantly rubbing their noses in this sort of crap and that this attitude is directed at you in particular and not Jews as a whole?

I think my point stands. Atrocities, bigotry etc is not a competitive sport. This thread didn’t even start out about Jews.

Show me data to prove this then. I can easily show you experiments that on applicants with Black sounding names.

What about the lower scoring Whites that get in over the Asian student?

You ought to read my signature some time.

I am posting as a member not a moderator. I’ve also called out antisemitic comments, not that you would notice nor do I care if you do. Have you ever called out any of our board’s racists? Or do just agree with them?
You’re just too overtly hostile - to me, especially. I don’t feel like providing you with a punching bag any longer for my ”crime” of showing how a) bigotry can be overcome with the right traits and values, and b) how unfair it is to lower standards, or rearrange them, in order to get more blacks into a specific college at the expense of whites and Asians.

Find someone else.
You’re just too overtly hostile - to me, especially. I don’t feel like providing you with a punching bag any longer for my ”crime” of showing how a) bigotry can be overcome with the right traits and values, and b) how unfair it is to lower standards, or rearrange them, in order to get more blacks into a specific college at the expense of whites and Asians.

Find someone else.
In other words, you have pretty much shown your true colors on the issue for everyone to see.

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