Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

You’re just too overtly hostile - to me, especially. I don’t feel like providing you with a punching bag any longer for my ”crime” of showing how a) bigotry can be overcome with the right traits and values, and b) how unfair it is to lower standards, or rearrange them, in order to get more blacks into a specific college at the expense of whites and Asians.

Find someone else.
Don’t be silly and for God’s sakes stop self-identifying as some sort of victim simply because you are being held accountable for your own words. Total cop out.

I am still wondering why you aren’t pissed about lower scoring Whites getting admitted over Asians.
Yes. To clarify, my position on the issue is that blacks and whites be treated equally, with no regard to race.
Blacks and whites have NEVER been treated equal in this country. Why in the hell do you think AA was created in the first damn place. You want to bring back the Good Old Days, I haven't heard you say one damn word about whites who have a clear advantage, you have yet to say we need to get rid of those advantages. All you harp on is AA, because you think it helps black folks.
Orientals? WTF is that?
Orientals are Chinese and nations that learned civilization from China. These are Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. Those nations are known for high IQ averages and low rates of crime and illegitimacy, everywhere they live, even when they are poor.
You sure are dense. I am using the Jewish people as an example of a persecuted minority that has succeeded - and then some - despite horrific bigotry.
Please tell me when Jewish folks in America have EVER been treated like black folks have in this country. You are trying to hide behind it to spew your hatred and bigotry for black folks.
Orientals are Chinese and nations that learned civilization from China. These are Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. Those nations are known for high IQ averages and low rates of crime and illegitimacy, everywhere they live, even when they are poor.
Oh you mean Asian folks.
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Don’t be silly and for God’s sakes stop self-identifying as some sort of victim simply because you are being held accountable for your own words. Total cop out.

I am still wondering why you aren’t pissed about lower scoring Whites getting admitted over Asians.
I am sure that Lisa is angry about that. So am I. :mad:
Agreed, and if there's one thing I agree with conservatives on it's the need to dis-incentivize welfare tied to childbirth. I'd suggest a welfare amount per household that is limited to up to two adult guardians and one child, and that's it. You bring other children into this world, you pay for them and if you can't, then protective services should come in and decide whether the kid's basic needs are being met and TPR if they aren't. Controversial and harsh but sticking to it.
The Assistance To Single Women With Children part of the Social Security Act provided grants to states as Aid To Dependent Children. Eventually the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This was welfare folks. Assistance for single moms with children and no daddy at home. In 1935. Blacks were excluded. Aid to Dependent Children functioned mainly to provide federal grants to help the states with mothers’ aid laws that began in 1910. The ADC plan was written by two ladies who had been former directors of what was at the time called the U.S. Children’s Bureau. The Children’s Bureau’s goal was to provide aid to all children whose mothers had no support from a husband no matter how they got into that position. From the Children’s Bureau in 1910 until 1965, no one talked about how the welfare state was wrong and created the disintegration of the white family.

Linda Gordon and Felice Batlan, The Legal History of the Aid to Dependent Children Program, Aid To Dependent Children: The Legal History

Tying welfare to black childbirth is a racist meme started by Ronald Reagan.

“Corporate welfare often subsidizes failing and mismanaged businesses and induces firms to spend more time on lobbying rather than on making better products. Instead of correcting market failures, federal subsidies misallocate resources and introduce government failures into the marketplace.”

The problem with making welfare about nonwhites and poor white people is that wealthy whites get most of the government handouts and always have. In 2006, approximately fifty-nine billion was spent on welfare for poor and moderate-income Americans. About ninety-two billion was spent on corporate subsidies. In 2012, ninety eight billion was spent on corporate subsidies. These handouts to corporations way exceed that given to households with children. People aren't getting wealthy having children and instead of investing in corporate subsidies our best investment is in our children.

Tad DeHaven, Corporate Welfare in the Federal Budget, Policy Analysis, No. 703, July 25, 2012,

Government Spends More on Corporate Welfare Subsidies than Social Welfare Programs,, original source, Time Magazine, Vol. 152 No. 19

Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele, Corporate Welfare: Corporate Welfare, Time Magazine, Vol. 152 No. 19, Nov. 09, 1998,,33009,989508, 00.html

Stephen Slivinski, The Corporate Welfare State:How the Federal Government Subsidizes U.S. Businesses, Policy Analysis, No. 592, May 14, 2007,

Rob Borrow, Welfare Inequality: The Rise of Corporate Welfare, October 9, 2020,

Robert Reich, How Corporate Welfare Hurts You, The American Prospect, July 23, 2019,

Scott Lincicome, Calculating the Real Cost of Corporate Welfare, The Federalist, September 30, 2013,
Don’t be silly and for God’s sakes stop self-identifying as some sort of victim simply because you are being held accountable for your own words. Total cop out.

I am still wondering why you aren’t pissed about lower scoring Whites getting admitted over Asians.
That’s how the SCOTUS case was presented. They knew if they complained about the LOWEST scoring group - blacks - getting in ahead of them, the liberals would be in an outrage. So they decided to make it Asians v. Whites. Clever strategy.

But really, it’s ridiculous to argue that slightly lower-whites are getting in ahead of Asians when blacks, scoring significantly worse, are as well. But as I said, it’s their strategy.
As someone who worked in higher education admissions for years, I know what the percentage would be: between 3% and 4% for the most competitive colleges.

All that means is that the other 10% or so who get Into the very top schools by virtue of their color - and now will not - will simply have to go to a somewhat lesser university, more in line with their abilities. Is it REALLY that awful to go to Boston University? Or Vanderbilt? Or Duke?
Well…you seem to think so.

Universities have a right to select for a diverse campus, just as employers can select for a diverse workforce.

No one has a “right” to get into a college. No one has a “right” to be hired by a particular employer.

In the end, all that matters is not criteria at admissions but matriculation, which is proof of success over potential.
Colleges do you dumb fuck. There are a shit ton of smart people applying for colleges, you need activities to make yourself stand out from the crowd.

I guess they did not tell you than while you were learning to drop fries at Wendy's
A 4.6 GPA and a 1590 SAT score makes one stand out from the crowd.
Have you ever noticed you never hear any of these folks who whine about AA complain about the Football and Basketball team being 90% black. If a black student can't run with a football or dribble a basketball then they don't won't them there.
Well…you seem to think so.

Universities have a right to select for a diverse campus, just as employers can select for a diverse workforce.

No one has a “right” to get into a college. No one has a “right” to be hired by a particular employer.

In the end, all that matters is not criteria at admissions but matriculation, which is proof of success over potential.
But you’re wrong. You could just as well say that a private employer has a right to keep his entire workforce white and refuse to hire any blacks.

That is in violation of racial discrimination laws, as are race-based admissions decisions.

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