Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

One policy is to exclude all people of one group.

The other policy is to include people of all groups.

How is that the same?
You’re halfway right. It is wrong to exclude all people of one group. But prohibiting race-based admissions is not EXCLUDING anyone - everyone has an equal crack, regardless of race.
Actually it is not. The courts have long affirmed their right to use race as one of multiple criteria as long as it isn’t the sole criteria and not quotas.

That was the Grutter decision, around 20 years ago. At the time, the Court acknowledged it wasn’t really right to use race as a factor and compromised by saying it can’t be the only factor. They hedged. They also said that in another 20 years or so, it should be abolished. Here we are.
Refusing to hire someone because of race is, but if you have a group of qualified candidates for a job, an employer doesn’t just look at a piece of paper, he considers how well the candidate will fit the corporate culture and mission, personality traits etc. And race or ethnicity can be a factor.

If a health clinic is trying to improve health outcomes by increasing preventive care for a group that distrusts the medical field, are they going to hire a nurse practitioner that knows nothing of the culture or someone familiar with it by virtue of being raised in it?
I would rather have a nurse practitioner who is the most skilled and competent in her field. I don’t care if she’s familiar with my “culture.”
Not really. Personality and the ability to relate to other humans don't have a GPA or test score.
Those are subjective measures - which is what got Harvard in front of the SCOTUS in the first place. They devised a personality test With questions they knew they could score blacks high on, and Asians low, and then rejected Asians on the grounds that people of their race are unlikeable.

You don’t see a problem with judging people of an entire race as being unlikeable?
For the record, I wasn't aiming that at black families solely; whites and Latinos, too.

With that being said, I'm sorry, my eyes don't deceive me. There is a shit-ton of extra births in urban black communities to mothers who are in no way prepared economically or otherwise to care for their children. I've lived in many different parts of this country and seen this play out over and over again. Single black mothers hopping onto a bus with 4 children when it's abundantly clear that the mother isn't exactly bringing in the kind of income and doesn't possess the education that would prepare them for life beyond the hood. Welfare enables that, and it needs to stop.

I agree there's corporate welfare and I am not opposed to doing something about it, though I'd caution that if you want to go after American farmers - at least in the current capitalist system - everyone's going to be paying a shit ton more for food.
I understand. I should have made it more clear. I read your post and it was fair, I don't mean to assert that you're racist, because that's not the case. The fact is that there aren't as many births as you think. I looked up numbers a couple of years ago and whites had more unwed births than blacks had total births. We should invest more in children because I have seen white women in the same condition.

Farm subsidies should not go to corporate farms and oil companies should not be subsidized at all.
Tying welfare to black childbirth is a racist meme started by Ronald Reagan.
That is beyond ignorant. Only a complete moron would make that statement. I’d ask this idiot to support that but he can’t.
Those are subjective measures - which is what got Harvard in front of the SCOTUS in the first place. They devised a personality test With questions they knew they could score blacks high on, and Asians low, and then rejected Asians on the grounds that people of their race are unlikeable.
You don’t see a problem with judging people of an entire race as being unlikeable?
Isn't that exactly how you judge black folks.
I understand. I should have made it more clear. I read your post and it was fair, I don't mean to assert that you're racist, because that's not the case. The fact is that there aren't as many births as you think. I looked up numbers a couple of years ago and whites had more unwed births than blacks had total births. We should invest more in children because I have seen white women in the same condition.

Farm subsidies should not go to corporate farms and oil companies should not be subsidized at all.
They also don't acknowledge that if a man and woman aren't married they label it as a single woman household, even though the father lives there as well. They just aren't married.
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I saw this kid interviewed. He relates just fine to other people.
I'm sure you've seen him interact with people daily. This story is an anecdote used to race bait. Asians are being admitted into Ivy league schools at rates far beond their population. Meanwhile students like this get left out for unqualified white legacy students, not blacks.
I'm sure you've seen him interact with people daily. This story is an anecdote used to race bait. Asians are being admitted into Ivy league schools at rates far beond their population. Meanwhile students like this get left out for unqualified white legacy students, not blacks.
They’re being admitted into the Ivy League at rates far beyond their population because they are far and away the best students (along with Jews).
I'm sure you've seen him interact with people daily. This story is an anecdote used to race bait. Asians are being admitted into Ivy league schools at rates far beond their population. Meanwhile students like this get left out for unqualified white legacy students, not blacks.
Racial quotas are unacceptable. Period. Admission should be based on academic achievement. This young man is amongst the nation’s highest achievers.
It's easy for white bigots to downplay the racism they practice.
How am I practicing racism you effing moron?

It’s racist to say one of the country’s highest achieving students in America should not be denied admission to a prestigious university because he’s Asian. Only in the liberal alternate universe is that true.
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I understand. I should have made it more clear. I read your post and it was fair, I don't mean to assert that you're racist, because that's not the case. The fact is that there aren't as many births as you think. I looked up numbers a couple of years ago and whites had more unwed births than blacks had total births. We should invest more in children because I have seen white women in the same condition.

Farm subsidies should not go to corporate farms and oil companies should not be subsidized at all.

We need an entirely new economic system regardless. Capitalism just brings out the worst of our instincts. Capitalism is why racism exists in the first place. It's a brutally inequitable system. Capitalism needed to dehumanize African and indigenous people so that capitalists could get cheap/free labor.

But beyond that we've raped our planet to the point where it's now atmospherically-challenged and resource-depleted. We need a system that focuses on less production/consumption and more on equilibrium and sustenance.
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I would rather have a nurse practitioner who is the most skilled and competent in her field. I don’t care if she’s familiar with my “culture.”

That is fine for YOU, because your culture is mainstream White American.

That isn’t the case with everyone particularly those with the highest incidence of health problems.

Just to put it in a slightly different perspective, when it comes to preventive gynecological exams, I would prefer a female. That does not mean a male is less qualified or capable, but I am far more comfortable with a woman doing it. And I am educated, white, from the dominant culture and English is my first language. I have none of the barriers or distrust others may face either culturally or linguistically. Am I a sexist?
That is beyond ignorant. Only a complete moron would make that statement. I’d ask this idiot to support that but he can’t.

Hari Sreenivasan:
You know it was a Chicago paper that gave her that nickname but it's really Ronald Reagan on the campaign trail that makes that phrase such a household idea. How did it get from the Chicago paper into his speeches?

Josh Levin:
One of his advisers had found a wire story about it and Reagan was looking for kind of outrageous stories about welfare because welfare reform had been one of his big accomplishments as governor of California. And it was also something that voters were outraged about in the mid 1970s increased welfare spending at a time when the economy was really poor. And this idea that there were welfare cheats out there was something that created outrage.

Ronald Reagan Campaign Speech, 1976: In Chicago, they found a woman who holds the record. She used 80 names, 30 addresses, 15 telephone numbers to collect food stamps, Social Security, veterans' benefits for four nonexistent deceased veterans husbands. Her tax-free cash income, alone, has been running $150,000 a year.

We need an entirely new economic system regardless. Capitalism just brings out the worst of our instincts. Capitalism is why racism exists in the first place. It's a brutally inequitable system. Capitalism needed to dehumanize African and indigenous people so that capitalists could get cheap/free labor.

But beyond that we've raped our planet to the point where it's now atmospherically-challenged and resource-depleted. We need a system that focuses on less production/consumption and more on equilibrium and sustenance.
You speak truth my brother.
I understand. I should have made it more clear. I read your post and it was fair, I don't mean to assert that you're racist, because that's not the case. The fact is that there aren't as many births as you think. I looked up numbers a couple of years ago and whites had more unwed births than blacks had total births. We should invest more in children because I have seen white women in the same condition.

Farm subsidies should not go to corporate farms and oil companies should not be subsidized at all.

I'm sorry, I apologize to my Black brothers and sisters. I didn't meant to suggest that welfare was just a Black problem - it's not. Most people on welfare are white. I get that. I was just recalling experiences.
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That is fine for YOU, because your culture is mainstream White American.

That isn’t the case with everyone particularly those with the highest incidence of health problems.

Just to put it in a slightly different perspective, when it comes to preventive gynecological exams, I would prefer a female. That mean a male is less qualified or capable, but I am far more comfortable with a woman doing it. And I am educated, white, from the dominant culture and English is my first language. I have none of the barriers or distrust others may face either culturally or linguistically. Am I a sexist?
No. If I was a female, I would want a female gynocologist. It only makes sense.

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