Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

Now the shoe is on the other foot and black people are over represented on TV

Thats is equally wrong
Thanks. When I’ve pointed that out, Coyote calls me a racist. What the leftists demand are that whites just STFU when they see how much they are being discriminated against in favor of blacks - be it for entry into Harvard, or medical school, or hiring in jobs, or in promotions.

How can Leftists keep claiming that racism is wrong and then support it when it hurts certain races only?
Thanks. When I’ve pointed that out, Coyote calls me a racist. What the leftists demand are that whites just STFU when they see how much they are being discriminated against in favor of blacks - be it for entry into Harvard, or medical school, or hiring in jobs, or in promotions.

How can Leftists keep claiming that racism is wrong and then support it when it hurts certain races only?
You don't know what racism is Lisa, or you pretend not to because you're a racist. A white person isn't harmed because they didn't get into the school of their choice.
Yeah, I’ve seen that opinion piece.

So keep it in mind when AA is outlawed. The announcement that race cannot be a factor in admissions - with the idea to get in more people of one race and reduce the number of people in the other two races - will probably come next week.

Something tells me it won’t be the white women moaning and wailing.
Yeah, I’ve seen that opinion piece.

So keep it in mind when AA is outlawed. The announcement that race cannot be a factor in admissions - with the idea to get in more people of one race and reduce the number of people in the other two races - will probably come next week.

Something tells me it won’t be the white women moaning and wailing.
It will be racists celebrating though. That much we do know.
Charles Murray still a racist piece of garbage.

Calling someone a racist does not disprove his assertions. It indicates that disproval is impossible.

If the Southern Poverty Law Center lived up to its name it would provide free or low cost legal assistance to those who could not afford to hire lawyers. If it did it would serve a useful purpose.

Instead it suppresses the dialogue on race President Clinton called for, and which we need to have. The vast majority of individuals and organizations on the SPLC's Hate List have never advocated violating the law. They have never advocated violence of any kind. Like Charles Murray they have prevented well reasoned, fact based arguments supporting positions SPLC dislikes.
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There you go again, calling me a racist simply because I am opposed to policies that favor one race and disfavor another.

YOU, on the other hand, support race-based policies as long as whites, and now more increasingly Asians, are the ones who are discriminated against.

Lashing out and calling your enemy that which YOU are is the classic leftist tactic.
You are just too funny. Page after page of relatively civil discussion you then you start in and have a meltdown when someone hits back.

You don't know what racist means. You confuse racial inequality with racism. Racism requires a belief in the superiority or inferiority of one race over another.

Does the shoe fit? Or is it like OJ's glove?
Except problems that simple are never on the SAT. Usually, they are word problems with real life situations that apply to white folks more than black folks.
How does a word problem apply to a white person more than a black person? A word problem is trying to gauge your mastery of a math concept. The subject matter of the word problem is irrelevant. Also how could any sentence be worded in a way that someone of a certain skin color wouldnt be able to understand it? Skin color has zero to do with your grasp of language or math concepts. If I told you a sentence was geared toward blue eyed people over people with hazel or green eyes. Or I said that this math problem sets brown eyed people or lefthanders up for failure you'd think I was crazy.
Except the ones who crack up and commit suicide.

New research reveals that the youth mental health crisis is taking a heavy toll on the Asian American community. Statistics from the CDC show that suicide is the first leading cause of death for Asian American young adults—accounting for one-third of the deaths among Asian Americans aged 20–24. This is the only racial group within this age demographic for whom this is true.

Except the ones who crack up and commit suicide... again.

NEW ORLEANS – In an unexpected finding, researchers discovered that Asian American adolescents had the highest rate of suicidal ideation, per a 2019 national survey of high-school students. According to a weighted analysis, 24% of Asian Americans reported thinking about or planning suicide vs. 22% of Whites and Blacks and 20% of Hispanics (P < .01).

You can argue that Asian parents in the aggregate may push their children too hard. There's a line to walk and they may be over it. That said Asian American youth has the lowest mortality rate in the US. Half that of white kids and 1/3 of black kids. Say what you want but they are doing something right in that community.

Oh, it's worse than that... (It always is.) The SAT was designed by a racist.

In his 1923 book, A Study of American Intelligence, psychologist and eugenicist Carl Brigham wrote that African-Americans were on the low end of the racial, ethnic, and/or cultural spectrum. Testing, he believed, showed the superiority of “the Nordic race group” and warned of the “promiscuous intermingling” of new immigrants in the American gene pool.

Furthermore, the education system he argued was in decline and "will proceed with an accelerating rate as the racial mixture becomes more and more extensive
." still a racist piece of garbage.

Because something was made by someone who was a racist doesn't make that thing inherently racist. Certainly not for all eternity. Does the SAT today even resemble the original test? It's wildly different today from when I took it. Tests don't give 2 shits what your race is. You either understand the subject matter or you don't. If the test is geared toward white people, why do Asians seem to do better (on average) that white people?

You know what's racist as fuck? Telling black kids they cant do it. Telling them they cant (on their own) make it.
Now the shoe is on the other foot and black people are over represented on TV

Thats is equally wrong
Neither is actually "wrong". It is a market driven decision and the right of private entities to determine.
Neither is actually "wrong". It is a market driven decision and the right of private entities to determine.
Libs didnt think so when black people were under represented

They were hot about it
How does a word problem apply to a white person more than a black person? A word problem is trying to gauge your mastery of a math concept. The subject matter of the word problem is irrelevant. Also how could any sentence be worded in a way that someone of a certain skin color wouldnt be able to understand it?

But what Freedle found in 2003 has now been confirmed independently by the new study: that some kinds of verbal questions have a DIF for black and white students. On some of the easier verbal questions, the two studies found that a DIF favored white students. On some of the most difficult verbal questions, the DIF favored black students. Freedle's theory about why this would be the case was that easier questions are likely reflected in the cultural expressions that are used commonly in the dominant (white) society, so white students have an edge based not on education or study skills or aptitude, but because they are most likely growing up around white people. The more difficult words are more likely to be learned, not just absorbed.

You can argue that Asian parents in the aggregate may push their children too hard. There's a line to walk and they may be over it. That said Asian American youth has the lowest mortality rate in the US. Half that of white kids and 1/3 of black kids. Say what you want but they are doing something right in that community.

so it's okay that Asian kids are offing themselves because of the pressure their parents put on them because they are less likely to die from drugs, guns or car accidents? Is this the argument you are making, bud?

Because something was made by someone who was a racist doesn't make that thing inherently racist. Certainly not for all eternity. Does the SAT today even resemble the original test? It's wildly different today from when I took it. Tests don't give 2 shits what your race is. You either understand the subject matter or you don't. If the test is geared toward white people, why do Asians seem to do better (on average) that white people?

Well, now that you've admitted the test was racist, what's your proof it's changed. The problem is that standardized testing has already had a corrosive effect on our education system. Schools teach to the test.

You know what's racist as fuck? Telling black kids they cant do it. Telling them they cant (on their own) make it.

Good thing no one told them that.

I guess we do point out that racism is an obstacle they have to deal with, but that's like telling them the sky is blue.

What is racist is telling a kid to study hard in school, keep out of trouble, don't do drugs, and don't get pregnant, and when they do all of that, you tell him, "Sorry, man. We gave that slot in college to Timmy, even though he had the same GPA you have because his Dad is a legacy."

But what Freedle found in 2003 has now been confirmed independently by the new study: that some kinds of verbal questions have a DIF for black and white students. On some of the easier verbal questions, the two studies found that a DIF favored white students. On some of the most difficult verbal questions, the DIF favored black students. Freedle's theory about why this would be the case was that easier questions are likely reflected in the cultural expressions that are used commonly in the dominant (white) society, so white students have an edge based not on education or study skills or aptitude, but because they are most likely growing up around white people. The more difficult words are more likely to be learned, not just absorbed.

What is racist is telling a kid to study hard in school, keep out of trouble, don't do drugs, and don't get pregnant,
You get that you're nuts I hope.
Calling someone a racist does not disprove his assertions. It indicates that disproval is impossible.

Actually, it's pretty easy to disprove the assertations of racists by pointing out their racism.

In this country, we've had rampant discrimination against black people that no other groups (let's say Asians or Jews) have had to encounter here, including:

Jim Crow
Sundown Towns
Literacy Tests
Poll Taxes
Miscengation laws
Debt Peonage

It would seem to me that if they were as inferior as you and Imperial Wizard Murray keep claiming, you all wouldn't need to keep the knee on their necks (literally and metaphorically) for so long.


But heck, you guys lose your shit if they even want to discuss this stuff in schools.

If the Southern Poverty Law Center lived up to its name it would provide free or low cost legal assistance to those who could not afford to hire lawyers. If it did it would serve a useful purpose.
Actually, they do.

Instead it suppresses the dialogue on race President Clinton called for, and which we need to have. The vast majority of individuals and organizations on the SPLC's Hate List have never advocated violating the law. They have never advocated violence of any kind. Like Charles Murray they have prevented well reasoned, fact based arguments supporting positions SPLC dislikes.

Um, no, if you are on their list, you probably have it coming.
He is not the only anti racist who posts lies. Lies, insults, name calling, obscene words, and easily identifiable logical fallacies are all they have. We have the facts on our side. :)
His Dream Became America's Nightmare

Yet no one recognizes that MLK's accusation that discrimination is caused only by "the color of their skin" is a strawman.

This is what I mean by "totalitarianism." People only accept as criticism what they are told by the White Replacers' agents assigned to cut short our defense, or else they would have been informed that this strawman is an obvious logical fallacy.

But what Freedle found in 2003 has now been confirmed independently by the new study: that some kinds of verbal questions have a DIF for black and white students. On some of the easier verbal questions, the two studies found that a DIF favored white students. On some of the most difficult verbal questions, the DIF favored black students. Freedle's theory about why this would be the case was that easier questions are likely reflected in the cultural expressions that are used commonly in the dominant (white) society, so white students have an edge based not on education or study skills or aptitude, but because they are most likely growing up around white people. The more difficult words are more likely to be learned, not just absorbed.

Differences in outcomes doesn't mean racism.

so it's okay that Asian kids are offing themselves because of the pressure their parents put on them because they are less likely to die from drugs, guns or car accidents? Is this the argument you are making, bud?

According to the CDC Asian youth have the lowest suicidality rate as well. What was your point again?

Just so Im tracking.

Asian kids have the highest test scores, the highest GPA's the highest per capita acceptance into top level schools, the lowest mortality rate and the lowest suicidality of any ethnic group in the US and somehow Asian parents are fucking it up?
Well, now that you've admitted the test was racist, what's your proof it's changed.
I never said any such thing

The problem is that standardized testing has already had a corrosive effect on our education system. Schools teach to the test.
I thought it was just racist. Dont move the goal posts on me. Standardized tests are just a tool.
Good thing no one told them that.

That's exactly what you're telling them.
I guess we do point out that racism is an obstacle they have to deal with, but that's like telling them the sky is blue.
Telling them an inanimate thing is racist is fucking stupid. The test doesnt care what race you are. You can either answer the questions or you cant. The test would be racist if it marked an answer correct or incorrect based on the color of the test takers skin. It doesnt.
What is racist is telling a kid to study hard in school, keep out of trouble, don't do drugs, and don't get pregnant, and when they do all of that, you tell him, "Sorry, man. We gave that slot in college to Timmy, even though he had the same GPA you have because his Dad is a legacy."

If you do those things you'll be successful regardless of what college you go to. And Im fine with ending legacy acceptance. If you're fine with AA acceptance. They are essentially the same thing.
Intelligence can easily be verified by the ability to perform well in school, and in intellectually demanding jobs.
After Being Let Out of the College Corral, High IQs Become Cash Cows for Corporate Cowboys

There is a deeper intelligence which concludes that college is work without pay and therefore an insult to intelligence and a preliminary to exploiting it mercilessly.

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