Asian-American Student Has Near-Perfect 1590 out of 1600 SAT Score and a 4.65 GPA, Gets Ugly Shock After Applications to Elite Universities

Because the test is geared towards white people and their experiences. YOu do realize that being even the poorest white is a different experience than being black in this country, right Hector? a racist piece of crap who got debunked decades ago, and can't show his face in polite society.

How’s the SAT possibly “geared toward white people”?

The SAT is vocab, reading comp, and writing. Math. Words mean what they mean regardless of what your skin color is. You can either understand what you’re reading or you can’t. Your ethnicity has zero to do with that. 2+2 is 4 no matter where your ancestors are from.
How’s the SAT possibly “geared toward white people”?

The SAT is vocab, reading comp, and writing. Math. Words mean what they mean regardless of what your skin color is. You can either understand what you’re reading or you can’t. Your ethnicity has zero to do with that. 2+2 is 4 no matter where your ancestors are from.
Who was it created by and who was it created for?
And they always pull out that Straw Man argument. Suddenly, noticing that every ad, every poster, every store application brochure, every notice of special sales events, etc., etc., features 12% of the population almost exclusively jumps to “you don’t like seeing black people!”

It honestly IS so tiresome.

Honestly, that you keep track at all is kind of telling.

I pay very little attention to who is in commercials or on advertisements, unless they are particularly annoying or funny.

But you seem... obsessed.
How’s the SAT possibly “geared toward white people”?

The SAT is vocab, reading comp, and writing. Math. Words mean what they mean regardless of what your skin color is. You can either understand what you’re reading or you can’t. Your ethnicity has zero to do with that. 2+2 is 4 no matter where your ancestors are from.
Go back, read the article I posted earlier.
Who was it created by and who was it created for?
Basketball was created by a white guy. Black guys don’t seem to have a problem being good at it. Same with football (both versions) Baseball etc. I have no earthly idea who created the SAT originally. The current version I’m sure is produced ny multiple people of likely multiple ethnicities. That said if it were created by all white people or all black people all the words would mean the same as they do now and 2+2 would still equal 4. You’re good at what you put emphasis on. The reason Asian kids (generally speaking) do well in school is because their parents emphasize it. They demand it. The chances of you making a living playing a sport, performing, or being famous are exceedingly small no matter how hard you work. But if you focus and put the work in at academics your chances of being successful are quite high. Asian parents focus their kids on what gives them the highest chance of being successful in life. And it’s working.
Basketball was created by a white guy. Black guys don’t seem to have a problem being good at it. Same with football (both versions) Baseball etc. I have no earthly idea who created the SAT originally. The current version I’m sure is produced ny multiple people of likely multiple ethnicities. That said if it were created by all white people or all black people all the words would mean the same as they do now and 2+2 would still equal 4. You’re good at what you put emphasis on. The reason Asian kids (generally speaking) do well in school is because their parents emphasize it. They demand it. The chances of you making a living playing a sport, performing, or being famous are exceedingly small no matter how hard you work. But if you focus and put the work in at academics your chances of being successful are quite high. Asian parents focus their kids on what gives them the highest chance of being successful in life. And it’s working.
So now Basketball and Football are compared to the SAT, ok. Carl Brigham created the SAT. Oh that's what it is, so black people just use school as a babysitter. Thxs for clearing that up for me.
Because the test is geared towards white people and their experiences. YOu do realize that being even the poorest white is a different experience than being black in this country, right Hector? a racist piece of crap who got debunked decades ago, and can't show his face in polite society.
Charles Murray has been condemned by intolerant leftists who pretend to be opposed to book banning in libraries. How has he been debunked? His assertions can easily be documented.
1) Stop your nasty shit about my “not wanting to encounter black people.” That‘s the lying approach the leftists take when a decent, fair-minded person objects to racist admissions policies. In an attempt to smear them personally, call them racist. How ironic.
You opened the door to that with your own comments about myself and others here…don’t go full Pollyanna now.

2) What do you mean by my grandfather “fish story”? That’s another nasty leftist tactic - when someone brings up examples that refute the leftist narrative, call the person a liar and say they made up the story.
No that is not what I meant. With each retelling one guys fish gets bigger and bigger and the other guy’s fish shrinks. In this case your ancestor grew increasingly impoverished and went from being raised in a tenament to living on the 4th floor and sharing a bathroom with a bunch of others. I’m not saying you made it up, I have no idea. It’s just how you presented it in each succeeding response.

3) And I get it - you support diversity over ability and competence. So do many leftists. That’s why we have an idiot ad a Press Secretary and another idiot as a Vice President. Valuing “diversity” over competence is the way to bring about a big decline in America, as we’ve seen.

Nah…you don’t get it. You assume you cannot have both diversity and competence.

4) And the reason I focus on blacks is because that’s where the racism is most pronounced (in their favor).
Or…you just don’t like them. Think about it…who on earth keeps tabs on whether one particular minority is over represented in advertising?

Now try to set a good example as a moderator and stop calling your enemy a liar and a racist simply because she objects to race-based decisions. I am all for blacks getting into Harvard (or anywhere) as long as they qualify under the regular standards, and not have fake workarounds to get them in over better-qualified whites and Asians.
Oh drop the goody-two-shoes act. If you fling mud, don’t get your knickers in a knot if some of it sticks to you.

You keep overlooking the fact that gpa and test scores have never been the only criteria.
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And they always pull out that Straw Man argument. Suddenly, noticing that every ad, every poster, every store application brochure, every notice of special sales events, etc., etc., features 12% of the population almost exclusively jumps to “you don’t like seeing black people!”

It honestly IS so tiresome.
Yet, when it is demonstrated to be untrue (and it has been) by providing examples of a variety of ads from Disney, or Coke, or Target…and you keep at it, it is only natural to wonder if you don’t like seeing Black people? That is a reasonable assumption.
Yet, when it is demonstrated to be untrue (and it has been) by providing examples of a variety of ads from Disney, or Coke, or Target…and you keep at it, it is only natural to wonder if you don’t like seeing Black people? That is a reasonable assumption.
Just another disgusting Strawman - making nasty accusations that take what I’ve said and try to twist it into something I’ve never said - all to get me to defend myself against a false claim. It is SUCH a nasty shit way that leftists try to win a debate.

For the 10th time, pointing out the racism that is on display when 20 posters in a row are of 12% of the population, and NONE of whites, then advertisers are bending over backwards to hire black models and reject white models. I am opposed to racism.
Just another disgusting Strawman - making nasty accusations that take what I’ve said and try to twist it into something I’ve never said - all to get me to defend myself against a false claim. It is SUCH a nasty shit way that leftists try to win a debate.

For the 10th time, pointing out the racism that is on display when 20 posters in a row are of 12% of the population, and NONE of whites, then advertisers are bending over backwards to hire black models and reject white models. I am opposed to racism.
So I take it it you don’t notice Asians are overrepresented in ads as well?
You opened the door to that with your own comments about myself and others here…don’t go full Pollyanna now.

To the contrary, you were the one who started in with your hostile attitude toward me months ago by calling me a racist.
No that is not what I meant. With each retelling one guys fish gets bigger and bigger and the other guy’s fish shrinks. In this case your ancestor grew increasingly impoverished and went from being raised in a tenament to living on the 4th floor and sharing a bathroom with a bunch of others. I’m not saying you made it up, I have no idea. It’s just how you presented it in each succeeding response.
So I’m adding additional details. And living in a tenement on the 4th floor and sharing a bathroom is where impoverished immigrants lived in the early part of the 20th century.

But you just LOVE to think I made it up because it shows how an impoverished, uneducated minority suffering from Hitler’s savagery could overcome all that to become educated professionals in ONE GENERATION - and that’s without benefit of Affirmative Action. In other words, Jews prove that with the right life choices, values, and discipline, even the poorest, most persecuted people can rise to an above-average level of success.

From tenement in 1949, to homeowner in the suburbs in 1959, and then to a large trade-up house in 1969. In the space of 20 years, from a tenement to a large suburban home - and in the shadow of losing half his family. And you hate the Jews for that success in the face of bigotry.
Nah…you don’t get it. You assume you cannot have both diversity and competence.
No, you can - in about 12% of the cases. But in the remaining 88% of the cases, the most competent will NOT be black - and by prioritizing “diversity” over competence, you don’t get the best in most cases. A big reason why we have so many idiots in the government.
Or…you just don’t like them. Think about it…who on earth keeps tabs on whether one particular minority is over represented in advertising?

You act like I’m the only one who ever said that. Lots of posters bring it up. A couple of posters started threads on the overabundance of blacks in TV commercials, and you don’t even blink. But your hostility toward Jews - I remember that time you dug up some obscure article from the early 1900s that made Jews look bas - has you directing your ire to me.

Don’t be mad at us because we achieve despite bigotry.
Oh drop the goody-two-shoes act. If you fling mud, don’t get your knickers in a knot if some of it sticks to you.
Everyone here knows what a nasty person you are.

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