Asian Pride! Proud To Be Asian!

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We Asians don't call ourselves as azn but as Asians.


AZN is an abbreviation of Asian used on the internet. It is also the name of a gourmet Asian restaurant in Naples Florida and its sister in Charlotte NC. You should stop in for a meal and say hello to the Asian proprietors...if they are there at the time of your visit.
Why do morons have to be proud about anything? Pride leads to the worst of sins and if some cracker put on his own pride show then everyone would cry "RACIST". Just put that shit way. Nobody can help that they're born in any which way. None of that crap makes you who you are.
Why do morons have to be proud about anything? Pride leads to the worst of sins and if some cracker put on his own pride show then everyone would cry "RACIST". Just put that shit way. Nobody can help that they're born in any which way. None of that crap makes you who you are.
Being proud of your heritage does not mean that you are racist. True...nobody asked to be born into any one family. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be proud of who and what they are.
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Why do morons have to be proud about anything? Pride leads to the worst of sins and if some cracker put on his own pride show then everyone would cry "RACIST". Just put that shit way. Nobody can help that they're born in any which way. None of that crap makes you who you are.
Being proud of your heritage does not mean that you are racist. True...nobody asked to be born into any one family. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be proud of who and what they are.

True, being proud of your race is the basic pride for any human because it means they accept their genetics, being proud of your race man you are proud of who you are. There are many peoples in this world are have no pride of themselves and as a result they commit crimes to be what they want to be and not satisfied with what they are born with.
And of course no one can help in what or where they are born with and that is more reason why human have to be proud of what they are born with to keep peace, for example peoples can't stole other peoples things just by saying they can't help being born poor or in poor family.
As a white heterosexual monogamous male American, I am not allowed to be proud.

As a left-handed, I am allowed to be proud.

As a descendant of Gypsies, I am not allowed to be proud.

As a person making a living from hydrocarbons, I am not allowed to be proud.

As a pet owner, I am allowed to be proud.

As a consumer of alcohol, I'm allowed.... a little leeway. :D
Why would anyone be proud of having the world's smallest cocks?? Also, being unclean and smelly. Really, go to any Chinatown grocery or make friends with poor Asian immigrants. They are filthy people who do not brush their teeth and still, somehow, think they are Bruce Lee (going to always be beating up non-Asians!lar) Though I suppose they can just be Bruce Lee with nasty yellow teeth and breath that smells like rotton vegetable soup or even worse *fish sauce*!!!
Why would anyone be proud of having the world's smallest cocks?? Also, being unclean and smelly. Really, go to any Chinatown grocery or make friends with poor Asian immigrants. They are filthy people who do not brush their teeth and still, somehow, think they are Bruce Lee (going to always be beating up non-Asians!lar) Though I suppose they can just be Bruce Lee with nasty yellow teeth and breath that smells like rotton vegetable soup or even worse *fish sauce*!!!
You seem proud of your ability to generalize.
I guess if given the choice between self loathing about my race or acting like a victim versus pride, I'd pick pride. Fortunately, I'm a Tabby! Take that Maine Coon cats.
Why do morons have to be proud about anything? Pride leads to the worst of sins and if some cracker put on his own pride show then everyone would cry "RACIST". Just put that shit way. Nobody can help that they're born in any which way. None of that crap makes you who you are.
True. No one chooses their parents.
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