Ask Joe (a new advice column just for USMB members)

Dear Joe.

Do you ever take a vacation? I mean, damn you have helped so many people with you sage advice......

Don't your head hurt?


Pop in popland.

Believe it or not, giving advice and fixing problems is what I do all day in RL and this week, I'm on vacation!

So... yes. I do get to take vacation - 21st Century life in middle-class America ROCKS!! :rock:
Dear Joe:
Who moderates the forum now that you've hung your hat here?
Yours truly,


Coyote, theDoctorisIn, AnglesNDemons, westwall, flacaltenn, AquaAthena, cereal_killer, Trajan and every member who understands the 'report post' function.

If I have 12 apples, and give 4 to Esmeralda, 3 to Stat, and 2 to Derido, how long would it be before the usual suspects on this thread would call me a commie/socialist/Marxist/progressive/libtard?
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Dear Joe:

If one of your next answers is "Purple - because aliens don't wear hats!", which question will it have been the answer to?

And a corollary if I may -- where do you stand on the use of the pluperfect subjunctive?
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If I have 12 apples, and give 4 to Esmeralda, 3 to Stat, and 2 to Derido, how long would it be before the usual suspects on this thread would call me a commie/socialist/Marxist/progressive/libtard?

7.3 seconds if you post a video in the thread. If not, they'll spend 120 seconds more searching for a corroborating link on Faux News so they can truly 'nail your ass'.
Joe - I have an ingrown toenail. What do I do?

Get a pedicure, strip down to your flip-flops, and go to the beach. :thup:

Thanks Joe. On my way.:D

"Pictures or it didn't happen"


Thanks. I feel much better after my pedicure.
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Get a pedicure, strip down to your flip-flops, and go to the beach. :thup:

Thanks Joe. On my way.:D

Dear Joe, what should the people at the QuickTrip do when DriftingSand makes a pit stop for munchies and sunscreen?

Look or don't look - everyone has the choice.

Besides... if DriftingSand is smart, the stripping down to flip-flops will occur after the appropriate signs at the nude beach. Americans may well be violently prudish, but we know how to line up and follow posted rules :thup:
Get a pedicure, strip down to your flip-flops, and go to the beach. :thup:

Thanks Joe. On my way.:D

:eek: I hope that you're on your way to a beach that allows you to dress in flip-flops only.
For a fairly enlightened people, Americans can be violently prudish.​

Used to go to one near Santa Cruz in my more liberal days. Yes ... I used to be an earring-wearing liberal with long hair. Hahahaha
Dear Joe: Should I contact my physician or just be happy if Viagra causes me to have an erection lasting over 4 hours? Not that I've ever used it.

I couldn't tell you... also having never been under the influence of that particular line of chemicals.

Is your physician hot and/or easy? 4 hours is usually more than enough for me... the information that they never give you in the advertisements is how much more than 4 hours a fellow is likely to be able to hang in there.

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