Ask Joe (a new advice column just for USMB members)


I'd really like the average Joe's opinion on this one, the man's opinion:

If a man is alone in the forest, and he says something, and there's no woman there to disagree with him, is he still wrong?

I am prepared to be open minded. :eusa_angel:

I do believe that men who're alone don't say anything at all.... but for mental exercise, let's ass-u-me...

Yes. He's still wrong. Ass-U-Me-ing he was wrong in the first place.

It doesn't take a woman to make a man wrong, we're perfectly capable of doing that all on our own.
Dear Joe,

How do you feel about socks and sandals? I mean, what's the real bottom line here? It is really just totally grotesque? Oh, and also, going to bed with your socks on? I am just having a lot of issues with socks.

The answers to all of your questions totally depend on the toes. I say, "get a pedicure and strip down to your flip-flops, girl!!"
Jesus said..... "Wash your feet!" :thup:

Would you agree that notwithstanding the disagreement muttered by a person of the female persuasion, a man is often correct in what he says, thinks and believes?

Sleepless in Saratoga
Dear Joe,

My daughter is getting married on June 8th.
For the father of the bride wedding dance, should I lead or should I let the groom lead?
I've never danced with another man, so I am unsure what the proper protocol is in this situation.

I have discovered that you have some serious competition in the business of answering people's questions:

The rumor is that Sammy Davis Jr. is already dead, but if not, do you want me to have Vito take care of this for you?

Would you agree that notwithstanding the disagreement muttered by a person of the female persuasion, a man is often correct in what he says, thinks and believes?

Sleepless in Saratoga

Well, while 33% might be a terrific batting average in the Majors..........
hey it true the future ain't what it used to be?.......

Step one for this one would be to define "future".

My personal future changes with many of the personal decisions I make - Humanity as a whole? Probably right on schedule :thup:

Would you agree that notwithstanding the disagreement muttered by a person of the female persuasion, a man is often correct in what he says, thinks and believes?

Sleepless in Saratoga

I'll answer that. No.
Dear Joe,

My daughter is getting married on June 8th.
For the father of the bride wedding dance, should I lead or should I let the groom lead?
I've never danced with another man, so I am unsure what the proper protocol is in this situation.

You should take the lead. Your son-in-law will be expecting it.

After that you and your buddies can razz him about being 'expecting'.
:beer: Good Times!​

Would you agree that notwithstanding the disagreement muttered by a person of the female persuasion, a man is often correct in what he says, thinks and believes?

Sleepless in Saratoga

I'll answer that. No.

^ This is why I was askin' Joe. I want an unbiased and intelligent answer, damnit!


Thank you.

I agree with Sarah.
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As usual... it depends on the Monkeys involved. Abraham Lincoln was wrong... all male Monkeys are not created equal - but show me a Monkey of either sex who is never wrong, and I'll show you a Monkey who should be able to walk on water.
Hey Joe! I got a question. In your personal opinion, what is the minimum length of a big dick? :)

I'd say anything under 8 inches is small, unless they are really thick. Over 8 inches starts to feel big. Do you agree?
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I'll answer that. No.

^ This is why I was askin' Joe. I want an unbiased and intelligent answer, damnit!


Thank you.

I agree with Sarah.
Sort of...​

As usual... it depends on the Monkeys involved. Abraham Lincoln was wrong... all male Monkeys are not created equal - but show me a Monkey of either sex who is never wrong, and I'll show you a Monkey who should be able to walk on water.

Abe was right; but not in the limited way some Monkeys seem to imagine.

What we are created equal IN has very little if anything to do with intelligence or talents or skills.

And nobody was asking about whether either gender or any person is "always" right.

Hell, Joe. Even you can be wrong occasionally. (I know. I was shocked, too.)


But if you say something you are not "wrong" JUST because some female coincidentally happens to disagree with you.

A startling corollary is that even females can be right occasionally even when they happen to be disagreeing with some males.
:clap2: Excellent!!

And that, my young friend, is the crux of the issue. Disagreement.

When 2 or more have differing opinions about unprovable subjects or generalizations, neither is right and neither is wrong. They simply disagree.

If a subject can be proven by repeated experimentation, it's a fact. Disagreeing with facts is silly.

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