Ass-U-Me-ing a President Trump.....

AVG-Prediction # 214:

The Presidency will change Trump a hell of a lot more than Trump will change the nation.
This nation was built to survive a lot, it certainly wasn't easy breaking away from Britain, travelling here and then defeating them on our own soil and we did survive Bush/Cheney.... But barely. They had us near depression economically again and everyone said it would take a lot of incompetence to achieve anything near that again. Bush managed it, however.

Trump is so stupid about foreign policy, domestic policy and even his personal life is messy. He'd be no better than Sarah Palin. At least she was a governor for a little while.
How did Bush and Cheney "have us near depression economically"?

This should be good.

Wow, why even bother answering . but will start... He relaxed all of the rules for Fanny Mae .
The result was a banking system suffused with junk mortgages, the continuing losses on which are dragging down the banks and the economy.

Wow you are ignorant, go talk to your pals in the Democratic party they are the ones that relaxed the rules. Bush repeatedly tried to correct that and was rebuffed by the Democrats. They are on video tape claiming there was no problem at Fannie and Freddie. Barnie Frank ring a bell? Damn but you libs like to revise history with made up fantasy.
But the story of how we got here is partly one of Mr. Bush’s own making, according to a review of his tenure that included interviews with dozens of current and former administration officials.

From his earliest days in office, Mr. Bush paired his belief that Americans do best when they own their own home with his conviction that markets do best when let alone.

He pushed hard to expand homeownership, especially among minorities, an initiative that dovetailed with his ambition to expand the Republican tent — and with the business interests of some of his biggest donors. But his housing policies and hands-off approach to regulation encouraged lax lending standards.

Mr. Bush did foresee the danger posed by Fannie Mae andFreddie Mac, the government-sponsored mortgage finance giants. The president spent years pushing a recalcitrant Congress to toughen regulation of the companies, but was unwilling to compromise when his former Treasury secretary wanted to cut a deal. And the regulator Mr. Bush chose to oversee them — an old prep school buddy — pronounced the companies sound even as they headed toward insolvency.
As early as 2006, top advisers to Mr. Bush dismissed warnings from people inside and outside the White House that housing prices were inflated and that a foreclosure crisis was looming. And when the economy deteriorated, Mr. Bush and his team misdiagnosed the reasons and scope of the downturn; as recently as February, for example, Mr. Bush was still calling it a “rough patch.”
AVG-Prediction # 214:

The Presidency will change Trump a hell of a lot more than Trump will change the nation.
This nation was built to survive a lot, it certainly wasn't easy breaking away from Britain, travelling here and then defeating them on our own soil and we did survive Bush/Cheney.... But barely. They had us near depression economically again and everyone said it would take a lot of incompetence to achieve anything near that again. Bush managed it, however.

Trump is so stupid about foreign policy, domestic policy and even his personal life is messy. He'd be no better than Sarah Palin. At least she was a governor for a little while.
How did Bush and Cheney "have us near depression economically"?

This should be good.

Wow, why even bother answering . but will start... He relaxed all of the rules for Fanny Mae .
The result was a banking system suffused with junk mortgages, the continuing losses on which are dragging down the banks and the economy.

Wow you are ignorant, go talk to your pals in the Democratic party they are the ones that relaxed the rules. Bush repeatedly tried to correct that and was rebuffed by the Democrats. They are on video tape claiming there was no problem at Fannie and Freddie. Barnie Frank ring a bell? Damn but you libs like to revise history with made up fantasy.
But the story of how we got here is partly one of Mr. Bush’s own making, according to a review of his tenure that included interviews with dozens of current and former administration officials.

From his earliest days in office, Mr. Bush paired his belief that Americans do best when they own their own home with his conviction that markets do best when let alone.

He pushed hard to expand homeownership, especially among minorities, an initiative that dovetailed with his ambition to expand the Republican tent — and with the business interests of some of his biggest donors. But his housing policies and hands-off approach to regulation encouraged lax lending standards.

Mr. Bush did foresee the danger posed by Fannie Mae andFreddie Mac, the government-sponsored mortgage finance giants. The president spent years pushing a recalcitrant Congress to toughen regulation of the companies, but was unwilling to compromise when his former Treasury secretary wanted to cut a deal. And the regulator Mr. Bush chose to oversee them — an old prep school buddy — pronounced the companies sound even as they headed toward insolvency.
As early as 2006, top advisers to Mr. Bush dismissed warnings from people inside and outside the White House that housing prices were inflated and that a foreclosure crisis was looming. And when the economy deteriorated, Mr. Bush and his team misdiagnosed the reasons and scope of the downturn; as recently as February, for example, Mr. Bush was still calling it a “rough patch.”

What I disagree with is the lowlife lying scum Democrats trying to pretend they had nothing to do with the financial meltdown when they were neck deep in the fiasco. Yes Bush and the GOP were also partly to blame, as were the American people who foolishly went on a borrowing and spending binge buying way more home than they could afford and taking out 2nd mortgages.
AVG-Prediction # 214:

The Presidency will change Trump a hell of a lot more than Trump will change the nation.
This nation was built to survive a lot, it certainly wasn't easy breaking away from Britain, travelling here and then defeating them on our own soil and we did survive Bush/Cheney.... But barely. They had us near depression economically again and everyone said it would take a lot of incompetence to achieve anything near that again. Bush managed it, however.

Trump is so stupid about foreign policy, domestic policy and even his personal life is messy. He'd be no better than Sarah Palin. At least she was a governor for a little while.
How did Bush and Cheney "have us near depression economically"?

This should be good.

Wow, why even bother answering . but will start... He relaxed all of the rules for Fanny Mae .
The result was a banking system suffused with junk mortgages, the continuing losses on which are dragging down the banks and the economy.
You think Bush did that? That's a straight out lie. In fact, Bush and McCain repeatedly warned of the looming crisis and the need to regulate Fanny and Freddy, a Democrat project going all the way back to Jimmy Carter. Like Obamacare, this was entirely run by Democrats from start to meltdown.

You own this shit.

Stop lying, Leftists!
AVG-Prediction # 214:

The Presidency will change Trump a hell of a lot more than Trump will change the nation.

In fact, Trump wouldn't 'change' the Nation at all.

Congress – democrats and republicans – wouldn't sanction his crazy ideas; or the courts would invalidate them.

His would be a single-term disaster of a presidency.

Thankfully for republicans Trump won't be their nominee for president in 2016.
AVG-Prediction # 214:

The Presidency will change Trump a hell of a lot more than Trump will change the nation.

In fact, Trump wouldn't 'change' the Nation at all.

Congress – democrats and republicans – wouldn't sanction his crazy ideas; or the courts would invalidate them.

His would be a single-term disaster of a presidency.

Thankfully for republicans Trump won't be their nominee for president in 2016.
So far it's looking like he will be. Do you know something everyone else doesn't?
AVG-Prediction # 214:

The Presidency will change Trump a hell of a lot more than Trump will change the nation.
This nation was built to survive a lot, it certainly wasn't easy breaking away from Britain, travelling here and then defeating them on our own soil and we did survive Bush/Cheney.... But barely. They had us near depression economically again and everyone said it would take a lot of incompetence to achieve anything near that again. Bush managed it, however.

Trump is so stupid about foreign policy, domestic policy and even his personal life is messy. He'd be no better than Sarah Palin. At least she was a governor for a little while.

Interesting times ahead, eh?

Ass-u-me-ing the republicans actually nominate his ass, I'm looking forward to seeing how much Trump has to change to make a transition from primary candidate to a presidential candidate that doesn't flame out.

The Gerrymandered extremism in the republican party is proving to be very entertaining when I'm not scared shitless by the skewed primary results :thup:
We're six years out with the gerrymandering win but at least we are moving forward.

Ohio Becomes Latest State To Vote Down Gerrymandering

On November 3, Ohio voters approved by a margin of 71% to 29% a constitutional amendment that will greatly reduce, or even eliminate, the gerrymandering of state legislative districts beginning in 2021.

Ratification of Issue 1 by the voters followed its approval by bipartisan votes of 28-1 in the Ohio State Senate and 81-7 in the Ohio House of Representatives.

The overwhelming success of this reform should encourage similar efforts in other states that have been badly gerrymandered, such as Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina, Michigan and Wisconsin.
In Ohio, attention now turns to reforms that would establish a fair redistricting process for Ohio’s US congressional seats as well.

Ohio Becomes Latest State To Vote Down Gerrymandering

I don't want Trump in the WH not because I feel he will take this country down, I feel that like Bush/Cheney, he will not move the country forward and we need to move forward now. Republicans have been sitting on their hands ever since they took congress and we need better governing now.

I don't see Trump winning but even that he is getting close to the nomination has me gobsmacked. Wtf is going on here?
It's still Silly Season, few are paying attention, few have made a final decision as to whom they'll support, and too much weight is being given to opinion polls – polls that have consistently reflected only about a third of republicans supporting Trump.

When average, everyday, rank and file republicans start going to actual polls next year, we'll likely see a different political landscape.

There's a world of difference between casting one's confidential ballot when voting as opposed to being called on the phone by an opinion pollster, who knows your phone number and home address, and asks for you by name inquiring as to your 'presidential preference.'
This nation was built to survive a lot, it certainly wasn't easy breaking away from Britain, travelling here and then defeating them on our own soil and we did survive Bush/Cheney.... But barely. They had us near depression economically again and everyone said it would take a lot of incompetence to achieve anything near that again. Bush managed it, however.

Trump is so stupid about foreign policy, domestic policy and even his personal life is messy. He'd be no better than Sarah Palin. At least she was a governor for a little while.

Interesting times ahead, eh?

Ass-u-me-ing the republicans actually nominate his ass, I'm looking forward to seeing how much Trump has to change to make a transition from primary candidate to a presidential candidate that doesn't flame out.

The Gerrymandered extremism in the republican party is proving to be very entertaining when I'm not scared shitless by the skewed primary results :thup:
We're six years out with the gerrymandering win but at least we are moving forward.

Ohio Becomes Latest State To Vote Down Gerrymandering

On November 3, Ohio voters approved by a margin of 71% to 29% a constitutional amendment that will greatly reduce, or even eliminate, the gerrymandering of state legislative districts beginning in 2021.

Ratification of Issue 1 by the voters followed its approval by bipartisan votes of 28-1 in the Ohio State Senate and 81-7 in the Ohio House of Representatives.

The overwhelming success of this reform should encourage similar efforts in other states that have been badly gerrymandered, such as Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina, Michigan and Wisconsin.
In Ohio, attention now turns to reforms that would establish a fair redistricting process for Ohio’s US congressional seats as well.

Ohio Becomes Latest State To Vote Down Gerrymandering

I don't want Trump in the WH not because I feel he will take this country down, I feel that like Bush/Cheney, he will not move the country forward and we need to move forward now. Republicans have been sitting on their hands ever since they took congress and we need better governing now.

I don't see Trump winning but even that he is getting close to the nomination has me gobsmacked. Wtf is going on here?

Personally for me I feel that a vote to for the left is same old shit, and a vote for the right is same old shit.

Trump would have run independent but watching others going that way he knew that he needed to run democrat , or republican. I find him to be in the middle on most things.

I'm sorry we just can't take the chance that your assumption he is in the middle is correct. He was a birther for God's sake. A Teaparty moron. The other one moving up the ranks with him right now is Ted Cruz.


Cruz No Way! :hellno:


Cruz was in second place in that last poll all of the GOP is so excited about. Trump 36%, Cruz 16%.

Jeezus, up is down and down is up!
I don't see Trump winning but even that he is getting close to the nomination has me gobsmacked. Wtf is going on here?

And the more he sounds like an extremist right-wing whack-job, the better he does in the polls.

Conservative extremism delivering on its promise :thup:

It will be almost interesting enough to see Trump squirm in the general election to be secretly hoping for his nomination.
I don't see Trump winning but even that he is getting close to the nomination has me gobsmacked. Wtf is going on here?

And the more he sounds like an extremist right-wing whack-job, the better he does in the polls.

Conservative extremism delivering on its promise :thup:

It will be almost interesting enough to see Trump squirm in the general election to be secretly hoping for his nomination.
I voted for Hillary in 2008 and I will again but I love the campaigning, speeches and debates and I won't be able to stand looking at that guy for months. He's funny to watch at times but mostly annoying, imo.

I would have rather seen Rand Paul win the nomination. Too much to ask for an intelligent candidate from the GOP though. We get the stay puft, orange guy instead. They really love those orange guys, don't they?
The press loves Trump because he's good copy, and because me makes Republicans look bad. He'll stay in the headlines, and enjoy a dependable baseline in the polls, as long as he can keep the shit-show in high gear. But he won't win a single primary.
The press loves Trump because he's good copy, and because me makes Republicans look bad. He'll stay in the headlines, and enjoy a dependable baseline in the polls, as long as he can keep the shit-show in high gear. But he won't win a single primary.
I believe you're right but the race will be boring now.
The press loves Trump because he's good copy, and because me makes Republicans look bad. He'll stay in the headlines, and enjoy a dependable baseline in the polls, as long as he can keep the shit-show in high gear. But he won't win a single primary.
I believe you're right but the race will be boring now.

It always is.
AVG-Prediction # 214:

The Presidency will change Trump a hell of a lot more than Trump will change the nation.
This nation was built to survive a lot, it certainly wasn't easy breaking away from Britain, travelling here and then defeating them on our own soil and we did survive Bush/Cheney.... But barely. They had us near depression economically again and everyone said it would take a lot of incompetence to achieve anything near that again. Bush managed it, however.

Trump is so stupid about foreign policy, domestic policy and even his personal life is messy. He'd be no better than Sarah Palin. At least she was a governor for a little while.
How did Bush and Cheney "have us near depression economically"?

This should be good.

Wow, why even bother answering . but will start... He relaxed all of the rules for Fanny Mae .
The result was a banking system suffused with junk mortgages, the continuing losses on which are dragging down the banks and the economy.
You think Bush did that? That's a straight out lie. In fact, Bush and McCain repeatedly warned of the looming crisis and the need to regulate Fanny and Freddy, a Democrat project going all the way back to Jimmy Carter. Like Obamacare, this was entirely run by Democrats from start to meltdown.

You own this shit.

Stop lying, Leftists!

If they knew about it why didn't they do something before it all went to shit..

I know Clinton had some part in it, my $400.000 house went up and over a million overnight, now you can not find anything in my area for a million.
Bush got in and you say they were warning us..WTF .......... that is like telling kids to stop playing by the cliff by whispering.
( I am sure all politicians have a hand into the dysfunction that almost brought America down.

But don't tell me I am lying. I do not see any links to back you up at all.
Both parties are just as guilty as each other of pandering to the well-heeled for campaign money while the cities burn.

Like I said in post #2... the only difference between Bush and Obama is fifty shades of tan, and the most vocal money driving both agendas comes from the same source.
Both parties are just as guilty as each other of pandering to the well-heeled for campaign money while the cities burn.

Like I said in post #2... the only difference between Bush and Obama is fifty shades of tan, and the most vocal money driving both agendas comes from the same source.

Yup. And until we get over the juvenile fixation on the "Punch and Judy" show, we'll not get anything like democracy.
The president is giving an address tonight, he'd better say something other than more gun control is needed. I personally believe that to be true but I don't know how we intend to stop the worldwide murders by these terrorists.

Although Trump doesn't even have to lay out his plans to stop them and yet he is believed to be one who will protect us from Isis.
AVG-Prediction # 214: The Presidency will change Trump a hell of a lot more than Trump will change the nation.
I don't think I've yet allowed myself to fully digest or consider the idea of what a Trump presidency would look like, because the idea to me is just so bizarre.

But to your point, yes, I'm reasonably confident his behaviors would change and he would act in a more dignified and responsible way.

You just can't do this stuff on a national and/or international context, and I strongly suspect he would see that quickly, if not already.


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