Assad: hero or criminal?

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This is a spin off from another thread.

Does Assad deserve support and to maintain his regime?

Consider his actions:
When a photographer-archivist working for Syria’s military police defected with grisly evidence of the regime’s brutality, he became a war-crimes whistle-blower.

Caesar and his squad, using Fuji and Nikon digital cameras, would painstakingly photograph the remains of people from all walks of life: men, women, young, old, Sunnis, Christians. The security forces responsible for the killings even went after Alawites, the close-knit Islamic sect to which Assad and the rest of the ruling elite belong. (Some of the bodies, as is evident in Caesar’s photographs, arrived with what turned out to be an ironic marking—a tattoo of Bashar al-Assad’s face.) While a number of the victims, according to Syrian opposition figures, might be considered anti-regime activists, the rest simply found themselves for whatever reason on the wrong side of the regime. In many cases, sources say, individuals had merely been detained at checkpoints by guards who found their loyalties suspect based on their religion, where they lived, or even their demeanor.

These unfortunates may have lived and died in different ways, but they were bound in death by coded numerals scribbled on their skin with markers, or on scraps of paper affixed to their bodies. The first set of numbers (for example, 2935 in the photographs at bottom) would denote a prisoner’s I.D. The second (for example, 215) would refer to the intelligence branch responsible for his or her death. Underneath these figures, in many cases, would appear the hospital case-file number (for example, 2487/B). Such documentation is reminiscent of schemes used by the Nazis during World War II and is eerily reminiscent of an image bank collected by the Khmer Rouge during their Cambodian reign of terror in the 1970s.

According to David Crane, a war-crimes prosecutor who helped put Liberian strongman Charles Taylor away for half a century, the system of organizing and recording the dead served three ends: to satisfy Syrian authorities that executions were carried out; to ensure that no one was improperly discharged; and to allow military judges to represent to families—by producing official-seeming death certificates—that their loved ones had died of natural causes. In many ways, these facilities were ideal for hiding “unwanted” individuals, alive or dead. As part of the Ministry of Defense, the hospitals were already fortified, which made it easy to shield their inner workings and keep away families who might come looking for missing relatives. “These hospitals provide cover for the crimes of the regime,” said Nawaf Fares, a top Syrian diplomat and tribal leader who defected in 2012. “People are brought into the hospitals, and killed, and their deaths are papered over with documentation.” When I asked him, during a recent interview in Dubai, Why involve the hospitals at all?, he leaned forward and said, “Because mass graves have a bad reputation.”

That's a start. We can also move on to the barrel bombings and the horrific and indiscriminate nature of their injuries. A type of bomb designed not just to kill but to maim all within reach with horrific injuries. Targets were civilian populations.

Do you have any sources that aren't linked to the CFR, the RIIA, or the round table group?

What are CFR, RIIA and the round table group?

British Royal Institute for International Affairs and Council on Foreign Relations

They are referring the Bilderberg Group and conspiracy theories of the Illuminati/Masons much for rational discussion then.
This is a spin off from another thread.

Does Assad deserve support and to maintain his regime?

Consider his actions:
When a photographer-archivist working for Syria’s military police defected with grisly evidence of the regime’s brutality, he became a war-crimes whistle-blower.

Caesar and his squad, using Fuji and Nikon digital cameras, would painstakingly photograph the remains of people from all walks of life: men, women, young, old, Sunnis, Christians. The security forces responsible for the killings even went after Alawites, the close-knit Islamic sect to which Assad and the rest of the ruling elite belong. (Some of the bodies, as is evident in Caesar’s photographs, arrived with what turned out to be an ironic marking—a tattoo of Bashar al-Assad’s face.) While a number of the victims, according to Syrian opposition figures, might be considered anti-regime activists, the rest simply found themselves for whatever reason on the wrong side of the regime. In many cases, sources say, individuals had merely been detained at checkpoints by guards who found their loyalties suspect based on their religion, where they lived, or even their demeanor.

These unfortunates may have lived and died in different ways, but they were bound in death by coded numerals scribbled on their skin with markers, or on scraps of paper affixed to their bodies. The first set of numbers (for example, 2935 in the photographs at bottom) would denote a prisoner’s I.D. The second (for example, 215) would refer to the intelligence branch responsible for his or her death. Underneath these figures, in many cases, would appear the hospital case-file number (for example, 2487/B). Such documentation is reminiscent of schemes used by the Nazis during World War II and is eerily reminiscent of an image bank collected by the Khmer Rouge during their Cambodian reign of terror in the 1970s.

According to David Crane, a war-crimes prosecutor who helped put Liberian strongman Charles Taylor away for half a century, the system of organizing and recording the dead served three ends: to satisfy Syrian authorities that executions were carried out; to ensure that no one was improperly discharged; and to allow military judges to represent to families—by producing official-seeming death certificates—that their loved ones had died of natural causes. In many ways, these facilities were ideal for hiding “unwanted” individuals, alive or dead. As part of the Ministry of Defense, the hospitals were already fortified, which made it easy to shield their inner workings and keep away families who might come looking for missing relatives. “These hospitals provide cover for the crimes of the regime,” said Nawaf Fares, a top Syrian diplomat and tribal leader who defected in 2012. “People are brought into the hospitals, and killed, and their deaths are papered over with documentation.” When I asked him, during a recent interview in Dubai, Why involve the hospitals at all?, he leaned forward and said, “Because mass graves have a bad reputation.”

That's a start. We can also move on to the barrel bombings and the horrific and indiscriminate nature of their injuries. A type of bomb designed not just to kill but to maim all within reach with horrific injuries. Targets were civilian populations.

Do you have any sources that aren't linked to the CFR, the RIIA, or the round table group?

What are CFR, RIIA and the round table group?

British Royal Institute for International Affairs and Council on Foreign Relations

They are referring the Bilderberg Group and conspiracy theories of the Illuminati/Masons much for rational discussion then.

Yeah, so much for rational discussion. When you can't or don't know how the world actually works, throw out ad hominem and other fallacies. I commend aris2chat for knowing about these organizations, and apparently, you are aware of them. But then, to dismiss folks that bring this up, means you have lost that debate, you admit Assad is a hero to his people. You just don't want to discuss this fact.

Instead,you belittle folks and decide you are no longer going to be rational. Interesting. Why can't you just own up to the fact that there are powerful interests manipulating the international order and the majority of what we see and hear is controlled, instead of resorting to rhetoric and slander? If the elites themselves admit to what is going on, why can't you?

Read Rockefeller's memoirs,or read some of Kissinger's or Brzezinski's work. It's not hard to see what is going on if you have a free mind.

This is a spin off from another thread.

Does Assad deserve support and to maintain his regime?

Consider his actions:
When a photographer-archivist working for Syria’s military police defected with grisly evidence of the regime’s brutality, he became a war-crimes whistle-blower.

That's a start. We can also move on to the barrel bombings and the horrific and indiscriminate nature of their injuries. A type of bomb designed not just to kill but to maim all within reach with horrific injuries. Targets were civilian populations.

Do you have any sources that aren't linked to the CFR, the RIIA, or the round table group?

What are CFR, RIIA and the round table group?

British Royal Institute for International Affairs and Council on Foreign Relations

They are referring the Bilderberg Group and conspiracy theories of the Illuminati/Masons much for rational discussion then.

Yeah, so much for rational discussion. When you can't or don't know how the world actually works, throw out ad hominem and other fallacies. I commend aris2chat for knowing about these organizations, and apparently, you are aware of them. But then, to dismiss folks that bring this up, means you have lost that debate, you admit Assad is a hero to his people. You just don't want to discuss this fact.

Instead,you belittle folks and decide you are no longer going to be rational. Interesting. Why can't you just own up to the fact that there are powerful interests manipulating the international order and the majority of what we see and hear is controlled, instead of resorting to rhetoric and slander? If the elites themselves admit to what is going on, why can't you?

Read Rockefeller's memoirs,or read some of Kissinger's or Brzezinski's work. It's not hard to see what is going on if you have a free mind.


I've know the family since the late 60's. I also know the tactics used in Lebanon and syria by father and son.

I might have been out of the game, officially, since the 80's but I still have friends among most groups over there that say in touch.

My father was a general, a judge and an adviser to several presidents, so I kind of grew up in the thick if things. Much of my circle of friends were the leaders, sons of the leaders of the region and would be leaders in later year.

My education was in religious anthropology, history, and political science.

For better or worse, it's not a perceptive most others have.

It seems a life time ago, but its not like a coat you can take off and hide in the closet. I still have family in the area, so I will always be involved in some way.
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  • Thread starter
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  • #44
This is a spin off from another thread.

Does Assad deserve support and to maintain his regime?

Consider his actions:
When a photographer-archivist working for Syria’s military police defected with grisly evidence of the regime’s brutality, he became a war-crimes whistle-blower.

That's a start. We can also move on to the barrel bombings and the horrific and indiscriminate nature of their injuries. A type of bomb designed not just to kill but to maim all within reach with horrific injuries. Targets were civilian populations.

Do you have any sources that aren't linked to the CFR, the RIIA, or the round table group?

What are CFR, RIIA and the round table group?

British Royal Institute for International Affairs and Council on Foreign Relations

They are referring the Bilderberg Group and conspiracy theories of the Illuminati/Masons much for rational discussion then.

Yeah, so much for rational discussion. When you can't or don't know how the world actually works, throw out ad hominem and other fallacies. I commend aris2chat for knowing about these organizations, and apparently, you are aware of them. But then, to dismiss folks that bring this up, means you have lost that debate, you admit Assad is a hero to his people. You just don't want to discuss this fact.

Instead,you belittle folks and decide you are no longer going to be rational. Interesting. Why can't you just own up to the fact that there are powerful interests manipulating the international order and the majority of what we see and hear is controlled, instead of resorting to rhetoric and slander? If the elites themselves admit to what is going on, why can't you?

Read Rockefeller's memoirs,or read some of Kissinger's or Brzezinski's work. It's not hard to see what is going on if you have a free mind.


I have little interest in or time to devote to well known conspiracy theories.
Do you have any sources that aren't linked to the CFR, the RIIA, or the round table group?

What are CFR, RIIA and the round table group?

British Royal Institute for International Affairs and Council on Foreign Relations

They are referring the Bilderberg Group and conspiracy theories of the Illuminati/Masons much for rational discussion then.

Yeah, so much for rational discussion. When you can't or don't know how the world actually works, throw out ad hominem and other fallacies. I commend aris2chat for knowing about these organizations, and apparently, you are aware of them. But then, to dismiss folks that bring this up, means you have lost that debate, you admit Assad is a hero to his people. You just don't want to discuss this fact.

Instead,you belittle folks and decide you are no longer going to be rational. Interesting. Why can't you just own up to the fact that there are powerful interests manipulating the international order and the majority of what we see and hear is controlled, instead of resorting to rhetoric and slander? If the elites themselves admit to what is going on, why can't you?

Read Rockefeller's memoirs,or read some of Kissinger's or Brzezinski's work. It's not hard to see what is going on if you have a free mind.


I have little interest in or time to devote to well known conspiracy theories.
Hey, when you got nothing, just rinse and repeat.

Do you know who got you to continually repeat the mantra of "conspiracy theory?" Those very self-same elites. They own all the major media.

When you are taught when you finally hear the truth, just ridicule it. Aris2chat is telling you the reality, and yet you are denying it. Elites have admitted it. It's not just a well known "conspiracy theory," it's also a well known fact about how the world is run. I suspect it is also more than likely why you have been placed in your position as of authority. It's not just who you are, it's what you believe.

In fact, it is why we have a "conspiracy sub-forum" here at these boards. So that when ever threads come up that explain corruption and subversion with in the government. . . it can be safely tucked away. If we aren't allowed to post words like N!gger or k!ike, we should do the same with this term. It degenerates discussion when the other side has clearly lost. Which you have. Thanks for admitting defeat.


Now, to whether or not the world elites should have power over the world, and whether or not the masses are more capable of conducting their affairs? I cannot say. But the fact is, they do manipulate the press and our perception of it in order to get what they want. You're obtuse if you are not aware of that.

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