Assad hopes to unite war-torn Syria against Israel

To Mr. Assad...

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The question indeed is if the Syrian people have been abused enough yet by Butcher Baby Assad so that they no longer salivate when he tries ringing the 'KILL THE JEWS' bell....
My advise to the USA & Israel re: Syria is STAY OUT! The strongest rebel faction against Assad is AlQaeda. When all the dust settles, any arms to the rebels will most likely wind up with them. My hope is that both sides in the Syrian civil war will reign victorious in killing each other for sake of the innocent Syrian civilians & a lasting peace with Israel.
'Assad hopes to unite war-torn Syria against Israel' | JPost | Israel News

According to the official, Assad called on all Syrian factions to join with Palestinian forces in resisting Israel along the Golan Heights.

I don;t know weather to laugh or cry at this . .....
I'm going with cry unless war crimes make you laugh all the way to the bank.

From your link:

"Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has made it clear in recent weeks that Israel is ready to defend itself should it prove necessary.

"'We are seeing a new Middle East that is raging and volatile,' Netanyahu said at a recent Knesset meeting, 'this requires us to protect the security of our citizens.'"

Which brings to mind Sharon's stately observation, "Jordan is Palestine."

"Jordan is also under threat. Weak and vulnerable, it has been unable to resist pressures to join the U.S.-Israeli-Turkish campaign against Bashar al-Assad.

"Indeed, some of Syria’s enemies are now being armed and trained in Jordan.

"Yet, at the same time, a massive influx of Syrian refugees is threatening Jordan’s precarious internal balance.

"Indeed, if Israel continues its seizure and settlement of the Palestinian West Bank, Jordan might one day have to cope with a new flood of Palestinian refugees."

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs | Telling the truth for more than 30 years - Grave Threats to the Middle East
'Assad hopes to unite war-torn Syria against Israel' | JPost | Israel News

According to the official, Assad called on all Syrian factions to join with Palestinian forces in resisting Israel along the Golan Heights.

I don;t know weather to laugh or cry at this . .....
I'm going with cry unless war crimes make you laugh all the way to the bank.

From your link:

"Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has made it clear in recent weeks that Israel is ready to defend itself should it prove necessary.

"'We are seeing a new Middle East that is raging and volatile,' Netanyahu said at a recent Knesset meeting, 'this requires us to protect the security of our citizens.'"

Which brings to mind Sharon's stately observation, "Jordan is Palestine."

"Jordan is also under threat. Weak and vulnerable, it has been unable to resist pressures to join the U.S.-Israeli-Turkish campaign against Bashar al-Assad.

"Indeed, some of Syria’s enemies are now being armed and trained in Jordan.

"Yet, at the same time, a massive influx of Syrian refugees is threatening Jordan’s precarious internal balance.

"Indeed, if Israel continues its seizure and settlement of the Palestinian West Bank, Jordan might one day have to cope with a new flood of Palestinian refugees."

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs | Telling the truth for more than 30 years - Grave Threats to the Middle East link seems to be hiding behind a paywall.
I'll try to find another.
'Assad hopes to unite war-torn Syria against Israel' | JPost | Israel News

According to the official, Assad called on all Syrian factions to join with Palestinian forces in resisting Israel along the Golan Heights.

I don;t know weather to laugh or cry at this . .....
I'm going with cry unless war crimes make you laugh all the way to the bank.

From your link:

"Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has made it clear in recent weeks that Israel is ready to defend itself should it prove necessary.

"'We are seeing a new Middle East that is raging and volatile,' Netanyahu said at a recent Knesset meeting, 'this requires us to protect the security of our citizens.'"

Which brings to mind Sharon's stately observation, "Jordan is Palestine."

"Jordan is also under threat. Weak and vulnerable, it has been unable to resist pressures to join the U.S.-Israeli-Turkish campaign against Bashar al-Assad.

"Indeed, some of Syria’s enemies are now being armed and trained in Jordan.

"Yet, at the same time, a massive influx of Syrian refugees is threatening Jordan’s precarious internal balance.

"Indeed, if Israel continues its seizure and settlement of the Palestinian West Bank, Jordan might one day have to cope with a new flood of Palestinian refugees."

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs | Telling the truth for more than 30 years - Grave Threats to the Middle East link seems to be hiding behind a paywall.
I'll try to find another.

the link works fine for me ?
Georgie, what the hell does that have to do with what I posted ??
GO post your jibberish in the Conspiracy theory section, you traitor

Have you forgotten about Wesley Clark?

"As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan."

Anyone paying attention can see that a major restructuring of regional power relationships is taking place in the Middle East today. The US, NATO, and Israel are squaring off against Russia, Iran, and China with the likely outcome to be a redrawing of the borders inflicted almost a hundred years ago in the wake of the Ottoman Empire.

It's not Conspiracy, it's History happening in real time (and cyber space)
I'm not too sure I understand what you're saying George ???
I'm trying to say what Clark said in 2003.
The terror attacks of 911 gave a green light to those who earn a great deal of money from arms sales and oil sales, and they don't care where on the planet the arms or oil actually change hands. Iraq and Libya have already fallen and while it's easy to say "good riddance" to their dictators what is following in their wake could be much worse for everyone who doesn't profit from oil wars.
I'm not too sure I understand what you're saying George ???
I'm trying to say what Clark said in 2003.
The terror attacks of 911 gave a green light to those who earn a great deal of money from arms sales and oil sales, and they don't care where on the planet the arms or oil actually change hands. Iraq and Libya have already fallen and while it's easy to say "good riddance" to their dictators what is following in their wake could be much worse for everyone who doesn't profit from oil wars.

Concerning those who earn lots of money from arms sales and oil, I have this to say:
Business is business

Sometimes business is beautiful , sometimes its ugly
But at the end of the day, business is business ..
I'm not too sure I understand what you're saying George ???
I'm trying to say what Clark said in 2003.
The terror attacks of 911 gave a green light to those who earn a great deal of money from arms sales and oil sales, and they don't care where on the planet the arms or oil actually change hands. Iraq and Libya have already fallen and while it's easy to say "good riddance" to their dictators what is following in their wake could be much worse for everyone who doesn't profit from oil wars.

Concerning those who earn lots of money from arms sales and oil, I have this to say:
Business is business

Sometimes business is beautiful , sometimes its ugly
But at the end of the day, business is business ..
If the "success" of your business depends upon the murder, maiming, and displacement of thousands of children, is it beautiful or ugly?
War is ugly, that's for sure. But if you had the opportunity to make millions of arms dealing, I'm sure you'd take it without the least bit of hesitation
Assad hopes to unite war-torn Syria against Israel

It would be fun if it wasn't such a sad propaganda!
Nothing new here except Assad attempting to save face and to show that it is still an enemy to be much feared.
In the meantime, with the full might of Iran and Hezbollah backing him, it does seems that he is winning the far.... but he still has his hands completely full and the last his Government could handle is declaring war on a second front where he knows only too well he could be once again decisively defeated .... and lose what little prestige he has left.
"Secretary of State Kerry had meetings with more than two dozen military specialists on 5/13/13. The Washington Post is reporting that Kerry believes supplying the rebels with weapons might be too little and too late to actually flip the balance on the Syrian ground and this calls "for a military strike to paralyze Al-Assad’s military capacities."

"'A Pentagon source reported that the USA, France, and Britain are considering a decisive decision to reverse the current Assad momentum and quickly construct one in favor of the rebels' within a time period not exceeding the end of this summer.

"Shortly after the meetings began, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia quickly returned to Saudi Arabia from his palace at Casa Blanca, Morocco after receiving a call from his intelligence chief, Prince Bandar Bin Sultan.

"Bander reportedly had a representative at the White House during the meetings with President Obama’s team. King Abdullah was reportedly advised by Kerry to be prepared for a rapid expansion of the growing regional conflict.

"What happens between now and the end of summer is likely to be catastrophic for the Syrian public and perhaps Lebanon..."

Why Obama is Declaring War on Syria » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

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