Assange outlines the six reasons why the democratic party is doomed


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Assange Outlines The Six Reasons "Why The Democratic Party Is Doomed" | Zero Hedge
Julian Assange, a man who has certainly taken his fair share of the blame for Hillary's loss last November, has just taken to Twitter to list out the 6 reasons why the "the Democratic party is doomed."


They need to fail and gtf out of office in every aspect of people's lives, they shouldn't exist in society but no matter what we do all they have to do to exist if we were to rid them of that name, is use the same name it still wouldn't fix the problem we have with these brain damaged fks.
Julian Assange is someone who hates America. He has put our troops in danger because of the leaks that he has disseminated. It says a lot about the fact that Trump sycophants take him seriously. They would betray this country just to save Trump.
Assange Outlines The Six Reasons "Why The Democratic Party Is Doomed" | Zero Hedge
Julian Assange, a man who has certainly taken his fair share of the blame for Hillary's loss last November, has just taken to Twitter to list out the 6 reasons why the "the Democratic party is doomed."


They need to fail and gtf out of office in every aspect of people's lives, they shouldn't exist in society but no matter what we do all they have to do to exist if we were to rid them of that name, is use the same name it still wouldn't fix the problem we have with these brain damaged fks.
You poor angry child. Your advocacy for a one party state reeks. You seem to be suggesting an end to the right of assemblage by other Americans who diagree with you. But to be honest i too have a measure of disdain for the two party system.
However, in opposition to your dreaming about one party of hate, I think
there should be at least 6 or more..all with equal status and airtime.
Julian Assange is someone who hates America. He has put our troops in danger because of the leaks that he has disseminated. It says a lot about the fact that Trump sycophants take him seriously. They would betray this country just to save Trump.

So you didn't support Obama granting the pardon to Manning? I don't believe that for a second.
Assange Outlines The Six Reasons "Why The Democratic Party Is Doomed" | Zero Hedge
Julian Assange, a man who has certainly taken his fair share of the blame for Hillary's loss last November, has just taken to Twitter to list out the 6 reasons why the "the Democratic party is doomed."


They need to fail and gtf out of office in every aspect of people's lives, they shouldn't exist in society but no matter what we do all they have to do to exist if we were to rid them of that name, is use the same name it still wouldn't fix the problem we have with these brain damaged fks.
its the white christer party that is literally dying off
Assange Outlines The Six Reasons "Why The Democratic Party Is Doomed" | Zero Hedge
Julian Assange, a man who has certainly taken his fair share of the blame for Hillary's loss last November, has just taken to Twitter to list out the 6 reasons why the "the Democratic party is doomed."


They need to fail and gtf out of office in every aspect of people's lives, they shouldn't exist in society but no matter what we do all they have to do to exist if we were to rid them of that name, is use the same name it still wouldn't fix the problem we have with these brain damaged fks.
Notice that even though the right supposedly rules all three branches of government, the left are the ones still calling the shots? Talk about corruption, huh? And this was due to traitor Obama and his deep state appointees such as judge Derrick Watson of Hawaii who halted his Muslim travel ban and William Orrick of California who stopped Trump and Sessions from defunding sanctuary cities and many others as well. Both of which were vitally important in helping to secure the nation against not only terrorism but illegals from infiltrating and taking over our election system to ensure the corrupt liberals remain in office forever.

Then there's this Mueller crap who should actually recuse himself, but instead is being allowed to run amuck hiring every slick democrat power attorney he can to try and impeach this administration. And all that while Hillary, Obama, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Susan Rice, Eric Holder, and God knows how many aides and who else that are literally allowed to slide after committing virtually every crime on the books.

And just in...the Supreme court has voted to uphold Trump's travel ban. And to no surprise the left are planning to use a loop hole to help them go around and gain access by claiming each is related to someone already living in the U.S. And also not surprising lawsuits are already being drafted which will no doubt overload the court system that of course American tax payers will end up paying for.

I'm sorry but to any of you left supporters that aren't seeing what a cancer your party is by now there really is no hope for you.
Assange Outlines The Six Reasons "Why The Democratic Party Is Doomed" | Zero Hedge
Julian Assange, a man who has certainly taken his fair share of the blame for Hillary's loss last November, has just taken to Twitter to list out the 6 reasons why the "the Democratic party is doomed."


They need to fail and gtf out of office in every aspect of people's lives, they shouldn't exist in society but no matter what we do all they have to do to exist if we were to rid them of that name, is use the same name it still wouldn't fix the problem we have with these brain damaged fks.
its the white christer party that is literally dying off

How's that Jewish birth rate going, Guano? Jews are "dying off" more than anyone else.

The blacks continue to have record high abortions, drug use, murder rates, incarceration rates, homosexual and HIV rates, poverty, and illiteracy rates.

Whites aren't going anywhere. If you don't like it, move to Israel or Africa.
Assange Outlines The Six Reasons "Why The Democratic Party Is Doomed" | Zero Hedge
Julian Assange, a man who has certainly taken his fair share of the blame for Hillary's loss last November, has just taken to Twitter to list out the 6 reasons why the "the Democratic party is doomed."


They need to fail and gtf out of office in every aspect of people's lives, they shouldn't exist in society but no matter what we do all they have to do to exist if we were to rid them of that name, is use the same name it still wouldn't fix the problem we have with these brain damaged fks.

The Democrat Party used to stand for lower working class whites, unions (before they became so corrupt), and "ask what you can do for your country".

Now it's the party of making demands of the government, appease terrorists, screw over lower and middle class whites with taxes and shipping their jobs overseas, supporting "free trade" to flood the market with foreign made crap, and push the globalist and homo-progressive Agenda above all else.

They are the communist party now.
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Julian Assange is someone who hates America. He has put our troops in danger because of the leaks that he has disseminated. It says a lot about the fact that Trump sycophants take him seriously. They would betray this country just to save Trump.
Julian Assange is someone who hates America. He has put our troops in danger because of the leaks that he has disseminated. It says a lot about the fact that Trump sycophants take him seriously. They would betray this country just to save Trump.

If Julian hated America he wouldn't have filled the Nation with true facts about our own Government. You people however are the ones who hate America. ANTI AMERICAN most often than not don't support Trump. and are severe hypocrites of their own words and actions.

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