Assault rifles for self defense

The moment you call an AR-15 clone (which shoots a pipsqueak .223 round) "high powered", you prove that you have ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE what you are blabbering about and should be ignored.

Don't all AR-15's and the M-16 it's modeled after, shoot .223s?

But you're right, the whole point was to get away from the high-powered .30-06 that made people flinch when pulling the trigger.

No.. you can get AR's firing different calibers
Believe It or Not Mass Killings Are Not on the Rise, They Are on the Decline

The assault with gun rate for the entire country dropped faster than cities with gun bans. Gun violence rose by comparison in cities with gun bans. There was an immediate changes in society around 1992 & it was not from government.

November 7, 1991, basketball legend Earvin "Magic" Johnson stuns the world by announcing he tested positive for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Within 2 months the number of people getting tested for aids was up 50%. Illegitimate birth rates dropped within 9 months. Heroin & other injected drug use that had been soaring since 1960 slowed their accent.

The country sobered up a bit & quit sharing IV drug needles. People quit having as many orgies, as much sex with strangers & not without protection. Maybe even settled down & married. This must have reduce the financial stress of illegitimate births & drug use, thus lowered the crime rate. Two parent structure households create the best well adjusted children. Single parent & divorced households & unwanted children create criminals.


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I've got a very simple question, how many rounds should a citizen be restricted to, in a self defense situation?

Is a 100 round clip actually needed for home defense? I dont mean a zombie invasion either. In real life, how many times have people actually shot more than 5 or 6 rounds in a self defense situation? Seriously.

A semi automatic weapon is not for hunting, its designed to kill as many people in as short a time as humaly possible. You know, wartime type shooting..

Those children were shot 3-11 times by that fucking gun loving nut.

Why does joe smith need it in his home?

And I am a gun owner.
If you're a gun owner, seems to me that you should know the difference between a magazine


and a clip


It's exhausting pointing that out to these so called gun owners.
Hell old rocks thinks a bolt action hunting rifle is all you need for home defense.
I guess his handlers never told him about over penetration
Don't be a tactinazi and you won't be so exhausted.

And yeah that M1 won't over penetrate at all.
Is a 100 round clip actually needed for home defense? I dont mean a zombie invasion either. In real life, how many times have people actually shot more than 5 or 6 rounds in a self defense situation? Seriously.

If the liberals got their wet dream and turned this country into a police state with concentration camps, then we'd all need guns with 100 round clips.

A semi automatic weapon is not for hunting, its designed to kill as many people in as short a time as humaly possible. You know, wartime type shooting..

You just proved you are a complete moron. Most hunting rifles are semi-automatics.

Those children were shot 3-11 times by that fucking gun loving nut.

When you're dead, your dead. You don't care how many times you are shot after tha.

Why does joe smith need it in his home?

And I am a gun owner.

Why does he need what in his home?

So based on the CHANCE of someone using a weapon for criminal activites, I have to lose my right to own said weapon, even with no prior bad acts and no current indication of any potential malicous activities?

So I guess because I MAY use fighting words on someone, I have to be gagged and prevented from speaking entirely.

"Chance"? It's almost becoming a "given".

These events are occurring with more and more frequency.

We need some sensible gun laws.

Ban assault rifiles.
Get rid of "Stand your ground".
No more open or concealed carry.
No more "gun shows".
No more mail order guns.
No more high capacity clips.
No more selling guns to terrorists and criminals.
No more having mentally ill people around guns.
Trigger locks for homes with kids.
Tagging bullets with electronic signatures.
Better licensing and registration.
Get rid of limited liablity for gun makers.
Get rid of stand your ground..Ok, so if some scumbag breaks into my house I am supposed to let him do his thing. I have no recourse? Brilliant.
No more carrying of guns....A robber approaches, what's my defense? Harsh language?
Is this going to stop crazed idiots and those with previously diagnosed mental health issues from shooting up a school full of kids?
Mail order guns? Hmm. There is no legal way to purchase a firearm direct delivery. The firearm must be picked up at a federally licensed dealer and ONLY after the required permits have been presented and verified. Ammunition and firearms cannot be purchased in the same order.
High capacity clips do not exist. They are called "magazines" and are only available through FFL dealers. And are permitted only in states which allow them. They cannot be legally brought from one state into another which prohibits them.
Terrorists and criminals are the ones who will be left holding guns and the other things you consider "scary shit" once law abiding citizens are prohibited from getting them.
Responsible gun owners already use safes and trigger locks.
Mentally ill people..These people walk about society due to your agenda of political correctness. Medicate them, your side says. Uh huh. Then we get Newtown type shootings. Your fault.
Ammo with electronic signatures? This does what?
Do you know that most hunters pick up their frags and reload their own ammo? Dumb idea. It would only drive up the price of ammo which would be an end around the 2nd Amendment. Nice try.
All firearms should be listed on a federal registry with an electronic chip or some sort of tracking number. One which is indelible.

Look, there is no way the central government can control the thoughts of crazy people. Those that have murder and mayhem in their hearts will find a way to carry out their desires. Disarming the citizens will not do a thing.
I understand that weapons scare the crap out of certain people. Hell, automobiles and aircraft scare certain people. For that matter natural gas appliances bring out irrational fears in some people. There was a gas explosion in Indiana which killed 25 people and destroyed over two dozen homes....Should ALL of the above be banned?
So based on the CHANCE of someone using a weapon for criminal activites, I have to lose my right to own said weapon, even with no prior bad acts and no current indication of any potential malicous activities?

So I guess because I MAY use fighting words on someone, I have to be gagged and prevented from speaking entirely.

"Chance"? It's almost becoming a "given".

These events are occurring with more and more frequency.

We need some sensible gun laws.

Ban assault rifiles.
Get rid of "Stand your ground".
No more open or concealed carry.
No more "gun shows".
No more mail order guns.
No more high capacity clips.
No more selling guns to terrorists and criminals.
No more having mentally ill people around guns.
Trigger locks for homes with kids.
Tagging bullets with electronic signatures.
Better licensing and registration.
Get rid of limited liablity for gun makers.
Get rid of stand your ground..Ok, so if some scumbag breaks into my house I am supposed to let him do his thing. I have no recourse? Brilliant.
No more carrying of guns....A robber approaches, what's my defense? Harsh language?
Is this going to stop crazed idiots and those with previously diagnosed mental health issues from shooting up a school full of kids?
Mail order guns? Hmm. There is no legal way to purchase a firearm direct delivery. The firearm must be picked up at a federally licensed dealer and ONLY after the required permits have been presented and verified. Ammunition and firearms cannot be purchased in the same order.
High capacity clips do not exist. They are called "magazines" and are only available through FFL dealers. And are permitted only in states which allow them. They cannot be legally brought from one state into another which prohibits them.
Terrorists and criminals are the ones who will be left holding guns and the other things you consider "scary shit" once law abiding citizens are prohibited from getting them.
Responsible gun owners already use safes and trigger locks.
Mentally ill people..These people walk about society due to your agenda of political correctness. Medicate them, your side says. Uh huh. Then we get Newtown type shootings. Your fault.
Ammo with electronic signatures? This does what?
Do you know that most hunters pick up their frags and reload their own ammo? Dumb idea. It would only drive up the price of ammo which would be an end around the 2nd Amendment. Nice try.
All firearms should be listed on a federal registry with an electronic chip or some sort of tracking number. One which is indelible.

Look, there is no way the central government can control the thoughts of crazy people. Those that have murder and mayhem in their hearts will find a way to carry out their desires. Disarming the citizens will not do a thing.
I understand that weapons scare the crap out of certain people. Hell, automobiles and aircraft scare certain people. For that matter natural gas appliances bring out irrational fears in some people. There was a gas explosion in Indiana which killed 25 people and destroyed over two dozen homes....Should ALL of the above be banned?

Sallow best defense for anyone run as fast as you can.:doubt:
Is a 100 round clip actually needed for home defense? I dont mean a zombie invasion either. In real life, how many times have people actually shot more than 5 or 6 rounds in a self defense situation? Seriously.

A semi automatic weapon is not for hunting, its designed to kill as many people in as short a time as humaly possible. You know, wartime type shooting..

Those children were shot 3-11 times by that fucking gun loving nut.

Why does joe smith need it in his home?

And I am a gun owner.
If you're a gun owner, seems to me that you should know the difference between a magazine


and a clip


It's exhausting pointing that out to these so called gun owners.
Hell old rocks thinks a bolt action hunting rifle is all you need for home defense.
I guess his handlers never told him about over penetration
Ideally, the best weapon for close self defense is a .32 or .40 cal. Such a weapon provides excellent stopping power plus the sound it makes when fired is enough to scare the piss out of a would be assailant. These pistols are relatively light and depending on the MFG, have excellent balance.The bullet will penetrate the target but not exit at a velocity hazardous to innocent bystanders. If it exits at all.
"Chance"? It's almost becoming a "given".

These events are occurring with more and more frequency.

We need some sensible gun laws.

Ban assault rifiles.
Get rid of "Stand your ground".
No more open or concealed carry.
No more "gun shows".
No more mail order guns.
No more high capacity clips.
No more selling guns to terrorists and criminals.
No more having mentally ill people around guns.
Trigger locks for homes with kids.
Tagging bullets with electronic signatures.
Better licensing and registration.
Get rid of limited liablity for gun makers.
Get rid of stand your ground..Ok, so if some scumbag breaks into my house I am supposed to let him do his thing. I have no recourse? Brilliant.
No more carrying of guns....A robber approaches, what's my defense? Harsh language?
Is this going to stop crazed idiots and those with previously diagnosed mental health issues from shooting up a school full of kids?
Mail order guns? Hmm. There is no legal way to purchase a firearm direct delivery. The firearm must be picked up at a federally licensed dealer and ONLY after the required permits have been presented and verified. Ammunition and firearms cannot be purchased in the same order.
High capacity clips do not exist. They are called "magazines" and are only available through FFL dealers. And are permitted only in states which allow them. They cannot be legally brought from one state into another which prohibits them.
Terrorists and criminals are the ones who will be left holding guns and the other things you consider "scary shit" once law abiding citizens are prohibited from getting them.
Responsible gun owners already use safes and trigger locks.
Mentally ill people..These people walk about society due to your agenda of political correctness. Medicate them, your side says. Uh huh. Then we get Newtown type shootings. Your fault.
Ammo with electronic signatures? This does what?
Do you know that most hunters pick up their frags and reload their own ammo? Dumb idea. It would only drive up the price of ammo which would be an end around the 2nd Amendment. Nice try.
All firearms should be listed on a federal registry with an electronic chip or some sort of tracking number. One which is indelible.

Look, there is no way the central government can control the thoughts of crazy people. Those that have murder and mayhem in their hearts will find a way to carry out their desires. Disarming the citizens will not do a thing.
I understand that weapons scare the crap out of certain people. Hell, automobiles and aircraft scare certain people. For that matter natural gas appliances bring out irrational fears in some people. There was a gas explosion in Indiana which killed 25 people and destroyed over two dozen homes....Should ALL of the above be banned?

Sallow best defense for anyone run as fast as you can.:doubt:

I would enjoy myself immensely if someone like sallow broke into my house.
Me....If you invade my house, I would exact pain far beyond the endurance of man.
I would have this piece of shit dialing 9-1-1 himself.
With regard to conservatives’ responses to this thread…

If/when there is another same-sex couples’ access to marriage or abortion thread, we should expect conservatives to defend due process and equal protection rights of those individuals as much as gun owners’ rights to the same.

We should not hear conservatives complaining about Federal courts interfering with ‘states’ rights,’ as McDonald disallows states and other jurisdictions to ban handguns.

It’s not enough for one to be correct, he must also be consistent.
With regard to conservatives’ responses to this thread…

If/when there is another same-sex couples’ access to marriage or abortion thread, we should expect conservatives to defend due process and equal protection rights of those individuals as much as gun owners’ rights to the same.

We should not hear conservatives complaining about Federal courts interfering with ‘states’ rights,’ as McDonald disallows states and other jurisdictions to ban handguns.

It’s not enough for one to be correct, he must also be consistent.

It is not being incosistent, and I know you called me out on this in another thread.

The term "arms" and the peoples right to posses them is explicitly used in the consitution. Gay marriage (or marriage at all) abortion are not.

There is nothing unconstituional if you are a strict constructionist about banning or allowing same sex marriage or abortion. It is a task left to the legislature(s) unless an amendment prevents them from doing so.
Look...a normal pump shotgun works just fine here in rural Florida for stopping a maurauding 200 pound wild boar. No one needs to drag out an AR-15 for instant pulled pork.

There is no need for shredded human flesh from assault rifles, either.

Regards from Rosie

Just going to point out how stupid it would be to shoot a pig with a .223.
With regard to conservatives’ responses to this thread…

If/when there is another same-sex couples’ access to marriage or abortion thread, we should expect conservatives to defend due process and equal protection rights of those individuals as much as gun owners’ rights to the same.

We should not hear conservatives complaining about Federal courts interfering with ‘states’ rights,’ as McDonald disallows states and other jurisdictions to ban handguns.

It’s not enough for one to be correct, he must also be consistent.

Are you aware that it is actually possible to talk about civil rights without talking about due process?

So based on the CHANCE of someone using a weapon for criminal activites, I have to lose my right to own said weapon, even with no prior bad acts and no current indication of any potential malicous activities?

So I guess because I MAY use fighting words on someone, I have to be gagged and prevented from speaking entirely.

"Chance"? It's almost becoming a "given".

These events are occurring with more and more frequency.

We need some sensible gun laws.

Ban assault rifiles.
Get rid of "Stand your ground".
No more open or concealed carry.
No more "gun shows".
No more mail order guns.
No more high capacity clips.
No more selling guns to terrorists and criminals.
No more having mentally ill people around guns.
Trigger locks for homes with kids.
Tagging bullets with electronic signatures.
Better licensing and registration.
Get rid of limited liablity for gun makers.

You left these out.

Roll over and show your belly.
Tuck your tail between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.
Get rid of stand your ground..Ok, so if some scumbag breaks into my house I am supposed to let him do his thing. I have no recourse? Brilliant.
No more carrying of guns....A robber approaches, what's my defense? Harsh language?
Is this going to stop crazed idiots and those with previously diagnosed mental health issues from shooting up a school full of kids?
Mail order guns? Hmm. There is no legal way to purchase a firearm direct delivery. The firearm must be picked up at a federally licensed dealer and ONLY after the required permits have been presented and verified. Ammunition and firearms cannot be purchased in the same order.
High capacity clips do not exist. They are called "magazines" and are only available through FFL dealers. And are permitted only in states which allow them. They cannot be legally brought from one state into another which prohibits them.
Terrorists and criminals are the ones who will be left holding guns and the other things you consider "scary shit" once law abiding citizens are prohibited from getting them.
Responsible gun owners already use safes and trigger locks.
Mentally ill people..These people walk about society due to your agenda of political correctness. Medicate them, your side says. Uh huh. Then we get Newtown type shootings. Your fault.
Ammo with electronic signatures? This does what?
Do you know that most hunters pick up their frags and reload their own ammo? Dumb idea. It would only drive up the price of ammo which would be an end around the 2nd Amendment. Nice try.
All firearms should be listed on a federal registry with an electronic chip or some sort of tracking number. One which is indelible.

Look, there is no way the central government can control the thoughts of crazy people. Those that have murder and mayhem in their hearts will find a way to carry out their desires. Disarming the citizens will not do a thing.
I understand that weapons scare the crap out of certain people. Hell, automobiles and aircraft scare certain people. For that matter natural gas appliances bring out irrational fears in some people. There was a gas explosion in Indiana which killed 25 people and destroyed over two dozen homes....Should ALL of the above be banned?

Modern American Communists like Shallow believe in "victims rights." You have the right to be a victim - it's your only right.
With regard to conservatives’ responses to this thread…

If/when there is another same-sex couples’ access to marriage or abortion thread, we should expect conservatives to defend due process and equal protection rights of those individuals as much as gun owners’ rights to the same.

We should not hear conservatives complaining about Federal courts interfering with ‘states’ rights,’ as McDonald disallows states and other jurisdictions to ban handguns.

It’s not enough for one to be correct, he must also be consistent.

It is not being incosistent, and I know you called me out on this in another thread.

The term "arms" and the peoples right to posses them is explicitly used in the consitution. Gay marriage (or marriage at all) abortion are not.

There is nothing unconstituional if you are a strict constructionist about banning or allowing same sex marriage or abortion. It is a task left to the legislature(s) unless an amendment prevents them from doing so.
right for people to be treated equally under the law is well defined within the constitution however.
With regard to conservatives’ responses to this thread…

If/when there is another same-sex couples’ access to marriage or abortion thread, we should expect conservatives to defend due process and equal protection rights of those individuals as much as gun owners’ rights to the same.

We should not hear conservatives complaining about Federal courts interfering with ‘states’ rights,’ as McDonald disallows states and other jurisdictions to ban handguns.

It’s not enough for one to be correct, he must also be consistent.

It is not being incosistent, and I know you called me out on this in another thread.

The term "arms" and the peoples right to posses them is explicitly used in the consitution. Gay marriage (or marriage at all) abortion are not.

There is nothing unconstituional if you are a strict constructionist about banning or allowing same sex marriage or abortion. It is a task left to the legislature(s) unless an amendment prevents them from doing so.
right for people to be treated equally under the law is well defined within the constitution however.

It is not very well defined actually, since there is so much debate about it. The intent was to prevent the recent freedmen from being held to a different legal standard than whites.

Its become like the commerce clause now, with everything being lumped under it.

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