Assault rifles for self defense

again, no one is talking about complete gun elimination,

Wow, You don't want complete gun elimination? That is so noble and moderate of you.

but it has been shown already that certain weapons in the hands of the public do not serve a public good. these include assault weapons and high capacity magazines.

that has certainly not been show, and even if it was, the 2nd Amendment doesn't mention a thing about guns "serving a public good."

no one is talking about complete gun elimination, but if you are a real hunter, there a number of weapons available that are not assault weapons that have very high rankings.

So-called "assault weapons" are technically no different than normal hunting weapons.

So based on the CHANCE of someone using a weapon for criminal activites, I have to lose my right to own said weapon, even with no prior bad acts and no current indication of any potential malicous activities?

So I guess because I MAY use fighting words on someone, I have to be gagged and prevented from speaking entirely.
again, no one is talking about complete gun elimination, but it has been shown already that certain weapons in the hands of the public do not serve a public good. these include assault weapons and high capacity magazines. no one is talking about complete gun elimination, but if you are a real hunter, there a number of weapons available that are not assault weapons that have very high rankings.

50 Best Hunting Rifles of the Past 10 Years -- Photo 18 | Outdoor Life

and again you nor anyone else has the right to say what I can and cannot have to defend myself and home.
again, no one is talking about complete gun elimination, but it has been shown already that certain weapons in the hands of the public do not serve a public good. these include assault weapons and high capacity magazines. no one is talking about complete gun elimination, but if you are a real hunter, there a number of weapons available that are not assault weapons that have very high rankings.

50 Best Hunting Rifles of the Past 10 Years -- Photo 18 | Outdoor Life

I've got a very simple question, how many rounds should a citizen be restricted to, in a self defense situation?

Is a 100 round clip actually needed for home defense? I dont mean a zombie invasion either. In real life, how many times have people actually shot more than 5 or 6 rounds in a self defense situation? Seriously.

A semi automatic weapon is not for hunting, its designed to kill as many people in as short a time as humaly possible. You know, wartime type shooting..

Those children were shot 3-11 times by that fucking gun loving nut.

Why does joe smith need it in his home?

And I am a gun owner.
Who says the second amendment is about hunting?
I think people who want to ban guns are kooks. We should prevent them from being able to speak, because their words are very dangerous.

What are you going to do, demand a kook test before someone can buy a gun? They have to meet your approval?


In their ideal world you will have to vote for Obama if you want to buy a gun.
Is a 100 round clip actually needed for home defense? I dont mean a zombie invasion either. In real life, how many times have people actually shot more than 5 or 6 rounds in a self defense situation? Seriously.

1. It's a magazine; not a clip
2. What makes you think "need" makes a diference? I may have or want many things I don't actually need. I may not really need both kidneys but you can bet I'll object if someone tries take one.
3. Noone needs a sprinkler system until there's fire. That doesn't make them useless or undesirable before then

A semi automatic weapon is not for hunting, its designed to kill as many people in as short a time as humaly possible. You know, wartime type shooting..

Wrong. I've been a lifetime hunter and simi-autos are my first choice for some tpes of hunting. Even if you were right the Constitution protects our right to exactly that kind of weapon.

Those children were shot 3-11 times by that fucking gun loving nut.

Which he could have accomplished just as easily with buckshot and 1 or 2 pulls of trigger.

Why does joe smith need it in his home?

What gives anyone a right to decide what joe smith needs

And I am a gun owner

Perhaps but you still have no clue and are entirely full of shit.
Traditional hunting weapons to not have pistol grips?


I cannot grasp what a pistol grip has to do with anything? The M-1 Garand, the rifle that won WWII, did not have a pistol grip.
again, no one is talking about complete gun elimination, but it has been shown already that certain weapons in the hands of the public do not serve a public good. these include assault weapons and high capacity magazines. no one is talking about complete gun elimination, but if you are a real hunter, there a number of weapons available that are not assault weapons that have very high rankings.

50 Best Hunting Rifles of the Past 10 Years -- Photo 18 | Outdoor Life

I've got a very simple question, how many rounds should a citizen be restricted to, in a self defense situation?

Is a 100 round clip actually needed for home defense? I dont mean a zombie invasion either. In real life, how many times have people actually shot more than 5 or 6 rounds in a self defense situation? Seriously.

A semi automatic weapon is not for hunting, its designed to kill as many people in as short a time as humaly possible. You know, wartime type shooting..

Those children were shot 3-11 times by that fucking gun loving nut.

Why does joe smith need it in his home?

And I am a gun owner.
If you're a gun owner, seems to me that you should know the difference between a magazine


and a clip

read the assault weapons legislation again:

Semi-automatic rifles able to accept detachable magazines and two or more of the following:
Folding or telescoping stock
Pistol grip
Bayonet mount
Flash suppressor, or threaded barrel designed to accommodate one
Grenade launcher (more precisely, a muzzle device that enables launching or firing rifle grenades, though this applies only to muzzle mounted grenade launchers and not those mounted externally).

does that drill meet that definition?

For those of you with perpetually wet panties, wouldn't you be more afraid of a sniper rifle, something that can kill at long range where you can't even see where it's coming from- rather than a scary looking semi-auto? A military style .22 isn't nearly as dangerous as a .50 with 12-50x56 optics, at 500 yards - yet you wet yourself over the .22 cuz it looks scary...
actually the 2nd amendment by definition reads "the right to carry arms." it say nothing specifically about the right to purchase arms. so limiting the ability to purchase arms clearly does not violate the 2nd amendment.

Don't be such a fucktard.

{A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. }
The moment you call an AR-15 clone (which shoots a pipsqueak .223 round) "high powered", you prove that you have ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE what you are blabbering about and should be ignored.

Don't all AR-15's and the M-16 it's modeled after, shoot .223s?

But you're right, the whole point was to get away from the high-powered .30-06 that made people flinch when pulling the trigger.
Try this one.
Son Uses Dad’s AR-15 To Defend Home
Son Uses Dad’s AR-15 To Defend Home (2010) | Guns Save Lives

You did just ask for one, right? Question answered.
one example... not too bad.

now lets compare that against the mass shootings involving guns:

Josh Sugarmann: 10 U.S. Mass Shootings Involving High-Capacity Ammunition Magazines (Slide Show)

List of rampage killers: Americas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So based on the CHANCE of someone using a weapon for criminal activites, I have to lose my right to own said weapon, even with no prior bad acts and no current indication of any potential malicous activities?

So I guess because I MAY use fighting words on someone, I have to be gagged and prevented from speaking entirely.

"Chance"? It's almost becoming a "given".

These events are occurring with more and more frequency.

We need some sensible gun laws.

Ban assault rifiles.
Get rid of "Stand your ground".
No more open or concealed carry.
No more "gun shows".
No more mail order guns.
No more high capacity clips.
No more selling guns to terrorists and criminals.
No more having mentally ill people around guns.
Trigger locks for homes with kids.
Tagging bullets with electronic signatures.
Better licensing and registration.
Get rid of limited liablity for gun makers.
Are you educated enough to start infringing on 2nd amendment rights? No. Porbably not. Turd. Go run.
actually the 2nd amendment by definition reads "the right to carry arms." it say nothing specifically about the right to purchase arms. so limiting the ability to purchase arms clearly does not violate the 2nd amendment.

No...Not "by definition".....This is how the left tries to cut up and repackage the Consitution for it's own reasons.
The Amendment reads in plain English. "The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"
Nice try at a gotcha moment....FAIL
We had an assault weapons ban. It lasted for ten years. Columbine was right in the middle of that ban.

So based on the CHANCE of someone using a weapon for criminal activites, I have to lose my right to own said weapon, even with no prior bad acts and no current indication of any potential malicous activities?

So I guess because I MAY use fighting words on someone, I have to be gagged and prevented from speaking entirely.

"Chance"? It's almost becoming a "given".

These events are occurring with more and more frequency.

We need some sensible gun laws.

Ban assault rifiles.
Get rid of "Stand your ground".
No more open or concealed carry.
No more "gun shows".
No more mail order guns.
No more high capacity clips.
No more selling guns to terrorists and criminals.
No more having mentally ill people around guns.
Trigger locks for homes with kids.
Tagging bullets with electronic signatures.
Better licensing and registration.
Get rid of limited liablity for gun makers.

So basically go back to the days when bigger and stronger people can push people around with impunity.

Fuck off.
Assault rifles for self defense -

Real world examples of this happening in the U.S. when the person using the weapon for self defense is -

1. Not acting as a government agent nor using a weapon issued to him/her by the government
2. Not acting as a trained private security guard.
3. Not defending a criminal enterprise.



These gun nutters want jackhammers for vibrators and a fire hose enema.

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