Assault rifles for self defense

That should make the NRA happy, especially since having armed security in schools is what the NRA is advocating. Sounds like a Win/Win...
The armed guards in schools idea is nothing but a red herring. Not saying it is a bad idea, it has merit, but it still carries on the trend of gun advocates pushing responsibility for the consequences of our incredibly liberal gun laws off on an underpaid uniformed guy.
Fuck that, let the teachers unions pay for their irrational fear of workplace violence. That make just as much sense as much of the crap the left is pushing. They got all this money available to give to candidates, let them up some bucks for security.
Whether armed guards in schools is a good or bad idea, I'd like to know if the NRA NaziCons would pony up with gun/ammo taxes to fund it.
Fuck that, let the teachers unions pay for their irrational fear of workplace violence. That make just as much sense as much of the crap the left is pushing. They got all this money available to give to candidates, let them up some bucks for security.

Exactly the response I expected from NaziCons. Thank you.
Fuck that, let the teachers unions pay for their irrational fear of workplace violence. That make just as much sense as much of the crap the left is pushing. They got all this money available to give to candidates, let them up some bucks for security.

Actually, it hasn't been teachers who are running scared. Its the rw gun nuts who want guns in our schools. I don't believe it will ever happen and I certainly hope it does not but if the NRA and its members want guns in our schools, then its up to them to pay for them.

Then they can pay to have armed guards in every other building in the country.
Fuck that, let the teachers unions pay for their irrational fear of workplace violence. That make just as much sense as much of the crap the left is pushing. They got all this money available to give to candidates, let them up some bucks for security.

Exactly the response I expected from NaziCons. Thank you.

Damn glad I didn't disappoint, explain how my statement is any different than some of the crap you've been spewing about gun owners. You and your commie cohorts claim gun owners have irrational fears and if FT Hood is work place violence then this could easily be classified the same.
By Asha Rangappa

The federal taxing power has been consistently upheld by the Supreme Court as constitutional and has been used broadly as a means of changing social policy and individual choices. Everyone, for instance, has the freedom to be single, remain childless, not own a home, refuse to make charitable donations, not save for retirement, smoke cigarettes, and have energy-inefficient windows, among other things—but they pay a price, in the form of more taxes, for each of them. Most recently, the government has made the choice to remain without health insurance a costly one as a way to encourage citizens to obtain coverage. By making some choices more expensive than others, the federal government creates incentives for certain kinds of behavior.

Of course, some people may try to avoid taxes by buying guns on the black market. But they’d risk the IRS coming after them for tax evasion, which is relatively easy to prove (Al Capone, anyone?) and carries civil and criminal penalties. Tax evasion has been law enforcement’s tool for combating organized crime and the drug trade. Extending its reach to unregulated guns could prove very effective: After all, you can’t hide your weapons in a Swiss bank account.

A federal excise tax on guns could change the social landscape.

More: Taxing guns: Make it more expensive to build an arsenal. - Slate Magazine
The armed guards in schools idea is nothing but a red herring. Not saying it is a bad idea, it has merit, but it still carries on the trend of gun advocates pushing responsibility for the consequences of our incredibly liberal gun laws off on an underpaid uniformed guy.

Considering the number of unemployed people, benefit package, opportunity to earn a living and serve their country at the same time, it's a great idea. As for your socialistic dribble, time to come up for air. Better yet, shove it up where the sun don't shine, yuppie!
Fuck that, let the teachers unions pay for their irrational fear of workplace violence. That make just as much sense as much of the crap the left is pushing. They got all this money available to give to candidates, let them up some bucks for security.

Actually, it hasn't been teachers who are running scared. Its the rw gun nuts who want guns in our schools. I don't believe it will ever happen and I certainly hope it does not but if the NRA and its members want guns in our schools, then its up to them to pay for them.

Then they can pay to have armed guards in every other building in the country.

You must have missed my post on another thread, most all the larger school systems here already have their own police departments as well as the colleges, and yes they are accredited and armed.
Fair soon as we start taxing every family with school aged kids to pay for the schooling...I'll be happy to pay for the security.

Fair is fair.
The armed guards in schools idea is nothing but a red herring. Not saying it is a bad idea, it has merit, but it still carries on the trend of gun advocates pushing responsibility for the consequences of our incredibly liberal gun laws off on an underpaid uniformed guy.

Considering the number of unemployed people, benefit package, opportunity to earn a living and serve their country at the same time, it's a great idea. As for your socialistic dribble, time to come up for air. Better yet, shove it up where the sun don't shine, yuppie!

So, that's it for qualifications? Just be unemployed and hungry?

If you frightened little mice really want armed guards all over the place, you can pay for them. I will happily pay to NOT have them.
Come on, NaziCons, do it for the children.

One of the most common commie propaganda slogans,"it's for the children". Anytime you hear that, you best grab your wallet cause, someone is going to pick your pocket.

Aw, now I get it. It would be much different if they were fetuses, right...?

The demonstrated concern of the left for the unborn just clearly defines how hypocritical your propaganda is. One of these days you might realize that.

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