Assault rifles for self defense

Some one explain why having a school janitor for example trained in firearms is wrong!
I mean he is trained in the use of fire extinguishers.. why not trained and authorized to use a gun?
Almost every one of the 132,656 K-12 schools (by law in most!) in the USA have one..

and no one disagrees they are benign when sitting and needed when there is a fire!
But how often are they used?

And school personnel are trained in the use.

So why not a gun? A rifle? Used by a school personnel TRAINED would have saved possible all if not some of the 26 Newtowners from death!

Just listened to Wayne LaPierre of NRA and he pointed out we have NO problem with Secret Service having guns to protect the President.
Guns with security guards on armored cars...

But a trained person with a gun in schools??
Why is that so wrong?

NRA weighs in following Newtown

You're a fucking idiot.

Take away all the guns and there will still be some and some insane person will repeat Newtown!

But make a concerted effort to train a person and I guarantee one of two consequences:
1) there will NOT be as many crazies repeating NewTown.
2) If they do, and a trained person reactions will see less killed then Newtown.
yet you claim your right to have assault rifles and automatic weapons is absolute under the 2nd amendment.

SEMI-automatic rifles, which is a common, and established technology for placing a round in the chamber of a firearm.

Assault rifle is a made up word by gun grabbers, and automatic weapons are not being considered for bans, as they are already tightly regulated.
automatic weapons are actually banned from being manufactured in the US for sale to the public.

the term assault rifle was not coined by "gun grabbers," . The translation assault rifle gradually became the common term for firearms sharing the same technical definition as the StG 44. In a strict definition, a firearm must have at least the following characteristics to be considered an assault rifle:
It must be an individual weapon with provision to fire from the shoulder (i.e. a buttstock);
It must be capable of selective fire;
It must have an intermediate-power cartridge: more power than a pistol but less than a standard rifle or battle rifle;
Its ammunition must be supplied from a detachable magazine rather than a feed-belt.
And it should at least have a firing range of 300 meters (1000 feet)

Incorrect no automatic firearms can be sold to the public unless they have a manufacture date of 1969 and back
Almost every one of the 132,656 K-12 schools (by law in most!) in the USA have one..

and no one disagrees they are benign when sitting and needed when there is a fire!
But how often are they used?

And school personnel are trained in the use.

So why not a gun? A rifle? Used by a school personnel TRAINED would have saved possible all if not some of the 26 Newtowners from death!

Just listened to Wayne LaPierre of NRA and he pointed out we have NO problem with Secret Service having guns to protect the President.
Guns with security guards on armored cars...

But a trained person with a gun in schools??
Why is that so wrong?

NRA weighs in following Newtown

You're a fucking idiot.

What's your solution other then proving you maybe preparing to do another Newtown?
the right to a job is not a constitutionally protect right.

ROFL! Then what is the basis for all those court cases where blacks complained they were discriminated against in hiring or promotion?

You liberals assholes can't seem to keep your story straight.
In the United States, affirmative action refers to equal opportunity employment measures that Federal contractors and subcontractors are legally required to adopt. AA didnt apply to the private sector, and it is not defined in the constitution as a right.

wanna try again?

Why is there affirmative action in education if it only applies to jobs in the US?
This was a lame premise when you floated it out the other time.
Why didn't you let it die it's natural death.

The point of fire extinguishers and trained users is to put a fire out.
An untrained fire extinguisher could kill unintentionally!

But a school adult trained in situations and guns could have saved lives... ARE YOU AGAINST THAT?

A simple solution to preventing more deaths and YOU ARE AGAINST it! Why???

We have the president protected at ALL times by trained people with GUNS!
Cash being transported -- trained guards! Armed!

But YOU don't want to protect the kids? YOU want more NewTown deaths because banning guns won't keep people from using them! But a trained person can keep the insane from killing more!

I mean why are you in favor of a trained guard at a bank with money at risk but not kids at school?
You must really hate kids!
Almost every one of the 132,656 K-12 schools (by law in most!) in the USA have one..

and no one disagrees they are benign when sitting and needed when there is a fire!
But how often are they used?

And school personnel are trained in the use.

So why not a gun? A rifle? Used by a school personnel TRAINED would have saved possible all if not some of the 26 Newtowners from death!

Just listened to Wayne LaPierre of NRA and he pointed out we have NO problem with Secret Service having guns to protect the President.
Guns with security guards on armored cars...

But a trained person with a gun in schools??
Why is that so wrong?

NRA weighs in following Newtown
You're a retard.
Taxing guns and ammo to pay for armed security in schools should be something that conservatives and the NRA would agree to. After all, tobacco is heavily taxed and helps pay for children's healthcare (CHIP).

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