Assault rifles for self defense

Who's for banning ALL guns? Please provide us with a list.

Who TOTALLY discounts the effects of violent videos and movies? Please provide us with a list.

You say the NRA has been vilified TODAY. Where have you been? They've been vilified plenty in the past.

Once again can you provide us with a list of those who want to ban ALL guns and glorify Quentin Tarantino?

This post FAILS on so many levels. Using an absolute once in a post is foolish. Using them repeatedly augments the foolishness exponentially with each repetition.

Enough of my providing LISTS of those that want to ban guns and those that say video games don't contribute to the violence?????
Who's for banning ALL guns? Please provide us with a list.

Who TOTALLY discounts the effects of violent videos and movies? Please provide us with a list.

You say the NRA has been vilified TODAY. Where have you been? They've been vilified plenty in the past.

Once again can you provide us with a list of those who want to ban ALL guns and glorify Quentin Tarantino?

This post FAILS on so many levels. Using an absolute once in a post is foolish. Using them repeatedly augments the foolishness exponentially with each repetition.

The "ban the gun" crowd totally ignore the SHEAR FACT that the same techniques used by advertisers to encourage buying their goods/services are used to "buy" into violence and killing by the very few that turn fantasy into reality, i.e. Adam Lanza, and the prove is the hard dollars spent on advertising.
With major companies budgeting 3 to 5% of gross annual sales for advertising and based on GDP of $15 trillion.. that's over $600 billion a year!
If companies spend that much to convince buyers they must think advertising is effective!

If advertising is effective then think how effective the violent content of movies and video games are especially on fertile young impressionable minds, i.e. Lanzas of the world!

We need to start far more drastic measures if we are going to save our children and ourselves.

It is far past time to call for a total ban on guns. And if it takes a constitutional amendment, so be it.
Forget the assault weapons ban, it's time to ban guns completely

Yes, Really, Ban All the Guns
Yes, Really, Ban All The Guns | The New Republic

Ban all guns, now--Nobody needs to have a handgun in America — period

Want to go on as there are more columns of ignorant pinheads calling for BANNING ALL GUNS!!


Dang I love this site!!!!!:D Heal bro.......gotta love being able to come in here on a daily basis and make fun of the mental cases.
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Hands fist and feet have killed more than both rifles and shotguns combined. Shall we start confiscating hands fist and feet?:badgrin:

Going by the graph, it seems that removing handguns might be the better alternative to removing hands and feet.

We're just going to ignore people that have removed their brains from the subject thanks.

If you had one, you'd pick up on the extreme fucking irony of what you just posted.

Sorry it's beyond your grasp, since it's funnier than shit and I'm rolling here. Sorry it won't work for you. Really. Funny shit.

Do you understand WHAT pawns you are?
Every day you idiots that favor BANNING ALL GUNS... make decisions that have been shaped because of advertising.
handjob.gif let us know, the next time you locate anyone like that....maybe, the next time you go snipe-hunting.
Incidents, yes.
Can it also be avoided? Yes.

You know why we can't ban or regulate it? Because we can't control when someone drinks it.

Really? If it's not available you can't drink and drive, isn't that the same argument gun control supporters use?

Guns are protected by the 2nd amendment.

Alcohol isn't. ;)
Then there should be no problem banning the sale and consumption of alcohol?
This ban on assualt and automatic weapons is pointless because those kids were all killed by a semi-auto pistol.

The news reports I read said that the bushmaster was used to kill the children.

All of these firearms are bushmasters
Click on one of them and magnify the firearm
And tell me exactly how they are assault rifles?
You will only see too positions Fire and safe.
Bushmaster - State Compliant Firearms

Next are firearms for law enforcement
You will see three positions
Fire safe and BURST
Bushmaster - Law Enforcement Firearms
Just a quick thought for our radical right wingers, most of whom worship the military, military spending and military folks, without question, blindly and at any cost whatsoever.

Our military is the best in the world, by far, not even close. Most powerful, best trained. The next best is probably like a 5 year old picking a fight with Mike Tyson.

Soo.....why do I need an assault rifle? If it is to protect me from a hypothetical tyrannical government, then I must ask:

- Which tyrannical government is gonna overthrow OUR military???

- Or, is OUR military a threat to our own people, not to be trusted?

I personally dont think our Marines, soldiers, sailors, airmen would ever follow an order to turn on our own people.

I know police cannot and would not for many reasons, mostly the fragemented concentration of power of police, broken into federal, 50 states, thousands of counties and cities. No centralized power, thus, on chance of being taken over by a single dictator or tyrannical regime. Brilliant design.

So, what is the NEED for an assault rifle? For home defense, a 12 guage shotgun and .45 pistol are far better. Anyone arguing that is a moron to be blunt. An assault rifle is for targets at distances of 50 yards and farther. Thats why it has a relatively small (5.56) but fast bullet...accuracy and velocity at distance, while the .45 and shotgun have larger, slower, but more powerful bullets- for up close and personal.

I own two assault rifles. An M4 and a semi-auto (not full auto) Yugoslavian AK. Wonderful weapons, both designed for war, and if someone invaded my home, neither would be my go-to weapon. Why? Because if that happened, it's likely (based on crime stats) to be done by 1-3 total intruders. My .45 with hollow points is a far better choice, less chance it'll penetrate a wall and hit a neighbor or family member, and my Mossberg 500 tac shotgun is an even better pick.

If a squad of North Korean infantry, say 10-15 men wearing vests, entered my home, then sure, the AK or M4 is the easy pick.

But thats not gonna happen to me. Why? Our military will NEVER allow that to happen. Ever. No nation can defeat us in a war like that to get here.

Which brings me to the question: Do you trust our beloved military to ensure you dont need that rifle? And if so...why do you need it?

Im not advocating we ban them. I own 2 myself. Im just asking why do you NEED them. I simply WANT them because they are cool. But with my nation's military, and no domestic threat a pistol and shotgun can't handle, I dont need them. And no...they aren't for sale!
Who's for banning ALL guns? Please provide us with a list.

Who TOTALLY discounts the effects of violent videos and movies? Please provide us with a list.

You say the NRA has been vilified TODAY. Where have you been? They've been vilified plenty in the past.

Once again can you provide us with a list of those who want to ban ALL guns and glorify Quentin Tarantino?

This post FAILS on so many levels. Using an absolute once in a post is foolish. Using them repeatedly augments the foolishness exponentially with each repetition.

The "ban the gun" crowd totally ignore the SHEAR FACT that the same techniques used by advertisers to encourage buying their goods/services are used to "buy" into violence and killing by the very few that turn fantasy into reality, i.e. Adam Lanza, and the prove is the hard dollars spent on advertising.
With major companies budgeting 3 to 5% of gross annual sales for advertising and based on GDP of $15 trillion.. that's over $600 billion a year!
If companies spend that much to convince buyers they must think advertising is effective!

If advertising is effective then think how effective the violent content of movies and video games are especially on fertile young impressionable minds, i.e. Lanzas of the world!

We need to start far more drastic measures if we are going to save our children and ourselves.

It is far past time to call for a total ban on guns. And if it takes a constitutional amendment, so be it.
Forget the assault weapons ban, it's time to ban guns completely

Yes, Really, Ban All the Guns
Yes, Really, Ban All The Guns | The New Republic

Ban all guns, now--Nobody needs to have a handgun in America — period

Want to go on as there are more columns of ignorant pinheads calling for BANNING ALL GUNS!!

Now you're going to cite sources you normally sneer at? Talk about hypocrisy! What national political figures with followings that could actually get themselves elected to something are saying it? If you're going to go that route, I'm sure I could find cites that "prove" all conservatives are racists.
This particular "reason" for keeping combat weapons must not continue to be entertained as a sane argument against banning particular weapons, I am not personally in favor of it but as a rationale for fighting efforts to get a handle on gun violence it is pretty silly and unrealistic.
Thats kind of what Im asking. I bought those 2 guns because it was legal to buy them, I enjoy recreational shooting, and I wanted them. But if they were illegal, I'd never consider buying one illegally. I dont need them. I just wanted them. And...I am very paranoid about safety. I of course keep them in a gun safe. But I keep the magazines and ammo in a storage unit, with other shit like an old couch, etc. Just so those weapons and those mags aren't in the same place to be accessed or stolen by anyone but me.

But...I dont fear our military instilling tyranny on me. They'd never do that. I dont know why so many nutjobs out there think they would. And NO COUNTRY will ever invade the US. Not possible.
I'd suggest that the people who own the most guns, especially assault weapons, for perceived protection are the most paranoid among us. These are precisely the types who shouldn't own assault weapons.
Just a quick thought for our radical right wingers, most of whom worship the military, military spending and military folks, without question, blindly and at any cost whatsoever.

Our military is the best in the world, by far, not even close. Most powerful, best trained. The next best is probably like a 5 year old picking a fight with Mike Tyson.

Soo.....why do I need an assault rifle? If it is to protect me from a hypothetical tyrannical government, then I must ask:

- Which tyrannical government is gonna overthrow OUR military???

- Or, is OUR military a threat to our own people, not to be trusted?

I personally dont think our Marines, soldiers, sailors, airmen would ever follow an order to turn on our own people.

I know police cannot and would not for many reasons, mostly the fragemented concentration of power of police, broken into federal, 50 states, thousands of counties and cities. No centralized power, thus, on chance of being taken over by a single dictator or tyrannical regime. Brilliant design.

So, what is the NEED for an assault rifle? For home defense, a 12 guage shotgun and .45 pistol are far better. Anyone arguing that is a moron to be blunt. An assault rifle is for targets at distances of 50 yards and farther. Thats why it has a relatively small (5.56) but fast bullet...accuracy and velocity at distance, while the .45 and shotgun have larger, slower, but more powerful bullets- for up close and personal.

I own two assault rifles. An M4 and a semi-auto (not full auto) Yugoslavian AK. Wonderful weapons, both designed for war, and if someone invaded my home, neither would be my go-to weapon. Why? Because if that happened, it's likely (based on crime stats) to be done by 1-3 total intruders. My .45 with hollow points is a far better choice, less chance it'll penetrate a wall and hit a neighbor or family member, and my Mossberg 500 tac shotgun is an even better pick.

If a squad of North Korean infantry, say 10-15 men wearing vests, entered my home, then sure, the AK or M4 is the easy pick.

But thats not gonna happen to me. Why? Our military will NEVER allow that to happen. Ever. No nation can defeat us in a war like that to get here.

Which brings me to the question: Do you trust our beloved military to ensure you dont need that rifle? And if so...why do you need it?

Im not advocating we ban them. I own 2 myself. Im just asking why do you NEED them. I simply WANT them because they are cool. But with my nation's military, and no domestic threat a pistol and shotgun can't handle, I dont need them. And no...they aren't for sale!

Isn't Maobama enough of a factor to claim the need for an "assault Weapon". You forget that the military is control by Maobama and if he care to dictate martial law to satisfy his whims within the U.S., who will there be to protect America and Americans but ourselves.
Just a quick thought for our radical right wingers, most of whom worship the military, military spending and military folks, without question, blindly and at any cost whatsoever.

Our military is the best in the world, by far, not even close. Most powerful, best trained. The next best is probably like a 5 year old picking a fight with Mike Tyson.

Soo.....why do I need an assault rifle? If it is to protect me from a hypothetical tyrannical government, then I must ask:

- Which tyrannical government is gonna overthrow OUR military???

- Or, is OUR military a threat to our own people, not to be trusted?

I personally dont think our Marines, soldiers, sailors, airmen would ever follow an order to turn on our own people.

I know police cannot and would not for many reasons, mostly the fragemented concentration of power of police, broken into federal, 50 states, thousands of counties and cities. No centralized power, thus, on chance of being taken over by a single dictator or tyrannical regime. Brilliant design.

So, what is the NEED for an assault rifle? For home defense, a 12 guage shotgun and .45 pistol are far better. Anyone arguing that is a moron to be blunt. An assault rifle is for targets at distances of 50 yards and farther. Thats why it has a relatively small (5.56) but fast bullet...accuracy and velocity at distance, while the .45 and shotgun have larger, slower, but more powerful bullets- for up close and personal.

I own two assault rifles. An M4 and a semi-auto (not full auto) Yugoslavian AK. Wonderful weapons, both designed for war, and if someone invaded my home, neither would be my go-to weapon. Why? Because if that happened, it's likely (based on crime stats) to be done by 1-3 total intruders. My .45 with hollow points is a far better choice, less chance it'll penetrate a wall and hit a neighbor or family member, and my Mossberg 500 tac shotgun is an even better pick.

If a squad of North Korean infantry, say 10-15 men wearing vests, entered my home, then sure, the AK or M4 is the easy pick.

But thats not gonna happen to me. Why? Our military will NEVER allow that to happen. Ever. No nation can defeat us in a war like that to get here.

Which brings me to the question: Do you trust our beloved military to ensure you dont need that rifle? And if so...why do you need it?

Im not advocating we ban them. I own 2 myself. Im just asking why do you NEED them. I simply WANT them because they are cool. But with my nation's military, and no domestic threat a pistol and shotgun can't handle, I dont need them. And no...they aren't for sale!

Stupid is stupid!
If I were to guess... it's fear.
Not that it's a bad thing. But fear or paranoia or the belief of required, increased security, is a relevant topic. It's the knowledge that law enforcement and the military can't be everywhere - we're too big, and those branches are too small to cover everyone in the country. Should, say, China go apeshit and invade, at some point, men and women who aren't military can and will take up their assault rifles and defend themselves.

On the border states, it might be fear that the Mexican drug cartels will push harder into the country. It's a very real and very relevant possibility to those people. I don't blame them for wanting to stock up on guns and ammo.

But for people like me, I don't have such an issue. I have 3 guns, none of which are even semi auto (pump-action, bolt-action, single action), but I personally feel that if it takes me more than 3 shots to kill a home invader, I probably deserve to die.

I have no need for an assault rifle. IMO, you're doing something very wrong if it takes you 30 shots to down a few people, unless you're in the military.
We must guard against the overreaching hand of big ... - Stan Deyo
... Why Did His Administration Just Purchase 1.6 Billion Rounds of Ammo and
Sniper Rounds? .... Sinister Sites: IRS Headquarters, Maryland ... BP Suspended
from New US Government Contracts Following Gulf Spill Settlement, EPA Says
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Millennium Ark: Hot News

Guess everyone forgot about the billions of rounds of Ammunition bought and distributed to the alphabet agencies controlled by Maobama?

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