Assault rifles for self defense

Taxing guns and ammo to pay for armed security in schools should be something that conservatives and the NRA would agree to. After all, tobacco is heavily taxed and helps pay for children's healthcare (CHIP).

wow what a great way to fix our economy.

armed Gaurds for EVERYONE on the NRAs dime.

lets do it
This is the current front page of HuffPo. Yeah, I know, you rw's are scared to death of HuffPol but, you can't escape these facts.

Understand that the front page headlines change so the chances are it will look different if you go look later. But, all of these stories are available - if only you cared enough to read them. For that matter, if lobbyist Wayne LaPierre cared enough to look.

Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post

3 Shot And Killed In Mich... 18-Year-Old Shot Multiple Times, Dies... Man Kills Wife, Teen, Himself... Man Shoots, Kills Own Son... Cops Shoot Teen Dead... Man Gunned Down In Parking Lot... 5 Dead In Spate Of Shootings... 2 Murdered In Philly... 2 Kansas Cops Shot Dead... Shooter Killed... 4 Die In Apparent Murder-Suicide... Ga. Cop Dies From Gunshot... Argument Leads Teen To Shoot Friend... Man Shot To Death... Teen Dies After Being Tied Up, Shot... Man Shot Dead In Street... Drug Deal Leads To Shooting Death... Mother Of 2 Killed In Road Rage Shooting... Man Shoots, Kills Intruder... 1 Killed In Coney Island... Man Dies From Gunshot Wounds... Cops Investigate Gun Death... Shooting Victim's Body Found On Bike Trail... Man Charged With Shooting Own Brother Dead... Man Dies After Being Shot In Chest... Body Of Shooting Victim Found In Pickup... Teen Arrested For Robbery Shooting Death... Man Carrying 2-Year-Old Son Shot Dead... Man Fatally Shot Near Home... Parolee Dies In Shooting... 1 Killed In Buffalo Shooting... Man Shot Dead In Apartment Complex... Street Gun Battle Kills Grandma Bystander... Man, Woman Dead In Apparent Murder-Suicide... Woman Shot Dead By Intruder... 14-Year-Old Arrested Over Fatal Gun Attack... Man Found Shot Dead In Parking Lot... Woman Shot In Face By Ex-Boyfriend... 1 Woman, 3 Men Shot Dead... 2 Die In Attempted Robbery... Army Reservist Shot To Death In Alley... Man Shot To Death In Bodega... 2 Shot Dead In Burned House... Man Shot During Break-In... Man Fatally Shot... 20-Year-Old Gunned Down... Man Shoots Self During Police Pursuit... 1 Killed In Baltimore Shooting... Cops ID Shooting Victim... 60-Year-Old Man Shot Dead... Shot Man's Body Found In Vacant House.... Woman Shot And Killed Outside Her Home... Shooting Victim Was 'Trying To Turn Life Around'... Slain Shooting Victim Found In Street.... Driving Altercation Leads To Shooting, 1 Dies... 3-Year-Old Dies In Accidental Shooting... Man Turns Self In After Allegedly Shooting Wife... Man Shot Dead Outside Home... 3 Slain In Separate New Orleans Shootings... Cops Investigate Shooting Death... Man Shot Dead In Ohio... Teen Shot To Death... Man Dies After Being Shot Multiple Times... Man Charged Over Son's Shooting Death... Cops Find 2 Men Shot Dead... 1 Dies In Shooting... Man Charged Over Gun Killing... 1 Shot Dead In Confrontation... Man Charged With Murder Over Shooting... Motel-Owner Shot And Killed... Husband Shoots Estranged Wife Dead... Suspect Arrested Over Deputy's Shooting Death... Police Probe Fatal Shooting... Cops Kill 2 Suspects In 3 Shooting Deaths... Man Killed Fighting Back Against Robber... Man Killed In Home Invasion.... Nightclub Shooting Kills 1... Child Brain Dead After Drive By Shooting... Man Charged Over Shooting Of Ex-Wife... Body Found In Vacant House... Teen Fatally Shot...

How in the world can anyone keep a straight face while saying we need more guns?
No one is scared of huffie puffie. It's the disinformation and facetious information that most people detest

PROVE those headlines are not true.

PROVE the headlines are "disinformation and facetious".
NO, but there are more drunk driving incidents than these "massacres" you speak of..
you people are just hysterical

Incidents, yes.
Can it also be avoided? Yes.

You know why we can't ban or regulate it? Because we can't control when someone drinks it.

Really? If it's not available you can't drink and drive, isn't that the same argument gun control supporters use?

Guns are protected by the 2nd amendment.

Alcohol isn't. ;)
As career military and multiple gun owner, anyone that hears a family member talk about buying guns for the first time, should insist that the family member take a good gun safety class and lots and lots of practice with a gun. They should practice by renting a firearm at a reputable range and keep renting that same firearm (if not already rented out) each time they go. Once proficient and safety trained, then and only then should they buy one and store in a type of quick access safe. And, if any of those family members have children that are mentally unstable in any way, they should be convinced to not have a gun in the house.
Taxing guns and ammo to pay for armed security in schools should be something that conservatives and the NRA would agree to. After all, tobacco is heavily taxed and helps pay for children's healthcare (CHIP).

I am not reflexively opposed to your suggestion, but I think there should be a direct connection between special taxes and designated expenditures. Traditionally, public education and safety have been funded by property taxes. Does anyone have an idea of how much it would cost to put armed guards at schools? Someone suggested using National Guard troops, presumably as part of their service/training commitment. Would this be a good idea?
Taxing guns and ammo to pay for armed security in schools should be something that conservatives and the NRA would agree to. After all, tobacco is heavily taxed and helps pay for children's healthcare (CHIP).

Let the parents pay for their own kids protection.
It's impossible to ban all guns. The best that can be done is to ban all legal gun sales. All of the gun makers in the world won't go out of business just because guns are banned in the US. If all the gun makers in the world did go out of business there would be a thriving business in illegal gun making.

We can't stop Iran from making a nuclear bomb, we can't stop gun makers from making guns.
luddly, have you read anything from the gun whack jobs on here that would make you think the gun nuts give a flying fuk about dead children, accidental deaths of children or suicides of anyone?

They are concerned that the guvmint is coming to take their guns away. Or the criminals. One or the other.

Nothing else matters except their delusional fear.

Good luck trying to shame these dumb fuks.
As usual, the facts show that the idiot liberal dumbocrat is having an irrational, knee-jerk reaction to an issue they don't understand:


Hands fist and feet have killed more than both rifles and shotguns combined. Shall we start confiscating hands fist and feet?:badgrin:

Going by the graph, it seems that removing handguns might be the better alternative to removing hands and feet.
Larry Correia, over at Monster Hunter Nation has written an excellent framework of the current gun control debate. Correia, a true firearms expert, takes a systematic, point by point approach in exploring all of the arguments being made by gun control advocates and refutes them with facts and common sense. It is a must read for anyone planning on discussing this issue intelligently with friends and relatives over Christmas dinner. H/T to Prof Reynolds at instapundit H/T to Bob Owens (on the sidebar) and a special H/T to AoSHQer Andy

So now that there is a new tragedy the president wants to have a “national conversation on guns”. Here’s the thing. Until this national conversation is willing to entertain allowing teachers to carry concealed weapons, then it isn’t a conversation at all, it is a lecture.
The single best way to respond to a mass shooter is with an immediate, violent response. The vast majority of the time, as soon as a mass shooter meets serious resistance, it bursts their fantasy world bubble. Then they kill themselves or surrender. This has happened over and over again.​

Any honest cop will tell you that when seconds count they are only minutes away. After Colombine law enforcement changed their methods in dealing with active shooters. It used to be that you took up a perimeter and waited for overwhelming force before going in. Now usually as soon as you have two officers on scene you go in to confront the shooter (often one in rural areas or if help is going to take another minute, because there are a lot of very sound tactical reasons for using two, mostly because your success/survival rates jump dramatically when you put two guys through a door at once.
However, cops can’t be everywhere. There are at best only a couple hundred thousand on duty at any given time patrolling the entire country. Excellent response time is in the three-five minute range. We’ve seen what bad guys can do in three minutes, but sometimes it is far worse. They simply can’t teleport. So in some cases that means the bad guys can have ten, fifteen, even twenty minutes to do horrible things with nobody effectively fighting back.

An opinion on gun control « Monster Hunter Nation
National Shooting Sports Foundation, Newtown Gun Lobby, Keeps Military-Style Guns Legal

The Newtown-based National Shooting Sports Foundation, or NSSF, is the nation's premier gun manufacturers trade association, and in recent years the group has concentrated on marketing military-style assault weapons of the kind used by Lanza, James Holmes and other mass murderers. In the last decade, as the national interest in hunting has declined, gun manufacturers have increasingly relied on the sale of high-powered rifles, capable of killing many people in seconds. Behind the scenes, the NSSF has done much of the work of pitching those products to politicians, the media and gun buyers.

They wanted more military assault type guns and they got more military assault type guns.

You s'pose they're happy now?
Thank you MDiver. Sharing responsible gun use advice is a great side subject for this thread.
Listen man, the United States is a great country, and the only thing it is lacking is cheap labor to service those jobs that nobody wants, and to keep the rich elites....... Elite.

You cant force labor on a certain group of people if they are ARMED, even illegal Mexicans soon find out they are working too cheaply and leave and get a better job, America needs a way to keep these people working there cheap labor jobs, if they are not armed then they will have no choice but to work, get rid of GUNZ, eliminate the final problems in America.
Who's for banning ALL guns? Please provide us with a list.

Who TOTALLY discounts the effects of violent videos and movies? Please provide us with a list.

You say the NRA has been vilified TODAY. Where have you been? They've been vilified plenty in the past.

Once again can you provide us with a list of those who want to ban ALL guns and glorify Quentin Tarantino?

This post FAILS on so many levels. Using an absolute once in a post is foolish. Using them repeatedly augments the foolishness exponentially with each repetition.

The "ban the gun" crowd totally ignore the SHEAR FACT that the same techniques used by advertisers to encourage buying their goods/services are used to "buy" into violence and killing by the very few that turn fantasy into reality, i.e. Adam Lanza, and the prove is the hard dollars spent on advertising.
With major companies budgeting 3 to 5% of gross annual sales for advertising and based on GDP of $15 trillion.. that's over $600 billion a year!
If companies spend that much to convince buyers they must think advertising is effective!

If advertising is effective then think how effective the violent content of movies and video games are especially on fertile young impressionable minds, i.e. Lanzas of the world!

We need to start far more drastic measures if we are going to save our children and ourselves.

It is far past time to call for a total ban on guns. And if it takes a constitutional amendment, so be it.
Forget the assault weapons ban, it's time to ban guns completely

Yes, Really, Ban All the Guns
Yes, Really, Ban All The Guns | The New Republic

Ban all guns, now--Nobody needs to have a handgun in America — period

Want to go on as there are more columns of ignorant pinheads calling for BANNING ALL GUNS!!
As usual, the facts show that the idiot liberal dumbocrat is having an irrational, knee-jerk reaction to an issue they don't understand:


Hands fist and feet have killed more than both rifles and shotguns combined. Shall we start confiscating hands fist and feet?:badgrin:

Going by the graph, it seems that removing handguns might be the better alternative to removing hands and feet.

We're just going to ignore people that have removed their brains from the subject thanks.
Video Games Don’t Cause Children to be Violent--Proposals like this are a solution in search of a problem
Video Games Don

As a video game violence researcher and someone who has done scholarship on mass homicides, let me state very emphatically: There is no good evidence that video games or other media contributes, even in a small way, to mass homicides or any other violence among youth.

Read more: Sandy Hook Shooting: Video Game Violence Isn't to Blame |

"It’s clear that the ‘big fears’ bandied about in the press - that violent video games make children significantly more violent in the real world; that children engage in the illegal, immoral, sexist and violent acts they see in some of these games - are not supported by the current research, at least in such a simplistic form. That should make sense to anyone who thinks about it. After all, millions of children and adults play these games, yet the world has not been reduced to chaos and anarchy."
Do violent video games contribute to youth violence? - Video Games -

Comment for the above... DIDN'T ever imply the entire world would be reduced... but it only takes a few like Adam Lanza... and as a result the argument that video games don't cause shooters then should be used "banning all guns" won't stop the few that will do violence to many!

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