Assault rifles for self defense

The problem with that is that no criminal is going to let you call 'Time Out' while you unlock your gun case and run frantically to the other end of the house to load your weapon.

He's just going to kill you, then start killing your spouse and children.

You are paranoid period end of story. Do you just sit there and wait for someone to enter your property with a loaded gun. That scares me as much as a gun owner not locking up guns when they want to bond with a mental patient. Seriously READ, AND RE _ READ what you wrote. Everyone READ it.

My house I know and a stranger will not - so I know where the gun case is the stranger doesn't - get the advantage here?, I also have a cordless, and cell phone to call in between.

I'll take that risk v the last killing sprees of the decade. It's the right thing to do. Doing nothing has not worked, and made freaks having gun access. Stop giving access to gun owners who should not have them.

I live in the 'burbs of Atlanta. There are home invasions on the news NIGHTLY. Just had one in Stone Mountain where the victims fought back with an AR. One of the suspects jumped out a 2nd floor window to avoid getting shot. Thankfully the fall killed him.

I'm not paranoid, I'm PREPARED.

Boy Scout Motto, yanno?
It wasn't the fall. It was the sudden stop.
I remember when ATL wanted to extend MARTA into Gwinette County. The people there went "oh the hell you are"...They knew exactly what would happen. The crooks in Atlanta would have easy access to the suburbs so they could go to rob houses unoccupied during the day. Why? Because those people WORK.
I may have posted this before, but here goes again.

Can someone point to where it says that we can bear arms, but only in self defense?

I first misunderstood your post.
You are spot on. Nowhere in the text in the Second Amendment is it stated "for self defense only"
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Our government NEEDS to control us, this tends to be impossible if the population is armed, gunz er bad M-KAY, they need to be banned completely all in ALL.
They aren't interested in outlawing just the AR-15. They want to outlaw all semi-automatic weapons. The use of the term "assault weapon" is a canard they use to get what they really want without saying it.

That's why the bans would affect handguns as well.
They aren't interested in outlawing just the AR-15. They want to outlaw all semi-automatic weapons. The use of the term "assault weapon" is a canard they use to get what they really want without saying it.

That's why the bans would affect handguns as well.

After all obama did mention hand guns in the same statement with assault weapons ban.
Assault rifles for self defense -

Real world examples of this happening in the U.S. when the person using the weapon for self defense is -

1. Not acting as a government agent nor using a weapon issued to him/her by the government
2. Not acting as a trained private security guard.
3. Not defending a criminal enterprise.


These Israelis don't seem to have the problems with mass shootings we do....I wonder why?

BTW they are at the beach...


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China hasn't banned all guns, and official crime rates put out by the CCP are propaganda.
can you point to the section of the Constitution that defines that?

youre going full retard again. better watch it.

It's called "the 14th Amendment," moron.

Section. 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Now who's going "full retard?"
life, liberty and property is not defined as taxes or employment. equal protection of the laws means equal administration.

wanna try again full retard?

Are you fucking kidding me?

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;

Even for a communist, you're incredibly dull witted.
US infantrymen no longer are equipped with full auto assault weapons. Current ones are limited to a 3 round burst per trigger pull. Each section has 1 SAW gunner to provide automatic firepower.

Full auto doesn't do much good. Even select-fire is difficult to control on an M4. In semi-auto mode, the M4 is far more effective, IMO. And a Mini-14 (.223 variation of the M14) is a better weapon.
Assault rifles for self defense? I guess it would make sense if there was such a thing as an assault rifle... Unfortunately, the term assault rifle is as fictitious as the belief that banning Law abiding citizens guns will actually stop gun crimes.
Assault rifles for self defense? I guess it would make sense if there was such a thing as an assault rifle... Unfortunately, the term assault rifle is as fictitious as the belief that banning Law abiding citizens guns will actually stop gun crimes.

I would say that an M16 or AK74 are designed for assault. They are fully automatic and designed for combat.

{ "Another source of power in government is a military force. But this, to be efficient, must be superior to any force that axists among the people, or which they can command; for otherwise this force would be annihilated, on the first exercise of acts of oppression. Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States. A military force, at the command of Congress, can execute no laws, but such as the people perceive to be just and constitutional; for they will possess the power, and jealousy will instantly inspire the inclination, to resist the execution of a law which appears to them unjust and oppressive."

- Noah Webster An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, Philadelphia, 1787 }
Assault rifles for self defense? I guess it would make sense if there was such a thing as an assault rifle... Unfortunately, the term assault rifle is as fictitious as the belief that banning Law abiding citizens guns will actually stop gun crimes.

I would say that an M16 or AK74 are designed for assault. They are fully automatic and designed for combat.

{ "Another source of power in government is a military force. But this, to be efficient, must be superior to any force that axists among the people, or which they can command; for otherwise this force would be annihilated, on the first exercise of acts of oppression. Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States. A military force, at the command of Congress, can execute no laws, but such as the people perceive to be just and constitutional; for they will possess the power, and jealousy will instantly inspire the inclination, to resist the execution of a law which appears to them unjust and oppressive."

- Noah Webster An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, Philadelphia, 1787 }

It still doesn't change the fact that the term assault rifle was manufactured by gun grabbing zealots.
It still doesn't change the fact that the term assault rifle was manufactured by gun grabbing zealots.

I'm not so sure.

The AR-15 is one of the more popular civilian rifles on the market - Colt (Armalite) designated this "Assault Rifle, Model 15" in 1959. Basically the civilian version of the M16 that they were trying (at the time) to get the Army to adopt. I don't think Colt is a group of gun grabbing zealots.

I offered the Noah Webster quote to support why civilians SHOULD have assault rifles. Liberty depends on the people being a superior military force to anything the government can muster.
It still doesn't change the fact that the term assault rifle was manufactured by gun grabbing zealots.
The word assault means one thing to the military mentality and something else to the average timid civilian whose singular idea of self-defense is to dial 911. So it probably didn't occur to the Pentagon official, probably some salty old general, who drafted the specifications for a light, full-auto combat rifle (possibly inspired by the AK-47), that the legal definition of assault would galvanize the anti-gun mentality by imparting a criminal connotation to a specific type of weapon.
Assault Rifles have been banned since '86, people don't understand the difference and the ones they are referring to account for under 1% crimes. smh
Assault rifles for self defense -

Real world examples of this happening in the U.S. when the person using the weapon for self defense is -

1. Not acting as a government agent nor using a weapon issued to him/her by the government
2. Not acting as a trained private security guard.
3. Not defending a criminal enterprise.


Watts riots, L.A. riots, OWS riots, Hurricane Katrina riots.... shall I continue, or are you now rightfully embarrassed by your very ignorant post? :)
again, no one is talking about complete gun elimination, but it has been shown already that certain weapons in the hands of the public do not serve a public good. these include assault weapons and high capacity magazines. no one is talking about complete gun elimination, but if you are a real hunter, there a number of weapons available that are not assault weapons that have very high rankings.

50 Best Hunting Rifles of the Past 10 Years -- Photo 18 | Outdoor Life

My point is also that no one is talking about banning ALL SPEECH, we are just going to gag you to prevent you from using fighting words, because someone else in the past used them, and YOU MIGHT use them. Just like someone else used a semi automatic rifle in a crime in the past, so YOU MIGHT use it for a crime, so we ban you from having it without you ever committing a crime, or even thinking about committing a crime.

It is the concept of prior restraint.
when you can prove that words and words alone can kill a man, I'll be glad to have that argument.

When you can prove that banning guns can prevent shootings, I'll be glad to have that argument...
"Assault rifle" was a translation of the German name of the original they developed tword the end of WWII and became known as a rifle chambered for an intermediate (between pistol and rifle) powered round that was capable of full auto (more than one round per trigger pull) fire.

AR 15= Armalite 15
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