Assault weapons ban

That assumes they know where the illegal weapons are- that is, that they are aware of stockpiles and supply lines held by criminal organizations and persons- in which case, they should be raiding them already, as they're already illegally owned/acquired/transported

Agreed - but I was thinking that strengthened laws might give police more freedom to seize weapons as they find them. e.g. raiding crack dens or pulling cars over the finding them in the trunk. Certainly I think the police need to be seizing weapons whenever they can.
Certainly I think the police need to be seizing weapons whenever they can.

Why, exactly, do you think the State should have a monopoly on force? | The Cato Institute's National Police Misconduct Reporting Project

Cop Block | Reporting Police Abuse, Brutality, and Corruption

Police Brutality ? Historic Pattern Continues | S. Brian Willson

From beating Wobblies, to stopping Occupy protesters or suffrage marchers, to every repressive regime in history- the police are the most immediate tool of State repression and force when governments decide to ignore the rights and liberties of the People. From the Thirteen Colonies, to the Confederacy, to Egypt and Libya, history shows up that only when the People can rival the State in terms of the ability to project lethal force to enforce their Will is there ever liberty. That, indeed, is the very reason for the Second Amendment in the first place.

Their is nothing preventing police from seizing weapons from those who are not legally permitted to have them when they are found; why do you wish to disarm non-criminal citizens, if not to ensure the State a monopoly on force and enable tyrants?
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Okay, only certain types of guns and ammo would be banned. There are lots of other guns to choose from. It's not like having all hard alcohol and "good" beer removed and all we get is one brand of lite beer.

If the guns are banned, you can still keep the ones you have.

Does that mean only bad guys will get assualt rifles? Has it not occurred to anyone that if the guns are banned then gun manufacturers will stop making them? If gun purchases are limited and require a background check, won't that make it harder for criminals to get guns by the crateload? If owners are required to keep the guns in a safe, won't that make the guns harder to steal?

does it mean if abortions were banned people would stop having them and it would put the abortion clinics out of business?
And if women were REQUIRED to have a background check before abortion that would prevent them from having one?

get it?

When abortions were outlawed, only those with money could get them. The more money they had, the better the facilities. Are you saying that if certain guns were banned only the rich would have guns?
Of all of the ideas we've heard from the White House and the Dems in Congress since the Newtown shooting, which will stop criminals from stealing guns from the law abiding and then using them for crime?
Be sure to describe how said laws will do this.

As snookie so aptly pointed out, that is not what I said.

I said, taking away a gun or gun type from legal owners means those guns will not fall into the hands of thieves when they rob you.

If there are no AK's in the home or gun shop, then there are no AK's to steal from said home or gun shop. It's not a difficult concept to understand.

Except no one, almost no one, is proposing to outlaw guns already in existence. And if they did, criminals and many others would continue to own and acquire them.
There are plenty of full auto guns out there illegally, despite their being effectively banned 80 years ago.
So stopping production now of AR's etc would do nothing about the 30M or so already in circulation. Stopping sales of hi cap mags will do nothing because there are about a gazillion hi cap mags in circulation. Actually it will do something: it will drive up prices, making them attractive targets for theft.

I don't know about that. It may take some time but it will make them more scarce. Here in NY high cap mags have been illegal for a long time and it's very rare to see the pre-ban clips. As nobody needs them people really really don't seem to care other than the occasional die hard.
Suppose this new assault weapon ban is passed and put into law what then? It does nothing to deal with the weapons already out there. What about weapons coming across the border? Our border is weakly secured at best now you have a ban here and that will only increase the flow across border anyone who traffics in guns will know business will be on the upswing unless there is a major push for tight border security which I highly doubt we will have a bigger problem coming across the border than we already do.

From everything I've read guns are a bigger problem going the other way. The cartels buy legal guns in pro gun states, where there are virtually no limits on the numbers and type of guns purchased, and smuggle them across the border.
As snookie so aptly pointed out, that is not what I said.

I said, taking away a gun or gun type from legal owners means those guns will not fall into the hands of thieves when they rob you.

If there are no AK's in the home or gun shop, then there are no AK's to steal from said home or gun shop. It's not a difficult concept to understand.

Except no one, almost no one, is proposing to outlaw guns already in existence. And if they did, criminals and many others would continue to own and acquire them.
There are plenty of full auto guns out there illegally, despite their being effectively banned 80 years ago.
So stopping production now of AR's etc would do nothing about the 30M or so already in circulation. Stopping sales of hi cap mags will do nothing because there are about a gazillion hi cap mags in circulation. Actually it will do something: it will drive up prices, making them attractive targets for theft.

I don't know about that. It may take some time but it will make them more scarce. Here in NY high cap mags have been illegal for a long time and it's very rare to see the pre-ban clips. As nobody needs them people really really don't seem to care other than the occasional die hard.

They have crossed the line now, however, with the whole 7 round magazine limit. Maybe people in NYC are a bunch of sheep on this issue, but upstate people are NOT happy right now.
That assumes they know where the illegal weapons are- that is, that they are aware of stockpiles and supply lines held by criminal organizations and persons- in which case, they should be raiding them already, as they're already illegally owned/acquired/transported

Agreed - but I was thinking that strengthened laws might give police more freedom to seize weapons as they find them. e.g. raiding crack dens or pulling cars over the finding them in the trunk. Certainly I think the police need to be seizing weapons whenever they can.

You understand that guns in the hands of felons are already seized, right? The only way to "strengthen" the law is to disregard the 4th Amendment. I realize that is no problem for today's Progressives, but courts might still have issues.
As snookie so aptly pointed out, that is not what I said.

I said, taking away a gun or gun type from legal owners means those guns will not fall into the hands of thieves when they rob you.

If there are no AK's in the home or gun shop, then there are no AK's to steal from said home or gun shop. It's not a difficult concept to understand.

Except no one, almost no one, is proposing to outlaw guns already in existence. And if they did, criminals and many others would continue to own and acquire them.
There are plenty of full auto guns out there illegally, despite their being effectively banned 80 years ago.
So stopping production now of AR's etc would do nothing about the 30M or so already in circulation. Stopping sales of hi cap mags will do nothing because there are about a gazillion hi cap mags in circulation. Actually it will do something: it will drive up prices, making them attractive targets for theft.

I don't know about that. It may take some time but it will make them more scarce. Here in NY high cap mags have been illegal for a long time and it's very rare to see the pre-ban clips. As nobody needs them people really really don't seem to care other than the occasional die hard.

How often are you in places where people have guns around? Why would someone display his illegal magazine to total strangers, including possible members of law enforcement? You realize that someone driving through to FL could easily stop and buy high capacity mags along the way in states where it is legal and simply bring them back to NY, right?
Except no one, almost no one, is proposing to outlaw guns already in existence. And if they did, criminals and many others would continue to own and acquire them.
There are plenty of full auto guns out there illegally, despite their being effectively banned 80 years ago.
So stopping production now of AR's etc would do nothing about the 30M or so already in circulation. Stopping sales of hi cap mags will do nothing because there are about a gazillion hi cap mags in circulation. Actually it will do something: it will drive up prices, making them attractive targets for theft.

I don't know about that. It may take some time but it will make them more scarce. Here in NY high cap mags have been illegal for a long time and it's very rare to see the pre-ban clips. As nobody needs them people really really don't seem to care other than the occasional die hard.

How often are you in places where people have guns around? Why would someone display his illegal magazine to total strangers, including possible members of law enforcement? You realize that someone driving through to FL could easily stop and buy high capacity mags along the way in states where it is legal and simply bring them back to NY, right?

Pre-ban clips are not illegal in NY (Or weren't prior to the latest regulations). And I have dozens of friends with guns and exactly one with a couple 30 round clips (probably the only one of them who shouldn't as he's a bit mental).
I don't know about that. It may take some time but it will make them more scarce. Here in NY high cap mags have been illegal for a long time and it's very rare to see the pre-ban clips. As nobody needs them people really really don't seem to care other than the occasional die hard.

How often are you in places where people have guns around? Why would someone display his illegal magazine to total strangers, including possible members of law enforcement? You realize that someone driving through to FL could easily stop and buy high capacity mags along the way in states where it is legal and simply bring them back to NY, right?

Pre-ban clips are not illegal in NY (Or weren't prior to the latest regulations). And I have dozens of friends with guns and exactly one with a couple 30 round clips (probably the only one of them who shouldn't as he's a bit mental).
OK so you didnt answer any questions. Your personal experience is not really very relevant here.
Except no one, almost no one, is proposing to outlaw guns already in existence. And if they did, criminals and many others would continue to own and acquire them.
There are plenty of full auto guns out there illegally, despite their being effectively banned 80 years ago.
So stopping production now of AR's etc would do nothing about the 30M or so already in circulation. Stopping sales of hi cap mags will do nothing because there are about a gazillion hi cap mags in circulation. Actually it will do something: it will drive up prices, making them attractive targets for theft.

I don't know about that. It may take some time but it will make them more scarce. Here in NY high cap mags have been illegal for a long time and it's very rare to see the pre-ban clips. As nobody needs them people really really don't seem to care other than the occasional die hard.

They have crossed the line now, however, with the whole 7 round magazine limit. Maybe people in NYC are a bunch of sheep on this issue, but upstate people are NOT happy right now.

I agree the 7 round limit is a bit much. Pointless.
How often are you in places where people have guns around? Why would someone display his illegal magazine to total strangers, including possible members of law enforcement? You realize that someone driving through to FL could easily stop and buy high capacity mags along the way in states where it is legal and simply bring them back to NY, right?

Pre-ban clips are not illegal in NY (Or weren't prior to the latest regulations). And I have dozens of friends with guns and exactly one with a couple 30 round clips (probably the only one of them who shouldn't as he's a bit mental).
OK so you didnt answer any questions. Your personal experience is not really very relevant here.

All the time. I'm a hunter and virtually all my friends hunt. I own 8 guns myself.

And as I did answer, the clips are not illegal, so there is no reason anyone would have hid them.

Of course I realize anyone could get clips and bring them here. What has that got to do with the discussion? People do not need 30 round clips so most people just don't care.

The reduction from 10 to 7 is just silly though. What is the point there?
Actually the thing that has most people here up in arms isn't the limit to 7 rounds in our clips, but the new rule that pistol permits have to be renewed every 5 years.

It could quickly become cost prohibitive to keep your permit.
Pre-ban clips are not illegal in NY (Or weren't prior to the latest regulations). And I have dozens of friends with guns and exactly one with a couple 30 round clips (probably the only one of them who shouldn't as he's a bit mental).
OK so you didnt answer any questions. Your personal experience is not really very relevant here.

All the time. I'm a hunter and virtually all my friends hunt. I own 8 guns myself.

And as I did answer, the clips are not illegal, so there is no reason anyone would have hid them.

Of course I realize anyone could get clips and bring them here. What has that got to do with the discussion? People do not need 30 round clips so most people just don't care.

The reduction from 10 to 7 is just silly though. What is the point there?

What does it have to do with the discussion? Everything. Anyone could go and get "clips" of any capacity anytime he wanted. So the ban is useless.
P.S. you aren't really a gun owner if you use a term like "clip" unless you're referring to an M1 Garand.
Pre-ban clips are not illegal in NY (Or weren't prior to the latest regulations). And I have dozens of friends with guns and exactly one with a couple 30 round clips (probably the only one of them who shouldn't as he's a bit mental).
Prove I acquired it after the ban went into effect
OK so you didnt answer any questions. Your personal experience is not really very relevant here.

All the time. I'm a hunter and virtually all my friends hunt. I own 8 guns myself.

And as I did answer, the clips are not illegal, so there is no reason anyone would have hid them.

Of course I realize anyone could get clips and bring them here. What has that got to do with the discussion? People do not need 30 round clips so most people just don't care.

The reduction from 10 to 7 is just silly though. What is the point there?

What does it have to do with the discussion? Everything. Anyone could go and get "clips" of any capacity anytime he wanted. So the ban is useless.
P.S. you aren't really a gun owner if you use a term like "clip" unless you're referring to an M1 Garand.

What a load of shit. Everyone I know uses the term clip and I live in one of the most gun dense parts of the country.
Pre-ban clips are not illegal in NY (Or weren't prior to the latest regulations). And I have dozens of friends with guns and exactly one with a couple 30 round clips (probably the only one of them who shouldn't as he's a bit mental).
Prove I acquired it after the ban went into effect

You could acquire them after the ban perfectly legally.

They just had to be pre-ban clips.

I didn't say it made sense. But there aren't a hell of a lot of them around. As I said, there is no need for them. So most people just don't bother skirting the law.
Again, the ban is pointless- prove it's not a pre-ban clip.

I agree that there are ways around the law as it was written. I just think most people didn't bother as they didn't need them.

How many people are going to take the risk, even a miniscule one, to buy something they don't need?

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