Assessment of Michael Cohen’s “credibility”

The key word is “continuously”. Trump has been back in New York many times over the last five years and has always been available for service, the Secret Service has always known exactly where Trump was, so he hasn’t been in hiding to avoid arrest or service.
As with all dealings with trump nothing is simple, he's a bad but professional criminal.
Republicans are attacking women, gays and transgendered people. What groups are the Democrats attacking ? White collar crime affects more people and the republicans are still avidly protecting trump and other criminals like him. As far as violent crime goes, I believe all murderers, even teenagers, should be put to death the day after their trial, that would lessen their cost to society and possibly deter that crime. People who can do that simply cannot be saved. It's not worth it.
You are not able to think for yourself, I can tell, because there's a difference between attacking trans twerking and doing other innappropriate gestures in front of kids and your blanket claim.
This means you bought the narrative instead of using your own mind to notice they are playing you so you'd parrot such uneducated posts and spread that propaganda false narrative.
In fact your stereotype is a form of prejudice you are deflecting onto your political rivals.
Lastly the comment about Dems hating white collar criminals, that's exposed by way of the Fried donations Incident & refusing to Label Soros and Moveon, Resist, Antifa, and BLM terrorist orgs because they get $ & voter support from them (hence you are calling them corrupted by the bribes).
You are not able to think for yourself, I can tell, because there's a difference between attacking trans twerking and doing other innappropriate gestures in front of kids and your blanket claim.
This means you bought the narrative instead of using your own mind to notice they are playing you so you'd parrot such uneducated posts and spread that propaganda false narrative.
In fact your stereotype is a form of prejudice you are deflecting onto your political rivals.
Lastly the comment about Dems hating white collar criminals, that's exposed by way of the Fried donations Incident & refusing to Label Soros and Moveon, Resist, Antifa, and BLM terrorist orgs because they get $ & voter support from them (hence you are calling them corrupted by the bribes).
You have to go to great lengths to reach such a negative opinion of what I've said. I'm really sorry the truth is that unfamiliar to you. Good luck with your warped negative view of life.
You have to go to great lengths to reach such a negative opinion of what I've said. I'm really sorry the truth is that unfamiliar to you. Good luck with your warped negative view of life.
You've stereo typed me and a party in a prejudiced manner, then say I'm the one with negative opinions, well yeah, do something positive for a change and then we can have positive opinions. 🤷😄
Look at what a complete clusterfuck this is.

They were "going to" arrest trump today & the grand jury isn't even done listening to testimony.

They couldn't have made a decision to arrest if they are still hearing witnesses.
THEY was Trump.

Costello shatters any claim that Cohen has any actual credibility. 😁

How often can it be said before our liberals come to grips with the fact that Michael Cohen is a convicted perjurer?

The mystery here is how desperate is Bragg to pin his hopes of “getting” Trump on a convicted perjurer.
I heard Costello on - Tucker - the other night and he seemed
almost too sure about this Cohen creep.Then Costello was on
- Hannity - last night w/o suit and tie.Plus Kellayanne Conway.
I can't quite figger out what Kellyanne was driving at.
Something about how closely she worked with him starting
at or before 2016.Seems that Cohen was a very weak person.
Your typical scaredy cat.Willing to rat out at the drop of a dime.
Like some predictable 40's film noir.
Nevertheless things are moving at the speed of sound.
Mark levin - { IHeart radio podcast } has some very unsettling
things to point out about this Prosecution/Persecution of Trump
in a 21 person Grand Jury " Indictment ".

Costello shatters any claim that Cohen has any actual credibility. 😁

How often can it be said before our liberals come to grips with the fact that Michael Cohen is a convicted perjurer?

The mystery here is how desperate is Bragg to pin his hopes of “getting” Trump on a convicted perjurer.

Trump wouldn't be convicted on Cohen's testimony alone. The question is whether anything Cohen says is corroborated by other evidence. If it's not, then Trump has nothing to worry about, but if it is corroborated, then Cohen's testimony is just more evidence that supports whatever evidence they already have.

Why are you so worried? :)
The key word is “continuously”. Trump has been back in New York many times over the last five years and has always been available for service, the Secret Service has always known exactly where Trump was, so he hasn’t been in hiding to avoid arrest or service.

Don't disagree, however there was nothing to service.

However it does not change NY State law regarding SOL's that time outside the state extends the period of the SOL. So while there is a 5 year standard for felony SOL, that time is extended for when the FPOTUS was NOT in the state, such as DC, FL, and NJ.

Again, the important word in the law previously posted is "OR": (a) outside the State OR (b) in hiding. No one says he was hiding, but he was definitely outside the state.

You've stereo typed me and a party in a prejudiced manner, then say I'm the one with negative opinions, well yeah, do something positive for a change and then we can have positive opinions. 🤷😄
I remember the Summer of 2009.Chris Matthews of - Hardball -
was making the case almost every night about *something .
I for the life of me can't remember the word.It might have been
" Suppression ". The Summer of Suppression.But that was actually
in the summer of 2012.Every night MSNBC and uneducated hacks
like Al Sharpton made the case { as 6 pm host } about Suppression.
That Blacks will be Suppressed.Their Voting rights come fall somehow
be taken away.
* this word used by Matthews starting in June of 2009 and
he kept it up for months struck me as Odd.Like from nowhere.
He musta had a reason.
Usually words come back to me.
Matthews ,Like him or no,he was " Very Interesting "
" Nobody in TV stir-fries his ideas and serves them to
the audience faster than MSNBC's Chris Matthews.
Drawing from a larder filled with old anecdotes,unreliable
metaphors,wacky intuition,and superficial observations, the
always-animated Matthews steers whatever's handy in to the
hot wok that is his brain. "
Yet the TV tube is nekkid without his presence.MSNBC is
just it's own self-inflicted laughingstock as if the Hideous Statue
of the Fat Lady { face overly worn and paint fading } standing outside
some House of Mirrors.With a surreal Devils Laugh as if coming
straight from Hell.Dante would feel emboldened to write a new
poem about.

Trump wouldn't be convicted on Cohen's testimony alone. The question is whether anything Cohen says is corroborated by other evidence. If it's not, then Trump has nothing to worry about, but if it is corroborated, then Cohen's testimony is just more evidence that supports whatever evidence they already have.

Why are you so worried? :)
Um ... try the word " Leaks "
You've stereo typed me and a party in a prejudiced manner, then say I'm the one with negative opinions, well yeah, do something positive for a change and then we can have positive opinions. 🤷😄
I listed a few of the positive things the Democrats are doing and you said they weren't any good. So who's right or wrong ? They're both just opinions. We differ, no big deal it's been happening for years, if you can' t recognize that you've got a problem, not me. Good luck with that, you have been radicalized.
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Don't disagree, however there was nothing to service.

However it does not change NY State law regarding SOL's that time outside the state extends the period of the SOL. So while there is a 5 year standard for felony SOL, that time is extended for when the FPOTUS was NOT in the state, such as DC, FL, and NJ.

Again, the important word in the law previously posted is "OR": (a) outside the State OR (b) in hiding. No one says he was hiding, but he was definitely outside the state.

Why did trump flee New York in the first place. He knew he couldn't get away with any more schemes there. Everyone was on to him.
Why did trump flee New York in the first place. He knew he couldn't get away with any more schemes there. Everyone was on to him.
Um ... For starters try rampant Due Process { Corruption }
in the Unbrotherly District of Manhattan.
Where an Obama appointed Judge overseeing this Alvin
Bragg Trial " Indictment " has reversed every single plea
presented by Trump Lawyers.Not allowed a single one.
Plus an Obvious " Leaked " Sealed order in the hands of
said " Indictment " Judge { c/o either Reporters or Journalists'
at ABC. } That according to Mark Levin { Noted Attorney and big
Trump ally } is a Criminal Offense.The leaking of a Sealed order in the
hands of Judge { who somehow allowed that Sealed Order to
be made Public { c/o ABC }.
I listed a few of the positive things the Democrats are doing and you said they weren't any good. So who's right or wrong ? They're both just opinions. We differ, no big deal it's been happening for years, if you can' t recognize that you've got a problem, not me. Good luck with that, you have been radicalized.
I was giving you a chance to notice the missing third option, if they don't know of any cataclysm event that the public doesn't know about, and if you don't think their process of governing this way is because they're sociopaths, then that pretty much only leaves 1 thing left.
That (drum roll please) is something they desperately don't want you to know, that they use the FEAR OF CATACLYSM & URGENCY to get the dupes slowly accepting of their slow escalation of fascist totalitarian behavior. In other words like you projected here, are more willing to accept "for the cause" the double standard justice, abuses of power, the censorship and fake narratives, the election fanagling, the going after political rivals all in the name of activism trying to justify the treasons, attack on democracy, lying, bribing, pay to play schemes, the China like surveillance state, obstructions, jailing or intimidating journalists and meme creators who speak out about the corruption and slow move to communism, financing criminal acts, supporting criminal behavior, Keeping Fried's Donation money, the mysterious deaths of witness and informants, the sweeping under the rug Epsteins Visitor logs, the hiding of Obamas WH logs in archives after it was revealed he saw at the WH the Same Russian "spy" Ambassador 24 Times that was used as a Narrative to spy on political rivals during a campaign, " for the cause" made people over look cognitive issues of candidates they elected, it makes people over look the supression of info and control of info, made them reject good sound policies while accepting failed ones, overlook the constant lying and manipulation and insult to intelligence, overlook how we look and are trusted now around the globe, overlook foreign policies, overlook risks of war created, the fact " their cause" caused more deaths in NY to our elderly than events on 9-11 Did. The narrative cause also made people ignore the 108,000 Fentanyl deaths, many purposefully poisoned taken other meds that had it purposely put in them. Ask yourself, didn't that fake cause they implanted in your mind set make you not see the fentanyl poisoning asa criminal poisoning otherwise wouldn't you react and act on it like the Tylenol poisonings in the 80's?
So in essence, they got you to accept it all in the name of saving the globe, but it's them you need saving from
-Racketeering 101
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Um ... For starters try rampant Due Process { Corruption }
in the Unbrotherly District of Manhattan.
Where an Obama appointed Judge overseeing this Alvin
Bragg Trial " Indictment " has reversed every single plea
presented by Trump Lawyers.Not allowed a single one.
Plus an Obvious " Leaked " Sealed order in the hands of
said " Indictment " Judge { c/o either Reporters or Journalists'
at ABC. } That according to Mark Levin { Noted Attorney and big
Trump ally } is a Criminal Offense.The leaking of a Sealed order in the
hands of Judge { who somehow allowed that Sealed Order to
be made Public { c/o ABC }.
Yes, always blame someone else for trump's crimes. We are all too familiar with that argument. Good luck with those arguments in the real world.
I was giving you a chance to notice the missing third option, if they don't know of any cataclysm event that the public doesn't know about, and if you don't think their process of governing this way is because they're sociopaths, then that pretty much only leaves 1 thing left.
That (drum roll please) is something they desperately don't want you to know, that they use the FEAR OF CATACLYSM & URGENCY to get the dupes slowly accepting of their slow escalation of fascist totalitarian behavior. In other words like you projected here, are more willing to accept "for the cause" the double standard justice, abuses of power, the censorship and fake narratives, the election fanagling, the going after political rivals all in the name of activism trying to justify the treasons, attack on democracy, lying, bribing, pay to play schemes, the China like surveillance state, obstructions, jailing or intimidating journalists and meme creators who speak out about the corruption and slow move to communism, financing criminal acts, supporting criminal behavior, Keeping Fried's Donation money, the mysterious deaths of witness and informants, the sweeping under the rug Epsteins Visitor logs, the hiding of Obamas WH logs in archives after it was revealed he saw at the WH the Same Russian "spy" Ambassador 24 Times that was used as a Narrative to spy on political rivals during a campaign, " for the cause" made people over look cognitive issues of candidates they elected, it makes people over look the supression of info and control of info, made them reject good sound policies while accepting failed ones, overlook the constant lying and manipulation and insult to intelligence, overlook how we look and are trusted now around the globe, overlook foreign policies, overlook risks of war created, the fact " their cause" caused more deaths in NY to our elderly than events on 9-11 Did. The narrative cause also made people ignore the 108,000 Fentanyl deaths, many purposefully poisoned taken other meds that had it purposely put in them. Ask yourself, didn't that fake cause they implanted in your mind set make you not see the fentanyl poisoning asa criminal poisoning otherwise wouldn't you react and act on it like the Tylenol poisonings in the 80's?
So in essence, they got you to accept it all in the name of saving the globe, but it's them you need saving from
-Racketeering 101
So one of the radical beliefs you have is to deny climate change. That will get you by for the next 5 or 10 years but after that NO ONE will be able to deny it anymore, not even you. Enjoy the ride !
Well let's hope it gets him in prison finally. We can't have domestic terrorist leaders like him living freely in this country. Time to take it back from the likes of him and those like him
Thank you for making my point. You and people like you don't actually care about the law or if Trump actually committed a crime. You just want to punish a political opponent.
Thank you for making my point. You and people like you don't actually care about the law or if Trump actually committed a crime. You just want to punish a political opponent.
His entire life has been based on criminal activity. Since you seem totally unaware of that, you are either a fool or one of his zombie cult followers. Enough bullshit already !
Why are you so worried? :)

Because its a distraction from the REAL issues that we should be dealing with in the Presidential campaign.

Time spent on defense against bullshit charges is time that could have been spent talking about the Sleepy Joe crime rate, inflation rate, grooming or Biden's Endless wars.

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