Assessment of Michael Cohen’s “credibility”

But qhen they are in the same room as the orange pile of shit, they seem pretty honest.

Also, they will answer questions under oath. Trunp will pussy out and plead the 5th.
Over a damned piece of ace, think about it, yet meanwhile your side is constantly deflecting on the true story about one of the greatest national security threats ever to hit this countries shores or about the one that resides in the oval office currently.... You all know Biden and family are alledged to be corrupt people right(?) but you gamble on getting Trump for political reason's because he isn't down wid it or he wasn't helping you all's agenda or rather wouldn't unless it was fair and neutral whatever it was that he done..
And 3 entities who already investigated this incident with more resources, and actual jurisdiction found no criminal activity which is the point, dumb ass.
Well, if you don't consider the fact that it was trump loyalists who killed the investigations before, you might have something worth considering. I didn't see you saying drop it when trump took his crap to over 60 courts, and got laughed out of all of them.
Well, if you don't consider the fact that it was trump loyalists who killed the investigations before, you might have something worth considering. I didn't see you saying drop it when trump took his crap to over 60 courts, and got laughed out of all of them.
Mueller was a Trump loyalist? The Manhattan DA prior to Bragg was a Trump loyalist? The FEC? Seriously?
Then suddenly, after Bob Costello spent an afternoon testifying about Cohen, the 'possible' arrest is moved to next week.

I'd bet his case just went all to hell and back.

Look at what a complete clusterfuck this is.

They were "going to" arrest trump today & the grand jury isn't even done listening to testimony.

They couldn't have made a decision to arrest if they are still hearing witnesses.
I thought Trump only hired the best, yet he hired Cohen. So even if everything you guys say about him is true, it just shows Trumps is a chump.

Yeah, that’s what it shows.
You gottem this time! It’s true! You really really do!
Says Fox entertainment network, remember they said themselves they are not a news network. I think it'll come down to who lies the most and no one beats trump. He even believes his own lies, that's how crazy he is. Should have been locked up years ago.

Awwwwwwwwww…. They lied to you again .You’ll gettem next time for sure!
I would give an assessment of Cohen's credibility but that's impossible to do since he has none.

Cohen's credibility is not important. The essential facts are not in dispute. The problem with the case is that it is bullshit. It is based on the completely discredited theory that any spending by a candidate that could conceivably help his campaign MUST be treated as a campaign contribution.


Candidate buys a Harley Davidson motorcycle. This could endear him to a certain demographic. It is a campaign contribution.

Candidate gets a dog. Seeks the votes of dog lovers.

Get it?

Bullshit case. Cannot succeed.

For information, the Georgia case is also bullshit. Asking the governor to FIND votes is not the same as telling the governor to FABRICATE votes. The former happens all the time, and it was a reasonable request.
Look at what a complete clusterfuck this is.

They were "going to" arrest trump today & the grand jury isn't even done listening to testimony.

They couldn't have made a decision to arrest if they are still hearing witnesses.

It isn't the grand jury's decision to arrest someone, its the DA's.

And Bragg wussed out when he saw that Trump intended to defend himself in any bullshit "case"with everything he has.
Over a damned piece of ace, think about it,
Right? Clinton, too.

A man with no respect for the law with a lawyer with no respect for the law. Cohen may be a jackass, but he isn't ignorant of the law. He knew what he was doing was illegal. It was no doubt his idea to structure the payment as it was.
Cohen's credibility is not important. The essential facts are not in dispute. The problem with the case is that it is bullshit. It is based on the completely discredited theory that any spending by a candidate that could conceivably help his campaign MUST be treated as a campaign contribution.


Candidate buys a Harley Davidson motorcycle. This could endear him to a certain demographic. It is a campaign contribution.

Candidate gets a dog. Seeks the votes of dog lovers.

Get it?

Bullshit case. Cannot succeed.

For information, the Georgia case is also bullshit. Asking the governor to FIND votes is not the same as telling the governor to FABRICATE votes. The former happens all the time, and it was a reasonable request.
Cohen’s lack of credibility is a good thing for Trump. Sucks for Bragg.
Cohen's credibility is not important.

BS - Bragg's entire case depends on Cohen as his 'star witness'

The essential facts are not in dispute.

I agree:

Official documents show COHEN paid Stormy Daniels and registered the payment as a 'campaign expenditure'.
- Trump later paid Cohen back. (Can you say 'plausible deniability'?)

Campaign finance violations are a FEDERAL issue, not local / state
- Bragg, a LOCAL DA, has no authority / jurisdiction to attempt to prosecute a FEDERAL case

The only way Bragg can charge Trump with a felony is to prove Trump knew the payment to Daniels was listed by Cohen as a campaign expense & intentionally went along with the deception on purpose is to have 2-time Perjuror / 1-time convicted Perjuror felon Cohen testify that Trump knew / ordered him to do it. As Cohen has no credibility, fat chance.

The DOJ and other Feds have already investigated this and found NOTHING TO PROSECUTE and thus refused to take action.

Numerous high-profile Democrats - from the Clintons to Squad members - have been found guilty of campaign finance violations and the penalties have ALL been monetary fines. Indicting / attempting to arrest Trump - the 1st former President to be charged with a crime in US history - would be an historic, unprecedented 1st.
-- Democrats, however, are no strangers to conducting 'historic', 'unprecedented' '1sts' against Trump, isn't that right, FBI Director Wray?

MSNBC has already reported that Bragg's (non-existent) case against Trump is possibly the WEAKEST one Democrats have tried to execute against Trump out of all of them in the last 6 & 1/2 years.

Being reported tonight by several MSM outlets, someone must have pointed all of this out to Bragg because they are reporting suddenly Bragg may not charge Trump at all.

Despite the new unofficial / unconfirmed reports that Bragg may be dropping the whole thing don't go believing anything yet. As previous political soap opera dramas have shown us, expect tbe unexpected.
Yet you clowns believe D'sooza and Kerik, both convicted Felons.

I don't know who the 'you clowns' are you are referring to or even WHAT it is you're talking about regarding these 2. Sorry, I don't follow them and am not too familiar with them / their 'work'.
I don't know who the 'you clowns' are you are referring to or even WHAT it is you're talking about regarding these 2. Sorry, I don't follow them and am not too familiar with them / their 'work'.
I'll help ya out.

2,000 Mules.
It isn't the grand jury's decision to arrest someone, its the DA's.

It seems he was basing the i dictment on:
- Political Partisanship

- Trump Hatred

- 6 1/2 years of 'We've got him this time' failure

- Convicted Perjury felon Cohen's testimony


Costello shatters any claim that Cohen has any actual credibility. 😁

How often can it be said before our liberals come to grips with the fact that Michael Cohen is a convicted perjurer?

The mystery here is how desperate is Bragg to pin his hopes of “getting” Trump on a convicted perjurer.
This isn't just Michael Cohen as the only source. Like when Cohen said Trump wrote him checks, the production of copies of those checks is the evidence the jury considers. Whether it's Weiselberg, or others who were deposed or testified confirming Cohens testimony. That's why they had to go through so many of Trumps records and taxes to find corroboration of what Cohen said.

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