Assessment of Michael Cohen’s “credibility”

I'll help ya out. 2,000 Mules.

Thanks. Honestly, I never watched it.

Personally, I am a realist - once the election was over I believed there was no way in hell a court was going to overturn it, no matter how much evidence was presented.

I felt the same thing about Kari Lake's election loss.
This isn't just Michael Cohen as the only source. Like when Cohen said Trump wrote him checks, the production of copies of those checks is the evidence the jury considers. Whether it's Weiselberg, or others who were deposed or testified confirming Cohens testimony. That's why they had to go through so many of Trumps records and taxes to find corroboration of what Cohen said.

So you are ASSUMING there have to be more witnesses than just Cohen...

I would hope a LOCAL DA attempting to prosecute a FEDERAL case without authorization to do so - especially after the DOJ & other feds refused to touch the case due to lack of evidence - would have more than just a convicted Perjury felon to go on.
So you are ASSUMING there have to be more witnesses than just Cohen...

I would hope a LOCAL DA attempting to prosecute a FEDERAL case without authorization to do so - especially after the DOJ & other feds refused to touch the case due to lack of evidence - would have more than just a convicted Perjury felon to go on.
Actually lack of prosecution was two fold. One Trump changed US Attorneys for SDNY, putting in someone he personally interviewed before giving him the job. So there is strong evidence that Trump influences the US Attorneys decision to prosecute. Remember when Trump claimed the US Attorney resigned, when he hadn't, and Trump had to fire him

Geoffrey Berman refuses to resign as Manhattan U.S. attorney

Ex-Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman, fired by Trump ...

In a stunning plot twist, U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman issued a statement Friday night asserting that he will not, in fact, resign

Mar 11, 2017 — U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara Says He Was Fired After Refusing to Quit.

Trump 'guilty of numerous' felonies, prosecutor told Manhattan ...
A prosecutor who resigned over the Manhattan district attorney's decision to pause heading toward indicting ex-President Donald Trump said ...
Trump 'guilty of numerous' felonies, prosecutor told Manhattan ...
A prosecutor who resigned over the Manhattan district attorney's decision to pause heading toward indicting ex-President Donald Trump said ...


ZERO evidrnce produced...

...and Bragg is still a LOCAL DA attempting to prosecute a FEDERAL case he has no authority to touch, AFTER the DOJ investigated and found 'nothing to prosecute.

I think I will believe the US AG & DOT in this case.
So you are ASSUMING there have to be more witnesses than just Cohen...

I would hope a LOCAL DA attempting to prosecute a FEDERAL case without authorization to do so - especially after the DOJ & other feds refused to touch the case due to lack of evidence - would have more than just a convicted Perjury felon to go on.
No Quorum At FEC Means Election Law Enforcement Is On Hold

While the FEC was idled by lack of a quorum, it amassed a backlog of some 446 cases.

ZERO evidrnce produced...

...and Bragg is still a LOCAL DA attempting to prosecute a FEDERAL case he has no authority to touch, AFTER the DOJ investigated and found 'nothing to prosecute.

I think I will believe the US AG & DOT in this case.
Trump did a saturday night massacre with the US attorney for SDNY. Hence why SDNY didn't prosecute Trump.
No Quorum At FEC Means Election Law Enforcement Is On Hold

While the FEC was idled by lack of a quorum, it amassed a backlog of some 446 cases.

So that's your excuse for the DOJ investigating and finding 'NOTHING TO PROSECUTE'?!
So that's your excuse for the DOJ investigating and finding 'NOTHING TO PROSECUTE'?!
DOJ didn't prosecute, because Trump kept firing US Attorneys for SDNY who wanted to investigate him.

The FEC didn't prosecute, because Trump didn't nominate enough members to make a quorum, which legally prevented them from bringing any criminal prosecutions. Trump finally nominated enough members to make a quorum in 2020. When they had hundreds of cases backlogged.
Do the math, the only US Attorneys that Trump personally interviewed, a very unusual move for a president. Was the US attorneys for SDNY, Southern Florida.and Washington DC. Where Trump has Trump Tower, and Mar-a-Lago and the White House, that they had the sole jurisdiction to investigate.

Trump met with Jessie Liu before nominating her as D.C.'s federal prosecutor in June, and he more recently chatted up Geoffrey Berman

Trump has nominated a slew of prospective federal prosecutors to fill top US attorney seats across the nation, but personally met with one.
Look at what a complete clusterfuck this is.

They were "going to" arrest trump today & the grand jury isn't even done listening to testimony.

They couldn't have made a decision to arrest if they are still hearing witnesses.
Looking for mugshot pics for the Biden brain dead campaign.
Flanked by his lawyers, Cohen admitted making false statements in 2017 to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence about the project.

Cohen told the judge he lied about the timing of the negotiations and other details to be consistent with Trump’s “political message.”

Cohen and prosecutors referred to Trump as “individual one” throughout Thursday’s proceedings and said he lied “to be loyal to Individual One.”

YUP, Michael Cohen lied to protect Trump.
I get it you just want the terrible bad orange man to go to jail so you can think about it and touch yourself. But whether you like Trump or not using the legal system to go after political opponents isnt good for anyone. And that's what this is. The weird thing is this only helps him and yet you're still giddy about the prospect of it happening.....
Well let's hope it gets him in prison finally. We can't have domestic terrorist leaders like him living freely in this country. Time to take it back from the likes of him and those like him
Actually I thought the only people who would do what they did were people who knew in advance that we had no future (they act like there is no future and cult preach it) thus their wild west policies is their way of letting people have their last Harrah before doomsday. If not, then that would make them Sociopaths.-oops!
Most everyone on this planet knows our future is very much endangered, even if they don't express it. Yes, infrastructure, defending personal freedoms for all, actually attempting to reduce the threat of climate change; you might not believe these things are important but they are the most important things because they keep everyone safe. And yes we are not doing enough yet. The threat is actually increasing according to world scientists. Don't tell me you think they're not being honest . Unfortunately they are.
Most everyone on this planet knows our future is very much endangered, even if they don't express it. Yes, infrastructure, defending personal freedoms for all, actually attempting to reduce the threat of climate change; you might not believe these things are important but they are the most important things because they keep everyone safe. And yes we are not doing enough yet. The threat is actually increasing according to world scientists. Don't tell me you think they're not being honest . Unfortunately they are.
I don't know what planet or altered universe you are living in, but in mine Dems are not protecting our personal freedoms, they are the ones we need protection from. Even the stupid ideas from Soros' criminal justice reforms & his financing lawless activists & reform prosecutors does the opposite it's intent and makes more people less free & done in a less just fashion. By allowing criminals to run rampant and free to commit crimes, and by showing no consequences, while revictimizing the victims and treating victims as the criminals, you end up incarcerating (stuck in their homes affraid to roam out or take subways) the innocent in their own unsafe communities.
Many times the most unsafe and feared forced to stay in their communities are those in low income areas claimed to benefit from these justice changes-WRONG! More are held captive by crime riddled cities not free. It's really a form or terrorism, and if you support these policies and activist cells then you are literally supporting terrorist orgs which have killed more Americans than Bin Laden and Isis Combined.
All of which leads me to believe you do NOT know trump at all. He is a total scumbag who always makes outrageous and dishonest as well as being totally immoral. He has moral compass and no conscience. You are talking about him and you don't even know it. I can't believe anyone could be that foolish.
So you are saying that Trump is a typical politician?
I don't know what planet or altered universe you are living in, but in mine Dems are not protecting our personal freedoms, they are the ones we need protection from. Even the stupid ideas from Soros' criminal justice reforms & his financing lawless activists & reform prosecutors does the opposite it's intent and makes more people less free & done in a less just fashion. By allowing criminals to run rampant and free to commit crimes, and by showing no consequences, while revictimizing the victims and treating victims as the criminals, you end up incarcerating (stuck in their homes affraid to roam out or take subways) the innocent in their own unsafe communities.
Many times the most unsafe and feared forced to stay in their communities are those in low income areas claimed to benefit from these justice changes-WRONG! More are held captive by crime riddled cities not free. It's really a form or terrorism, and if you support these policies and activist cells then you are literally supporting terrorist orgs which have killed more Americans than Bin Laden and Isis Combined.
Republicans are attacking women, gays and transgendered people. What groups are the Democrats attacking ? White collar crime affects more people and the republicans are still avidly protecting trump and other criminals like him. As far as violent crime goes, I believe all murderers, even teenagers, should be put to death the day after their trial, that would lessen their cost to society and possibly deter that crime. People who can do that simply cannot be saved. It's not worth it.
Except for one small detail.

The SOL for two years applies to misdemeanors, if the FPOTUS is charged with felony New York campaign law and business law violations, the SOL (IIRC) is 5 years. However there is a provision in New York law that periods of time that the person is outside the state (and therefore can't be arrested) extend the SOL time.


(a) Any period following the commission of the offense during which
(i) the defendant was continuously outside this state or (ii) the
whereabouts of the defendant were continuously unknown and continuously
unascertainable by the exercise of reasonable diligence. However, in no
event shall the period of limitation be extended by more than five years
beyond the period otherwise applicable under subdivision two.

For any periods where the FPOTUS was living in D.C. or in FL and not physically present in NY state, then the SOL gets extended. One of the important words between "(i)" and "(ii)" is "or" meaning either condition can result in an extension.

The key word is “continuously”. Trump has been back in New York many times over the last five years and has always been available for service, the Secret Service has always known exactly where Trump was, so he hasn’t been in hiding to avoid arrest or service.

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